Occupy Nancy Pelosi: The Real ‘One Percent’ Is America’s Political Class


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site.

There is a real class war going on in this country, and the Occupy Movement doesn’t seem to realize that they are on the wrong side of it. No, it’s not the wealth-hating, broad brush 99% vs. 1% class war that the Occupiers chant about. That so-called “war” is a merely a distraction from the real class split in America. Nope, the real deal pits American citizens on one side and on the other, safely ensconced inside the Beltway, are the Political Class.

The Political Class live in a world of wealth and power, and they don’t play by the same rules that you and I do. The Political Class operates above the law – literally, above it and lording over it. Since they make the laws, they can rewrite them to suit themselves. They pull the strings on the mainstream press establishment by playing games with information and power. As a result, the Political Class has been able to line its own pockets while much of the economy has gone to shambles.

If this all sounds a bit dramatic and dystopian, you haven’t read Throw Them All Out by Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer or seen the recent 60 Minutes segment that was based on the book’s research but independently verified and reported by CBS and Steve Kroft.

The book and TV segment ripped the mask off of Washington D.C. and showed how politicians use their resources — power and access to information — to make money. The books methodically lays out how politicians have been able to enrich themselves and keep this political brand of insider trading legal. On 60 Minutes, they went into detail about how Republicans like Spencer Bachus and Democrats like leader Nancy Pelosi have been able to rake in hundreds of thousands or even (in Pelosi’s case) millions by having access to information that citizens do not.
This looked bad; Pelosi needed some media help right away, and the institutional left was more than happy to oblige her. First came Media Matters for America before the story even came out, calling the 60 Minutes piece a smear by a discredited Breitbart blogger.

Here’s a drinking game you can play at home; wait for the next time someone associated with Andrew Breitbart breaks a major news story. Then in a few hours when the Media Matters response appears, drink a shot every time the words “smear” or “discredited” are used. Don’t drive afterwards.

After the 60 Minutes piece aired, there was an official response from Pelosi’s camp, who shockingly called it… a smear by a discredited conservative writer. They didn’t even try to get creative; they just presented a warmed-over version of the Media Matters propaganda.

You’d think the Occupy movement and those who claim to support it on the left would be up in arms. After all, this is exactly the sort of toxic political and financial mix that they seem to have been willing to make a stand for.

Instead, the Occupy protesters are mute on the subject of the political insider revelations. Part of that might be timing, as officials in cities all across the country have starting shutting down Occupy camps from New York to Oakland. But beyond just being busy with evictions, the Occupy movement has already cast itself in the role of pawn in the Political Class’s game.

read the rest and comments at.
» Occupy Nancy Pelosi: The Real ‘One Percent’ Is America’s Political Class - Big Government
(But everything is fine if you're a Liberal, because in order to be Democrat Politico, don't you have to be a first rate scalawag first? George Kaiser with Solyndra, LightSquared etc)

"Initial Pelosi Offering: Visa Just Happened To Offer Her A White-Hot IPO While It Was Energetically Lobbying Her To Stall on Swipe Fees Limits

Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants sure has swell friends.

Now Newsweek and The Daily Beast report that this stock purchase was made as Visa was engaged in a full-court press to lobby Pelosi to stop legislation to curb credit-card swipe fees to vendors.
In 2007, Visa used an army of lobbyists to try to influence Pelosi, including one of her former advisers, Dean Aguillen, Newsweek reports. Aguillen left Pelosi's office to work for the lobbying firm Ogilvy. By law, he could not lobby Pelosi's office directly, but he did lobby Congress on the credit card issue and offered advice to other lobbyists on that particular mission.

In addition to exploiting the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms, Visa's political action committee made a $1,000 donation to Pelosi's re-election campaign, Newsweek reports (Visa headquarters is in Pelosi's home district). Two days after that donation was made, Pelosi met with Visa executives in her office. Aguillen also contributed $1,000 to Pelosi and another $1,000 to the campaign arm of the House Democratic caucusin the first half of 2008.

Don't worry about her husband Paul's investments, though.

Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Pelosi, said her husband Paul Pelosi's finances are kept distinctly separate from the congresswoman's legislative work, Newsweek reports.

Oh well no problem them. See, I didn't know that a married couple, whose money is, according to California marriage law, equally divisible between them, was keeping their finances "distinctly separate." Carry on carrying on.

No but seriously, why were the Pelosis offered this IPO? Again, as Mike Flynn keeps noting, IPOs are offered to big brokerage houses (in order, I think, to mostly resell them to the public, or, as Nancy and Paul Pelosi call them, "the trogs").

Imagine you're a huge company like Visa. You work with the big brokerage houses to place your stocks and make them available to the general public.

Why on earth would you think, "Oh right, in addition to Goldman Sachs, we probably want to make sure Nancy and Paul Pelosi get part of this initial public offering, too."

You see the problem?

Why would it occur to Visa at all to do this? Why would those names enter into its thinking?

Nevermind the other eight lucrative IPOs major corporations just happened to offer Nancy and Paul Pelosi the same sweet insider deal. (I shouldn't have linked them together like that, implying some kind of connection, because, you know, their finances are kept "distinctly separate.")"

Initial Pelosi Offering: Visa Just Happened To Offer Her A White-Hot IPO While It Was Energetically Lobbying Her To Stall on Swipe Fees Limits
links in article at site.

There is a real class war going on in this country, and the Occupy Movement doesn’t seem to realize that they are on the wrong side of it. No, it’s not the wealth-hating, broad brush 99% vs. 1% class war that the Occupiers chant about. That so-called “war” is a merely a distraction from the real class split in America. Nope, the real deal pits American citizens on one side and on the other, safely ensconced inside the Beltway, are the Political Class.

The Political Class live in a world of wealth and power, and they don’t play by the same rules that you and I do. The Political Class operates above the law – literally, above it and lording over it. Since they make the laws, they can rewrite them to suit themselves. They pull the strings on the mainstream press establishment by playing games with information and power. As a result, the Political Class has been able to line its own pockets while much of the economy has gone to shambles.

If this all sounds a bit dramatic and dystopian, you haven’t read Throw Them All Out by Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer or seen the recent 60 Minutes segment that was based on the book’s research but independently verified and reported by CBS and Steve Kroft.

The book and TV segment ripped the mask off of Washington D.C. and showed how politicians use their resources — power and access to information — to make money. The books methodically lays out how politicians have been able to enrich themselves and keep this political brand of insider trading legal. On 60 Minutes, they went into detail about how Republicans like Spencer Bachus and Democrats like leader Nancy Pelosi have been able to rake in hundreds of thousands or even (in Pelosi’s case) millions by having access to information that citizens do not.
This looked bad; Pelosi needed some media help right away, and the institutional left was more than happy to oblige her. First came Media Matters for America before the story even came out, calling the 60 Minutes piece a smear by a discredited Breitbart blogger.

Here’s a drinking game you can play at home; wait for the next time someone associated with Andrew Breitbart breaks a major news story. Then in a few hours when the Media Matters response appears, drink a shot every time the words “smear” or “discredited” are used. Don’t drive afterwards.

After the 60 Minutes piece aired, there was an official response from Pelosi’s camp, who shockingly called it… a smear by a discredited conservative writer. They didn’t even try to get creative; they just presented a warmed-over version of the Media Matters propaganda.

You’d think the Occupy movement and those who claim to support it on the left would be up in arms. After all, this is exactly the sort of toxic political and financial mix that they seem to have been willing to make a stand for.

Instead, the Occupy protesters are mute on the subject of the political insider revelations. Part of that might be timing, as officials in cities all across the country have starting shutting down Occupy camps from New York to Oakland. But beyond just being busy with evictions, the Occupy movement has already cast itself in the role of pawn in the Political Class’s game.

read the rest and comments at.
» Occupy Nancy Pelosi: The Real ‘One Percent’ Is America’s Political Class - Big Government

I got news for Pelosi:

U.S. Troops: The real one percent

U.S. Troops: The real one percent - CBS News
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.

okey dokey
you don't know what we all thought around here a few months ago.
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.
She's just doing what she was programmed to do, control the definitions!

Just the fact that it comes from BigotBarf, you know it's a lie. You have to be a complete moron to think PUPPETS of the 1%, AKA the "Political Class," are the ruling elite!! But CON$ are actually that stupid!!!

The fact, as you point out, that they have to redefine the 1% just shows how fearful they really are.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.
She's just doing what she was programmed to do, control the definitions!

Just the fact that it comes from BigotBarf, you know it's a lie. You have to be a complete moron to think PUPPETS of the 1%, AKA the "Political Class," are the ruling elite!! But CON$ are actually that stupid!!!

The fact, as you point out, that they have to redefine the 1% just shows how fearful they really are.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

LOL, talk about being programmed. Every damn thing you post has to do WITH RUSH LIMBAUGH...a RADIO HOST..:lol:
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.
She's just doing what she was programmed to do, control the definitions!

Just the fact that it comes from BigotBarf, you know it's a lie. You have to be a complete moron to think PUPPETS of the 1%, AKA the "Political Class," are the ruling elite!! But CON$ are actually that stupid!!!

The fact, as you point out, that they have to redefine the 1% just shows how fearful they really are.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

Yea! Dingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingding

We gotta winner! Somebody showhim what he won!
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.
She's just doing what she was programmed to do, control the definitions!

Just the fact that it comes from BigotBarf, you know it's a lie. You have to be a complete moron to think PUPPETS of the 1%, AKA the "Political Class," are the ruling elite!! But CON$ are actually that stupid!!!

The fact, as you point out, that they have to redefine the 1% just shows how fearful they really are.

October 11, 2011
RUSH: I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate.

LOL, talk about being programmed. Every damn thing you post has to do WITH RUSH LIMBAUGH...a RADIO HOST..:lol:

Hey you need to just shut up and listen to the adults in the room. You should be ashamed of yourself.
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.

Exactly. And as more and more of the American People look at what has truly gone down in the last 30 years, more will come to realize that the present distribution of wealth is an artifact of government policy that has favored the very wealthy at the expense of those of us on the factory floor.

It is time to change the direction of the re-distribution of wealth. For the last 30 years it has been from the working poor and the middle class to the very wealthy. Time for at least a 30 year and 50% reversal.
This illustrates just how effective Occupy has become. Stephanie took the movement's meme -- the 1% versus the 99% -- and defended against its implications by trying to say that the real ruling class is elected officials in government, especially liberals like Pelosi, rather than the rich people and corporations who pull their strings.

The interesting thing to me is that, a few months ago, neither she nor anyone else would have seen any need to try to defend the idea that the government is the real oppressor -- there was no competing meme out there. So this is a sign that we are winning.

Exactly. And as more and more of the American People look at what has truly gone down in the last 30 years, more will come to realize that the present distribution of wealth is an artifact of government policy that has favored the very wealthy at the expense of those of us on the factory floor.

It is time to change the direction of the re-distribution of wealth. For the last 30 years it has been from the working poor and the middle class to the very wealthy. Time for at least a 30 year and 50% reversal.

OK, how do you plan that happen?
Good luck Occpying Pelosi. She lives on my street maybe ten blocks down. When she is home she has several large SUV's with multiple body guards in front. She doesn't fool around. There may be a chance while she is in D.C. but good luck with that too.

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