Occupy Wall Street is over.

Physical prolonged occupations are a thing of the past, get with it. Since people such as yourself could not see past the hippies to the message that tactic is all but abandoned, a similar phenomena occurred during the Vietnam protests of the 60s-70s.

I know exactly what the message was, I read their list of demands. They wanted free stuff and an end to capitalism. They're parasites and crybabies.

You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.


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awwwww, did I hurt your feelings. I love riding you liberals, it might even be enough to make me gay....oh wait that's genetic, I forgot, nevermind.

I have no feelings to hurt on this board, I do not care enough about the worthless, infantile comments of a retarded jackass enough to get bent out of shape. You fit the stereotype of a empty headed reactionary so well that you provoke only a sense of satisfaction in me.

You sure sound bent out of shape for someone who claims not to get bent out of shape.

Celmentine, it's just too easy with that guy. Liberals are a joke, I mock them all!
I know exactly what the message was, I read their list of demands. They wanted free stuff and an end to capitalism. They're parasites and crybabies.

You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.

Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?
You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.

Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?

Actually, he is a Mussolini fascist. Suprised the heck out of everyone who was stupid enough to vote for him.
You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.

Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?

Depends, do we listen to what he says or watch what he does? You do know that most dictators are capitalists and live well while the people in their countries are poor and oppressed. Obama wants his wealth, yet he wants to redistribute everyone else's money.

Obama has done a lot of bashing the wealthy and acts like he despises all of them, except for Soros, many on Wall Street, Al Gore, Hollywood actors, fellow Dems and himself.
I wouldn't count them out yet. They may not be out in the park, but they will be out during the summer.

They have already been out this summer, to a suspicious absence of news coverage, bet they will show up when the police end up beating the crap out of a few (or many).

You don't get it, there was NO ONE there but German Tourists and myself. There was no one for the cops to beat up.

Must be nice and quiet around there without the steaming pile of protesters.
You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.

Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?

He's definately the former and I'd say also the latter, beacuse the Corporate interests running him are the former, but they like money,even when they dont admit it. Soros is one pupetteer. And you have alot of rich liberals that think he'll help them (ie Jack Welch). Suprising I know.
Obama is just what we voted for. Too bad about the Pub Depression, and the gd Pubs. OWS won. And you dupes have NO CLUE. A disgrace.

Oh my, OWS won.......how? Do fill us dupes in, after all you have to educate us as you said in another thread. Wait....did they smoke the most dope? is that how they won? or had the most violent protests? or shit the most on the streets?

You are right those OWS people are winnders, just like Woodstock baby!!!!!!!!! you stay classy New York!
Obama seems to love Wallstreet. Sure, he bad mouthed them to get the little minions riled up, but when it came time to finance his campaign, he loved them again.

Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?

Depends, do we listen to what he says or watch what he does? You do know that most dictators are capitalists and live well while the people in their countries are poor and oppressed. Obama wants his wealth, yet he wants to redistribute everyone else's money.

Obama has done a lot of bashing the wealthy and acts like he despises all of them, except for Soros, many on Wall Street, Al Gore, Hollywood actors, fellow Dems and himself.

He's a politician. What he says means nothing.

What has he done that's "Socialist"?
Wait, so which is it?

Is Obama a Marxist Socialist Communist Maoist Trotskyist bent on Destruction of our Captialist System?

Or is he a Capitalist Corporate Stooge?

Depends, do we listen to what he says or watch what he does? You do know that most dictators are capitalists and live well while the people in their countries are poor and oppressed. Obama wants his wealth, yet he wants to redistribute everyone else's money.

Obama has done a lot of bashing the wealthy and acts like he despises all of them, except for Soros, many on Wall Street, Al Gore, Hollywood actors, fellow Dems and himself.

He's a politician. What he says means nothing.

What has he done that's "Socialist"?

so doctor, what is the ultimate left wing government, I say utopian socialism what do you say?
Depends, do we listen to what he says or watch what he does? You do know that most dictators are capitalists and live well while the people in their countries are poor and oppressed. Obama wants his wealth, yet he wants to redistribute everyone else's money.

Obama has done a lot of bashing the wealthy and acts like he despises all of them, except for Soros, many on Wall Street, Al Gore, Hollywood actors, fellow Dems and himself.

He's a politician. What he says means nothing.

What has he done that's "Socialist"?

so doctor, what is the ultimate left wing government, I say utopian socialism what do you say?

There is no such thing as the "ultimate left wing government", because the "left wing" is a big tent, as they say.

The term "left wing" means something different to everyone - those who consider themselves "left wing", as well as those that don't.
He's a politician. What he says means nothing.

What has he done that's "Socialist"?

so doctor, what is the ultimate left wing government, I say utopian socialism what do you say?

There is no such thing as the "ultimate left wing government", because the "left wing" is a big tent, as they say.

The term "left wing" means something different to everyone - those who consider themselves "left wing", as well as those that don't.

That's a copout. ok according to Marx, after the working class takes over through the revolutions, what kind of government is there?
so doctor, what is the ultimate left wing government, I say utopian socialism what do you say?

There is no such thing as the "ultimate left wing government", because the "left wing" is a big tent, as they say.

The term "left wing" means something different to everyone - those who consider themselves "left wing", as well as those that don't.

That's a copout. ok according to Marx, after the working class takes over through the revolutions, what kind of government is there?

What does Karl Marx have to do with the American "left wing"?
There is no such thing as the "ultimate left wing government", because the "left wing" is a big tent, as they say.

The term "left wing" means something different to everyone - those who consider themselves "left wing", as well as those that don't.

That's a copout. ok according to Marx, after the working class takes over through the revolutions, what kind of government is there?

What does Karl Marx have to do with the American "left wing"?

Uh because he and Rousseau are the founders of left wing politics.
Obama is just what we voted for. Too bad about the Pub Depression, and the gd Pubs. OWS won. And you dupes have NO CLUE. A disgrace.

What was Occupy's mission, I think it is clear by your lack of a response, you like everyone else, are clueless as to anything Occupy was trying to do.

What OWS win?
What was their mission you say they accomplished?
Where did all their money go?
What does Karl Marx have to do with the American "left wing"?

Uh because he and Rousseau are the founders of left wing politics.

What do you think "left wing" means?

technically it is anti-monarchy from the european 17 century on. The right wing was pro-monarchy (hence the tories are conservatives in England, but hate in the American colonies).
In the US and over time in the world, the left wing is socialism and the right wing capitalism. Which is why NAzis are actually left wing and anarchits are right wing (anarchy is the absense of governement which means if you are right wing and go as far right as you can, you hit anarchy)
On the other hand the left wing is for big government UNTIL you hit utopian socialism (which is what they ultimately consider communism to be, the absence of government) so you have the right and left meeting at no government, with the left excited and positive about it, while the right is more realistic in that it would be chaos, not good.
Physical prolonged occupations are a thing of the past, get with it. Since people such as yourself could not see past the hippies to the message that tactic is all but abandoned, a similar phenomena occurred during the Vietnam protests of the 60s-70s.

I know exactly what the message was, I read their list of demands. They wanted free stuff and an end to capitalism. They're parasites and crybabies.

You know nothing but what you have been told. I also wonder just how bad Wall Street would have to screw us all before you got a little upset with them? At this point I believe you would allow them anything.

Bull shit again.

I read the OWS list of demands. THEY published them, I wasn't told them by some right wing talk show host, I was told the demands by the OWS people.

Wall Street isn't screwing us. Wall Street is doing what Wall Street does, they make money for themselves. It isn't an exclusive club. Anyone can join. I have, you can too.

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