This is why Democrats are so eager to impeach Trump. As you will see, so should Republicans.

“I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

“What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted the reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied [Trump's chief of staff] Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” ‘We Do That All the Time, Get Over It.’ Mulvaney Boasts About Ukraine Plot

After the July 25 phone call with Zelensky, as he usually does, Trump doubled down on the Biden investigation. On Oct. 3, in a news conference on the White House lawn, he called on Ukraine and China to look into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

“If they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said when asked what he wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the former veep and his son.

“They should investigate the Bidens,” Trump said. “Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

There is no getting around it. It is all well and good that Republicans can say Trump did nothing to cause his removal from office, but if the Republicans in the Senate exonerate Trump, if Trump's fans continue to insist impeachment is a sham, then the Republican Party and Trump's fans are saying:

A) The President is permitted to ask for foreign interference in our elections to improve his chances of winning.

B) The President is permitted to use military aid approved by Congress to a country fighting Russian aggression as a means of extortion to compel a foreign leader to comply with his wishes.

C) To cover up his deeds, the President is permitted to use obstruction of justice.

D) The President is permitted to ignore Congressional oversight as mandated by our Constitution.

Is this what the Republican Party wants to be remember for?
As expected, Trump will not challenge the evidence against him.

The Post writes, "Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, indicated to the House Judiciary Committee on Friday that Trump would not be sending attorneys to its hearing on Monday, when the panel charged with drafting articles of impeachment will hear evidence from Intelligence Committee lawyers on the investigation into the president’s conduct toward Ukraine.

"The scathing, two-paragraph letter reiterated the White House’s protests that the Democrats’ impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights. Cipollone did not explicitly say the White House would not participate in the House process going forward, but gave no indication that it would."

The letter is typically Trumpian. Trump makes accusations, but never explains them. In this case, the White House has made the claim that the "impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights," but the two paragraph letter does not explain how the impeachment investigation is violating Trump's due process. In the case of the Judiciary Committee, they have invited Trump's lawyers and his witnesses. Schiff did the same in the open hearings of the Intelligence Committee. In both cases, Trump has refused then he turns around and says he is being denied due process while calling the Constitutionally mandated impeachment proceedings a hoax.

Trump is relying on lies and attempted deception. Those are the actions of a very guilty President.
Trump wasn't allowed to challenge the smears the Dims fired at him, you dumb fucking asshole.
Wrong, asshole, Nadler allowed them one witness. And then you blame the Repubs. You're truly a Stalinist asshole.

Hiring lawyers when Dims are conducting a show trial is standard operating procedure, moron.

So you admit no one who actually witnessed anything testified, but you still condone proceeding with impeachment? You just proved that you're a scumbag.

If that was the best they rumpster criminals (and yes, the house republicans are now part of that criminal group) can do then Rump needs to pack his bags, get down to Florida where there are quick flights to Cuba so he can avoid what NY and other states have in store for him. Afterall, there is a direct flight from Cuba to Moscow every so often when they can afford to actually fill up the jet fuel tanks.

And that's MR Scumbag to you.
You're the Stalinist asshole, asshole.

That's MR Constitutionalist Asshole to you.
"Constitutionalist?" Is that someone bent on destroying the Constitution? You're a Stalinist scumbag.

I am marveling at the system working. And it's well within the confines of the Constitution. It sucks when you Russian Traitors can't seem to twist the constitution to your every whim. The Senate won't vote for removal but the House is following the Constitution to the letter. Just because it's embarrassing to the Party of the Rump doesn't mean it's wrong.

Considering you are a follower of Putin that would make you the Stalinist. Thank you for bringing that up, Comrade. And how is the weather in Moscow. All you have to do is look out the window and comment. But you will probably lie about that as well.
The Constitution allows Soviet style show trials. That's a fact that most people should find appalling, but sleazy-assed Dims revel in it.

Every time you accuse your critics of being in league with Putin you only prove what a brain damaged piece of shit you are.
Trump wasn't allowed to challenge the smears the Dims fired at him, you dumb fucking asshole.
Trump is invited to take part. But pussyboy is guilty as shit, so he will not. This isn't complicated.
"Invited to take part?" Before the Civil Rights era, blacks in the South were invited to take part in their own lynchings. You are on exactly the same moral plane as the people who conducted those proceedings.
If that was the best they rumpster criminals (and yes, the house republicans are now part of that criminal group) can do then Rump needs to pack his bags, get down to Florida where there are quick flights to Cuba so he can avoid what NY and other states have in store for him. Afterall, there is a direct flight from Cuba to Moscow every so often when they can afford to actually fill up the jet fuel tanks.

And that's MR Scumbag to you.
You're the Stalinist asshole, asshole.

That's MR Constitutionalist Asshole to you.
"Constitutionalist?" Is that someone bent on destroying the Constitution? You're a Stalinist scumbag.

I am marveling at the system working. And it's well within the confines of the Constitution. It sucks when you Russian Traitors can't seem to twist the constitution to your every whim. The Senate won't vote for removal but the House is following the Constitution to the letter. Just because it's embarrassing to the Party of the Rump doesn't mean it's wrong.

Considering you are a follower of Putin that would make you the Stalinist. Thank you for bringing that up, Comrade. And how is the weather in Moscow. All you have to do is look out the window and comment. But you will probably lie about that as well.
The Constitution allows Soviet style show trials. That's a fact that most people should find appalling, but sleazy-assed Dims revel in it.

Every time you accuse your critics of being in league with Putin you only prove what a brain damaged piece of shit you are.

The rules they are operating by were written when the Republicans had the majority. You don't like the rules? You shouldn't have supported them for Clinton. Does that mean that the Republicans are all Stalinists? No, of course not. Back then, they followed the Constitution where the Majority gets to make the rules. The Majority Dems made very few rules. They were already in place. Does that mean that you were a brain damaged piece of shit in 1998?
As expected, Trump will not challenge the evidence against him.

The Post writes, "Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, indicated to the House Judiciary Committee on Friday that Trump would not be sending attorneys to its hearing on Monday, when the panel charged with drafting articles of impeachment will hear evidence from Intelligence Committee lawyers on the investigation into the president’s conduct toward Ukraine.

"The scathing, two-paragraph letter reiterated the White House’s protests that the Democrats’ impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights. Cipollone did not explicitly say the White House would not participate in the House process going forward, but gave no indication that it would."

The letter is typically Trumpian. Trump makes accusations, but never explains them. In this case, the White House has made the claim that the "impeachment investigation violated Trump’s due process rights," but the two paragraph letter does not explain how the impeachment investigation is violating Trump's due process. In the case of the Judiciary Committee, they have invited Trump's lawyers and his witnesses. Schiff did the same in the open hearings of the Intelligence Committee. In both cases, Trump has refused then he turns around and says he is being denied due process while calling the Constitutionally mandated impeachment proceedings a hoax.

Trump is relying on lies and attempted deception. Those are the actions of a very guilty President.
What part of this whole impeachment thing being a political farce don't you understand ??
This is why Democrats are so eager to impeach Trump. As you will see, so should Republicans.

“I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

This is from the transcript of the July 25 phone call between Trump and Zelensky. It was provided by the White House. The following is a quote from Trump.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

“What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted the reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied [Trump's chief of staff] Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” ‘We Do That All the Time, Get Over It.’ Mulvaney Boasts About Ukraine Plot

After the July 25 phone call with Zelensky, as he usually does, Trump doubled down on the Biden investigation. On Oct. 3, in a news conference on the White House lawn, he called on Ukraine and China to look into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

“If they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said when asked what he wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the former veep and his son.

“They should investigate the Bidens,” Trump said. “Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe

There is no getting around it. It is all well and good that Republicans can say Trump did nothing to cause his removal from office, but if the Republicans in the Senate exonerate Trump, if Trump's fans continue to insist impeachment is a sham, then the Republican Party and Trump's fans are saying:

A) The President is permitted to ask for foreign interference in our elections to improve his chances of winning.

B) The President is permitted to use military aid approved by Congress to a country fighting Russian aggression as a means of extortion to compel a foreign leader to comply with his wishes.

C) To cover up his deeds, the President is permitted to use obstruction of justice.

D) The President is permitted to ignore Congressional oversight as mandated by our Constitution.

Is this what the Republican Party wants to be remember for?
So you're basically saying that we should turn a blind eye towards the real corruption in Ukraine, and just pay them the money/aid because it was to politically charged of a situation all due to American's being involved, and so it's just business as usual in the world no matter what eh ???? Meanwhile our tax dollars are flying out of the window here like paper in a wind storm.

How'd that Obama collaborating with our enemies in Iran work out for y'all ??? Not toooo gooood..... The demoncrats couldn't make foriegn policy dealings that favor our national security interest in the world if they were paid too. They are a security risk big time, and that has been evident for a long time now. Their actions undermine our institution's, our beliefs, our charter's, our purpose, our safety, and our security in the world. They recruit the world in hopes to undermine us here, and to change our world in which we live here, and that should be highly un-exceptable to any red blooded American living today.
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So, the two main gripes from the republicans are:

1) Trump cant defend himself!
2) the impeachment is too fast!

On Friday, the White House counsel sent a letter to comgress stating that trump refuses to take part in the proceedings to defend himself, and that they should speed up the lrocess to get it over with.

So, yeah... The trump supporters and the republicans can drop these two talking points, now.
So, the two main gripes from the republicans are:

1) Trump cant defend himself!
2) the impeachment is too fast!

On Friday, the White House counsel sent a letter to comgress stating that trump refuses to take part in the proceedings to defend himself, and that they should speed up the lrocess to get it over with.

So, yeah... The trump supporters and the republicans can drop these two talking points, now.
Wrong, douchebag. You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises. Trump refused to participate in a show trial.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
NOT. You couldn't post a valid syllogism if your life depended on it.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
NOT. You couldn't post a valid syllogism if your life depended on it.
Well that's a bunch of vapid whining. Saying trump "can't" defend himself is obviously now a dead talking point, as is complaining that the impeachment is too fast. Better run to the AM radio to get new marching orders. Your neck must be getting sore from the whiplash. That should teach you to mindlessly defend the moron president. Probably not, though.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
NOT. You couldn't post a valid syllogism if your life depended on it.
Well that's a bunch of vapid whining. Saying trump "can't" defend himself is obviously now a dead talking point, as is complaining that the impeachment is too fast. Better run to the AM radio to get new marching orders. Your neck must be getting sore from the whiplash. That should teach you to mindlessly defend the moron president. Probably not, though.
Wrong. You proved nothing. Your syllogism is invalid.

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