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Occupied Childhoods. Newly released report on violation of children’s rights inHebron

I still can't figure out what this has to do with this thread? :dunno:

Just to point out a basic fact: humanity, as a species, has been jubulantly and righteously massacring each other since it picked up the first stone. Don't see how this relates to the discussion on human rights violations of incarcerated children today.

That palestnians have been violating the rights of jews in Hebron and now use their kids as weapons against the Israelis?
That human rights are not observed by some palestinians.
You can't apply western standards to the middle east, things are very different. To hold Israel to the standards of peaceful western nations under the circumstances is not right.
Israel will do what it most for it's security. Considering the value of life by some palestinian groups, Israel has to take stronger measures as a precaution. Israel goes to extreme measures to minimize death or damage when possible, but in a war nothing is absolutely safe. Israel will attack what it must, but it is one of the best as pinpoint targeting, it has had to be.

I wish I could say that that is a unique justification for Israelis abusing Palestinian children, but it is about par for the course.

Yeah, Israel really exhibits its strength by putting children in cages in the rain.

Yeah, Israel is excellent at pinpointing targets, ask the Samouni family, And Captain R, oh, Major R... after the trial he was promoted, who emptied a clip into Iman Al-Hams as she lay dying in the dirt after being wounded by another pinpoint Israeli round.

Hell, there are dead kids littering the streets and countryside of Gaza due to your trigger happy IDF hooligan's "pinpoint targeting"...and they have the damn T-shirts to prove it.

It ain't only bullets that kills these kids, it is people like you who provide an excuse for every bullet that ends up lodged in some dying childs body..

school girl with a back pack entering a wired security zone was a potential threat. IDF could not know the back pack was not wired.
It was tragic but even children younger know not to enter areas with sharp wiring. It is like learning not to cross the street without an adult. You don't go over there. Her school was the opposite direction so it's not like this was a short cut. There was no reason for her to have entered that zone.
Ye, certain extremist fringe groups honor him. But nobody's tried to name a community center, soccer stadium or street after him - as the PLO/PA and HAMAS have done numerous times for terrorists.

I wouldn't be so quick to label them "fringe" - extremist yes, but the represent a significant enough minority of people, particularly among the settlers. These are also the same people who are engaging in violent attacks on Palestinian farmers, schools and villages. It's a large enough number that it causes concern within Israel as does the fact that while few show support - few outright condemn it either. It's disturbing because, although to a lesser degree - it undeniably mirrors the Palestinian community particularly in connection with opinion polls showing an increasing bigotry towards Arab citizens.

Peace Now is not the only one spewing criticism at Goldstein admirers. Realistic Religious Zionism member Yonatan Urich says that "very few normative people will show support for an act like the one perpetrated by Goldstein, but on the other hand, they do not explicitly condemn his actions either," he said.

Ulrich adds that he often hears comments such as "Goldstein was a saint, but did unthinkable actions." According to the same logic, Urich noted, "One can assume Stalin was a nice guy who did horrible things."

Source: Goldstein legacy continues - Israel News, Ynetnews

Edited to add: while I agree that naming streets etc after terrorists - is that any different than what Israel did to commemerate it's own "terrorists" some of whom later became leading political figures?

right ----something like the USA in making the TERRORIST --george washington---
the first president for the record---gandhi was also wanted by the britsh
for his terrorist activities

lets try to be a bit specific how many societies pat people on the back specifically
for slitting the throat of an infant?--------

Sounds like a blood libel to me.

And you call that specific?
That palestnians have been violating the rights of jews in Hebron and now use their kids as weapons against the Israelis?
That human rights are not observed by some palestinians.
You can't apply western standards to the middle east, things are very different. To hold Israel to the standards of peaceful western nations under the circumstances is not right.
Israel will do what it most for it's security. Considering the value of life by some palestinian groups, Israel has to take stronger measures as a precaution. Israel goes to extreme measures to minimize death or damage when possible, but in a war nothing is absolutely safe. Israel will attack what it must, but it is one of the best as pinpoint targeting, it has had to be.

I wish I could say that that is a unique justification for Israelis abusing Palestinian children, but it is about par for the course.

Yeah, Israel really exhibits its strength by putting children in cages in the rain.

Yeah, Israel is excellent at pinpointing targets, ask the Samouni family, And Captain R, oh, Major R... after the trial he was promoted, who emptied a clip into Iman Al-Hams as she lay dying in the dirt after being wounded by another pinpoint Israeli round.

Hell, there are dead kids littering the streets and countryside of Gaza due to your trigger happy IDF hooligan's "pinpoint targeting"...and they have the damn T-shirts to prove it.

It ain't only bullets that kills these kids, it is people like you who provide an excuse for every bullet that ends up lodged in some dying childs body..

school girl with a back pack entering a wired security zone was a potential threat. IDF could not know the back pack was not wired.
It was tragic but even children younger know not to enter areas with sharp wiring. It is like learning not to cross the street without an adult. You don't go over there. Her school was the opposite direction so it's not like this was a short cut. There was no reason for her to have entered that zone.

She was shot in the back while running away...

Yeah, a little girl on her way to school is a potenttial threat, to the trigger happy hooligans of the IDF. Well disciplined troops would have held their waster and checcked their fire and she would be alive today.

"It's a little girl," a soldier watching from a nearby Israeli observation post cautioned over the military radio. "She's running defensively eastward. . . . A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death."
Four minutes later, Israeli troops opened fire on the girl with machine guns and rifles, the radio transmissions indicated.

A Girl's Chilling Death in Gaza (washingtonpost.com)

And if you dare to read further, you will see how the IDF conducts their stnkin' ass cover ups.

Give us more excuses there, aris2chat. The morgues are getting empty.

Go to hell!!!
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Some how, I just don't invision Baruch Goldstein standing alongside Mahatma Ghandi or George Washington.

Nope. Not even close.

Unusual view point.

Baruch Goldstein is dead:doubt:

So's Mahatma Ghandi and George Washington...but hey, dead people do strange things:eusa_angel:

The only things you know about Dr Baruch Goldstein----is some negative comments
made about him by people who do not like the idea of Jews CLINGING TO HEBRON--
no matter what-------and his that one act by which you define him----the shooting
in the tomb of the patriarchs in Hebron----- I never met the man but did come
across lots of people who did------both jews and muslims<<<not a negative
word about him------and no LAUDS for that one action that in your mind defines him.

George Washington is known by a famous protrait----he stands on a small
row boat getting ROWED ACROSS the icey DELAWARE----on his way to slaughter
men who he knew would be drunk because it was christmas eve. If the
colonies had lost the war-------merry old would have hanged him and his
name would have gone down in INFAMY

I have known lots of hindus-----all speak with great respect of GANDHIJI-----
and privately comment on his gross stupidity. "if things were left to him,
we would all be sitting on the floor weaving cloth" ----seemed to me that
lots considered his untimely death--------not so bad

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