Odessa shooter had previous contact with police, the FBI knew him, he failed gun background check

The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

Texas Shooter Called Police, FBI Tip Line 15 Minutes Before Attack Began
Private sale......hmmmmmmmmmm

The asshole should have been in prison for breaking the law of trying to obtain a weapon as a prohibited person. Why do your asshole activist judges keep letting these freaks out?

Indeed, it's every day...

Chicago PD Made 53 Weekend Felony Gun Arrests, Judges Let Them Out Of Jail - Blue Lives Matter
Dana Loesch was talking about this today. THIS is why Chicago has these neverending shootings. There are no real consequences. FELONS are turned loose among the innocent population. It's not going to end until SOMEONE puts an end to this (Trump's Justice Dept?)

Despite the fact many of the charges were for serious offenses – aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, armed habitual criminal, aggravated discharge, and felon in possession/use of a firearm, for example – Guglielmi said more than half of the offenders had been released on bond before the start of the next weekend.

Thirty of the people arrested – 57 percent of arrestees – spent less than a week in jail

Another known nut, who the police failed to deal with...

Gunman in Texas shooting previously failed background check: Here's what we know

John Wester, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, confirmed the gunman had previously failed a federal background check for a firearm. Wester did not say when or why the check was failed.

Gutierrez said the man would shoot rabbits and other animals at all hours of the night.

"We were afraid of him because you could tell what kind of person he was just by looking at him," Gutierrez told the news agency. "He was not nice, he was not friendly, he was not polite."

If you are hoping that the Police will protect you from dangerous criminals do this simple test … Put your hope in one hand .. shit in the other and see which one fills up faster. I guess the law worked though he didn't purchase a legal firearm.
The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

Texas Shooter Called Police, FBI Tip Line 15 Minutes Before Attack Began
They need a law to make it against the law for people to violate the law when they break the law.

A criminal is only a criminal when he's committing a crime and gets caught. If America had better criminals we wouldn't need so many prisons right!
So far every mass shooter in the last ten years has been found to be a maniac but the radical left want's to take guns away from NRA skeet shooters. TDS is a serious mental illness.
This guy was a danger to people around him and the cops absolutely dropped the ball.

300 million guns and 18% of the population is crazy. That's a lot of balls out there for the Cops to catch.

This shooting would not have happened had the FBI arrested the shooter upon notification of the failure of his background check - that is, his attempt to illegally purchase a firearm and his commission of perjury on his 4473.

There's no sound support for the argument that we need new laws until the existing laws are fully enforced.

Quite the contrary, the problem is, the laws are there to humor dumb people like you. We can't lock up everyone who fills out a form wrong.... We barely have enough room in the jails for the real criminals.
So far every mass shooter in the last ten years has been found to be a maniac but the radical left want's to take guns away from NRA skeet shooters. TDS is a serious mental illness.

But that's the point. The NRA made it easy for the maniacs to get military grade weapons, which they didn't have access to when we had the Assault Weapons ban in effect.

No moron......the fear came from hell hole cities around the country as the "Great Society" destroyed Black families in democrat controlled voting districts......crime was through the roof, you moron...which is one of the reasons the Movie Dirty Harry was made, it was a reaction to the violent crime epidemic that ran through the 1990s.......remember Miami, the drug gang shootouts....?

Wow, guy, you are citing a racist movie as an excuse for gun maniacs running around with guns.

Here's the thing. If it were poor black kids running around shooting up theaters and schools and WalMarts, we'd have banned guns by now.

Check your White Privilege, buddy.
What you haven't established is why you let them get away with it.

Because we don't have enough room in the jails for "Locking up guys who might have made an honest mistake filling out a form".

The thing is, the guy was only charged with misdemeanors, he might have honestly thought he was entitled. He might not have even planned to be a mass shooter until he got fired.
We already have laws on the books that will arrest straw buyers providing guns to criminals...why aren't they enforced...because when the baby momma is on the stand stating her baby daddy, gang banger boyfriend threatened to beat her if she didn't get him the gun, juries tend not to convict and prosecutors don't go forward with those cases.....

We already capture straw buyers using current law enforcement techniques....the problem is they refuse to prosecute straw buyers...real straw buyers....

One more time. We lock up 2 million people. We don't have enough room in the jails for the real criminals, much less the people you want to lock up to try to put a boot on the necks of people of color.

I promise you, this guy didn't get his gun from an abused baby mama. He got his gun from some private seller working out of his house.
I thought Congress made and passed laws. I have been blaming the wrong people. Thanks.

Are you some kind of retard, that you don't know that Congress is bought and paid for by the National Rampage Association?

California just let a murderer go free just because he’s an illegal.

No, they let him go because it was an accident. 800 Americans are killed by gun accidents a year. Just part of the carnage you guys think is acceptable so you can compensate for your....shortcomings.
20,000 laws already on the books say that you are a moron.

Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.
The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

So guns are too easy for the wrong people to get. We've already established that.

You get denied in the store because you’re a paranoid psychopath…you go out to the parking lot of the same store and can buy as many weapons as you want from some guy who doesn’t care that you’re a paranoid psychopath.

That is the system the NRA and Trump supporters have created; both ranks are full of paranoid psychopaths.

Yeah but if it is a law to do background checks for private gun sales... then maybe the person who SOLD the gun would not have done so and he would not have gotten the gun.

Sorry....criminals are not getting their guns from private sales by strangers...they are getting their guns from straw buyers they either know or control.....baby mommas, sisters, mothers, grandmothers.....gang members only deal with criminals they know because they are afraid of police stings.

We already have laws on the books that will arrest straw buyers providing guns to criminals...why aren't they enforced...because when the baby momma is on the stand stating her baby daddy, gang banger boyfriend threatened to beat her if she didn't get him the gun, juries tend not to convict and prosecutors don't go forward with those cases.....

We already capture straw buyers using current law enforcement techniques....the problem is they refuse to prosecute straw buyers...real straw buyers....
yes they do
Texas shooter got gun at private sale; denied in 2014 check
Columbine shooters got their firearms from someone who it at a gunshow/etc
20,000 laws already on the books say that you are a moron.

Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.

Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?
So the law prohibits people from trying to get a gun if they are ineligible to possess one. It directs the ATF to insure there are no weapons in the possession of the prohibited person. It even allows for other agencies to take action if the ATF is unavailable. Yet this was not done. It wasn’t watered down. It was not subverted. It just wasn’t done. Time after time, the laws were broken, and the agencies that anti gun folks insist are hamstrung or held back did nothing. They don’t so what they are supposed to, and do what they aren’t supposed to.

Okay, here's the thing. Prostitution is illegal where I am at.

Within five miles of me, there are at least Six "Happy Ending" massage parlors that the police know about, the community knows about. They don't get closed down because the police don't have the manpower to conduct stings, and it just isn't worth their time.

Same thing here. You have a law that says certain people can't buy guns. Then you have people selling guns out of their houses that aren't required to do a background check. Or can sell at gun shows without having to do a background check. Or if the background check doesn't come back in a couple of days, they get their gun,anyway.

The ATF ONLY has 2600 agents, only 300 more than they had back in 2000. They haven't had a full time director for years. Can't even blame Trump for this one, he nominated a guy back in March that hasn't been confirmed yet.

The number of guns increased from 250 million to 393 million, including putting assault weapons back on the market after they had been banned.

So the law prohibits people from trying to get a gun if they are ineligible to possess one. It directs the ATF to insure there are no weapons in the possession of the prohibited person. It even allows for other agencies to take action if the ATF is unavailable. Yet this was not done. It wasn’t watered down. It was not subverted. It just wasn’t done. Time after time, the laws were broken, and the agencies that anti gun folks insist are hamstrung or held back did nothing. They don’t so what they are supposed to, and do what they aren’t supposed to.

Okay, here's the thing. Prostitution is illegal where I am at.

Within five miles of me, there are at least Six "Happy Ending" massage parlors that the police know about, the community knows about. They don't get closed down because the police don't have the manpower to conduct stings, and it just isn't worth their time.

Same thing here. You have a law that says certain people can't buy guns. Then you have people selling guns out of their houses that aren't required to do a background check. Or can sell at gun shows without having to do a background check. Or if the background check doesn't come back in a couple of days, they get their gun,anyway.

The ATF ONLY has 2600 agents, only 300 more than they had back in 2000. They haven't had a full time director for years. Can't even blame Trump for this one, he nominated a guy back in March that hasn't been confirmed yet.

The number of guns increased from 250 million to 393 million, including putting assault weapons back on the market after they had been banned.


Oh FFS. The cops can do anything they want. The Civil Rights have been watered down, not the gun laws, over Centuries of exceptions for extreme situations that almost instantly became routine. But they prioritize. They do not prioritize according to a formula or standard you would accept. But mostly for cash to afford those awesome SWAT crap. Civil Asset Forfeiture has become a primary focus of many cops. Stealing money under that asinine law. The DEA keeps two Agents at the Albuquerque Rail/Bus terminal just to seize money under that law. Travel with cash? You are a criminal, prove you aren’t.

Traffic tickets to meet quotas for the department to get income. It is like the Soldiers our collecting for the Mafia Bosses. You have to keep earning. Failure to Earn is an unforgivable sin. We are given excuses for this. The money keeps taxes low to allow the department to be run on the fines and seized drug money. But if it allows the department to afford the cops who are busy doing just that, aren’t we in a circular argument? We need to seize drug money to afford the cop cars and personnel that we use to seize drug money?

Stop thinking of the police as agents of safety, security, and justice. Compare and contrast them with organized crime. There are a lot more similarities to the Mafia than you might think.

If you want to know why the cops aren’t out following up on the failed Gun Checks, or insuring that those who fail do not have weapons, or closing the Happy Ending Massage joints, ask this question. Where is the profit in doing that?

A DEA Agent Got a Drug Dealer to Buy a Truck So the Agent Could Seize it Through Asset Forfeiture

Why is any of that an issue? Cops lie everyday. It is not the lies. It was that this soldier was Stealing from the Bosses. In the Mafia, that gets you dead. In the cops, it gets you tried and fellow cops are outraged. They did not get their share.
We already have laws on the books that will arrest straw buyers providing guns to criminals...why aren't they enforced...because when the baby momma is on the stand stating her baby daddy, gang banger boyfriend threatened to beat her if she didn't get him the gun, juries tend not to convict and prosecutors don't go forward with those cases.....

We already capture straw buyers using current law enforcement techniques....the problem is they refuse to prosecute straw buyers...real straw buyers....

One more time. We lock up 2 million people. We don't have enough room in the jails for the real criminals, much less the people you want to lock up to try to put a boot on the necks of people of color.

I promise you, this guy didn't get his gun from an abused baby mama. He got his gun from some private seller working out of his house.
Any way to confirm your lies, racist?
The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

So guns are too easy for the wrong people to get. We've already established that.

You get denied in the store because you’re a paranoid psychopath…you go out to the parking lot of the same store and can buy as many weapons as you want from some guy who doesn’t care that you’re a paranoid psychopath.

That is the system the NRA and Trump supporters have created; both ranks are full of paranoid psychopaths.

I've never seen anyone selling guns in a parking lot. Surely you can come up with a more believable lie than this, can't you baby killer?
Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?
Look at you, arguing we should have to register our guns so it is easier for the state to take them away.

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