Ain't no lie. It's not my problem you lack the intelligence to understand the meaning of, "the other thing..."

Are you still here short bus? Trump didn't "continue" as your LIE indicated, Zelensky spoke next. Perhaps your special ed teacher can explain what "continued/continues" means.

Wut? Zelensky spoke??? I guess that means Trump didn't also ask Zelensky to look into "the other thing" after asking him to look into the DNC server.

Are you ever not a retard??

Poor short bus, are you going to have to wait till Monday to ask your special ed teacher what "Trump Continues" means? You quoted Trump and then in your own lying words said "Trump continues", which he didn't. You got caught in your commie lie, just man up and admit it, short bus.


Poor, dumbfuck cuck, can't get anything right.

View attachment 290221

... recommence or resume after interruption, like Zelensky speaking after Trump asked him a favor to look into CrowdStrike and the DNC server -- and then Trump continued with "the other thing" by asking another favor of Zelensky to also look into the Bidens.


Wrong again short bus, he spoke about the former prosecutor and the ambassador before he mentioned "The other thing", discussing other topics is not continuing as your LIE insinuated. Sorry short bus, another fail in a long string of failures. LMAO


Your derangement is noted at laughed again.

He asked Zelensky if he would look into CrowdStrike/DNC server and then he asked Zelensky if he would also look into the Bidens. Both requests were separated by Zelensky speaking, inline with the definition I gave for "continue"...

recommence or resume after interruption

It must suck for you to continually get schooled by someone you refer to as, "short bus."

1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

Asking is not bribing. Bribing is when you have negative information about somebody, and threaten to expose them if they don't do your bidding. No evidence Trump ever did that.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

Terrible comparison. A better one would be taking money out of the bank. If you withdraw cash from your savings account, and your neighbor sees you have a lot of cash, which you tell him you got from the bank, and he assumes you robbed the bank, that's not grounds to arrest anybody if he calls the cops.

Trump openly stated he had several good reasons for the withholding of money, including one of his campaign promises which was pressure the rest of the UN members to pony up a bit. The Democrats, the liars they are, ASSUMED it had to do with Slow Joe's candidacy, and they probably didn't even do that. Since they are looking for ways to try and get rid of Trump, they are using that as a cheap excuse. Like I said, you can't impeach somebody based on mind reading, because nobody can read minds on this planet.

The better question is can you read? Instead of just Googling links, try opening up the story for yourself.

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

And that's not an impeachable offense either.

Bribery is impeachable.

You just admitted Trump did it.

Are you saying Trump was bribed?
4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

And that's not an impeachable offense either.

That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense.

I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

It wasn''t Bidens decisions to hold up, cancel or approve the funds. He just let the Ukranian Leader know see the hand writing on the wall. Had they not fired the corrupt prosecutor, then there was a good chance that Congress and the President would have canceled the funds. You can say anything you wish but that was Statesman at it's finest.

Meanwhile, Rump was playing lose without Congressional assistance with congressional approved funds trying to get a political public favor from the new Ukranian Leader. Rump didn't have the power to do so but he tried. And he finally backed off AFTER the incident was reported in public. Then he tried to cover it up. Then he tried to and still tries to, intimidate witnesses and obstruct.

The Justice Department just finished busting Stone for similar crimes. The only difference is, Stone isn't the President. The President is supposed to be above such actions and this should not have EVER become an issue. But we have a Criminal for a President. And if Stone thinks that Rump will pardon him, Stone has another thing coming. Rump has already thrown Stone to the dumpster.

If Stone has been found guilty then Rump needs to be found guilty for the same crimes.

Repeating typical MSM garbage.

Trump never intimidated anybody. Who are you talking about with intimidation?

If Biden wasn't in charge of holding up funds, why did he say he was? When officials in Ukraine asked about it, he told them to call DumBama and see what happens.

Just because Congress approves funds doesn't mean the President has to release them unconditionally. And how did Trump try to cover it up when it was only days he released the transcript?
Are you still here short bus? Trump didn't "continue" as your LIE indicated, Zelensky spoke next. Perhaps your special ed teacher can explain what "continued/continues" means.

Wut? Zelensky spoke??? I guess that means Trump didn't also ask Zelensky to look into "the other thing" after asking him to look into the DNC server.

Are you ever not a retard??

Poor short bus, are you going to have to wait till Monday to ask your special ed teacher what "Trump Continues" means? You quoted Trump and then in your own lying words said "Trump continues", which he didn't. You got caught in your commie lie, just man up and admit it, short bus.


Poor, dumbfuck cuck, can't get anything right.

View attachment 290221

... recommence or resume after interruption, like Zelensky speaking after Trump asked him a favor to look into CrowdStrike and the DNC server -- and then Trump continued with "the other thing" by asking another favor of Zelensky to also look into the Bidens.


Wrong again short bus, he spoke about the former prosecutor and the ambassador before he mentioned "The other thing", discussing other topics is not continuing as your LIE insinuated. Sorry short bus, another fail in a long string of failures. LMAO


Your derangement is noted at laughed again.

He asked Zelensky if he would look into CrowdStrike/DNC server and then he asked Zelensky if he would also look into the Bidens. Both requests were separated by Zelensky speaking, inline with the definition I gave for "continue"...

recommence or resume after interruption

It must suck for you to continually get schooled by someone you refer to as, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, Trump discussed other topics before he asked for cooperation on quid pro joe and baby biden, did he resume after interrupting himself, or did he just move to another topic apart from the fist two he mentioned after Zelensky spoke. Poor thing, another short bus fail. LMAO

I didn't come close to saying anything like that. Don't be ridiculous.

Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Why do you keep perpetrating the lies. Zelensky didn't take office till May, the Ambassador was reassigned, not fired, the same month. Trump held the aid till he got a feel for Zelensky and saw who he was appointing. Nothing unusual about that, given Ukraines history. And they weren't discussing military aid, they were talking about a arms deal unrelated to the aid.

Also Biden was the administrations point man in Ukraine at the same time billions, in US aid, disappeared from the bank that was owned by his sons employer and not a damn thing was done about it. If that were the case in the Trump administration you commies would be all over it.


You are the one perpetrating lies.

No proof Biden or Kerry channeled U.S. aid for Ukraine to Burisma

No proof U.S. aid for Ukraine went to Burisma
1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.

Lying about whether or not Biden is a political rival of Trump's reveals your desperation.

It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.

Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Wrong again short bus, he can ask for cooperation on anyone, remember, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". Isn't that what you commies have been chanting for the last 3 years?

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

And that's not an impeachable offense either.

That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense.

I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

It wasn''t Bidens decisions to hold up, cancel or approve the funds. He just let the Ukranian Leader know see the hand writing on the wall. Had they not fired the corrupt prosecutor, then there was a good chance that Congress and the President would have canceled the funds. You can say anything you wish but that was Statesman at it's finest.

Meanwhile, Rump was playing lose without Congressional assistance with congressional approved funds trying to get a political public favor from the new Ukranian Leader. Rump didn't have the power to do so but he tried. And he finally backed off AFTER the incident was reported in public. Then he tried to cover it up. Then he tried to and still tries to, intimidate witnesses and obstruct.

The Justice Department just finished busting Stone for similar crimes. The only difference is, Stone isn't the President. The President is supposed to be above such actions and this should not have EVER become an issue. But we have a Criminal for a President. And if Stone thinks that Rump will pardon him, Stone has another thing coming. Rump has already thrown Stone to the dumpster.

If Stone has been found guilty then Rump needs to be found guilty for the same crimes.

Repeating typical MSM garbage.

Trump never intimidated anybody. Who are you talking about with intimidation?

If Biden wasn't in charge of holding up funds, why did he say he was? When officials in Ukraine asked about it, he told them to call DumBama and see what happens.

Just because Congress approves funds doesn't mean the President has to release them unconditionally. And how did Trump try to cover it up when it was only days he released the transcript?

Dumb right wing parrot. From your comments about the MSM to the standard excuses, you show you can't think for yourself. Maybe you need to ask Trump to testify and he can answer all your questions.
It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.

Lying about whether or not Biden is a political rival of Trump's reveals your desperation.

It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.

Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Wrong again short bus, he can ask for cooperation on anyone, remember, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". Isn't that what you commies have been chanting for the last 3 years?

No, he cannot ask a foreign country to investigate his political opponents.
So impeachment supporters. Where is today's 'devastating' evidence? What 'bombshell' has this witness?
Her feelings were hurt.

Were here feelings hurt when her previous tenures as Ambassador ended?

Her two previous appointments as an Ambassador - both made by Bush the Lesser - presumably ended without benefit of a smear campaign by the President's personal attorney.

There was no smear. She can be fired for any reason.
She was smeared. It was unnecessary.
I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

I didn't come close to saying anything like that. Don't be ridiculous.

Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

Asking is not bribing. Bribing is when you have negative information about somebody, and threaten to expose them if they don't do your bidding. No evidence Trump ever did that.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

Terrible comparison. A better one would be taking money out of the bank. If you withdraw cash from your savings account, and your neighbor sees you have a lot of cash, which you tell him you got from the bank, and he assumes you robbed the bank, that's not grounds to arrest anybody if he calls the cops.

Trump openly stated he had several good reasons for the withholding of money, including one of his campaign promises which was pressure the rest of the UN members to pony up a bit. The Democrats, the liars they are, ASSUMED it had to do with Slow Joe's candidacy, and they probably didn't even do that. Since they are looking for ways to try and get rid of Trump, they are using that as a cheap excuse. Like I said, you can't impeach somebody based on mind reading, because nobody can read minds on this planet.

The better question is can you read? Instead of just Googling links, try opening up the story for yourself.

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

And that's not an impeachable offense either.

Bribery is impeachable.

You just admitted Trump did it.

Are you saying Trump was bribed?

Another dunce cap.
1). What did Trump personally gain? Spell it out. Did he get a whistle in his Fruit Loops?
2). Suspending social security causes deaths. Limited food stamps causes deaths. Healthcare to a cost causes deaths. All of the bills sitting in congress languishing while they fuck around yet again with this dog and pony show is causing deaths!
3). Yeah, right. Mueller investigated Biden. That was part of the russian investigation into Trump? You're a fucking idiot.
4). Biden stands about as much chance being the DNC nominee as my grandmother sprouting wheels and being a go cart. But I hope he does end up your candidate. You deserve him. Obumma 2.0 - 5.
Dumbfuck, Biden could still be in the hunt for the 2020 presidential election even if he loses the Democratic nomination. :cuckoo:

Oh short bus, his competition is growing, not shrinking. But hey, his war chest is shrinking and he's laying off staff, not indications of a viable campaign. The two time loser has a lower chance of being nominated than beta boy.

And yet, despite your hollow post, he's still ahead of the rest....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination

Oh bullshit, he's behind fauxchaunches and butty boy in Iowa. And I posted FACTS, nothing hollow about it. You're just interested in keeping your propaganda going at all costs. Quid Pro Joe is done, we're just waiting on the announcement.


Dumbfuck cuck ... Trump lost Iowa.

Damn short bus, weren't we talking about Biden, not Trump? Got short term memory problems too?

I didn't come close to saying anything like that. Don't be ridiculous.

Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
Because Zelensky knew. Now stop telling that lie.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
Mueller was mainly focused on Trump. Biden was not in the cross hairs of his investigation. Mueller's investigation did not look at any "Tampering with (the) election" if it had democrat fingerprints. Hell, he didn't even recognize the name Fusion GPS when he testified before congress.
Fusion GPS is a private company that was hired to do opposition research. This researched went to Russia because Trump was doing business in Russia and lying about it. Everytime you morons bring this up as some sort of collusion, you are masking a fool out of yourself.

When you equate Biden's action in the Ukraine with Trump's, you are making a total ass out of yourself.

Trump is guilty plain as day.

Opposition research. Sounds like asking foreign government to dig dirt on political opponent.

But it wasn't.
Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles, Says Senate Will ‘Have to Have a Trial’
By Mairead McArdle
November 13, 2019 4:10 PM
Trump Impeachment -- Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles | National Review

is devon nunes' cow on that there farm?



At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.


At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.

There seems to be quite a lot you don't see.

Feel free to enlighten me, even your prized msm said the hearings were a bust.

No they haven't.

Keep telling yourself that child, I've seen the clips.

Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.

Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Wrong again short bus, he can ask for cooperation on anyone, remember, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". Isn't that what you commies have been chanting for the last 3 years?

No, he cannot ask a foreign country to investigate his political opponents.

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty.

So impeachment supporters. Where is today's 'devastating' evidence? What 'bombshell' has this witness?
Her feelings were hurt.

Were here feelings hurt when her previous tenures as Ambassador ended?

Her two previous appointments as an Ambassador - both made by Bush the Lesser - presumably ended without benefit of a smear campaign by the President's personal attorney.

There was no smear. She can be fired for any reason.
She was smeared. It was unnecessary.

Perhaps if she had been more supportive of the incoming Ukraine president it wouldn't have happened.

Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.

Riddle me this: If Zelensky took Trump's request as a threat, how is it he had no idea US aid was being held up? I mean, if an inspector comes to my house to complain my house paint is chipping, and I offer him 100 to ignore it, we both know I bribed him. I gave him a hundred bucks, and he got in his car and left.

What the left is trying to claim here, is that Trump bribed Zelensky, and Zelensky had no idea he'd just been bribed. Yes, Trump wanted to know the association between Hunter and Ukraine. After all, the drug addict got a job in a field he didn't know anything about, in a country he didn't know anything about; not even the language, all while his father was not only the VP, but in charge of goings on in the country.
Because Zelensky knew. Now stop telling that lie.

You're the on lying, Zelensky didn't find out about it till Aug 29. More than a month after the call.

“Do you have any knowledge of President Trump receiving a bribe?”


“Do you have any knowledge of the President committing any crime?”


Yup, two blows.

Not her job.
Why would she have 1st hand knowledge of trump receiving a bribe.
This is NO news.
Not a Win for the Donald as hard as his supporters try to claim.

Nothing Burger.
So then, tell us, why is it she was even called as a witness? Seeing as this is an impeachment inquiry and all.

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