Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Retaliate Against Trump Jr. Over Meme

Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.

Have at him Alexandria ! You go girl!

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Dear God, I hope one day we meet.
Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.

Have at him Alexandria ! You go girl!

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Barney Google with the goo-goo-googly eyes.
Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.
As soon as she is inaugurated, LOOK OUT!
Inaugurated ?? Are you really that stupid?
Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.
You have to admit that it's funny when you compare it with Republicans thinking the elderly eating cat food to survive is hilarious.
Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.
As soon as she is inaugurated, LOOK OUT!
Inaugurated ?? Are you really that stupid?

Ah but you are showing your own ignorance. I'll let someone else clue you in, Brainiac.
Ethics violation! And the tard hasn’t even been sworn in or as she puts it ‘inaugurated.”
Newly-elected socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to a meme shared by Donald Trump Jr. by threatening him with a federal subpoena, in a tweet some are calling a violation of US Code.

View attachment 233441

Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Donald Trump Jr. with Subpoena Over Meme

LMAO leave it to a socialist idiot to do this, morons will be morons wait until shtf.... these leftist twats won't ever make it in reality.

There is something seriously wrong with you weak minded pigs.
As soon as she is inaugurated, LOOK OUT!

Gawd help us if that day ever comes we def. dont' want this twit Inaugurated not now not four years from now either bhahaha.
Turns out she thought serving him a subpoena meant giving him just a small meal in the evening.
* singing...
"One of these things are not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong.
Can you tell which thing is not like the other; By the time I finish my song?" *

Oh I know, I know...!!!

One of them is a talented, young, sharp, attractive and natural born leader.

The other...Beavis.

Come on. Jr isn't that attractive and Cortez isn't as ugly as beavis.
So you enjoy China and the rest of the world taking advantage of the American people?....got it...not surprised...
So you enjoy the Dow being down for the year?....got it...not surprised...

Oh ouch I lost a few hundred after gaining thousands.....LMAO....
I feel bad for this woman...she is going to get torn to shreds by Trumpbots.

No doubt she will have to undergo vicious, often libelous attacks mixed in with several death threats.

And all she has done is state her political ideals.

Now, she is WAAAY too progressive for my tastes...but she seems a decent person (until President Manchild).
I think the next few years is going to be a contest between AOC and Donald Trump to see who can out crazy who.

Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Retaliate Against Trump Jr. Over Meme, Twitter Explodes With Accusations Of Ethics Violations
Ugh she really isn’t up for politics. Not very many democrats so blatantly make the left look bad, but she does.

You can forget about any prospect of her running for president. Even she wouldn’t be that delusional. She’d get eaten alive in an election like that.
doesnt a human being have to posses a 100% functioning brain before they threaten anyone for any reason?

Yes they are both comparable as far as that department goes. Pea brains. She should concentrate on learning the ropes instead of tweeting.

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