Of course the polling companies donate more to hilary....of course they do...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...the employees of the major polling companies donate heavily to hilary clinton......no problem there...right?

Presidential Pollsters’ Political Contributions: Heavily For Hillary Clinton

NBC/Survey Monkey

A search of FEC records shows that Survey Monkey employees have given $646,000– or approximately 96 percent of all their contributions – to Democratic Party candidates, committees and causes since 2004. They contributed $27,500 to Republican candidates, committees and causes over that same period of time.

– The current chief executive officer of Survey Monkey, Zander Lurie, contributed $72,200 to Clinton campaign and $30,700 to the Democratic National Committee in 2016. (Notably, its previous CEO, David Goldberg, who died suddenly in May 2015, was a Republican donor, giving $15,000 to the Rubio campaign and also donating to Paul Ryan and Carly Fiorina, among others.)

– Survey Monkey’s senior vice president of global sales & strategies contributed $65,000 to Clinton campaign and $30,700 to the DNC in 2016.

– Survey Monkey employees contributed a total of approximately $125 to Marco Rubio in 2016, Republican candidates in 2016 (Marco Rubio)

– The founder of Survey Monkey contributed approximately $4,000 to the Democratic Parties of Ohio, Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire and Colorado in 2012, also giving more than $121,000 to the DNC since 2004.

– No contributions are reported to the Trump campaign.

ABC News Tracking

A search of FEC records shows that employees at ABC News polling partner, Abt-SRBI, gave 100 percent of their political contributions to Democratic Party candidates, committees and causes. Dollar amounts were mostly small, and we note that the vast majority of contributions were donated by one contributor.

– There were 58 contributions totaling nearly $7,500 since 2008

– Of those, 93 percent of the contributions, totaling more than $5,600 came from a single donor, opinion researcher Michael Goldstein. He gave to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Obama/Biden, Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, Howard Dean’s Democracy for America PAC and Progressive Change Campaign PAC.

– No contributions are reported to Republican candidates, committees or causes.

A search of FEC records shows no political contributions from employees of Langer Research Associates, which also partners with ABC News for its tracking poll.


A search of FEC records shows that employees at IPSOS, Reuters’ polling partner, made over 55 individual contributions to the Clinton campaign in this election cycle totaling approximately $5,000. Also:

– IPSOS employees have made approximately $23,000 in total contributions since 2004 – about 75 percent of that going to Democratic candidates, committees and causes.

– No contributions are reported to Republican candidates, committees or causes.

Some media organizations’ polling partners, however, appeared to show no significant contributions either way, including companies that are the polling partners for the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, ABC News, the Economist and Investor’s Business Daily.

CBS News/NY Times

CBS News and the New York Times partner with SSRS for their polling. A search of FEC records shows that Susan Sherr-Pollard, the vice president of demographic & policy research at SSRS, has made two very minor contributions, totaling just over $500, to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in July and September of 2016.

The FEC campaign contributions database is open to the public and can be searched by employer, occupation or individual name at:Advanced Individual Search
Exactly, a poll by "ABC" or WAPO or CNN or NBC? Oh please it's obvious they are skewed. So when CNN or other networks include these bullshit numbers into their "poll of polls" of course it will be lopsided towards Hillary. Thanks to social media, the public can see through what the Clinton machine and media are doing.

Time for Dems to start shitting bricks.
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

LA Times/USC Tracking Clinton 43, Trump 48 Trump +5

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 44, Trump 44, Johnson 5, Stein 2 Tie

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