Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

More data on the movement. This is a web poll from the OWS website, and normally web polls aren't terribly accurate, but in view of how wired the participants are this may be an exception. It's a poll of participants in the movement to determine demographic factors. You can find the details here: 70% of #OWS Supporters are Politically Independent | OccupyWallSt.org

Here are some of the results:

64.2% of respondents were younger than 34 years of age.

While the sample is relatively young, one in three respondents is older than 35 and one in five respondents is 45 and older.

7.9% of respondents have a high school degree or less.

92.1% of the sample has some college, a college degree, or a graduate degree.

27.4% have some college (but no degree), 35% have a college degree, 8.2% have some graduate school (but no degree), and close to 21.5% have a graduate school degree.

This is a highly educated sample.

26.7% of respondents were enrolled in school and 73.3% were not enrolled in school.

50.4% were employed full-time and an additional 20.4% were employed part-time.

13.1% of the sample are unemployed.

2.6% of respondents were retired, 1.3% disabled, 2.6% homemakers and 9.7% are full-time students.

47.5% of the sample earns less than $24,999 dollars a year and another quarter (24%) earn between $25,000 and $49,999 per year.

71.5% of the sample earns less than $50,000 per year.

15.4% of the sample earned between $50,000 and $74,999.

The remainder 13% of the sample earn over $75,000 with close to 2% earning over $150,000 per year.

27.3% of respondents considered themselves Democrats, another 2.4% said they were Republican.

Interestingly, a very large proportion of the sample, close to 70.3%, considered themselves Independents.

66.4% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use Facebook.

28.9% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use Twitter.

73.9% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use YouTube.
More data on the movement. This is a web poll from the OWS website, and normally web polls aren't terribly accurate, but in view of how wired the participants are this may be an exception. It's a poll of participants in the movement to determine demographic factors. You can find the details here: 70% of #OWS Supporters are Politically Independent | OccupyWallSt.org

Here are some of the results:

64.2% of respondents were younger than 34 years of age.

While the sample is relatively young, one in three respondents is older than 35 and one in five respondents is 45 and older.

7.9% of respondents have a high school degree or less.

92.1% of the sample has some college, a college degree, or a graduate degree.

27.4% have some college (but no degree), 35% have a college degree, 8.2% have some graduate school (but no degree), and close to 21.5% have a graduate school degree.

This is a highly educated sample.

26.7% of respondents were enrolled in school and 73.3% were not enrolled in school.

50.4% were employed full-time and an additional 20.4% were employed part-time.

13.1% of the sample are unemployed.

2.6% of respondents were retired, 1.3% disabled, 2.6% homemakers and 9.7% are full-time students.

47.5% of the sample earns less than $24,999 dollars a year and another quarter (24%) earn between $25,000 and $49,999 per year.

71.5% of the sample earns less than $50,000 per year.

15.4% of the sample earned between $50,000 and $74,999.

The remainder 13% of the sample earn over $75,000 with close to 2% earning over $150,000 per year.

27.3% of respondents considered themselves Democrats, another 2.4% said they were Republican.

Interestingly, a very large proportion of the sample, close to 70.3%, considered themselves Independents.

66.4% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use Facebook.

28.9% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use Twitter.

73.9% in the sample agree somewhat or strongly that they regularly use YouTube.

I figure that anyone who said he was a Republican had better not let it out.

The almost 65% who said they were independent were mostly Dems that don't like Congress but will vote for Obama. Saying you're independant just sounds more cool.

And if they're so educated why aren't they protesting at the real source of or economic woes? Obama and the Democratically controlled Senate?
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I figure in that anyone who said he was a Republican had better not let it out.

You need to stop pulling your figuring out of your ass and start actually studying the thing you're "figuring" about. Trust me, it works much better.
What am I missing?

I think like everyone when the 99% movement started a month ago, I was curious, and a little nervous but positively excited.

Republican Eric Canter came out very strong against the 99%, but never really gave a reason.

A co-founder of the Tea Party has come out in favor of the 99% Occupy Wall Street, OWS. [url=http://occupywallstreet.thoughts.com/mnicholson2/tea-party-co-founder-expresses-support-for-occupy-wall-street]Tea Party co-founder expresses support for Occupy Wall Street - thoughts.com conversation engine[/URL]

My question is why would ANYONE be against the 99% unless they are the 1%? With all the ideas floating around, one concern remains the same - ending the relationship between money and influence in Washington. How can anyone possibly be against that? If you can please share your thoughts.

That sounds pretty arrogant actually. There's 2 things that really piss me off. Folks who think they have a claim to my above average stuff -- and folks who claim to speak for me.
Especially coming from a movement that after 30 days of existence are better known for their toiletry habits than their ability to articulate any complicated political issues.

There is NOT and NEVER will be a 99% consensus on politics in America. It's not because of money -- it's because of convictions. The OWS movement is NOT a consensus -- it's only an ANTI-1% happening.

Specifically --- """ HOW can anyone possible be against that? (ending the relationship between money and politics in Washington)""" Because we DON'T agree on the CAUSE of that relationship. You don't speak for my deepest conviction that the 535 Clowns in Congress are INCAPABLE of contributing anything valuable to MICROMANAGING the marketplace. Right now today --- they are debating whether the World Series should BAN chewing tobacco... These are same clowns who (again ARROGANTLY) think they understand the details of EVERY business from potatoes to nuclear power plants.

And the expectation that I'm sure YOU HAVE and share with OWS is if we just PUMMELED the 1% and took their stuff -- that America would heal and prosper. In reality, you'd have to pry that loot out of the hands of the same CLOWNS that have too much affection for spending Other People's Money. Dreams of socialist REDISTRIBUTION would NEVER come true. And then we'd STILL be facing an eroding standard of living in America because NO ONE --- especially the street actors of OWS is solving the REAL employment and wealth gap problems.

It's pretty much over Preius. America wants ANSWERS -- not street theatre and slogans. I hope you haven't wasted too much of your wealth supporting this reality TV series..

Stop claiming to speak for the 99%. It's annoying...


That's DOUBLY arrogant since you have NO idea of what I've been doing for a decade or so in politics.. What IS it with you guys? You think you've discovered the the Holy Grail or sumthin'. I've been spending LOADS of my time challenging bad ballot access laws in all 50 states so that shitters like you might have more choices at the ballot box..

STFU already... You're done..
You are not being very helpful. The OWS are basically middle class teachers, firefighters, police etc, that are having their collective bargaining rights stolen by wannabe big shot politicians.

So exactly as I have said all along, these are the Public Employee Unions demanding "Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee."

They are the 7% that the rest of the nation exists to support and pamper.

The rest are college students, and retirees. Recently, some labor union folks have joined in, but have offered to help only if they not be asked to lead.

If you have anything but name-calling to offer, I would like to hear it. Some how I get the feeling that you and others are making pre-emptive attacks despite Republicans flip flopping to support the 99%ers. Maybe you see that spotlight of BLAME up ahead. Like Joe Kennedy said, "It is not the facts, it is the perception that wins voters." Democrats will catch some flack in all this, but the debt ceiling talks and The American Jobs Act look like what will swing the 2012 election to Obama. Frankly, I wish we Dems could draft Hillary Clinton in 2012.

As a Dem I should be happy, but this nation can not stand 12 more months of gridlock, and 9+% unemployment. I might actually feel sorry for Republicans, but they are the ones who made all the BIG PROMISES when the teabaggers went to Washington. They will pay a price for over-selling just like Barry Obama is.
"SUCK ON and SUCK OFF"? Nice. Do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?

A convicted felon believed to be part of the Occupy Seattle protest was arrested at the demonstration after he was found carrying an unloaded rifle in a bag, along with 16 rounds of ammunition, police said on Tuesday.

Man with rifle arrested at Occupy Seattle protest - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

What grounds do they have to arrest him?

Do felons lose their rights in Washington? If not, he has a right to arms per the 2nd amendment.
Hey stupid, I'm not Lahkota.

Show the class where I have EVER posted anything anti-Semitic.

Oh that's right, you're a leftist - IOW a fucking liar.

I didn't say you were anti-Semitic, I said you were a NAZI. Much trouble reading? You have all the NAZI earmarks, shouting down opponents with usually baseless charges and acting like they're enemies rather than a "loyal oposition". It's all in the NAZI handbook, which apparently you have memoroized, Little Adoph.

Well, well, well, there it is, the same old tired Leftist canard; call anyone who dares disagree with you Bolsheviks a "Nazi". That one is about fifty years old, now, and it's gotten stale; that tends to happen, when you use nasty labels just for "shock value"; after a while, those words lose their sting. Your sort have done the same with "racism" until that one doesn't mean anything either. No one, except the ideologues on your side, gives a damn anymore. Now go ahead, call ME a Nazi; hell, I got called that, along with "war criminal", murderer", and "baby killer", for serving my country. The people doing it were your dirty, unwashed, cowardly, Marxist, hippie predecessors. I did not care what they thought, and likewise, I do not care what YOU think either. Damn right, you people are my enemies!

Uncensored started the game. Don't whine about it now. Anyone that spouts the Marxist/ Commie crap is going to get Nazi crap right back. You've been warned. Perhaps you should have read the WHOLE thread before shooting your mouth off, Benito (Adolph's dumber country cousin)!!!
Uncensored started the game. Don't whine about it now. Anyone that spouts the Marxist/ Commie crap is going to get Nazi crap right back.

To be honest, I consider that a rather pointless debating tactic. It just reinforces the ongoing irrationality.
Uncensored started the game. Don't whine about it now. Anyone that spouts the Marxist/ Commie crap is going to get Nazi crap right back. You've been warned. Perhaps you should have read the WHOLE thread before shooting your mouth off, Benito (Adolph's dumber country cousin)!!!


Anyone ever let you in on the fact that you're quite stupid?

It scares the bejsus outa the Manor born and their tools when the people take to the streets.

It scared them when the Tea Party folks stood up and bitched and it scares them even worse when the OWS folks showed up.

Now imagine what they're going to feel like when these two groups finally realize that they're on the SAME SIDE?

Oh that will happen when things go from bad to worse.

Eventually the house slaves will also be jettisoned from the manor, too.

When the POLICE are targeted, and the military are targeted, they too will realize that the lifeboat that th superrich have doesn't have any seats reserved for THEMN EITHER.

One thing history has taught me?


Lies, however cleverly they are crafted, cannot sustain themselves when REALITY keeps beating at the door.
It scares the bejsus outa the Manor born and their tools when the people take to the streets.

Doesn't appear that they care at all.

Of course, this is just the Public Employee Unions demanding that they be able to continue to rape the middle class without restraint.

No effect on Soros and the Plutocrats.

It scared them when the Tea Party folks stood up and bitched and it scares them even worse when the OWS folks showed up.

Now imagine what they're going to feel like when these two groups finally realize that they're on the SAME SIDE?

They aren't on the same side.

The SEIU goons of the Shitter Revolution want to take from the Tea Party people to feather their own nests.

Oh that will happen when things go from bad to worse.

Eventually the house slaves will also be jettisoned from the manor, too.

When the POLICE are targeted, and the military are targeted, they too will realize that the lifeboat that th superrich have doesn't have any seats reserved for THEMN EITHER.

Are you on drugs?

One thing history has taught me?


Then you know nothing of history.

Lies, however cleverly they are crafted, cannot sustain themselves when REALITY keeps beating at the door.

Go back to your XBox - you live in a fantasy.
It scares the bejsus outa the Manor born and their tools when the people take to the streets.

It scared them when the Tea Party folks stood up and bitched and it scares them even worse when the OWS folks showed up.

Now imagine what they're going to feel like when these two groups finally realize that they're on the SAME SIDE?

Oh that will happen when things go from bad to worse.

Eventually the house slaves will also be jettisoned from the manor, too.

When the POLICE are targeted, and the military are targeted, they too will realize that the lifeboat that th superrich have doesn't have any seats reserved for THEMN EITHER.

One thing history has taught me?


Lies, however cleverly they are crafted, cannot sustain themselves when REALITY keeps beating at the door.

The reality that is beating at our door is what's happening in Greece right now. The masses are in the streets over there screaming their outrage because entitlements they thought were a right can no longer be paid for and are being taken away. Our system of entitlements are on the fast track to insolvency as well and if we continue down the path we are on the result will be the same as with Greece. The OWS protesters aren't calling for anything that will FIX what's broken...they're simply ignoring what's really wrong with our economy while ranting about "the 1%".
The reality that is beating at our door is what's happening in Greece right now. The masses are in the streets over there screaming their outrage because entitlements they thought were a right can no longer be paid for and are being taken away.

Of course they can be paid for. The need for austerity in response to a temporary economic downturn and consequent temporary shortfall in tax revenues is a lie. And that goes for us, too; the more so, as it seems only those of limited means are expected to tighten their belts. Austerity for the middle class and poor, indulgence for the rich -- that ain't gonna fly, bub.
The reality that is beating at our door is what's happening in Greece right now. The masses are in the streets over there screaming their outrage because entitlements they thought were a right can no longer be paid for and are being taken away.

Of course they can be paid for. .

You should really go and serve as Greek Economic Minister. You seem to have just the right mindset.

The reality that is beating at our door is what's happening in Greece right now. The masses are in the streets over there screaming their outrage because entitlements they thought were a right can no longer be paid for and are being taken away.

Of course they can be paid for. .

You should really go and serve as Greek Economic Minister. You seem to have just the right mindset.


THAT's IT!!! Absolutely Brilliant!!! Greece is already 89% of the Socialist Nirvana that our Lefties want.


Send ALL of our Lefty Board Buddies over there to save it..

It's a virtual steal right now. Even pay for their relocation. They can go after those 26 Greek Billionaires and have a WONDERFUL time ignoring the debt crisis that Dragon says isn't a problem. If all these whiners can FIX Greece with their moronic ideas, I'll vote Obama in 2012..
THAT's IT!!! Absolutely Brilliant!!! Greece is already 89% of the Socialist Nirvana that our Lefties want.


Send ALL of our Lefty Board Buddies over there to save it..

It's a virtual steal right now. Even pay for their relocation. They can go after those 26 Greek Billionaires and have a WONDERFUL time ignoring the debt crisis that Dragon says isn't a problem. If all these whiners can FIX Greece with their moronic ideas, I'll vote Obama in 2012..

I have Unkotare on ignore because he's an asshole, and because almost always his obnoxious posts contain no arguments, facts, evidence or any redeeming value -- they're nothing BUT assholiness. Please don't encourage him. And especially, please don't imitate him. You're better than that.

The debt "crisis" is overblown. We don't have a debt crisis, we have a maldistribution crisis that has reset the economy at a lower level and reduced tax revenues, resulting in an increase of the deficit. Austerity measures will make the underlying problem worse. That's just as true in Europe as it is here, or almost.

To make fun of that argument instead of trying to refute it is just lazy. I would expect that kind of bullshit from Unkotare. I don't expect if from you.
I have Unkotare on ignore because he's an asshole, and because almost always his obnoxious posts contain no arguments, facts, evidence or any redeeming value -- they're nothing BUT assholiness.

You have everyone who kicks your ass on ignore, which is to say that anyone you engage in debate will end up on ignore.

IOW, you're an intellectual lightweight and a coward.

Please don't encourage him. And especially, please don't imitate him. You're better than that.

The debt "crisis" is overblown. We don't have a debt crisis, we have a maldistribution crisis that has reset the economy at a lower level and reduced tax revenues, resulting in an increase of the deficit. Austerity measures will make the underlying problem worse. That's just as true in Europe as it is here, or almost.


This is why people mock you. You say the most ridiculous things, totally divorced from reality.

To make fun of that argument instead of trying to refute it is just lazy. I would expect that kind of bullshit from Unkotare. I don't expect if from you.

When a moron like you demands that "water is dry," there is nothing to be gained by refuting your idiocy, better to mock you.

BTW, you ignoring the mocking really has no bearing, we still demonstrate what a fool you are.
THAT's IT!!! Absolutely Brilliant!!! Greece is already 89% of the Socialist Nirvana that our Lefties want.


Send ALL of our Lefty Board Buddies over there to save it..

It's a virtual steal right now. Even pay for their relocation. They can go after those 26 Greek Billionaires and have a WONDERFUL time ignoring the debt crisis that Dragon says isn't a problem. If all these whiners can FIX Greece with their moronic ideas, I'll vote Obama in 2012..

I have Unkotare on ignore because he's an asshole, and because almost always his obnoxious posts contain no arguments, facts, evidence or any redeeming value -- they're nothing BUT assholiness. Please don't encourage him. And especially, please don't imitate him. You're better than that.

The debt "crisis" is overblown. We don't have a debt crisis, we have a maldistribution crisis that has reset the economy at a lower level and reduced tax revenues, resulting in an increase of the deficit. Austerity measures will make the underlying problem worse. That's just as true in Europe as it is here, or almost.

To make fun of that argument instead of trying to refute it is just lazy. I would expect that kind of bullshit from Unkotare. I don't expect if from you.

Well Unkotare generally has HIGH REGARD for you Dragon -- because he nominated you to be the next Greek Finance Minister..

This last post of yours is where you drive the car into the ditch.. There is nothing more naive than to believe that attacking the carcass of a stagnant economy is actually gonna result in prosperity and redistribution. You have NO evidence that the measly $100Bill or so in revenue that all this whining is about will end up in the pockets of the bottom 10%. Especially if your leadership continues to ignore the REAL changes to America that need to happen to STOP the decline in standard of living. Because you somehow have faith that the College of Clowns is not gonna just piss away the additional cash. That we have 535 of the brightness and most nimble minds in the country just itching to fix problems. It's that unhealthy bromance that you have with Political leadership that is clouding your reasoning..

You will never secure a better future for the lower 50% of America by simply moving EXISTING wealth around. THAT'S why you NEED A CONVINCING PLAN for your pirate booty. You don't get that. Your Union doesn't get that. And the ropeadopes in the streets don't get that either.
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I didn't say you were anti-Semitic, I said you were a NAZI. Much trouble reading? You have all the NAZI earmarks, shouting down opponents with usually baseless charges and acting like they're enemies rather than a "loyal oposition". It's all in the NAZI handbook, which apparently you have memoroized, Little Adoph.

Well, well, well, there it is, the same old tired Leftist canard; call anyone who dares disagree with you Bolsheviks a "Nazi". That one is about fifty years old, now, and it's gotten stale; that tends to happen, when you use nasty labels just for "shock value"; after a while, those words lose their sting. Your sort have done the same with "racism" until that one doesn't mean anything either. No one, except the ideologues on your side, gives a damn anymore. Now go ahead, call ME a Nazi; hell, I got called that, along with "war criminal", murderer", and "baby killer", for serving my country. The people doing it were your dirty, unwashed, cowardly, Marxist, hippie predecessors. I did not care what they thought, and likewise, I do not care what YOU think either. Damn right, you people are my enemies!

Uncensored started the game. Don't whine about it now. Anyone that spouts the Marxist/ Commie crap is going to get Nazi crap right back. You've been warned. Perhaps you should have read the WHOLE thread before shooting your mouth off, Benito (Adolph's dumber country cousin)!!!
In case you failed to notice, your friend Dragon already admitted that, while he does not necessarily subscribe to every single tenet of Marxist dogma, he DOES agree in principle with most of it. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and SAYS it's a duck......

Now that we have that out of the way, didn't anyone teach you not to address your superiors by their first name? That's "Don Benito" or "Il Duce" to you, Compagnolo!:lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCV4WSegGF0&feature=feedu]Satan Behind Occupy Wall Street? - YouTube[/ame]

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