The excuses and so call defense republicans and trump have for his crimes with Ukraine keep falling apart and being replaced by new lies.

Analysis: Trump’s core impeachment defense suffers a double blow — including a self-inflicted one

As much as I believe Trump is not doing himself any favors with his ranting on twatter the reality is Trump will not be convicted and remove...

Perhaps not. The right doesn't care how unethical he is, or if if he breaks our laws but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called out for his unethical, unlawful behavior.

We don't know how much they'd care because it hasn't happened yet.

I don't think you really believe that. For some reason, your hatred for non-Trump supporters forces you to make absurd claims, and accept unethical behavior just for spite.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
1) withholding funds for policial purpose is abuse of power. Or, asking another country to announce fake investigation of polical opponent also is abuse of power. Together its bribery.

2) "If you don't announce that it's a bank robbery, it's not a bank robbery!"

3) can you read? it says Ukraine investigated the Bidens

4) Trump benefits from one of the leading opposing candidates under "investigation"

Then you are admitting that Obama and Kerry abused power by withholding funds from Iran for many years? That cost lives! They withheld aid from the Kurds for years! Abuse of power! That cost lives! How many more do you want? Where is the prosecution???!!!
Withholding funds because of good for America is not the same as withholding fund for political reasons. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this.

But apparently a stupid fuck like you can't tell the difference between KNOWING THE REASONS why a president did something, and just thinking they do from reading a few web reports, stupid fuck. Have you bothered to ask Donald Trump? For he is the only person who truly KNOWS why he did xyz, you stupid fuck!
Mueller was a joke. It was an investigation looking for a crime, same as this Adam ScHITt show impeachment inquiry, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH. They are corrupt to the core, along with their DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING that carries the water and covers for them.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
So? How were we to confirm it unless it was investigated?

Hey short bus, are you going to apply that same standard to Ukraine and the Bidens?


Looks like I got under someone's skin.


Wrong answer short bus, just pointing out your extreme hypocrisy.

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Dumbfuck, the public hearings began just 3 days ago and there have been only two pollsters out with approval ratings since then. Rasmussen, which has Trump increasing to 50%; And Reuters, which has him at 40%, same as the last time they released a poll.

So yeah, as I said, you're basing your observations on one poll historically favorable to Trump. That's not as revealing as you fool yourself into believing.

As far as comparing Gallup's poll numbers on Obama with all polls on Trump, that's very dishonest of you. A valid comparison would be all polls for both or just Gallup for both. The reason you don't want to compare both is because:

Approval / disapproval
Obama ... 43% / 48%
Trump .... 41% / 57%
In fact, RCP lists six polls since the Pelosi announced the official opening of her impeachment show and the RCP link I gave you shows the average of all the major polls of President Trump's job approval ratings has been steadily climbing despite all the posturing of the Democrats in Congress. Obama is of no importance but his poll numbers at this point in his in his first term compared to President Trump's shows that voters are not being influenced the hearings.

You're fucking deranged too.

Pelosi announced that on September 24th. At that time, Trump's average job approval rating was 45.3%....

View attachment 290223

Trump is currently at 44.2%.

I know you brain-dead cons really suck at math, but here in the real world, 44.2% is actually less than 45.3%. Also, Trump's disapproval rating is up nearly 2 points since that date, from 52.1% to 54%.

His approval ratings took a hit when she announced the formal impeachment hearings and a larger one when he pulled US troops from northern Syria, but his ratings have been climbing back ever since. It is clear that voters are not being influenced by Schiff's gossipy hearings.
The excuses and so call defense republicans and trump have for his crimes with Ukraine keep falling apart and being replaced by new lies.

Analysis: Trump’s core impeachment defense suffers a double blow — including a self-inflicted one

As much as I believe Trump is not doing himself any favors with his ranting on twatter the reality is Trump will not be convicted and remove...

Perhaps not. The right doesn't care how unethical he is, or if if he breaks our laws but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called out for his unethical, unlawful behavior.

Which law did he break? Why is it you TDS libtards cannot find any support for any crime?

Three people have already testified that Trump did nothing illegal. Who else does Shiff-for-brains have up his sleeve?

Who were those people and what qualifies them to make that determination?
You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

54 percent of the nation disapproves of Trump. His disapproval numbers have consistently stayed between 53-58 percent. Let me know when his approval rating is 51 percent.
The fact is Trump's approval ratings are higher than Obama's were at this point in Obama's first term, and this despite the impeachment farce the Democrats are holding in the House.
That's not actually a fact. That's your dementia speaking. The fact is Obama was at 45.4% while Trump is at 45.3%.
And Obama's disapproval rating was 50.5% while Trump's is 54%.

You just can't stop lying, can ya?

You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Again, according to one poll only -- Rasmussen, not surprisingly.
No, according to the RCP average of all the major polls.
It is behavior that cannot be defended. To allow this type of bastardization of our foreign policy, to allow the executive to attack the loyal opposition in this manner, is an attack on the Republic.

Damn, there's not suppose to be opposition within the administration, loyal or otherwise. These fuckers are hired to carry out the policy of their elected boss, not try implement their own policy.

"Their own policy" is the policy of the United States as it had been for the past several years, supporting Ukraine's efforts to clean out the corrupt oligarchs subverting attempts at a fair and democratic government. It was also the policy of the United States to support Ukraine militarily in its fight against Russian aggression.
If the "boss" didn't like this policy, for whatever reason, he had every right to stand up and tell the State Department why and what he wanted done instead. But Trump didn't do that, did he? He got his private attorney and a bunch of thug friends to do it "under the table" and for the most part the current officials around the President closed their eyes to it and let it happen. I'm grateful to the whistleblower and to the people who have testified to what happened. Not because I couldn't cope with not having "my guy" elected, but because Trump is a crook.

Imagine, had Trump had the 'whistleblower' arrested as a spy.....

Obama did just that.

The Obama administration had 8 whistleblowers. President Obama handled each one the same way - he had the FBI bust into their home, arrest them, and he then prosecuted them for espionage. Of course the biased media kept quiet and looked the other way. Their were a few exceptions. Here's one news report on it:

War on whistleblowers?

Bet you didn't know that.

What did they blow the whistle on? I watched the video and it never said.

The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.

Which is exactly what Trump did.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

54 percent of the nation disapproves of Trump. His disapproval numbers have consistently stayed between 53-58 percent. Let me know when his approval rating is 51 percent.
The fact is Trump's approval ratings are higher than Obama's were at this point in Obama's first term, and this despite the impeachment farce the Democrats are holding in the House.
That's not actually a fact. That's your dementia speaking. The fact is Obama was at 45.4% while Trump is at 45.3%.
And Obama's disapproval rating was 50.5% while Trump's is 54%.

You just can't stop lying, can ya?

View attachment 290224
You should contact Gallup and tell them they got it all wrong.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.

And he has commie Pravda bashing him 24/7, if that weren't the case he'd 40 points higher than maobama ever was.

1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.

Lying about whether or not Biden is a political rival of Trump's reveals your desperation.

It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.

Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.

1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1). What did Trump personally gain? Spell it out. Did he get a whistle in his Fruit Loops?
2). Suspending social security causes deaths. Limited food stamps causes deaths. Healthcare to a cost causes deaths. All of the bills sitting in congress languishing while they fuck around yet again with this dog and pony show is causing deaths!
3). Yeah, right. Mueller investigated Biden. That was part of the russian investigation into Trump? You're a fucking idiot.
4). Biden stands about as much chance being the DNC nominee as my grandmother sprouting wheels and being a go cart. But I hope he does end up your candidate. You deserve him. Obumma 2.0 - 5.
Dumbfuck, Biden could still be in the hunt for the 2020 presidential election even if he loses the Democratic nomination. :cuckoo:

Oh short bus, his competition is growing, not shrinking. But hey, his war chest is shrinking and he's laying off staff, not indications of a viable campaign. The two time loser has a lower chance of being nominated than beta boy.

And yet, despite your hollow post, he's still ahead of the rest....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination

Oh bullshit, he's behind fauxchaunches and butty boy in Iowa. And I posted FACTS, nothing hollow about it. You're just interested in keeping your propaganda going at all costs. Quid Pro Joe is done, we're just waiting on the announcement.


Dumbfuck cuck ... Trump lost Iowa.
The excuses and so call defense republicans and trump have for his crimes with Ukraine keep falling apart and being replaced by new lies.

Analysis: Trump’s core impeachment defense suffers a double blow — including a self-inflicted one

As much as I believe Trump is not doing himself any favors with his ranting on twatter the reality is Trump will not be convicted and remove...

Perhaps not. The right doesn't care how unethical he is, or if if he breaks our laws but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called out for his unethical, unlawful behavior.

Which law did he break? Why is it you TDS libtards cannot find any support for any crime?

Three people have already testified that Trump did nothing illegal. Who else does Shiff-for-brains have up his sleeve?

Who were those people and what qualifies them to make that determination?

Why don't you ask Shiff? He claimed they were the star witnesses that would provide the smoking gun to nail Trump. Could it possibly be that he was lying yet again?
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Yes... He exonerated Trump.

But we knew there was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.

Just like the newest fakiest fad of Quid Pro Quo.
So you agree that Mueller did an exemplary job, right?

No short bus, he didn't. He had tunnel vision on Russia and ignored other countries that interfered.


Dumbfuck.... that's because Mueller was instructed to look into the Russian hacking and folks connected to the campaign with Russian connections. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a retard??

Poor little short bus, he was supposed to be looking into foreign interference in the 2016, hes lackeys went to 13 countries but willfully bypassed Ukraine, even a Ukraine court said Ukrainians interfered in the US election to aid the bitch. He had plenty of time to go after unrelated items but not one that was related to his mandate. Go figure.

Dumbfuck cuck, try reading his appointment letter. He was appointed to investigate the Russian hacking and those potentially connected to it.
I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

I didn't come close to saying anything like that. Don't be ridiculous.

Sure you did. What you said is that because Trump withheld money for whatever reason, and it benefits him, that's an impeachable offense, even though there's absolutely no evidence that his actions did anything for his campaign, given the fact Biden is not his challenger yet in the presidential race.

Repeating it doesn't improve it. What I said was: "That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense."

What you've spilled on the page is some nonsense you wish I had said.

What you said is like the call transcript. It's available for all to see.

Trump holds up money to Ukraine for whatever purposes he held it up for. But because it may have also benefited him in the event he ran against Biden, that makes it an impeachable offense. Did you not say that?

And if so, that means that Trump couldn't have held up the money for any reason, even if he knew it would end up in corrupt hands, because Biden is in the race. Did you not say that???
So you're saying it is just a coincidence that Trump withheld the military aid just days before the phone call. And it's just coincidental that Trump dropped a request that Zelensky open a corruption investigation when discussing military aid in the phone conversation. And of course, it's just a coincidence that Biden's son worked for the company to be investigated. And it was coincidental that Trump fired the Ambassador to the Ukraine, who was not on the Trump team, just weeks before the phone call. And of course Zelensky's much sought after meeting with the president was being delayed.

WOW! What a strange series of coincidences.
Why does it matter?
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Dumbfuck, the public hearings began just 3 days ago and there have been only two pollsters out with approval ratings since then. Rasmussen, which has Trump increasing to 50%; And Reuters, which has him at 40%, same as the last time they released a poll.

So yeah, as I said, you're basing your observations on one poll historically favorable to Trump. That's not as revealing as you fool yourself into believing.

As far as comparing Gallup's poll numbers on Obama with all polls on Trump, that's very dishonest of you. A valid comparison would be all polls for both or just Gallup for both. The reason you don't want to compare both is because:

Approval / disapproval
Obama ... 43% / 48%
Trump .... 41% / 57%
In fact, RCP lists six polls since the Pelosi announced the official opening of her impeachment show and the RCP link I gave you shows the average of all the major polls of President Trump's job approval ratings has been steadily climbing despite all the posturing of the Democrats in Congress. Obama is of no importance but his poll numbers at this point in his in his first term compared to President Trump's shows that voters are not being influenced the hearings.

You're fucking deranged too.

Pelosi announced that on September 24th. At that time, Trump's average job approval rating was 45.3%....

View attachment 290223

Trump is currently at 44.2%.

I know you brain-dead cons really suck at math, but here in the real world, 44.2% is actually less than 45.3%. Also, Trump's disapproval rating is up nearly 2 points since that date, from 52.1% to 54%.

His approval ratings took a hit when she announced the formal impeachment hearings and a larger one when he pulled US troops from northern Syria, but his ratings have been climbing back ever since. It is clear that voters are not being influenced by Schiff's gossipy hearings.

How many times are you going to change what you said???


Need I remind you, you said his poll numbers have been steadily increasing since Pelosi opened an impeachment inquiry.

Well, no, they didn't. And you changing your position with every post isn't helping you.
You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Again, according to one poll only -- Rasmussen, not surprisingly.
No, according to the RCP average of all the major polls.
You're lying again. Again, there have been only two polls since the hearings began on Wednesday. One is the same as their last poll and only Rasmussen, which leans Republican, is up.
The excuses and so call defense republicans and trump have for his crimes with Ukraine keep falling apart and being replaced by new lies.

Analysis: Trump’s core impeachment defense suffers a double blow — including a self-inflicted one

As much as I believe Trump is not doing himself any favors with his ranting on twatter the reality is Trump will not be convicted and remove...

Perhaps not. The right doesn't care how unethical he is, or if if he breaks our laws but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called out for his unethical, unlawful behavior.

Which law did he break? Why is it you TDS libtards cannot find any support for any crime?

Three people have already testified that Trump did nothing illegal. Who else does Shiff-for-brains have up his sleeve?

Who were those people and what qualifies them to make that determination?

Why don't you ask Shiff? He claimed they were the star witnesses that would provide the smoking gun to nail Trump. Could it possibly be that he was lying yet again?

Because you are the one who made the claim here. Either back it up or admit you can't. Your call.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

54 percent of the nation disapproves of Trump. His disapproval numbers have consistently stayed between 53-58 percent. Let me know when his approval rating is 51 percent.
The fact is Trump's approval ratings are higher than Obama's were at this point in Obama's first term, and this despite the impeachment farce the Democrats are holding in the House.
That's not actually a fact. That's your dementia speaking. The fact is Obama was at 45.4% while Trump is at 45.3%.
And Obama's disapproval rating was 50.5% while Trump's is 54%.

You just can't stop lying, can ya?

View attachment 290224
You should contact Gallup and tell them they got it all wrong.
Why would I do that when Gallup got nothing wrong? You're the one getting it wrong.


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