Hey ! It's the beginning of "Impeachment Week" and this thread is languishing. Here are some articles that I saw today that show serve as a defibrillator

Here's the growing list of damning newspaper editorials demanding Trump's impeachment

On Saturday, the New York Times Editorial Board came to a concise conclusion: “Impeach.” It joined a growing chorus of leading newspapers calling for the president’s impeachment, with tones ranging from restrained (the Los Angeles Times calls itself a “a reluctant convert”) to resolute (USA Today: “The current board has made no secret of our low regard for Trump’s character and conduct…”) And some editorial boards aren’t on board at all: The Wall Street Journal began its anti-impeachment opinion last week with, “So that’s it? That’s all there is?” It concluded, “Honey, we shrunk the impeachment.”

On Wednesday, the House will vote on the two articles of impeachment approved Friday by the House Judiciary Committee: abuse of power and obstruction of congress.

For now, here are some excerpts from the (many) calls for impeachment that caught our eye:
Follow the above link and read them all!

Here is more:

The lies have it: Republicans abandon truth in Trump impeachment defence

A bewildering array of fake news, warped facts and conspiracy theories have been propagated in the past week by conservative media, Republican politicians, White House officials and the president in his own defence. It is, commentators say, a concerted disinformation war, intended to crowd out damaging revelations as the House of Representatives prepares its ultimate sanction.

“The more facts come out, the more desperate they get,” said Kurt Bardella, a former spokesman and senior adviser on the House oversight committee. “They know in a debate centred on facts, truth and reality, they lose. Their only mechanism to survive is to muddy the waters, distort, distract and hope if they repeat lies often enough, they become real.”
The loons are coming out from under their rocks as impeachment nears:

Jim Bakker: ‘America Is Not Even Going to Be Worth Living In’ if Trump is Impeached | Right Wing Watch

End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker opened today’s broadcast of his television program by declaring that the effort to impeach President Donald Trump is unconstitutional and warning the Democrats that “there is going to be an explosion if you don’t stop it.”

Bakker kicked things off by railing against the unnamed whistleblower whose complaint set in motion the impeachment inquiry into Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter for Trump’s own political benefit.
I watched the Judiciary Committee hearing today, and it was quite interesting. The Democrats concentrated on the evidence and what Trump did and said.

The Republicans on the committee were caught between a rock and hard spot. They are dealing with a President who, by his own words and those of his chief of staff, is guilty of a number of impeachable offenses. Consequently, they avoided the evidence and what Trump did and said, concentrating on the process, whistleblower, whistleblower's complaint which has been superseded by a mountain of evidence and testimony, Hunter and Joe Biden, the Mueller Report, the economy, job growth, and constant references to an election that took place three years ago.

It should be significant to Trump's fans that the Republicans were unable to deal with the evidence, and were helpless when it came to what Trump said and did.
There is no evidence, dumbass. Dims concentrated on their infantile feelings, not the evidence.
So what? He's an idiot and a coward. Now they just need about 30 more defectors to avoid impeachment. Not happening.
Impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
So is acquittal.
Which is pathetic of the Senate to reach a foregone conclusion before the trial.
You didn't think it was pathetic in 1998, when the house charged the President with actual federal felonies, the veracity of which was questioned by no one -- how is it pathetic now?
So what? He's an idiot and a coward. Now they just need about 30 more defectors to avoid impeachment. Not happening.
Impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
So is acquittal.
Which is pathetic of the Senate to reach a foregone conclusion before the trial.
You didn't think it was pathetic in 1998, when the house charged the President with actual federal felonies, the veracity of which was questioned by no one -- how is it pathetic now?
Oh? Did the Senate reach conclusions before the trial?
So what? He's an idiot and a coward. Now they just need about 30 more defectors to avoid impeachment. Not happening.
Impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
So is acquittal.
Which is pathetic of the Senate to reach any conclusions before the trial.

Trial = waste of $$ and time. Trump did not commit an impeachable offense. Impeachment was never designed for one party to use the vote to get rid of a president of another party.
So what? He's an idiot and a coward. Now they just need about 30 more defectors to avoid impeachment. Not happening.
Impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
So is acquittal.
Which is pathetic of the Senate to reach any conclusions before the trial.

Trial = waste of $$ and time. Trump did not commit an impeachable offense. Impeachment was never designed for one party to use the vote to get rid of a president of another party.
It appears Trump broke the law. That is an impeachable offense.
So what? He's an idiot and a coward. Now they just need about 30 more defectors to avoid impeachment. Not happening.
Impeachment is a foregone conclusion.
So is acquittal.
Which is pathetic of the Senate to reach a foregone conclusion before the trial.
You didn't think it was pathetic in 1998, when the house charged the President with actual federal felonies, the veracity of which was questioned by no one -- how is it pathetic now?
Oh? Did the Senate reach conclusions before the trial?
The Democrats surely did - "Obstruction and Perjury do not rise to the leve of an impeachable offense"
Why does the pre-judgement bother you no w?

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