Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Here's a cold dash of water to snap some of you OWS delusional batshit crazy dipshits out of your coma:

The Tea Party (despite what some dopes claim) is NOT at all akin to the OWS Soros' Bitches.

Soros' Bitches are fundamentally anti-Capitalist. They do not seek to REFORM the greed out of Capitalism. They fool nobody who isn't already intent on being "fooled." Those bitches want to eradicate Capitalism.

By contrast, the Tea Party Movement adherents approve of Capitalism. The dislike of the bailouts is completely consistent with being in favor of Capitalism. Sharing the OWS dislike of "greed" is not inconsistent with favoring Capitalism, either. Tea Party adherents want ah honest, level, legal playing field.

How many anarchists or Marxists identify with the Tea Party Movement?

That's right. None.

damn, you'll believe anything Limbaugh tells you. :lol:

No no, silly goober.

Unlike you, I do not have to have my own conclusions spoon fed to me.

To whatever extent Limbaugh may have put voice to the notion, I'm sure he wasn't the first one to think it or say if.

But more importantly, it wasn't Limbaugh who offered research and evidence (since his assertion) to support it:

Is George Soros behind Occupy Wall Street? — RT

CNBC tried, dutifully, to throw cold water on the theory, but a closer look reveals only actual support:

News Headlines

TIDES, baby!

And, of course, there's more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/10/reuters-soros-money-behind-occupy-wall-street-protests/

So, as usual, the deflection and denial efforts of the always unpersuasive SimplyAssholic fail again.
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What am I missing?

I think like everyone when the 99% movement started a month ago, I was curious, and a little nervous but positively excited.

Republican Eric Canter came out very strong against the 99%, but never really gave a reason.

A co-founder of the Tea Party has come out in favor of the 99% Occupy Wall Street, OWS. [url=http://occupywallstreet.thoughts.com/mnicholson2/tea-party-co-founder-expresses-support-for-occupy-wall-street]Tea Party co-founder expresses support for Occupy Wall Street - thoughts.com conversation engine[/URL]

A group called Patriotic Millionaires popped up and said repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest 1% of American. Patriotic Millionaires For Fiscal Strength

The 99% movement has gone international to Canada, the UK, and Italy, just for a start. The Tea Party movement has not gone outside the United States.

The Republicans have softened their criticism of the 99% movement.

Opinion polls show a 53% approval of the 99%, while Tea Party popularity has stayed about the same at about a 27% popularity.

My question is why would ANYONE be against the 99% unless they are the 1%? With all the ideas floating around, one concern remains the same - ending the relationship between money and influence in Washington. How can anyone possibly be against that? If you can please share your thoughts.

With Congress 12% popularity, I would be happy to see ALL of the members of the U. S. House and a third of the Senate thrown out of office in 2012. But, who are the people that are against the 99%? Is it the 1%? Or are there stupid middle and upper middle class people who actually believe the Republican Party gives a damn about them? What I do not understand is posters in USMB being down on the 99% who are trying to clean up the political mess.

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I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

Maybe we can charter a "Shitter Express" to North Korea! Rent a ship on it's way back to China, let the Shitters have shipping crates for quarters and drop them off in the glorious people paradise!
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.

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I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.

Sorry, the OWS people are barking up the wrong tree.

In America, if you don't like the way your life is going, the way to go about changing it is to do something about your own life, not someone else's.

Attending a whinefest is genuinely not a positive step in gaining the good life. That comes from very hard work over a lot of years for those who earned it.
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.


How bout 4 more years of gridlock and abusive government. How does that work for you???

Obama says he wants to bypass Congress and institute his brand of government by edict.

I don't support authoritarian rule in America....regardless how much Firefighter unions and Teacher unions complain.

Oh, unemployment is in double-digits, not just 9%. They had to change the way they counted the unemployed to achieve 9%.
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What am I missing?

I think like everyone when the 99% movement started a month ago, I was curious, and a little nervous but positively excited.

Republican Eric Canter came out very strong against the 99%, but never really gave a reason.

A co-founder of the Tea Party has come out in favor of the 99% Occupy Wall Street, OWS. [url=http://occupywallstreet.thoughts.com/mnicholson2/tea-party-co-founder-expresses-support-for-occupy-wall-street]Tea Party co-founder expresses support for Occupy Wall Street - thoughts.com conversation engine[/URL]

My question is why would ANYONE be against the 99% unless they are the 1%? With all the ideas floating around, one concern remains the same - ending the relationship between money and influence in Washington. How can anyone possibly be against that? If you can please share your thoughts.

That sounds pretty arrogant actually. There's 2 things that really piss me off. Folks who think they have a claim to my above average stuff -- and folks who claim to speak for me.
Especially coming from a movement that after 30 days of existence are better known for their toiletry habits than their ability to articulate any complicated political issues.

There is NOT and NEVER will be a 99% consensus on politics in America. It's not because of money -- it's because of convictions. The OWS movement is NOT a consensus -- it's only an ANTI-1% happening.

Specifically --- """ HOW can anyone possible be against that? (ending the relationship between money and politics in Washington)""" Because we DON'T agree on the CAUSE of that relationship. You don't speak for my deepest conviction that the 535 Clowns in Congress are INCAPABLE of contributing anything valuable to MICROMANAGING the marketplace. Right now today --- they are debating whether the World Series should BAN chewing tobacco... These are same clowns who (again ARROGANTLY) think they understand the details of EVERY business from potatoes to nuclear power plants.

And the expectation that I'm sure YOU HAVE and share with OWS is if we just PUMMELED the 1% and took their stuff -- that America would heal and prosper. In reality, you'd have to pry that loot out of the hands of the same CLOWNS that have too much affection for spending Other People's Money. Dreams of socialist REDISTRIBUTION would NEVER come true. And then we'd STILL be facing an eroding standard of living in America because NO ONE --- especially the street actors of OWS is solving the REAL employment and wealth gap problems.

It's pretty much over Preius. America wants ANSWERS -- not street theatre and slogans. I hope you haven't wasted too much of your wealth supporting this reality TV series..

Stop claiming to speak for the 99%. It's annoying...
Here's a cold dash of water to snap some of you OWS delusional batshit crazy dipshits out of your coma:

The Tea Party (despite what some dopes claim) is NOT at all akin to the OWS Soros' Bitches.

Soros' Bitches are fundamentally anti-Capitalist. They do not seek to REFORM the greed out of Capitalism. They fool nobody who isn't already intent on being "fooled." Those bitches want to eradicate Capitalism.

By contrast, the Tea Party Movement adherents approve of Capitalism. The dislike of the bailouts is completely consistent with being in favor of Capitalism. Sharing the OWS dislike of "greed" is not inconsistent with favoring Capitalism, either. Tea Party adherents want ah honest, level, legal playing field.

How many anarchists or Marxists identify with the Tea Party Movement?

That's right. None.

damn, you'll believe anything Limbaugh tells you. :lol:
And you obviously believe any bilge pumped by moveon.org, mediamatters, daily kos, huffpoo, or the NY Times.

I dunno. If I believed them, I'd probably sound nutty too.
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.


ah yes, them TeaBaggers. Like none of them were teachers, firefighters, etc etc.
But hey, this OWS is HUGE.........HUGE they tell us. and they are going to stay put and hold their breaths and stomp their feet UNTIL..:lol:
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.


Those fire fighters sure have nice tits.
Like anyone gives two hoots for the opinion of the board Nazi. :lol::lol::lol:

Hey stupid, I'm not Lahkota.

Show the class where I have EVER posted anything anti-Semitic.

Oh that's right, you're a leftist - IOW a fucking liar.

I didn't say you were anti-Semitic, I said you were a NAZI. Much trouble reading? You have all the NAZI earmarks, shouting down opponents with usually baseless charges and acting like they're enemies rather than a "loyal oposition". It's all in the NAZI handbook, which apparently you have memoroized, Little Adoph.

Well, well, well, there it is, the same old tired Leftist canard; call anyone who dares disagree with you Bolsheviks a "Nazi". That one is about fifty years old, now, and it's gotten stale; that tends to happen, when you use nasty labels just for "shock value"; after a while, those words lose their sting. Your sort have done the same with "racism" until that one doesn't mean anything either. No one, except the ideologues on your side, gives a damn anymore. Now go ahead, call ME a Nazi; hell, I got called that, along with "war criminal", murderer", and "baby killer", for serving my country. The people doing it were your dirty, unwashed, cowardly, Marxist, hippie predecessors. I did not care what they thought, and likewise, I do not care what YOU think either. Damn right, you people are my enemies!
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.


This little "movement, such as it is, has NOTHING to offer America but empty slogans, meaningless demands, filthy habits, execrable street theater, and , most of all, inarticulate hatred and envy of those who have more than they do. They haven't even the courage of a common thief,the coward want government to do their thieving for them. What a load of empty, whining, pathetic losers. THIS is what you support? THIS is the "vanguard of the revolution"? This dirty, flea and louse infested rabble couldn't start a revolt in a two-bit banana republic if their lives depended on it! All sound and fury signifying nothing; if they weren't so filled with hate, they'd be comical, and there's nothing behind them, but idle talk and empty threats.
Trouble is WANKERS got most Americans in the trouble they are in.....YOU NEED A CHANGE OF CULTURE (GREED IS GOOD MENTALITY IS NEARLY OVER) which will be great..America LAND OF THE REPUBLICAN BULL SHITTERS(you know the scumbags):cool:
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.

Sorry, the OWS people are barking up the wrong tree.

In America, if you don't like the way your life is going, the way to go about changing it is to do something about your own life, not someone else's.

Attending a whinefest is genuinely not a positive step in gaining the good life. That comes from very hard work over a lot of years for those who earned it.
What am I missing?

I think like everyone when the 99% movement started a month ago, I was curious, and a little nervous but positively excited.

Republican Eric Canter came out very strong against the 99%, but never really gave a reason.

A co-founder of the Tea Party has come out in favor of the 99% Occupy Wall Street, OWS. [url=http://occupywallstreet.thoughts.com/mnicholson2/tea-party-co-founder-expresses-support-for-occupy-wall-street]Tea Party co-founder expresses support for Occupy Wall Street - thoughts.com conversation engine[/URL]

My question is why would ANYONE be against the 99% unless they are the 1%? With all the ideas floating around, one concern remains the same - ending the relationship between money and influence in Washington. How can anyone possibly be against that? If you can please share your thoughts.

That sounds pretty arrogant actually. There's 2 things that really piss me off. Folks who think they have a claim to my above average stuff -- and folks who claim to speak for me.
Especially coming from a movement that after 30 days of existence are better known for their toiletry habits than their ability to articulate any complicated political issues.

There is NOT and NEVER will be a 99% consensus on politics in America. It's not because of money -- it's because of convictions. The OWS movement is NOT a consensus -- it's only an ANTI-1% happening.

Specifically --- """ HOW can anyone possible be against that? (ending the relationship between money and politics in Washington)""" Because we DON'T agree on the CAUSE of that relationship. You don't speak for my deepest conviction that the 535 Clowns in Congress are INCAPABLE of contributing anything valuable to MICROMANAGING the marketplace. Right now today --- they are debating whether the World Series should BAN chewing tobacco... These are same clowns who (again ARROGANTLY) think they understand the details of EVERY business from potatoes to nuclear power plants.

And the expectation that I'm sure YOU HAVE and share with OWS is if we just PUMMELED the 1% and took their stuff -- that America would heal and prosper. In reality, you'd have to pry that loot out of the hands of the same CLOWNS that have too much affection for spending Other People's Money. Dreams of socialist REDISTRIBUTION would NEVER come true. And then we'd STILL be facing an eroding standard of living in America because NO ONE --- especially the street actors of OWS is solving the REAL employment and wealth gap problems.

It's pretty much over Preius. America wants ANSWERS -- not street theatre and slogans. I hope you haven't wasted too much of your wealth supporting this reality TV series..

Stop claiming to speak for the 99%. It's annoying...
THE PIC.....Good Americans Praying for a better America for ALL.......as for all you lemmings:cuckoo:(conservatives) SUCK ON and SUCK OFF...theliq:clap2::cool:
I'll chip in a one-way ticket to Moscow for any OWS gimme-gimme whiner who still hates free enterprise after cashing in his George Soros' sponsored check for those engaged in shitting on the sidewalks of WS.

You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians. The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.


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