Occupy calling for nationwide general strike on 11/2

Willow..............oh Willow!? Why would you disable PM's.............and then hand out negative rep? What are you............a pussy wearing glasses and a hat?
They don't want to work and are wondering why others have money? i dont get these people sometimes.
Sorry I have to pay the bills, can't afford the day off of work to protest against people who create wealth (and provide me the opportunity to get a job with compensation based on my value to said job).

If only that's what they were protesting against....
The question is, will they bring porta-potties and toilet paper? Or continue their feculant flea bagger ways?
I'm amazed that so many here seem to be offended by this group. Offended is probably too strong a word.
Occupy is upping the ante and calling for a general strike on November 2. Last one was in 1946. Will this also be "peaceful"??

Occupy Wall Street Launching First Nationwide General Strike In America Since 1946

Sorry I have to pay the bills, can't afford the day off of work to protest against people who create wealth (and provide me the opportunity to get a job with compensation based on my value to said job).

If you can't afford a day off.....I think you might want to join them.

Why do you say that? I'm being compensated for the level of work I perform. If I want more compensation I can either work harder to earn a raise/bonus or I can work harder by getting a 2nd job.

I don't need the govt to take it from other people who worked hard to give it to me, I'd rather earn my way instead of steal it from rich people.

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