Ocasio Cortez: ‘People Are Going To Die’ If Climate Change Isn’t Addressed

the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, Man never had anything to do with it and never will.

It is true that the earth's climate is always in a state of change, and those changes have followed a fairly regular pattern, till now. Something has altered that pattern. Most scientist that have knowledge in the area think that thing is man.

I am not sure why some people find this such a crazy idea. It took from the beginning of the earth till the early 1800s to reach 1 billion humans, then it took 131 years to add another billion, then it took 33 years to reach the next billion, then it took 14 years to reach the next...well I think you get the idea.

Is it really all that crazy to think that such rapid population of humans could have an impact on the planet?

I will never understand why you libs insist of this fake man made climate change bullshit, and ignore the real problem of man made pollution. YOU DON'T NEED THE FAKE LINK BETWEEN POLLUTION AND CLIMATE IN ORDER TO FIGHT POLLUTION. Why not work on the real problem? Everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting.

There is no fake link, the data is clear. But I do agree that working on pollution will help slow the change somewhat. But fighting pollution requires strict government regulations, something a great many people are against.

If you would bother to read what I post you would know that I have never supported any of the government's efforts to stop climate change, that genie is out of the bottle.

What needs to happen is we need to prepare and adapt to the changes before they become a crisis. This cannot happen as long as this topic remains a political football.

Farmers have already felt the change and a great many of them are taking steps to mitigate the damage from the change. To deal with the changing rain patterns farmers have been putting in irrigation as quickly as they can. When the Census of Agriculture comes out early next year I think you will find a massive increase in irrigated acres in the heartland and the mid-west.

Since we all agree that the climate is changing, would it not be prudent to move past "Well Al Gore said..." and work to adapt our civilization to those changes.

Forced change is not adaptation, taxes and regulation for the sake of taxes regulation and enrichment of one individuals group of propaganda mills is NOT acceptable. The theft of taxpayer funds by a president for an election fund by starting an ineffective alternative energy scam is only ONE thing Criminal.
REAL climatologist debunk the Global Warming scam BUT they are squashed and their FACTS are censored by the media including social media companies and even by publishers. Sounds like Global warming is a scam to me, workable socialisim is a lie, dimshit I don’t want gun confiscation is a lie, You can keep your policy, you can keep your dr both lies, Clean energy initiative is a lie White privlege is a lie, white racism is a lie, immigrant rights are lies. Presidential adherence to article one is a lie. Gun control has saved a single life is a lie. Gun free zone safety is a lie. And thousands more lies. Every word from a dimshits mouth until they say “ I am guilty” is a lie.
Sounds like Global warming is a scam to me

Climate change is nothing but the left's latest scheme for attacking oil and coal corporations and raising taxes. The left tried to pass a $2.5 billion dollar "carbon tax" on gas and diesel in my state this month, it went down in flames.

As for these so called climate change scientists, if not for the government grant money they wouldn't have a job, enough said.
the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, Man never had anything to do with it and never will.

It is true that the earth's climate is always in a state of change, and those changes have followed a fairly regular pattern, till now. Something has altered that pattern. Most scientist that have knowledge in the area think that thing is man.

I am not sure why some people find this such a crazy idea. It took from the beginning of the earth till the early 1800s to reach 1 billion humans, then it took 131 years to add another billion, then it took 33 years to reach the next billion, then it took 14 years to reach the next...well I think you get the idea.

Is it really all that crazy to think that such rapid population of humans could have an impact on the planet?

I will never understand why you libs insist of this fake man made climate change bullshit, and ignore the real problem of man made pollution. YOU DON'T NEED THE FAKE LINK BETWEEN POLLUTION AND CLIMATE IN ORDER TO FIGHT POLLUTION. Why not work on the real problem? Everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting.

There is no fake link, the data is clear. But I do agree that working on pollution will help slow the change somewhat. But fighting pollution requires strict government regulations, something a great many people are against.

If you would bother to read what I post you would know that I have never supported any of the government's efforts to stop climate change, that genie is out of the bottle.

What needs to happen is we need to prepare and adapt to the changes before they become a crisis. This cannot happen as long as this topic remains a political football.

Farmers have already felt the change and a great many of them are taking steps to mitigate the damage from the change. To deal with the changing rain patterns farmers have been putting in irrigation as quickly as they can. When the Census of Agriculture comes out early next year I think you will find a massive increase in irrigated acres in the heartland and the mid-west.

Since we all agree that the climate is changing, would it not be prudent to move past "Well Al Gore said..." and work to adapt our civilization to those changes.

Forced change is not adaptation, taxes and regulation for the sake of taxes regulation and enrichment of one individuals group of propaganda mills is NOT acceptable. The theft of taxpayer funds by a president for an election fund by starting an ineffective alternative energy scam is only ONE thing Criminal.
REAL climatologist debunk the Global Warming scam BUT they are squashed and their FACTS are censored by the media including social media companies and even by publishers. Sounds like Global warming is a scam to me, workable socialisim is a lie, dimshit I don’t want gun confiscation is a lie, You can keep your policy, you can keep your dr both lies, Clean energy initiative is a lie White privlege is a lie, white racism is a lie, immigrant rights are lies. Presidential adherence to article one is a lie. Gun control has saved a single life is a lie. Gun free zone safety is a lie. And thousands more lies. Every word from a dimshits mouth until they say “ I am guilty” is a lie.

If you ever decide to actually address anything that I posted, please let me know.
I am a data guy, not a feelings guy. Do you have some empirical evidence that prayer is effective at dealing with a crisis?

Sure. If you look at the results of the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, where Europe was in danger from Islamonazi hordes. Pius V led the people in prayer to Almighty God during the crisis, and God provided a miracle in victory by the Holy League
Ocasio-Cortez- The gift that just keeps giving. If Republicans were smart (they aren’t) they’d have someone following this chic 24-7 recording everything she says. Nancy maybe calling Hellary for the number of her hit squad. OC IS A REAL PROBLEM FOR THE DEMS!
The Democrats


and the only "solution" is...

to give $$$$$$$$$$ to DEMS in govt to make the money VANISH....
Global Warming and 911 are the two great frauds of our time.

You really don't classify as "human" if you simply parrot the bs "official line" on both.... You are something less than human, or you are a committed traitor.
the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now, Man never had anything to do with it and never will.

It is true that the earth's climate is always in a state of change, and those changes have followed a fairly regular pattern, till now. Something has altered that pattern. Most scientist that have knowledge in the area think that thing is man.

I am not sure why some people find this such a crazy idea. It took from the beginning of the earth till the early 1800s to reach 1 billion humans, then it took 131 years to add another billion, then it took 33 years to reach the next billion, then it took 14 years to reach the next...well I think you get the idea.

Is it really all that crazy to think that such rapid population of humans could have an impact on the planet?

I will never understand why you libs insist of this fake man made climate change bullshit, and ignore the real problem of man made pollution. YOU DON'T NEED THE FAKE LINK BETWEEN POLLUTION AND CLIMATE IN ORDER TO FIGHT POLLUTION. Why not work on the real problem? Everyone agrees that we need to stop polluting.

There is no fake link, the data is clear. But I do agree that working on pollution will help slow the change somewhat. But fighting pollution requires strict government regulations, something a great many people are against.

If you would bother to read what I post you would know that I have never supported any of the government's efforts to stop climate change, that genie is out of the bottle.

What needs to happen is we need to prepare and adapt to the changes before they become a crisis. This cannot happen as long as this topic remains a political football.

Farmers have already felt the change and a great many of them are taking steps to mitigate the damage from the change. To deal with the changing rain patterns farmers have been putting in irrigation as quickly as they can. When the Census of Agriculture comes out early next year I think you will find a massive increase in irrigated acres in the heartland and the mid-west.

Since we all agree that the climate is changing, would it not be prudent to move past "Well Al Gore said..." and work to adapt our civilization to those changes.

Well OK, lets tackle population control and the eventual overpopulation of the planet, and lets tackle man made pollution.

there is no clear data that proves that the climate has been changed by the acts of humans, those are all theories, like Al Gore who claimed that by 2012 Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles. His theories were bullshit, lies, but you fools made him very rich by buying into this bullshit.

Libs don't really give a shit about protecting the planet or controlling population (unless they do it by aborting minority babies). This is all really about finding ways to control the actions of human beings so that they can force conformity into some left wing utopian horseshit existence. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right.

Of course humans have an impact on the planet, so did the dinosaurs, so do solar flares, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and ocean currents. But humans are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant when it comes to changing the climate. Human existence on the earth is a millisecond in the life of the planet. We are nothing in the total universe.
Well OK, lets tackle population control and the eventual overpopulation of the planet, and lets tackle man made pollution.

That would be a good start.

there is no clear data that proves that the climate has been changed by the acts of humans, those are all theories, like Al Gore who claimed that by 2012 Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles. His theories were bullshit, lies, but you fools made him very rich by buying into this bullshit.

You are correct, there is no data that proves it is humans that altered the climate cycle, but there is a lot of evidence that points in that direction.

You using Al Gore this way is like a person judging Christianity by the actions of Jim Bakker or even David Koresh.

Of course humans have an impact on the planet, so did the dinosaurs, so do solar flares, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and ocean currents. But humans are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant when it comes to changing the climate. Human existence on the earth is a millisecond in the life of the planet. We are nothing in the total universe.

We are the first species that has the ability to adapt to the changing climate, but people like you refuse to attempt such a thing because Al Gore made lied and made money with his lies. That is just stupid
Well OK, lets tackle population control and the eventual overpopulation of the planet, and lets tackle man made pollution.

That would be a good start.

there is no clear data that proves that the climate has been changed by the acts of humans, those are all theories, like Al Gore who claimed that by 2012 Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles. His theories were bullshit, lies, but you fools made him very rich by buying into this bullshit.

You are correct, there is no data that proves it is humans that altered the climate cycle, but there is a lot of evidence that points in that direction.

You using Al Gore this way is like a person judging Christianity by the actions of Jim Bakker or even David Koresh.

Of course humans have an impact on the planet, so did the dinosaurs, so do solar flares, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and ocean currents. But humans are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant when it comes to changing the climate. Human existence on the earth is a millisecond in the life of the planet. We are nothing in the total universe.

We are the first species that has the ability to adapt to the changing climate, but people like you refuse to attempt such a thing because Al Gore made lied and made money with his lies. That is just stupid

in the 1970s it was global cooling and a new ice age, then global warming, now climate change. Yes, the earth is constantly changing, but no we are not causing it, cannot stop it, and cannot postpone or reverse it. We can stop polluting and reproducing, but we wont because polluting is easy and reproducing is fun.

And if you are right, whats wrong with wheat fields in Greenland and peach orchards in Canada? We can adapt, we have brains, although some rarely use them. Ocasio-Cortez comes to mind.
Well OK, lets tackle population control and the eventual overpopulation of the planet, and lets tackle man made pollution.

That would be a good start.

there is no clear data that proves that the climate has been changed by the acts of humans, those are all theories, like Al Gore who claimed that by 2012 Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles. His theories were bullshit, lies, but you fools made him very rich by buying into this bullshit.

You are correct, there is no data that proves it is humans that altered the climate cycle, but there is a lot of evidence that points in that direction.

You using Al Gore this way is like a person judging Christianity by the actions of Jim Bakker or even David Koresh.

Of course humans have an impact on the planet, so did the dinosaurs, so do solar flares, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and ocean currents. But humans are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant when it comes to changing the climate. Human existence on the earth is a millisecond in the life of the planet. We are nothing in the total universe.

We are the first species that has the ability to adapt to the changing climate, but people like you refuse to attempt such a thing because Al Gore made lied and made money with his lies. That is just stupid

in the 1970s it was global cooling and a new ice age, then global warming, now climate change. Yes, the earth is constantly changing, but no we are not causing it, cannot stop it, and cannot postpone or reverse it. We can stop polluting and reproducing, but we wont because polluting is easy and reproducing is fun.

And if you are right, whats wrong with wheat fields in Greenland and peach orchards in Canada? We can adapt, we have brains, although some rarely use them. Ocasio-Cortez comes to mind.

Nothing is wrong with those things for Greenland and Canada, the US is fucked, but I guess you do not care about the US.
Well OK, lets tackle population control and the eventual overpopulation of the planet, and lets tackle man made pollution.

That would be a good start.

there is no clear data that proves that the climate has been changed by the acts of humans, those are all theories, like Al Gore who claimed that by 2012 Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at the poles. His theories were bullshit, lies, but you fools made him very rich by buying into this bullshit.

You are correct, there is no data that proves it is humans that altered the climate cycle, but there is a lot of evidence that points in that direction.

You using Al Gore this way is like a person judging Christianity by the actions of Jim Bakker or even David Koresh.

Of course humans have an impact on the planet, so did the dinosaurs, so do solar flares, and earthquakes, and volcanoes, and ocean currents. But humans are a pimple on a gnat on the ass of an elephant when it comes to changing the climate. Human existence on the earth is a millisecond in the life of the planet. We are nothing in the total universe.

We are the first species that has the ability to adapt to the changing climate, but people like you refuse to attempt such a thing because Al Gore made lied and made money with his lies. That is just stupid

in the 1970s it was global cooling and a new ice age, then global warming, now climate change. Yes, the earth is constantly changing, but no we are not causing it, cannot stop it, and cannot postpone or reverse it. We can stop polluting and reproducing, but we wont because polluting is easy and reproducing is fun.

And if you are right, whats wrong with wheat fields in Greenland and peach orchards in Canada? We can adapt, we have brains, although some rarely use them. Ocasio-Cortez comes to mind.

Nothing is wrong with those things for Greenland and Canada, the US is fucked, but I guess you do not care about the US.

come on gator, its BS, last winter broke records for cold, here is south Louisiana we had the earliest frost on record this month. Man is not changing the climate, the earth is not warming. Its a lie. The US is just fine. Relax

Sure. But SINKING is not due to rising oceans. N'orleans is on one of world's largest deltas. And deltas are very dynamic in terms of changing topology.

the rise in sea level is measured in tenths of an inch, come on really? global temperature is measured in tenths of a degree. Does anyone really think those measurements are valid? Yes, NOLA is gradually sinking, nothing new.
come on gator, its BS, last winter broke records for cold, here is south Louisiana we had the earliest frost on record this month. Man is not changing the climate, the earth is not warming. Its a lie. The US is just fine. Relax

Post like this just make you look stupid.

Climate change predicts extreme shifts in weather, both hot and cold depending on the season.

It is not a lie, the climate is changing.

You know all the data points used by climate scientist are readily available to download and do you own research instead of letting your political party tell you what the science is.
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Sure. But SINKING is not due to rising oceans. N'orleans is on one of world's largest deltas. And deltas are very dynamic in terms of changing topology.

the rise in sea level is measured in tenths of an inch, come on really? global temperature is measured in tenths of a degree. Does anyone really think those measurements are valid? Yes, NOLA is gradually sinking, nothing new.

Well you're right. There's more to the story about 0.1 inch per year. First off, 60 or 70% of that "rise" rate is NOT MORE WATER. It's simply thermal expansion from the mild heating of the seas. THATS how low it actually is.

And secondly, believe it or not, it's NOT A UNIFORM rise in all areas of the world. The oceans are NOT FLAT when measured to that accuracy.

Some coastal areas are actually seeing DECREASED sea level because the effects from ocean currents moving their locations is BIGGER then the overall "global" rise..

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