Ocean acidifying at unprecedented rate


Aug 1, 2012
CO2 causing 'unprecedented' ocean acidification - CNN.com

CO2 causing oceans to acidify at 'unprecedented' rate, scientists warn
By Susannah Cullinane, CNN

(CNN) -- The world's oceans have become 26% more acidic since the start of the Industrial Revolution and continue to acidify at an "unprecedented rate," threatening marine ecosystems, aquaculture and the societies that rely on them, scientists say.
In a report released Thursday, researchers say that carbon dioxide emissions from human activities such as fossil fuel burning are the primary cause of ocean acidification.
They say the rate of change may be faster than at any time in the last 300 million years, predicting that by 2100 there will have been a 170% increase in ocean acidity, compared to pre-industrial times.


Come... tell us about that oyster farm again.
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No matter what the numbers are, no matter what the occurances of record weather, it will all be ignored, or lied about until the situation is irretrievable. Going to be an interesting ride for our children and grand children.
Climate change messin' with fishes smellers...
Fish losing survival instinct in acidic oceans: study
Wed, Apr 16, 2014 - Fish are losing their survival instinct — even becoming attracted to the smell of their predators — as the world’s oceans become more acidic because of climate change, new research said on Sunday.
The study of fish in coral reefs off the coast of Papua New Guinea — where the waters are naturally acidic — showed the animals’ behavior became riskier. “Fish will normally avoid the smell of a predator, that makes perfect sense,” lead author professor Philip Munday from Australia’s James Cook University said. “But they start to become attracted to the smell of the predator. That’s incredible.” “They also swim further from shelter and they are more active, they swim around more. That’s riskier behavior for them — they are more likely to be attacked by a predator,” Munday said.

Munday said the research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, was important given that about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is ultimately absorbed by the ocean, a process which results in the seas becoming more acidic. Acidification around the reefs studied is at levels predicted to become ocean-wide by the end of the century as the climate changes. Munday said the fish appeared to have failed to adapt to the conditions, despite living their whole lives exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide. “They didn’t seem to adjust within their lifetime,” Munday said. “That tells us that they don’t adjust when they are permanently exposed to these higher carbon dioxide levels and we would have to think about whether adaptation would be possible over the coming decades.”

Munday said the “seep” to which the fish were exposed — in which carbon dioxide from undersea volcanic activity bubbles to the surface — was the perfect “natural laboratory” for the study. Close to the seep there is no coral growth, but further away lies a unique coral reef zone with carbon dioxide levels similar to those forecast for future decades.

Co-author Jodie Rummer said while the increased carbon dioxide in the water affected how fish behaved, it did not appear to affect their athletic performance. “The metabolic rates of fish from the seep area were the same as fish from nearby ‘healthy’ reefs,” she said in a statement. “So, it seems that future ocean acidification may affect the behavior of reef fishes more than other aspects of their performance.” The research was conducted by James Cook’s Coral Center of Excellence, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Geographic Society.

Fish losing survival instinct in acidic oceans: study - Taipei Times

See also:

Scientist 99% Sure Global Climate Change is Man-Made
April 14th, 2014 ~ A Canadian physicist says his studies have all but completely ruled out the premise that global warming throughout the industrial era has not been merely a natural fluctuation in Earth’s climate, as some have been claiming. The assertion was made after the scientist analyzed temperature data from as far back as 1500.
“This study will be a blow to any remaining climate-change deniers,” said study author Shaun Lovejoy who is also a professor of physics at McGill University in Montreal. “Their two most convincing arguments – that the warming is natural in origin, and that thecomputer models are wrong – are either directly contradicted by this analysis, or simply do not apply to it.” Published in a recent edition of the journalClimate Dynamics, the study, based on statistical analysis of historical data rather on complex computer models used in previous studies, provides a new perspective to the question of what is behind global warming trends.

Lovejoy said that his analysis led him to conclude “with confidence levels great than 99%, and most likely greater than 99.9%,” that global warming since 1880 has been mostly caused by man-made emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and long-term temperature variations not caused by nature. The historical temperature data Lovejoy used for times prior to the industrial era (before 1760) were estimates that were made from “multi-proxy climate reconstructions” that had been developed by scientists in recent years. The climate reconstructions took into consideration a variety of natural indicators such as information from tree rings, ice cores, and lake sediments.

For his data from the industrial era, Lovejoy used levels of carbon-dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels as a representation for all human caused climate changes, since there has been a close relationship between the world’s economic activity and the release of greenhouse gases and particulate pollution. “This allows the new approach to implicitly include the cooling effects of particulate pollution that are still poorly quantified in computer models,” said Lovejoy.

Lovejoy said that his findings complement those made in a report just released by the UN’s IPCC. He said that his study predicted, with 95% confidence, that doubling the carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere would increase global temperatures between 1.9 and 4.2 degrees Celsius. The IPCC’s prediction puts the rise in temperaturebetween 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius ifatmospheric carbon-dioxide levels double. “We’ve had a fluctuation in average temperature that’s just huge since 1880 – on the order of about 0.9 degrees Celsius,” said Lovejoy. “This study shows that the odds of that being caused by natural fluctuations are less than one in a hundred and are likely to be less than one in a thousand.”

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The situation is already irretrievable.

Not this ignorant crap again.. We've had this discussion.. Let's test your memory..
Current change of pH is roughly from 8.2 (pre-industrial) to 8.1 today.. That does yield (in a very dishonest way) a 30% more acidic number.. HOWEVER -- lets' compare pre-industrial 8.2 to the pH of PURE FRESH GLACIAL WATER at 7.0..

8.2 - 7.0 = 1.2 and (10^1.2) - 1 = (about) 1400% So PURE glacial melt water is 1400% MORE ACIDIC than preindustrial seawater..

NOBODY in science linearizes that LOG relationship unless they are trying to lie about something.. Go wring your hands and cry with GoldiRocks somewhere not so public..
This Coincides with the increase in the USA's investment in Green Energy.

Green Energy Advocates are successful in the building a new Heavy Industry that is polluting the earth and now they act as if they are not responsible for the pollution. Over $500 billion was spent which is money spent on mining activities, shipping, smelting, refining, manufacturing, in countries with no environmental laws and now they act as if they are the innocent.


As for specific renewable energy sources, solar thermal and photovoltaic saw a 94.4% increase from June 2012 YTD to June 2013 YTD, while wind saw a 20.1% increase.
Read more at US Renewable Energy Generation Up In First Half Of 2013 | CleanTechnica
The situation is already irretrievable.

Not this ignorant crap again.. We've had this discussion.. Let's test your memory..
Current change of pH is roughly from 8.2 (pre-industrial) to 8.1 today.. That does yield (in a very dishonest way) a 30% more acidic number.. HOWEVER -- lets' compare pre-industrial 8.2 to the pH of PURE FRESH GLACIAL WATER at 7.0..

8.2 - 7.0 = 1.2 and (10^1.2) - 1 = (about) 1400% So PURE glacial melt water is 1400% MORE ACIDIC than preindustrial seawater..

NOBODY in science linearizes that LOG relationship unless they are trying to lie about something.. Go wring your hands and cry with GoldiRocks somewhere not so public..

pH varies with temperature anyways. perhaps we should be monitoring pOH as well to check out the relative change rather than just the absolute change of pH.
The situation is already irretrievable.

Not this ignorant crap again.. We've had this discussion.. Let's test your memory..
Current change of pH is roughly from 8.2 (pre-industrial) to 8.1 today.. That does yield (in a very dishonest way) a 30% more acidic number.. HOWEVER -- lets' compare pre-industrial 8.2 to the pH of PURE FRESH GLACIAL WATER at 7.0..

8.2 - 7.0 = 1.2 and (10^1.2) - 1 = (about) 1400% So PURE glacial melt water is 1400% MORE ACIDIC than preindustrial seawater..

NOBODY in science linearizes that LOG relationship unless they are trying to lie about something.. Go wring your hands and cry with GoldiRocks somewhere not so public..

And you would be the one lying here. Life in the ocean has evolved for hundreds of millions of years in an environment with a very narrow and very stable pH. Variations as small 0.1 will have a significant and negative consequence.

Put any of the world's marine species in a tank full of your pure, glacial 7.0 meltwater and what will happen to them? They will die, immediately.

Acidity and causticity, in this context, are simply directions. A pH value of 12 is more acidic than 13; 3 is more caustic than 2.

Someone linearizes pH values in an attempt to show the public that small changes in log values can be significant - particularly in the face of denier propaganda saying it isn't. Hydrogen ion concentrations are presented as log values for convenience's sake and the response function of electrodes used to measure it, not because the scale is more descriptive of it's various affects.

"Hey Bill, what's the pH in your aquarium"?
"Well Sue, the last time I checked hydrogen ion activity was 0.00031622 but I really need to get it into the 0.000125892 to 0.000199526 range, wouldn't you think"?
Unprecedented huh? Even greater than when atmospheric CO2 was in the thousands of PPM?

You are either a bald faced liar or a complete idiot...I vote for a lying idiot.
I have the solution. It's called Socialism.

Let's take lots of money from the rich countries and give it to the poor countries. That will fix this horrible global warming thing. We won't get China, or Russia, or anyone in Africa, South America, or Asia to cooperate so basically it will be the US that supplies all the money, but that's OK, it will still fix everything.
Unprecedented huh? Even greater than when atmospheric CO2 was in the thousands of PPM?

You are either a bald faced liar or a complete idiot...I vote for a lying idiot.

Speaking of idiots: you seem to have missed a crucial term. The same term has been the source of your severe misunderstandings about temperature change and its effects. The term is:

Unprecedented huh? Even greater than when atmospheric CO2 was in the thousands of PPM?

You are either a bald faced liar or a complete idiot...I vote for a lying idiot.

Speaking of idiots: you seem to have missed a crucial term. The same term has been the source of your severe misunderstandings about temperature change and its effects. The term is:


I understand rate fine...the problem is that you believe the rate is somehow different now with absolutely no actual evidence to support your beliefs. Since this has happened over and over during the course of earth history, there is no reason to think that this time is unusual. You, on the other hand believe that it is based on what political activist, pseudoscientists tell you to believe.
The situation is already irretrievable.

Not this ignorant crap again.. We've had this discussion.. Let's test your memory..
Current change of pH is roughly from 8.2 (pre-industrial) to 8.1 today.. That does yield (in a very dishonest way) a 30% more acidic number.. HOWEVER -- lets' compare pre-industrial 8.2 to the pH of PURE FRESH GLACIAL WATER at 7.0..

8.2 - 7.0 = 1.2 and (10^1.2) - 1 = (about) 1400% So PURE glacial melt water is 1400% MORE ACIDIC than preindustrial seawater..

NOBODY in science linearizes that LOG relationship unless they are trying to lie about something.. Go wring your hands and cry with GoldiRocks somewhere not so public..

And you would be the one lying here. Life in the ocean has evolved for hundreds of millions of years in an environment with a very narrow and very stable pH. Variations as small 0.1 will have a significant and negative consequence.

Put any of the world's marine species in a tank full of your pure, glacial 7.0 meltwater and what will happen to them? They will die, immediately.

Acidity and causticity, in this context, are simply directions. A pH value of 12 is more acidic than 13; 3 is more caustic than 2.

Someone linearizes pH values in an attempt to show the public that small changes in log values can be significant - particularly in the face of denier propaganda saying it isn't. Hydrogen ion concentrations are presented as log values for convenience's sake and the response function of electrodes used to measure it, not because the scale is more descriptive of it's various affects.

"Hey Bill, what's the pH in your aquarium"?
"Well Sue, the last time I checked hydrogen ion activity was 0.00031622 but I really need to get it into the 0.000125892 to 0.000199526 range, wouldn't you think"?

We've done this one before.. YOU'VE done this one before.. But you have ZERO memory of stuff and facts that contradict your preconceived notions.. AND to boot -- you have no ability to realize that it's YOU I'm making fun of by IGNORING the pH log scale and quoting scary figures about hydrogen ion concentrations.. YOUR OP does just that.. And you are oblivious to the irony...

When I first studied this OA effect, I told folks it was the most serious side effect of GW of the 1000s of ALLEDGED effects.. I no longer believe that. Because I don't LIE -- I study.
Life does NOT exist in narrow pH ranges.. Not in estuaries, not in tidal reefs, not near the ocean surface where the OA effect exists.. See the chart below.. And we know little about the NATURAL variations that the bulk of species in those zones experience.

Unprecedented huh? Even greater than when atmospheric CO2 was in the thousands of PPM?

You are either a bald faced liar or a complete idiot...I vote for a lying idiot.

Speaking of idiots: you seem to have missed a crucial term. The same term has been the source of your severe misunderstandings about temperature change and its effects. The term is:


I understand rate fine...the problem is that you believe the rate is somehow different now with absolutely no actual evidence to support your beliefs. Since this has happened over and over during the course of earth history, there is no reason to think that this time is unusual. You, on the other hand believe that it is based on what political activist, pseudoscientists tell you to believe.

Abraham is oblivious to the RATES that species generally experience in shallow water estuaries, reefs and shelves. They experience the MAXIMUM range numbers for pH on HOURLY, DAILY, or SEASONAL schedules.
Still no link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate, much less anything in the ocean. It is all AGW religious superstition.

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