Ocean temperture records

I love our ocean dataset. It is accurate and the only one we got. ;) Only a very irrational person could argue that it is all a crock.
This is who they link to in order to invalidate temperature record
A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; <-----------Apparently Has ZERO background in Science other than as a "presenter"......:badgrin:

Again no fucking data?

Just Google ocean temperature data fool.

All you get is Argo and Challenger.

I am overwhelmed by "JoNova"....:badgrin:...its all moot now ...AGW has been destroyed :badgrin:Record-Breaking Hot Ocean Temperatures Are Frying The Great Barrier Reef
Last edited:
The Great Barrier Reef’s coral is dying, and it may never be the same again.

Last month, as historically high ocean temperatures bathed the waters around the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian government raised the coral bleaching threat to the highest level possible.

On an aerial reconnaissance trip from Cairns to Papua New Guinea, researchers observed the parts of the reef that are supposed to be the most pristine and vibrant. What they saw was chilling.

“This has been the saddest research trip of my life,” said Prof. Terry Hughes, convener of the National Coral Bleaching Taskforce. “Almost without exception, every reef we flew across showed consistently high levels of bleaching, from the reef slope right up onto the top of the reef. We flew for 4000km in the most pristine parts of the Great Barrier Reef and saw only four reefs that had no bleaching. The severity is much greater than in earlier bleaching events in 2002 or 1998.”
Record-Breaking Hot Ocean Temperatures Are Frying The Great Barrier Reef
I love our ocean dataset. It is accurate and the only one we got. ;) Only a very irrational person could argue that it is all a crock.
This is who they link to in order to invalidate temperature record
A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; <-----------Apparently Has ZERO background in Science other than as a "presenter"......:badgrin:

Again no fucking data?

Just Google ocean temperature data fool.

All you get is Argo and Challenger.

That's odd. I got this:

About 2,430,000 results (0.41 seconds)
  1. [paste:font size="4"]New Climate Study By NOAA - insideclimatenews.org‎
    Adwww.insideclimatenews.org/noaa-study‎Global Warming
  2. The Future of Coal
Search Results[/paste:font]
Temperature Data - NODC
National Oceanographic Data Center
by A Allegra - ‎2015
Nov 17, 2015 - temperature data title image. Our most complete global temperature datasets are contained in: World Ocean Atlas/Database: Quality Controlled ...
National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page

National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page
National Oceanographic Data Center
The United States NODC archives and provides public access to global oceanographic and coastaldata, products, and information. Popular items include ...
Access Data · ‎Temperature Data · ‎World Ocean Database · ‎Wave Data
Access Data - NODC

Access Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
Dec 3, 2015 - World Ocean Atlas. The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) contains objectively analyzed climatological fields of in situ temperature, salinity, oxygen, ...
Images for ocean temperature dataView attachment 79476
View attachment 79477
View attachment 79478
View attachment 79480
View attachment 79479
More images for ocean temperature data
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Apr 15, 2016 - + GISTEMP Team, 2016: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) . ... theocean data are tested; it is also shown that global temperature ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 1/9/16
Sea Surface Temperature | Climate Change | US EPA

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Line graph showing changes in average global sea surface temperature from ... Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data ...
SST - sea surface temperature - Climate Data Guide - University ...

The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) has been identified as a coherent mode of natural variability occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean with an estimated ...
Sea Surface Temperatures -- SSEC

University of Wisconsin‑Madison
Jun 13, 2014 - Latest Sea Surface Temperature image - no map version ... The lower resolution datapreviously sent by NCEP are no longer available.
Revisiting historical ocean surface temperatures - RealClimate

Jul 11, 2011 - HadSST3 not only greatly expands the amount of raw data ... The ocean temperaturehistory is obviously a big part of the global surface air ...
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instrumental - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediatemperature_record
Jump to Global surface and ocean datasets - ... (GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historicaltemperature, precipitation, and pressure data for thousands ...

Get the fuck out with your stupid ass graphs.

Missed this 1960 till Argo

Records reveal robust ocean warming - physicsworld.com

Most ocean temperature measurements were collected by expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) – devices that have been dropped from ships since the 1960s. XBTs are designed to sink at a known rate while measuring and transmitting the water temperature back to the ship via two wires.

However, there are two problems with XBT data. First, the probes were normally launched from ships on routine passages – and therefore missed out on much of the Southern Ocean and other less-travelled waters. Second, the design of the XBT has changed over the years, and researchers have discovered that some probes do not actually fall as expected. This means that temperature versus depth data could be flawed.

About time I found what I was looking for, no thanks to the minions of the AGW cult

Bathythermograph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The true origins of the BT began in 1935 when Carl-Gustaf Rossby started experimenting. He then forwarded the development of the BT to his graduate student Athelstan Spilhaus, who then fully developed the BT in 1938[1] as a collaboration between MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and the U.S. Navy.[3] The device was modified during World War II to gather information on the varying temperature of the ocean for the U.S. Navy. Originally the slides were prepared "by rubbing a bit of skunk oil on with a finger and then wiping off with the soft side of one's hand,” followed by smoking the slide over the flame of a Bunsen burner.[4] Later on the skunk oil was replace with an evaporated metal film.[1]

Since water temperature may vary by layer and may affect sonar by producing inaccurate location results, bathothermographs (U.S. World War II spelling) were installed on the outer hulls of U.S. submarines during World War II.[5]

I know. I have used them and their data on a regular basis for over 40 years.
Last edited:
I love our ocean dataset. It is accurate and the only one we got. ;) Only a very irrational person could argue that it is all a crock.
This is who they link to in order to invalidate temperature record
A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; <-----------Apparently Has ZERO background in Science other than as a "presenter"......:badgrin:

Again no fucking data?

Just Google ocean temperature data fool.

All you get is Argo and Challenger.

That's odd. I got this:

About 2,430,000 results (0.41 seconds)
  1. [paste:font size="4"]New Climate Study By NOAA - insideclimatenews.org‎
    Adwww.insideclimatenews.org/noaa-study‎Global Warming
  2. The Future of Coal
Search Results[/paste:font]
Temperature Data - NODC
National Oceanographic Data Center
by A Allegra - ‎2015
Nov 17, 2015 - temperature data title image. Our most complete global temperature datasets are contained in: World Ocean Atlas/Database: Quality Controlled ...
National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page

National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page
National Oceanographic Data Center
The United States NODC archives and provides public access to global oceanographic and coastaldata, products, and information. Popular items include ...
Access Data · ‎Temperature Data · ‎World Ocean Database · ‎Wave Data
Access Data - NODC

Access Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
Dec 3, 2015 - World Ocean Atlas. The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) contains objectively analyzed climatological fields of in situ temperature, salinity, oxygen, ...
Images for ocean temperature dataView attachment 79476
View attachment 79477
View attachment 79478
View attachment 79480
View attachment 79479
More images for ocean temperature data
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Apr 15, 2016 - + GISTEMP Team, 2016: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) . ... theocean data are tested; it is also shown that global temperature ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 1/9/16
Sea Surface Temperature | Climate Change | US EPA

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Line graph showing changes in average global sea surface temperature from ... Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data ...
SST - sea surface temperature - Climate Data Guide - University ...

The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) has been identified as a coherent mode of natural variability occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean with an estimated ...
Sea Surface Temperatures -- SSEC

University of Wisconsin‑Madison
Jun 13, 2014 - Latest Sea Surface Temperature image - no map version ... The lower resolution datapreviously sent by NCEP are no longer available.
Revisiting historical ocean surface temperatures - RealClimate

Jul 11, 2011 - HadSST3 not only greatly expands the amount of raw data ... The ocean temperaturehistory is obviously a big part of the global surface air ...
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instrumental - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediatemperature_record
Jump to Global surface and ocean datasets - ... (GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historicaltemperature, precipitation, and pressure data for thousands ...

Get the fuck out with your stupid ass graphs.

Missed this 1960 till Argo

Records reveal robust ocean warming - physicsworld.com

Most ocean temperature measurements were collected by expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) – devices that have been dropped from ships since the 1960s. XBTs are designed to sink at a known rate while measuring and transmitting the water temperature back to the ship via two wires.

However, there are two problems with XBT data. First, the probes were normally launched from ships on routine passages – and therefore missed out on much of the Southern Ocean and other less-travelled waters. Second, the design of the XBT has changed over the years, and researchers have discovered that some probes do not actually fall as expected. This means that temperature versus depth data could be flawed.

About time I found what I was looking for, no thanks to the minions of the AGW cult

Bathythermograph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The true origins of the BT began in 1935 when Carl-Gustaf Rossby started experimenting. He then forwarded the development of the BT to his graduate student Athelstan Spilhaus, who then fully developed the BT in 1938[1] as a collaboration between MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and the U.S. Navy.[3] The device was modified during World War II to gather information on the varying temperature of the ocean for the U.S. Navy. Originally the slides were prepared "by rubbing a bit of skunk oil on with a finger and then wiping off with the soft side of one's hand,” followed by smoking the slide over the flame of a Bunsen burner.[4] Later on the skunk oil was replace with an evaporated metal film.[1]

Since water temperature may vary by layer and may affect sonar by producing inaccurate location results, bathothermographs (U.S. World War II spelling) were installed on the outer hulls of U.S. submarines during World War II.[5]


It took till the 1960s.....

the early 1960s the U.S. Navycontracted Sippican Corporation of Marion, Massachusetts to develop the XBT, who became the sole supplier.[1]

An XBT being launched via a handheld launcher.

A rendering of an XBT probe.
The unit is composed of a probe; a wire link; and a shipboard canister. Inside of the probe is a thermistor which is connected electronically to a chart recorder. The probe falls freely at 20 feet per second and that determines its depth and provides a temperature-depth trace on the recorder.
This is who they link to in order to invalidate temperature record
A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; <-----------Apparently Has ZERO background in Science other than as a "presenter"......:badgrin:

Again no fucking data?

Just Google ocean temperature data fool.

All you get is Argo and Challenger.

That's odd. I got this:

About 2,430,000 results (0.41 seconds)
  1. [paste:font size="4"]New Climate Study By NOAA - insideclimatenews.org‎
    Adwww.insideclimatenews.org/noaa-study‎Global Warming
  2. The Future of Coal
Search Results[/paste:font]
Temperature Data - NODC
National Oceanographic Data Center
by A Allegra - ‎2015
Nov 17, 2015 - temperature data title image. Our most complete global temperature datasets are contained in: World Ocean Atlas/Database: Quality Controlled ...
National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page

National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page
National Oceanographic Data Center
The United States NODC archives and provides public access to global oceanographic and coastaldata, products, and information. Popular items include ...
Access Data · ‎Temperature Data · ‎World Ocean Database · ‎Wave Data
Access Data - NODC

Access Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
Dec 3, 2015 - World Ocean Atlas. The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) contains objectively analyzed climatological fields of in situ temperature, salinity, oxygen, ...
Images for ocean temperature dataView attachment 79476
View attachment 79477
View attachment 79478
View attachment 79480
View attachment 79479
More images for ocean temperature data
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Apr 15, 2016 - + GISTEMP Team, 2016: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) . ... theocean data are tested; it is also shown that global temperature ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 1/9/16
Sea Surface Temperature | Climate Change | US EPA

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Line graph showing changes in average global sea surface temperature from ... Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data ...
SST - sea surface temperature - Climate Data Guide - University ...

The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) has been identified as a coherent mode of natural variability occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean with an estimated ...
Sea Surface Temperatures -- SSEC

University of Wisconsin‑Madison
Jun 13, 2014 - Latest Sea Surface Temperature image - no map version ... The lower resolution datapreviously sent by NCEP are no longer available.
Revisiting historical ocean surface temperatures - RealClimate

Jul 11, 2011 - HadSST3 not only greatly expands the amount of raw data ... The ocean temperaturehistory is obviously a big part of the global surface air ...
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instrumental - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediatemperature_record
Jump to Global surface and ocean datasets - ... (GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historicaltemperature, precipitation, and pressure data for thousands ...

Get the fuck out with your stupid ass graphs.

Missed this 1960 till Argo

Records reveal robust ocean warming - physicsworld.com

Most ocean temperature measurements were collected by expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) – devices that have been dropped from ships since the 1960s. XBTs are designed to sink at a known rate while measuring and transmitting the water temperature back to the ship via two wires.

However, there are two problems with XBT data. First, the probes were normally launched from ships on routine passages – and therefore missed out on much of the Southern Ocean and other less-travelled waters. Second, the design of the XBT has changed over the years, and researchers have discovered that some probes do not actually fall as expected. This means that temperature versus depth data could be flawed.

About time I found what I was looking for, no thanks to the minions of the AGW cult

Bathythermograph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The true origins of the BT began in 1935 when Carl-Gustaf Rossby started experimenting. He then forwarded the development of the BT to his graduate student Athelstan Spilhaus, who then fully developed the BT in 1938[1] as a collaboration between MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and the U.S. Navy.[3] The device was modified during World War II to gather information on the varying temperature of the ocean for the U.S. Navy. Originally the slides were prepared "by rubbing a bit of skunk oil on with a finger and then wiping off with the soft side of one's hand,” followed by smoking the slide over the flame of a Bunsen burner.[4] Later on the skunk oil was replace with an evaporated metal film.[1]

Since water temperature may vary by layer and may affect sonar by producing inaccurate location results, bathothermographs (U.S. World War II spelling) were installed on the outer hulls of U.S. submarines during World War II.[5]


It took till the 1960s.....

the early 1960s the U.S. Navycontracted Sippican Corporation of Marion, Massachusetts to develop the XBT, who became the sole supplier.[1]

An XBT being launched via a handheld launcher.

A rendering of an XBT probe.
The unit is composed of a probe; a wire link; and a shipboard canister. Inside of the probe is a thermistor which is connected electronically to a chart recorder. The probe falls freely at 20 feet per second and that determines its depth and provides a temperature-depth trace on the recorder.

But their was a big problem

XBT Fall Rate BiasEdit
Since XBTs do not measure depth (e.g. via pressure), fall-rate equations are used to derive depth profiles from what is essentially a time series. The fall rate equation takes the form:

{\displaystyle z(t)=at^{2}+bt}

where, z(t) is the depth of the XBT in meters; t is time; and a & b are coefficients determined using theoretical and empirical methods. The coefficient b can be thought of as the initial speed as the probe hits the water. The coefficient a can be thought of as the reduction in mass with time as the wire spools off.

For a considerable time, these equations were relatively well-established, however in 2007 Gouretski and Koltermann showed a bias between XBT temperature measurements andCTD temperature measurements.[10]They also showed that this varies over time and could be due to both errors in the calculation of depth and in measurement of the temperature.
Yes. Depth rates were found to differ by up to 2% as one moved from equatorial water to polar water. These are all easily compensated for. Were you thinking that this was the source of the data showing a warming ocean? Were you thinking it was all an artifact?

Ha ha ha... you're funny.
All that heat Crick wants you to believe has caused the record drought of Cat 3 canes hitting the US, an almost 200 year record ongoing today...
All that heat Crick wants you to believe has caused the record drought of Cat 3 canes hitting the US, an almost 200 year record ongoing today...

maybe it's the other way around. perhaps the drought of large hurricanes has allowed the SSTs to accumulate because they are not siphoning off the excess heat. just sayin'
maybe it's the other way around. perhaps the drought of large hurricanes has allowed the SSTs to accumulate because they are not siphoning off the excess heat. just sayin'

For 10 years?

Maybe for a couple of months, not 10 years.

This is a classic IDIOCY of the FRAUD moment. The warmers claim record heat in the oceans. The data claims a record drought in 'cane activity and ever growing sea ice in Antarctica. Something is wrong, and it ain't the 'canes or the sea ice....
This is who they link to in order to invalidate temperature record
A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; <-----------Apparently Has ZERO background in Science other than as a "presenter"......:badgrin:

Again no fucking data?

Just Google ocean temperature data fool.

All you get is Argo and Challenger.

That's odd. I got this:

About 2,430,000 results (0.41 seconds)
  1. [paste:font size="4"]New Climate Study By NOAA - insideclimatenews.org‎
    Adwww.insideclimatenews.org/noaa-study‎Global Warming
  2. The Future of Coal
Search Results[/paste:font]
Temperature Data - NODC
National Oceanographic Data Center
by A Allegra - ‎2015
Nov 17, 2015 - temperature data title image. Our most complete global temperature datasets are contained in: World Ocean Atlas/Database: Quality Controlled ...
National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page

National Oceanographic Data Center Home Page
National Oceanographic Data Center
The United States NODC archives and provides public access to global oceanographic and coastaldata, products, and information. Popular items include ...
Access Data · ‎Temperature Data · ‎World Ocean Database · ‎Wave Data
Access Data - NODC

Access Data
National Oceanographic Data Center
Dec 3, 2015 - World Ocean Atlas. The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) contains objectively analyzed climatological fields of in situ temperature, salinity, oxygen, ...
Images for ocean temperature dataView attachment 79476
View attachment 79477
View attachment 79478
View attachment 79480
View attachment 79479
More images for ocean temperature data
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Apr 15, 2016 - + GISTEMP Team, 2016: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP) . ... theocean data are tested; it is also shown that global temperature ...
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 1/9/16
Sea Surface Temperature | Climate Change | US EPA

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Line graph showing changes in average global sea surface temperature from ... Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data ...
SST - sea surface temperature - Climate Data Guide - University ...

The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) has been identified as a coherent mode of natural variability occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean with an estimated ...
Sea Surface Temperatures -- SSEC

University of Wisconsin‑Madison
Jun 13, 2014 - Latest Sea Surface Temperature image - no map version ... The lower resolution datapreviously sent by NCEP are no longer available.
Revisiting historical ocean surface temperatures - RealClimate

Jul 11, 2011 - HadSST3 not only greatly expands the amount of raw data ... The ocean temperaturehistory is obviously a big part of the global surface air ...
Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instrumental - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediatemperature_record
Jump to Global surface and ocean datasets - ... (GHCN-Monthly) data base contains historicaltemperature, precipitation, and pressure data for thousands ...

Get the fuck out with your stupid ass graphs.

Missed this 1960 till Argo

Records reveal robust ocean warming - physicsworld.com

Most ocean temperature measurements were collected by expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) – devices that have been dropped from ships since the 1960s. XBTs are designed to sink at a known rate while measuring and transmitting the water temperature back to the ship via two wires.

However, there are two problems with XBT data. First, the probes were normally launched from ships on routine passages – and therefore missed out on much of the Southern Ocean and other less-travelled waters. Second, the design of the XBT has changed over the years, and researchers have discovered that some probes do not actually fall as expected. This means that temperature versus depth data could be flawed.

About time I found what I was looking for, no thanks to the minions of the AGW cult

Bathythermograph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The true origins of the BT began in 1935 when Carl-Gustaf Rossby started experimenting. He then forwarded the development of the BT to his graduate student Athelstan Spilhaus, who then fully developed the BT in 1938[1] as a collaboration between MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), and the U.S. Navy.[3] The device was modified during World War II to gather information on the varying temperature of the ocean for the U.S. Navy. Originally the slides were prepared "by rubbing a bit of skunk oil on with a finger and then wiping off with the soft side of one's hand,” followed by smoking the slide over the flame of a Bunsen burner.[4] Later on the skunk oil was replace with an evaporated metal film.[1]

Since water temperature may vary by layer and may affect sonar by producing inaccurate location results, bathothermographs (U.S. World War II spelling) were installed on the outer hulls of U.S. submarines during World War II.[5]


It took till the 1960s.....

the early 1960s the U.S. Navycontracted Sippican Corporation of Marion, Massachusetts to develop the XBT, who became the sole supplier.[1]

An XBT being launched via a handheld launcher.

A rendering of an XBT probe.
The unit is composed of a probe; a wire link; and a shipboard canister. Inside of the probe is a thermistor which is connected electronically to a chart recorder. The probe falls freely at 20 feet per second and that determines its depth and provides a temperature-depth trace on the recorder.
Crick, et.al. believes that the wooden buckets used in 1880 were accurate to a tenth if a degree
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..

In 1728, they got the speed of light to within a few percent. I think they were smart enough to open and close the door on a sample bucket in the 1800s.
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..

In 1728, they got the speed of light to within a few percent. I think they were smart enough to open and close the door on a sample bucket in the 1800s.

Oh God fla... I am dealing with guys in the year 2016 that have to ask me , hey bill " which way do I need to turn this wrench?"

I have to tell them today lefty losey, righty tighty "

And they are making $28 bucks an hour.
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..

In 1728, they got the speed of light to within a few percent. I think they were smart enough to open and close the door on a sample bucket in the 1800s.
well today they're not smart enough to run a simple experiment that would validate their hypothesis.
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..

In 1728, they got the speed of light to within a few percent. I think they were smart enough to open and close the door on a sample bucket in the 1800s.
well today they're not smart enough to run a simple experiment that would validate their hypothesis.

Why don't you design it and put in for a grant?
What did they do in 1872 to get temperture readings at a depth of 900 meters?

Tie a thermometer to rope and an anchor, throw it overboard and pull it up real fast????????

Probably were smart enough to have a slot or valve that could be opened and closed via another line.
Doubt it, I don't think they were smart enough to realize it back then.

We are talking about common men, stuck on a ship for months on end..the scientist aboard that ship had to deal with young ones who we're bored to death, had to deal with pirates, and thinking to themselves " this guy wants us to stop and do what?"

Its human nature and physcolgy ..

In 1728, they got the speed of light to within a few percent. I think they were smart enough to open and close the door on a sample bucket in the 1800s.

Oh God fla... I am dealing with guys in the year 2016 that have to ask me , hey bill " which way do I need to turn this wrench?"

I have to tell them today lefty losey, righty tighty "

And they are making $28 bucks an hour.

Yeah but it depends on which way the bolt end is facing. It's complicated. Garden hoses get me everytime. :eusa_dance:
Last edited:

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