You mean the frenzied ebola and benghazi panickers?
Nice diversion attempt, but I mean what I said, not what you wish.

Back to the subject:
So, what did Obama say? I didn't see it. Did he say he would back off the things he had been doing, that got his party cashiered?

Or is he going to ignore what the American people want, and keep going on his rejected course anyway?
Because the SOTU happened at 3 AM my time and I really needed sleep, I am watching it now.

The White House has released a version of the SOTU (complete) that it calls "enhanced" - in split-screen mode. This sets it apart from other videos. Those who would either like to agree or disagree with our President's words may find this video to be helpful. I would have placed this in the official 2015 SOTU thread, but it has already been closed, just 5 hours after the speech was completed...

The right side-of the split screen blended in statistics relevant to what the president was talking about. And at the end of the speech, the President (of course) admonished the congress to work together. Nothing new there, I have been hearing that stuff in SOTUs since I was a kid.

Here some screenshots:

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - 11 million new jobs.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - jobs 2.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - unemployment.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - Afghanistan.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - no deportation.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - strivers and dreamers.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - vote.png

2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - Thread 002 breaking patterns.png

For those who watch the video in split-screen, it tells a more compelling story.

Also, at the 57:00, there is some pretty neat humor. :D


  • 2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - HS dropout rate.png
    2015 SOTU Video - Enhance - HS dropout rate.png
    270.6 KB · Views: 94
I want a video where Obama's words get fact checked on the split screen. Maybe scenes of him giving speeches saying the opposite of what he's just said.
Kosh is still missing the point:

the use of this form of communication will probably be the wave of the future. By using split-screen to blend in additional details, you attract the interest of the watcher and usually strengthen your argument, if it is done well.
Kosh is still missing the point:

the use of this form of communication will probably be the wave of the future. By using split-screen to blend in additional details, you attract the interest of the watcher and usually strengthen your argument, if it is done well.

And the far left drone proves that they are pushing the propaganda video..

Thus proving my original comments..
TPM calls this passage the "fulcrum" of the speech:

The Executive Order Speech

At every step, we were told our goals were misguided or too ambitious; that we would crush jobs and explode deficits. Instead, we’ve seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade, our deficits cut by two-thirds, a stock market that has doubled, and health care inflation at its lowest rate in fifty years.

So the verdict is clear. Middle-class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way. We can’t slow down businesses or put our economy at risk with government shutdowns or fiscal showdowns. We can’t put the security of families at risk by taking away their health insurance, or unraveling the new rules on Wall Street, or refighting past battles on immigration when we’ve got a system to fix. And if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, it will earn my veto.
CNN/ORC poll:


51% of viewers had a VERY positive view of the 2015 SOTU. That's up from 44% last year.

30% of viewers had a somewhat positive view of the 2015 SOTU. That's down from 32% last year.

10% of viewers had a somewhat negative view of the 2015 SOTU. That's down from 14% last year.

8% of viewers had a VERY negative view of the 2015 SOTU. No change over last year.

So, in total: 81% had a postive view, 18% had a negative view, 1% were mixed, just like last year (1%).

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