You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
NOT. You couldn't post a valid syllogism if your life depended on it.
Well that's a bunch of vapid whining. Saying trump "can't" defend himself is obviously now a dead talking point, as is complaining that the impeachment is too fast. Better run to the AM radio to get new marching orders. Your neck must be getting sore from the whiplash. That should teach you to mindlessly defend the moron president. Probably not, though.
Wrong. You proved nothing. Your syllogism is invalid.
Yet you couldn't say why, if your life depended on it. Throwing out 50 cent words you don't even understand, without a supporting argument, does not actually advance your position.
You conclusion doesn't follow from your premises.
It, of course, does. It's all there in black and white. These aren't my opinions. These are the exact words of republicans and the white house. Trump just undermined the last two talking points. Not that this matters to the cult.
NOT. You couldn't post a valid syllogism if your life depended on it.
Well that's a bunch of vapid whining. Saying trump "can't" defend himself is obviously now a dead talking point, as is complaining that the impeachment is too fast. Better run to the AM radio to get new marching orders. Your neck must be getting sore from the whiplash. That should teach you to mindlessly defend the moron president. Probably not, though.
Didn't suggest that Trump couldn't defend himself, but rather suggest that 1st someone needs to come up with something Trump needs to defend himself on, and then he might get interested. Until then it's just a huge waste of money and time. It's a Show trial, farce, political ASSASINATION, butt hurt, agenda riddled bunch of bullcrap is what it is. Anyone with just one good eye can see it for what it is.
Speaking of Reagan, one must realize that 225 of his appointees were accused of crimes or wrongdoing during his administration. The last was Iran-Contra. At the time that set a record, and I don't know that it has been surpassed. Might check and see.


"A new report declared Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has reached a "critical final step" before releasing his findings on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses."


Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, & other Democrats do not have to worry about spending THIS YEAR'S Thanksgiving in PRISON...

"DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced the completion of his year-and-a-half investigation on Sept. 13, providing a draft copy of the report to the Justice Department and FBI for a classification review.

One DOJ official told the Washington Post they aim to have the report released by Nov. 20, but another said after Thanksgiving was more likely due to what was described as a "complicated and contentious mix of legal, classification and political issues at play."

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, you traitors! Don't over-eat & don't forget to Lawyer-Up!


DOJ inspector general reaches 'critical final step' for report on alleged FISA abuses

After Thanksgiving?: A new release window for report on alleged FISA abuses emerges

Looking forward to you labeling the Inspector General a traitor also- since he didn't come to your foregone conclusion.
I noticed that the republican defense is just to be total assholes. Like, they think that, if they act like angry assholes, it will lend credence to their idiotic victim mentality and distract from their inability to mount a defense against the facts.

Of course, when it comes to their credulous sheeple base, they are correct.
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It would appear that Trump's fans are incapable of thinking beyond 2020.

Throughout his entire President, a majority of Americans have disapproved of Trump's performance. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history. The GOP has lost several key elections in 2018 and 2019 and they lost control of the House because of Trump.

In other words, in all likelihood Trump will lose in 2020.

Trump's fans ignore all the evidence -- they avoid it, actually -- and insist that Trump is innocent. They are totally unaware of the consequences of that judgment.

Most likely in 2021 a Democrat will become President. If not in 2021, then 2025, or at some point a Democrat will be in the Oval Office.

If Trump is declared innocent of asking a foreign government to intervene in our election on his behalf, if Trump is declared innocent of using bribery as an incentive, if Trump is declared innocent of obstructing justice when he clearly defied Congress, then Democratic Presidents will be allowed to continue the practice.

That possibility exists as early as Jan. 20, 2021. Do Trump's fans really want to grant that kind of power to Democratic Presidents?
I watched the Judiciary Committee hearing today, and it was quite interesting. The Democrats concentrated on the evidence and what Trump did and said.

The Republicans on the committee were caught between a rock and hard spot. They are dealing with a President who, by his own words and those of his chief of staff, is guilty of a number of impeachable offenses. Consequently, they avoided the evidence and what Trump did and said, concentrating on the process, whistleblower, whistleblower's complaint which has been superseded by a mountain of evidence and testimony, Hunter and Joe Biden, the Mueller Report, the economy, job growth, and constant references to an election that took place three years ago.

It should be significant to Trump's fans that the Republicans were unable to deal with the evidence, and were helpless when it came to what Trump said and did.
I noticed that the republican defense is just to be total assholes. Like, they think that, if they act like angry assholes, it will lend credence to their idiotic victim mentality and distract from their inability to mount a defense against the facts.

Of course, when it comes to their credulous sheeple base, they are correct.

Actually they are very funny. Screaming act like they are making sense but nothing in there to defend a corrupted POTUS.
I noticed that the republican defense is just to be total assholes. Like, they think that, if they act like angry assholes, it will lend credence to their idiotic victim mentality and distract from their inability to mount a defense against the facts.

Of course, when it comes to their credulous sheeple base, they are correct.

Actually they are very funny. Screaming act like they are making sense but nothing in there to defend a corrupted POTUS.
Correct. Not a shred of actual defense.
Nadler must not have any conscience at all, he knows that President Trump is innocent and that they are framing him
Nadler must not have any conscience at all, he knows that President Trump is innocent and that they are framing him
The demoncrats are using government to do horrific things, and to bribe people in hopes to do horrific things with the finances that are guaranteed them. Talk about bribery, good grief.
I watched the hearing today, and, again, the Republicans avoided the evidence against Trump. Some said the evidence didn't prove anything, but not one Republican could explain that premise using the evidence itself. They constantly brought up unrelated topics, quoting Presidents Washington, Andrew Johnson, Harrison, Jackson, Truman, and Obama. They brought up Russian interference in our elections, the Mueller Report, the FISA courts, Steele dossier, and Carter Page (who?).

I could go on, but the reader gets my point.

They tried to confuse matters by ignoring the unique nature of impeaching the President. They brought up routine examples of executive privilege throughout our history. They ignored what our Constitution says about impeachment. Article 1 Section 2 says:

The House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments ...

Sole power
, not the President and not the courts. In other words, when it comes to impeachment, there is no executive privilege. Congress has the sole power to determine what witnesses and what documents it needs to protect our Constitution from the impeachable offenses of the President.

By refusing to comply with court ordered subpoenas, Trump clearly committed obstruction, and quoting George Washington doesn't change that.

I almost felt sorry for the Republicans on the committee. They were helpless. Almost, they were defending a President who broke our laws and is a threat to our Constitution and our national security.

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