Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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The recounts will happen, the USSC will rule and when it is all over Biden will still be President but with a GOP held Senate...

Trump will then turn his anger toward the GOP and create a new third party and run candidates against incumbent GOP members...
Funny how that boy that cried wolf thing never applies to you people and your bullshit accusations of wasicm, or authoritarianism, or blah, blah, blah.

It's a two-way street. Anyway, looks like the right will hold on to the Senate, which means even if Biden gets in, be a lame duck presidency. At least on the world stage the US can start to crawl back some credibility.
Yes, watching Biden due an obamaesque “let me suck you off” bowing tour and apologizing for America... that will surely make us credible.

Who do you fucking think DESTROYED our credibility over the last 4 yours, idiot?
You and clowns of your ilk (liberals) in the media slandering the man 24/7.
G.t. and Toro the most reliable sources of info this USMB election.

Thank youuuuu...thank youuuuu....we will not be giving Signatures
NV is in the bag for Biden.

Screen Shot 2020-11-05 at 5.26.16 PM.png

It must be driving the WH crazy.

Watching the drip, drip, drip, knowing the inevitable is coming.
Yeah, looks like Georgia has gone to Trump by 12,000 votes.

Biden is going to win GA
They've got the military votes to count. I don't think so. I've never met a Democrat in the active military. Ever. Not since Vietnam, anyway.
Thats a ridiculous anecdote. There's def dems in the military, lol wtf
Really? You know some? If you really do, that makes me feel better.
It must be driving the WH crazy.

Watching the drip, drip, drip, knowing the inevitable is coming.
Yeah, looks like Georgia has gone to Trump by 12,000 votes.

Biden is going to win GA
They've got the military votes to count. I don't think so. I've never met a Democrat in the active military. Ever. Not since Vietnam, anyway.
Thats a ridiculous anecdote. There's def dems in the military, lol wtf
Really? You know some? If you really do, that makes me feel better.
I know of three and thats only because we've TALKED, I'm sure I know more and I'm sure the actual numbers are on google OL.
It must be driving the WH crazy.

Watching the drip, drip, drip, knowing the inevitable is coming.
Yeah, looks like Georgia has gone to Trump by 12,000 votes.

Biden is going to win GA
They've got the military votes to count. I don't think so. I've never met a Democrat in the active military. Ever. Not since Vietnam, anyway.
Thats a ridiculous anecdote. There's def dems in the military, lol wtf
Really? You know some? If you really do, that makes me feel better.
I know of three and thats only because we've TALKED, I'm sure I know more and I'm sure the actual numbers are on google OL.
Okey dokey, thanks!
Arizona just got busted for election fraud, & Arizona's Secretary of State just got busted for lying his ass off in an attempt to cover for the fraud.

A poll monitor reported to Fox10 in Az that poll workers were separating and tossing Pro-Trump Mail-In ballots because they were marked with Sharpie Permanent Markers.

(Keep in mind a Dem PA Judge declared mail-In Ballots postmarked and received up to 3 days after the election with signatures that did not match the official signature on the voter registration had to be counted...)

After Fox10 reported it and the news got out, the Arizona Secretary of State released a statement saying that Arizona was NOT throwing these ballots for Trump away. He stated they were SEPERATING THE BALLOTS FROM THE OTHERS SO THE PERMANENT MARKER INK WOULD NOT 'BLEED' ON THE OTHER BALLOTS'.

How can such high-ranking govt officials be THIS f*ing STUPID?

Did YOU catch the moronic BS in the Sect of State's BS?

The MAIL-IN ballots were marked with PERMANENT INK Sharpie markers. By the time the ballots were mailed, delivered, and received the ink would have been dried already (near instantly, in fact). This means there was no way in Arizona desert hell the ink on these ballots could 'bleed' on other ballots.

The Sect of State assured everyone listening, though, that they would count these ballots that had been tossed aside!


From red state? Why do you always used these kinds of fake media to spread false and disinformation? ballots were tossed and they can not even confirm they were all pro Trump.

Why are you adding made-up bullshit that I did not say and the article does not say?

The only reason the ballots were NOT tossed / lost and will now be counted is because they got busted tossing votes for Trump into a bin called 'Rejected Ballots'. THIS little fact proves even more the Sect of State is a LIAR. You don't toss votes you DO intend to count into a bin marked 'Rejected Ballots'.

In the immortal words of Joe Biden, Coyote, "COME ON, MAN!" :p
That was based from that woman Trump supporter and the interviewer feeding and adding fake information. Absolutely.
Well House stays Blue...

Senate will stay Red

So let me explain what that mean and it mean no matter who win they are a lame duck and nothing will get done unless Pelosi and McConnell work together and ladies and gents that ain’t happening...

Now something the left may not realize is Thomas ( USSC Justice ) is old and could be leaving the court in the soon future, so if Biden is President will it mean McConnell will block any nomination that Biden or Harris propose?

Ohhh, the mess we create for ourselves during election years...
You haven’t looked at the 2022 map have you? 34 seats are up and 22 are Republican. It’s a midterm dream for Democrats.

Uh no. Same thing was said this year and it didn't happen.

Yeah, weren’t we told how the Blue wave was going to make America Blue Again?

Didn’t happen and even though Trump might have been tossed to the curb the reality is he will be out there and vocal and his base is going to make sure the Democratic Party does not gain control of the Senate in 2022...
Trump can then be a full time tweeter and conduct rallies. However, all ex-president have a problem. They have to transition from the most powerful man in the world to a has been. No more cheering crowds, adoring supporters, people begging for a few minutes of your time, everyone wanting to know your position on every issue. I don't think Trump is going to take that transition very well.
Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania
In the three Midwest battleground states, vote counting irregularities persist in an election that will be decided on razor-thin margins.

4 Nov 2020 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson

As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election.
As reporters and commentators went to bed early Tuesday morning, all three states were too close to call, but President Trump led former Vice President Joe Biden by comfortable margins—far beyond what had been predicted in the polls. None of the networks called these states because enough mail-in ballots remained uncounted that it could swing either way, but Trump’s position looked good.
Then, something strange happened in the dead of the night. In both Michigan and Wisconsin, vote dumps early Wednesday morning showed 100 percent of the votes going for Biden and zero percent—that’s zero, so not even one vote—for Trump.
In Michigan, Biden somehow got 138,339 votes and Trump got none, zero, in an overnight vote-dump.
When my Federalist colleague Sean Davis noted this, Twitter was quick to censor his tweet, even though all he had done was compare two sets of vote totals on the New York Times website. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed—although on Wednesday it appeared that anyone who noted the Biden vote dump in Michigan was getting censored by Twitter.
Buzzfeed later reported that according to a spokesperson at Decision Desk HQ, the votes for Biden were the result of a “data error” from a “file created by the state that we ingested.” When the state noticed the “error” it updated its count, which somehow gave 138,339 votes to Biden and zero to Trump.
It turns out, the vote dump was the result of an alleged typo, an extra zero that had been tacked onto Biden’s vote total in Shiawassee County, Michigan. It seems the error was discovered only because Davis and other Twitter users noted how insane and suspicious the vote totals looked, and demanded an investigation that uncovered what was either a typo or an incredibly clumsy attempt to boost Biden’s vote count.
There was also something suspicious about the vote reporting in Antrim County, Michigan, where Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016. Initial vote totals there showed Biden ahead of Trump by 29 points, a result that can’t possibly be accurate, as plenty of journalists noted.
On Wednesday, the Trump campaign demanded a full recount in Wisconsin, citing “reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results.”
In Pennsylvania, the Democratic scheme to steal the election is a bit different. Rather than vote dumps that impossibly go 100 percent to Biden, Pennsylvania is relying on the Democratic Secretary of State’s plan to count indisputably late mail-in ballots as though they were received on Election Day—even if they have no postmark.
This plan was of course rubber-stamped by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which cited the need for “equitable relief” to address mail delays amid the pandemic.
Note that this isn’t just about ballots that come in after Election Day, but about ballots that come in after Election Day that don’t even have a postmark—that is, there is no way to tell when the ballots were mailed, or from where.

How does the state of Michigan come up with more than 138,000 votes overnight for Biden and zero for Trump?
The fix is in and the commie theives that call themselves Democrats are perpetrating this.
If they are allowed to get away with this fraudulent election, Ameican citizens will never again see a legal election of their choice.

Except that your information came from “thefederalist” labeled as genuine fake news. And you are here arguing about what is wrong???

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
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