Official 2010 Baseball Thread

Looks like Twins will definitely be in the postseason. Braves give up the booty and let Phillies overtake them by losing to the miserable Pirates.

Tim Lincecum regains form and beats snakes. Giants go for sweep of D-backs. Today is the day the Giants move into tie for first place when they sweep the snakes and the Dog-germs beat the Fathers.
I sure wish we had major league baseball in Pittsburgh. We used to! Back when I was a vibrant young man, not a middle aged curmudgeon.

The question today is: With the Pittsburgh Pirates at 48 wins and 97 losses, will they lose their 100th game before they win their 50th?

The question used to be: Why are the Pirates trading away all their best prospects? Now we know the answer. Cheap, stupid and greedy ownership.

Anyone want to trade an NBA frachise for the Pirates?
Here's the case for Halladay to get the NL Cy Young this year:

The sub-3 ERA pitchers with more than 15 wins:


Out of those 4, Halladay has the most wins with 19. He also has the most K's, most IP, by far the most CG, and the most shutouts. Not to mention, his ERA happens to be the lowest of the 4.

He's given up the most hits, but when you couple that with his league-leading ERA, it shows that he's well focused in pressure situations. He's also given up the most HR, by a pretty big margin, but again, when you look at his ERA it says a lot. Plus he pitches in Citizens Bank Park, a known band box.

Only Wainwright has a lower WHIP than Halladay, by only .01. Halladay has walked FAR less batters than any of those 4. He's about 50% less than Wainwright, and about 75% less than the other 2.

The man is a beast, and to top it off, his team is leading the NL East by 3 games.

There's a couple weeks left, but he looks like the clear favorite right now.
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Braves are no longer better than Phillies. Halladay has pushed forward while Hudson slumps back. He may very well win the cy young but with 2 starts left it's still up for grabs.

Giant finally move into first place and the weary Padres are in danger of falling out of the race. Jonathan Sanchez fires another gem striking out 12 pitiful Bums in Blue. Damn it feels good to say that!
Braves are no longer better than Phillies. Halladay has pushed forward while Hudson slumps back. He may very well win the cy young but with 2 starts left it's still up for grabs.

Giant finally move into first place and the weary Padres are in danger of falling out of the race. Jonathan Sanchez fires another gem striking out 12 pitiful Bums in Blue. Damn it feels good to say that!

Hudson's numbers aren't good enough.

It's between Halladay and Wainwright.

Maybe Jimenez.
Twins win while Sox lose.... Twins are AL Central Champs!

Now, to keep on winning and snatch home field from those awful Skankees.

Twins win while Sox lose.... Twins are AL Central Champs!

Now, to keep on winning and snatch home field from those awful Skankees.


Congrats man!

I don't know how you guys pull it off every year.

Our magic number is 6, and we're indisputably the hottest team in the majors right now.
Tigers are swimming in a sea of mediocrity but I'm ok with it. .500 teams are 100x more fun to watch than those that lose 100/season.
I can't figger it out...

Twins are even with the Skankees and Rays for home field throughout the playoffs, yet Gardenhire keeps plugging three and four AAA ham-n-eggers into the lineups.

He's killin' me!

That umpiring tonight was absolutely atrocious.

How Casper Wells ended up with a triple after the fan touched it was an absolute joke. :lol: Some guys wouldn't have made it to 2nd on that play...
Gardenhire got thrown out after that play.

Tigers had guys on 1st and 2nd. Casper Wells hit a nice shot down the 3rd base line, and then a fan reached out and touched the ball. Originally the umpires ruled 2 bases and held the runner who moved from 1st base to 3rd. Leyland came out to argue and the umpires changed their mind. Not only was the runner from 3rd allowed to score, but Wells was given 3rd.

I've never seen a batter get 3rd on a play like that in my life.
Also, since I'm not in Michigan anymore I'd die without MLB Extra Innings or

I'd have to get an actual life and do something productive like a real person.
OMG...I've never seen a manager argument actually win and get a call reversed.

Sheesh. :lol:

A week ago or so the Tigers were playing at Texas. Can't remember who but the guy blasts one down the 1st base line. Umpire rules "home run". It's clearly foul by at least 3 or 4 feet.

The pitcher and entire Tigers dugout sitting on the 3rd base line see it's clearly foul. No big deal, Leyland goes out to argue so they'll go to the good old "instant replay".

TV shows view after view showing without question it's foul. Umpire comes back after several minutes and rules it a home run. :clap2:

Instant replay rules (*cue Calvin Johnson's catch in the endzone video*)

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