Ocasio Cortez: ‘People Are Going To Die’ If Climate Change Isn’t Addressed

Once again, trust a brain-dead partisan sheep on an internet forum or trust actual scientist?

Wow, that is such a hard choice.

How will I ever decide?
Thanks for acknowledging you can’t think for yourself.

Wait, so you are telling me that you personally measured the time it took CFC to hit the stratosphere?

You lying piece of shit! :21::21::21::21:
You are one pathetic dumbass troll.

Either you measured it yourself, or you are taking someone's word for it...which is it?
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Thanks for acknowledging you can’t think for yourself.

Wait, so you are telling me that you personally measured the time it took CFC to hit the stratosphere?

You lying piece of shit! :21::21::21::21:
You are one pathetic dumbass troll.

Either you measured it yourself, or you are taking someone's word for it...which is it?
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Tell us how heavier than air items shoot up miles into the air.

I’ll wait here for your answer.
The argument over man's contribution to Climate Change/Ozone Change (or whatever) is not the relevant discussion.

The relevant discussion is what is the likely outcome, and what do you propose we do about it?

Do we ever get to that discussion?



Because it's a taxation and wealth redistribution scam.

No amount of tax dollars will fix the problem. That is just horseshit.

So, give us something other than revealing us of more money. That dog will not hunt.

Wait, so you are telling me that you personally measured the time it took CFC to hit the stratosphere?

You lying piece of shit! :21::21::21::21:
You are one pathetic dumbass troll.

Either you measured it yourself, or you are taking someone's word for it...which is it?
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Tell us how heavier than air items shoot up miles into the air.

I’ll wait here for your answer.

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
The argument over man's contribution to Climate Change/Ozone Change (or whatever) is not the relevant discussion.

The relevant discussion is what is the likely outcome, and what do you propose we do about it?


That is what I have been saying all along, but if people cannot even admit that there is something going on, we can never get to that stage.
That is what I have been saying all along, but if people cannot even admit that there is something going on, we can never get to that stage.
What I am saying is that I don't believe them, but let's assume they are right.

The solution they offer is to fuck Americans over (Paris Accord) and tax the shit out of us.

They can kiss my dirty, un-wiped asshole.

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
Assume you're right.

The solution is NOT more taxation or penalties to ONLY America. You can dry that out and fertilize the fucking lawn with it (bullshit).


You are correct, the solution is to make changes now to adapt to the changing climate.

Lucky for us most farmers in the midwest/heartland areas are smarter than the morons on this forum and have been adding irrigation like crazy to adapt to the changing rain patterns.
That is what I have been saying all along, but if people cannot even admit that there is something going on, we can never get to that stage.
What I am saying is that I don't believe them, but let's assume they are right.

The solution they offer is to fuck Americans over (Paris Accord) and tax the shit out of us.

They can kiss my dirty, un-wiped asshole.


There is no stopping it or any of that dumb shit the pols are talking about, there is only prepare for the future changes as much as possible.
Lucky for us most farmers in the midwest/heartland areas are smarter than the morons on this forum and have been adding irrigation like crazy to adapt to the changing rain patterns.
They should be doing that anyway to reduce the risk associated with drought conditions, which occur and have occurred since the earth began to produce life. You don't have to believe in AGW to prepare for a drought.

Maybe the message is packaged wrong.


You are one pathetic dumbass troll.

Either you measured it yourself, or you are taking someone's word for it...which is it?
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Tell us how heavier than air items shoot up miles into the air.

I’ll wait here for your answer.

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
Tell us how the ozone layer healed.
Lucky for us most farmers in the midwest/heartland areas are smarter than the morons on this forum and have been adding irrigation like crazy to adapt to the changing rain patterns.
They should be doing that anyway to reduce the risk associated with drought conditions, which occur and have occurred since the earth began to produce life. You don't have to believe in AGW to prepare for a drought.

Maybe the message is packaged wrong.



They should, but it is expensive as hell and until recently was not necessary. Droughts, typically, are limited time events, shifting rain patterns are not.

The message has been packaged wrong from the beginning. Al Gore was the worst thing to ever happen.
Either you measured it yourself, or you are taking someone's word for it...which is it?
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Tell us how heavier than air items shoot up miles into the air.

I’ll wait here for your answer.

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
Tell us how the ozone layer healed.
View attachment 231223

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
OK libs and warmers, here's your chance.

Just for drill lets assume that you are correct and man is causing climate change, ok got it?

Now, tell us specifically what you want humans to do. What do you plan to do? what do you want the world's governments to do?

Be specific, tell us exactly what you want us to do to stop climate change. Go for it, give us a list.
OK libs and warmers, here's your chance.

Just for drill lets assume that you are correct and man is causing climate change, ok got it?

Now, tell us specifically what you want humans to do. What do you plan to do? what do you want the world's governments to do?

Be specific, tell us exactly what you want us to do to stop climate change. Go for it, give us a list.

I'm kinda a lib. SO -- I'd say, build 40 new Nuke plants to replace the 40 aging ones. And then build 40 more. Problem solved -- for the USA. Which BTW has GREATER CO2 reduction in 2018 than many of the big mouth fan nations of the Paris Accord. We got there by ignoring the Obama Admin and developing MASSIVE domestic natural gas capacity...
OK libs and warmers, here's your chance.

Just for drill lets assume that you are correct and man is causing climate change, ok got it?

Now, tell us specifically what you want humans to do. What do you plan to do? what do you want the world's governments to do?

Be specific, tell us exactly what you want us to do to stop climate change. Go for it, give us a list.

I'm kinda a lib. SO -- I'd say, build 40 new Nuke plants to replace the 40 aging ones. And then build 40 more. Problem solved -- for the USA. Which BTW has GREATER CO2 reduction in 2018 than many of the big mouth fan nations of the Paris Accord. We got there by ignoring the Obama Admin and developing MASSIVE domestic natural gas capacity...

I agree, but your tree hugger friends on the left hate nuclear and all fossil fuels. anything else that might satisfy them? I am serious, what exactly do climate change advocates want us to do?
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Engineer a THERMITE based electricity generating power plant.

It can't be THAT HARD.

RUST as fuel = anyone have a problem with that?
Those of us already not killed off by Trump tax cuts, net neutrality and Kavanaugh are about to meet our maker.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says ‘People Are Going To Die’ If Climate Change Isn’t Addressed

The Trump Administration said the same thing

And this is evidence that it MUST be true to you?

No, it is evidence that the Trump administration and Cortez are on the same level
Unlike you, I was educated on the topic before the morons started the spin machines to con you sheep.

So, you did not measure it yourself, thanks for admitting that.

So, provide your 50 year source, where did you get that number?
Tell us how heavier than air items shoot up miles into the air.

I’ll wait here for your answer.

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
Tell us how the ozone layer healed.
View attachment 231223

I asked you first, provide your source for the 50 year journey.
You're the one with the wild ass claim that the ozone healed because of the actions of man, back it up, dufus

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