Ocasio-Cortez: “A System That Allows Billionaires” Is Immoral

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
You're not exactly a deep thinker..
or even medium depth.
Did you ever think of doing a simple 'for instance' on a Flat Tax?

Say 25% of Goldman chief Blankein's $40 million.. or $10 Million.
And 25% of the avg Walmart Salary of $25,000.. or $6250.

$6250 off the Walmarter's salary is BLOOD money.
Rent, medical, car to get to work, etc.
Instant depression and riots in the street.
Your long posts.. such a waste.

Yarddog said:
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.
She's proposing 2% a year for 9 years.
No one will be jumping off a cliff or on a plane.
Buffett will lose 1.6 Bil of his $80 Billion.
And he and everyone else over 5 million (much less 50 Mil) makes way more than 2% a Year.
It's a yawner, Not 'Venezuela.'

Your have Zero brains, just politics.

If the rich are paying the same percentage as everyone else, that is absolutely fair. What Cortez is proposing at 70 -90 % is an experiment that know one knows the real ramification of. Sounds nice to everyone who is not a billionaire but then what happens when that cost is passed down through loss of jobs?
You're not exactly a deep thinker..
or even medium depth.
Did you ever think of doing a simple 'for instance' on a Flat Tax?

Say 25% of Goldman chief Blankein's $40 million.. or $10 Million.
And 25% of the avg Walmart Salary of $25,000.. or $6250.

$6250 off the Walmarter's salary is BLOOD money.
Rent, medical, car to get to work, etc.
Instant depression and riots in the street.
Your long posts.. such a waste.

Yarddog said:
Take the nut bag, Elizabeth Warren for instance. She wants to propose a wealth tax on people with a net worth of 50 Million. ...wait.. I thought the Democrats were talking about billionaires?????? See that? They have no real ideas, they just follow their feelings and they would probably lead the US off the cliff right after Venezuela if left to their own devices. Yesterday it was Billionaires making over 10 million a year, tomorrow it will be someone with a net worth of whatever Democrats decide is obscene wealth.
She's proposing 2% a year for 9 years.
No one will be jumping off a cliff or on a plane.
Buffett will lose 1.6 Bil of his $80 Billion.
And he and everyone else over 5 million (much less 50 Mil) makes way more than 2% a Year.
It's a yawner, Not 'Venezuela.'

Your have Zero brains, just politics.


Why don't you just relax. Show me where I ever used the term Flat Tax. I didnt.
I simply said the rich should be taxed the same as everyone else...... meaning at a reasonable level.
70 % of anyones money is unreasonable for a tax. The government puts enough taxes on us every day and in every way, besides income tax.
Try thinking deeply next time
Why don't you just relax. Show me where I ever used the term Flat Tax. I didnt.
I simply said the rich should be taxed the same as everyone else...... meaning at a reasonable level.
70 % of anyones money is unreasonable for a tax. The government puts enough taxes on us every day and in every way, besides income tax.
Try thinking deeply next time
You said, and I bolded in quoting you:

""If the rich are paying the Same Percentage as everyone else, that is Absolutely fair.""

That's a FLAT TAX. And even if you have a different understanding of the term, the "Same Percentage" remains an untenable disaster sneaky guy.

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System that allows anti-Americans in America is not only immoral, but stupid
Actually, it's your post that is stupid and anti-american. Our society is moral, in part, precisely because we are allowed to think what we want about America or anything else.
Why don't you just relax. Show me where I ever used the term Flat Tax. I didnt.
I simply said the rich should be taxed the same as everyone else...... meaning at a reasonable level.
70 % of anyones money is unreasonable for a tax. The government puts enough taxes on us every day and in every way, besides income tax.
Try thinking deeply next time
You said, and I bolded in quoting you:

""If the rich are paying the Same Percentage as everyone else, that is Absolutely fair.""

That's a FLAT TAX. And even if you have a different understanding of the term, the "Same Percentage" remains an untenable disaster sneaky guy.


You can still relax. I wasnt trying to be sneaky, ok maybe I messed up a bit in my description of terms. Maybe I can clarify for you. We allready have tax brackets set for individuals ranging up to 37 percent. All I simply meant is we dont need to create another tax bracket at 70 % for billionaires . They can be taxed the same as everyone else who is at 37 %

Once you get taxed over 50% of your profits the government is now becoming the CEO of your company and you are working for them. Its not fair. Just keep things reasonable, thats all normal people ask.
You can still relax. I wasnt trying to be sneaky, ok maybe I messed up a bit in my description of terms. Maybe I can clarify for you. We allready have tax brackets set for individuals ranging up to 37 percent. All I simply meant is we dont need to create another tax bracket at 70 % for billionaires . They can be taxed the same as everyone else who is at 37 %

Once you get taxed over 50% of your profits the government is now becoming the CEO of your company and you are working for them. Its not fair. Just keep things reasonable, thats all normal people ask.
You're still full of ****

You said, and I bolded in quoting you:

""If the rich are paying the Same Percentage as Everyone else, that is Absolutely fair.""

That's a FLAT TAX. And even if you have a different understanding of the term, the "Same Percentage" remains an untenable disaster sneaky guy.

Keep Digging

Actually, genius, that's capitalism at its worst... people freezing without coats....
Socialism makes people stupid in the head and extremely violent
That's deep, man.
Na, not really
Any one that approves of socialism is very shallow minded
Whoah, also deep. You're a deep thinker.
You can still relax. I wasnt trying to be sneaky, ok maybe I messed up a bit in my description of terms. Maybe I can clarify for you. We allready have tax brackets set for individuals ranging up to 37 percent. All I simply meant is we dont need to create another tax bracket at 70 % for billionaires . They can be taxed the same as everyone else who is at 37 %

Once you get taxed over 50% of your profits the government is now becoming the CEO of your company and you are working for them. Its not fair. Just keep things reasonable, thats all normal people ask.
You're still full of ****

You said, and I bolded in quoting you:

""If the rich are paying the Same Percentage as Everyone else, that is Absolutely fair.""

That's a FLAT TAX. And even if you have a different understanding of the term, the "Same Percentage" remains an untenable disaster sneaky guy.

Keep Digging


Whatever. Doesnt change the fact that imposing a 70% + Tax on someone is a terrible idea.
Again, anybody who is collecting 70 % of profits must be running the company operations, and if you think that 10
million cut off would remain at 10 million as promised, I have a High Speed rail system in California and affordable
health care to sell you.
Keep reaching
A system of welfare is immoral. It is thievery and slavery for the people that have to pay for the free shit for the welfare queens.
i dont want your hope. i want you to PANIC. climate change is real. i want you to suffer the pain i feel everyday!
A system of welfare is immoral. It is thievery and slavery for the people that have to pay for the free shit for the welfare queens.

Welfare queens?

You mean those that are too stupid to figure out how to get by in life?
.....as is a system that enables petulant 20 something’s enamored with Socialism to be members of Congress.
A system of welfare is immoral. It is thievery and slavery for the people that have to pay for the free shit for the welfare queens.

Welfare queens?

You mean those that are too stupid to figure out how to get by in life?

Either too stupid or too lazy. Maybe simply greedy little assholes that think they are entitled to the money that other people earn simply because they are alive.
Our problem is that we don’t have enough billionaires.

Exactly. There may be many millionaires who aspire to become billionaires and perhaps fall short, but then at least the goal is allowed to exist thus creating everything in between. These dumb ass marxists would like to eliminate Billionaires due to their class envy. Without realizing it they would also alter the lives of the middle class for the worse.

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