Ocasio Cortez: ‘People Are Going To Die’ If Climate Change Isn’t Addressed

B. Hussein O addressed Climate Change for 8 freaking years. Installed draconian measures including his signature on the Paris accord, and it didn't change the weather one bit. President Trump did the only thing he could which was to withdraw.

The Paris Accord failed, just didn't change the climate as it was promised.

It seems you are unaware the Paris Accord does not start till 2020, not to mention it made no promises.

Also, could you list a few of the draconian measures installed by Obama as most climate change people think he did not do a damn thing about it.
B. Hussein O addressed Climate Change for 8 freaking years. Installed draconian measures including his signature on the Paris accord, and it didn't change the weather one bit. President Trump did the only thing he could which was to withdraw.

The Paris Accord failed, just didn't change the climate as it was promised.

It seems you are unaware the Paris Accord does not start till 2020, not to mention it made no promises.

Also, could you list a few of the draconian measures installed by Obama as most climate change people think he did not do a damn thing about it.

If there were no benefits to the weather by signing the Paris Accord, why sign it to start with?

Obama's actions designed to stop change in the climate included his CAFE standards, tax credits for solar panels, corporate welfare for cronies like Solyndra, restrictions on the Keystone pipeline and ANWR drilling, etc.

Climate Change people are right, action against climate change doesn't do a damn thing to change the climate.
The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

Lies to justify extortion of yet more money from hard working individuals to give to big Government. The Inconvenient Truth is that NYC was supposed to be under water years ago according to Gore, and the mainstream media. It's not, and California isn't "burning" other than an isolated area that possibly could have been avoided with better forest management.

The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

The hysteria about the climate has been going on for my entire life. Listening to the media back in the 1970's, we should have all been dead before the turn of the century.

Ditto in 1980's, BTW, when aids became popular.

These catastrophes that have to be resolved by draconian liberal moves are always coming up.
The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

Lies to justify extortion of yet more money from hard working individuals to give to big Government. The Inconvenient Truth is that NYC was supposed to be under water years ago according to Gore, and the mainstream media. It's not, and California isn't "burning" other than an isolated area that possibly could have been avoided with better forest management.

That's how you know its all bullshit.

Regardless of the crisis, global warming, global cooling, gun violence, kids on dope, gays with aids, the solution is always the same. More and more government intervention and higher and higher taxes.

Any perceived societal crisis is used to advance the agenda, regardless of the agenda's effectiveness at dealing with the crisis.
The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

Lies to justify extortion of yet more money from hard working individuals to give to big Government. The Inconvenient Truth is that NYC was supposed to be under water years ago according to Gore, and the mainstream media. It's not, and California isn't "burning" other than an isolated area that possibly could have been avoided with better forest management.

That's how you know its all bullshit.

Regardless of the crisis, global warming, global cooling, gun violence, kids on dope, gays with aids, the solution is always the same. More and more government intervention and higher and higher taxes.

Any perceived societal crisis is used to advance the agenda, regardless of the agenda's effectiveness at dealing with the crisis.

If there is ever a crisis discussed where libs propose lower taxes and government regulation, and prayer to Almighty God as the solution, I'll take it more seriously.
If there were no benefits to the weather by signing the Paris Accord, why sign it to start with?

The Paris accord is about the climate, not the weather. And we will never know if there would be benefits or not since it never started.

Obama's actions designed to stop change in the climate included his CAFE standards, tax credits for solar panels, corporate welfare for cronies like Solyndra, restrictions on the Keystone pipeline and ANWR drilling, etc.

Perhaps you do not understand what the word draconian means, as none of those would come close to qualifying.

I would like to see the end to CAFE standards, though not even the Trump admin is talking about that, they have not changed a thing. I disagree with the Fed Govt telling states what CAFE standards for cars sold in their states must be.

I oppose all tax credits, for anything. We should not use our tax code for social engineering. From kids to college to mortgages, they should all go.
The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

Lies to justify extortion of yet more money from hard working individuals to give to big Government. The Inconvenient Truth is that NYC was supposed to be under water years ago according to Gore, and the mainstream media. It's not, and California isn't "burning" other than an isolated area that possibly could have been avoided with better forest management.

That's how you know its all bullshit.

Regardless of the crisis, global warming, global cooling, gun violence, kids on dope, gays with aids, the solution is always the same. More and more government intervention and higher and higher taxes.

Any perceived societal crisis is used to advance the agenda, regardless of the agenda's effectiveness at dealing with the crisis.

If there is ever a crisis discussed where libs propose lower taxes and government regulation, and prayer to Almighty God as the solution, I'll take it more seriously.

You want public policy solutions to include prayers? Perhaps you are living in the wrong country then.
In record time, Progressives went from making fun of Sarah Palin for being stupid and claiming that they are the Intellectual Elite to openly embracing a woman who lost best 2 out of 3 games of rock, paper, scissors to a box of rocks.
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The dipshit congresswoman elect from New Yawk protestations aside, I am all for some more global warming. Just enough that you can grow citrus north of the Rio Grande valley,
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If there were no benefits to the weather by signing the Paris Accord, why sign it to start with?

The Paris accord is about the climate, not the weather. And we will never know if there would be benefits or not since it never started.

Obama's actions designed to stop change in the climate included his CAFE standards, tax credits for solar panels, corporate welfare for cronies like Solyndra, restrictions on the Keystone pipeline and ANWR drilling, etc.

Perhaps you do not understand what the word draconian means, as none of those would come close to qualifying.

I would like to see the end to CAFE standards, though not even the Trump admin is talking about that, they have not changed a thing. I disagree with the Fed Govt telling states what CAFE standards for cars sold in their states must be.

I oppose all tax credits, for anything. We should not use our tax code for social engineering. From kids to college to mortgages, they should all go.

the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, Man never had anything to do with it and never will.

I will never understand why you libs insist on this fake man made climate change bullshit, and ignore the real problem of man made pollution. YOU DON'T NEED THE FAKE LINK BETWEEN POLLUTION AND CLIMATE IN ORDER TO FIGHT POLLUTION. Why not work on the real problem? Everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting.
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The point is that cities exist below sea level if you are worried about Al Gore and his assertion that NYC would be underwater by 2012 or whatever.

It’s all bullshit,

Lies to justify extortion of yet more money from hard working individuals to give to big Government. The Inconvenient Truth is that NYC was supposed to be under water years ago according to Gore, and the mainstream media. It's not, and California isn't "burning" other than an isolated area that possibly could have been avoided with better forest management.

That's how you know its all bullshit.

Regardless of the crisis, global warming, global cooling, gun violence, kids on dope, gays with aids, the solution is always the same. More and more government intervention and higher and higher taxes.

Any perceived societal crisis is used to advance the agenda, regardless of the agenda's effectiveness at dealing with the crisis.

If there is ever a crisis discussed where libs propose lower taxes and government regulation, and prayer to Almighty God as the solution, I'll take it more seriously.

You want public policy solutions to include prayers? Perhaps you are living in the wrong country then.

If prayer is effective at dealing with the crisis, why not?

But that's not the point, the point is that liberals are opposed in principle to prayer, so if they seriously consider it as a solution, it tells me that the crisis is real and not just an excuse.
Alexandria Cortez’s first congressional bill will be to fine M&M Corporation for printing half of their candies with W&W instead of M&M

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the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, Man never had anything to do with it and never will.

It is true that the earth's climate is always in a state of change, and those changes have followed a fairly regular pattern, till now. Something has altered that pattern. Most scientist that have knowledge in the area think that thing is man.

I am not sure why some people find this such a crazy idea. It took from the beginning of the earth till the early 1800s to reach 1 billion humans, then it took 131 years to add another billion, then it took 33 years to reach the next billion, then it took 14 years to reach the next...well I think you get the idea.

Is it really all that crazy to think that such rapid population of humans could have an impact on the planet?

I will never understand why you libs insist of this fake man made climate change bullshit, and ignore the real problem of man made pollution. YOU DON'T NEED THE FAKE LINK BETWEEN POLLUTION AND CLIMATE IN ORDER TO FIGHT POLLUTION. Why not work on the real problem? Everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting.

There is no fake link, the data is clear. But I do agree that working on pollution will help slow the change somewhat. But fighting pollution requires strict government regulations, something a great many people are against.

If you would bother to read what I post you would know that I have never supported any of the government's efforts to stop climate change, that genie is out of the bottle.

What needs to happen is we need to prepare and adapt to the changes before they become a crisis. This cannot happen as long as this topic remains a political football.

Farmers have already felt the change and a great many of them are taking steps to mitigate the damage from the change. To deal with the changing rain patterns farmers have been putting in irrigation as quickly as they can. When the Census of Agriculture comes out early next year I think you will find a massive increase in irrigated acres in the heartland and the mid-west.

Since we all agree that the climate is changing, would it not be prudent to move past "Well Al Gore said..." and work to adapt our civilization to those changes.
If prayer is effective at dealing with the crisis, why not?

I am a data guy, not a feelings guy. Do you have some empirical evidence that prayer is effective at dealing with a crisis?

But that's not the point, the point is that liberals are opposed in principle to prayer, so if they seriously consider it as a solution, it tells me that the crisis is real and not just an excuse.

So, if the Libs turn to something they do not think makes a difference that will signal they are serious?

That is one of the most illogical things I have read on this forum.
Which definition of empirical do you mean, historical or inferential. In the
Empire of Iehova, there are tomes of evidence.

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