Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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The fault that you try to place elsewhere is that your vote has a specified time to be received. That’s the rules in contests but you all just participate in contests rather than fairly winning them so you don’t lnow that there is a specific end time to a contest
Only libbies expect the world to sit around and wait for them to get their unmotivated business finished up
Disenfranchisement is just another liberal boo hoo emotion to cover their tardiness snd cheating
And those votes have been received. They just haven't counted them. The rules state that you are allowed to send in a mail ballot the day before the election, and if the post mark has the right stamp on it, it can be counted. That has what happened. Now, your man Trump is yelling 'fraud'. That's all he is doing. Yelling it. He is providing no evidence, no back up to support it. That is the problem when you have surrounded yourself with yes men and women your whole life. You expect everybody to say 'yes' all the time. I think that was one of the biggest shocks for him when he became president. So many people - whether it was the media, the Dems, even the people he hired and sacked at will - argued against him. His ego found it hard to deal with. When you've lived your whole life in a bubble where you are the centre of attention and people are licking your boots 24/7 it must have come a shock to him that nobody believed his every word.

Trump is the biggest con artist in public office. And the Deplorables fell for him. You know, in the real world, he wouldn't give 99 per cent of his base the time of day. He sees white trailer trash as losers.
Since this campaign season has proven nothing more than it really doesn't make a difference if you screw up all your predictions ... I am going to make some predictions.

All the votes have actually already been counted.
The Election Boards already knew who the winner was at least by yesterday evening.

Whatever happens now, won't really have anything to do with what the actual vote tally is.
They are all just waiting to announce the result until there can be an awesome round of riots to keep people captivated through the weekend.

It's the ratings baby ... :thup:
That and the news sites I have never visited before, and probably won't again ...
Trying to weasel me out of an email address they can sell to the spammers.

Good Luck Everyone!

Now with that said did anyone think this was going to be the nail bitter it has become?
I thought that Trump's margin of victory would be so large that the Dems wouldn't even dare think of trying to stuff THAT many ballots, but lo and behold...Joe Biden.

I guess Beijing wouldn't let him concede.

Trump is no fool, and I am certain he is prepped for this 'end game' much better than Old Plugs is.
This morning Biden has largest popular vote in US history, 72.3 million breaking the Obama's record of 69.5 million. Biden's margin over Trump is 3.8 million. This is certainly a huge mandate from the people although it doesn't help with the electoral votes.
Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

You know what's going to be the funniest?

If one of those challenges actually gets to the SCOTUS, and then they vote 9-0 against him!

He'll be whining about how his Justices stabbed him in the back!

:lol: Too funny



Dude, don't post fake tweets.

How come?

Because we don't make up shit and pass it off as real.

You have a point. But I wasn't trying to pass it off as real. In context, it was obvious satire. ;)
That said, I think there IS a danger to fake Trump tweets.
I'll reel 'em in.

Yes, but please consider the intelligence of the conservatives on this board. :lol:

They believe ANYTHING!

Also Republicans: Severely limit the amount of time you'll take to count!

Suppress the Vote, 2020 so the unAmericans can win
Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

You know what's going to be the funniest?

If one of those challenges actually gets to the SCOTUS, and then they vote 9-0 against him!

He'll be whining about how his Justices stabbed him in the back!

:lol: Too funny



Dude, don't post fake tweets.

How come?

Because we don't make up shit and pass it off as real.

You have a point. But I wasn't trying to pass it off as real. In context, it was obvious satire. ;)
That said, I think there IS a danger to fake Trump tweets.
I'll reel 'em in.

Yes, but please consider the intelligence of the conservatives on this board. :lol:

They believe ANYTHING!

Lol - Please send Petey Wheatstraw my regards :D

Trump is ahead by 12k+ in GA. There are 48k votes to count.

Biden is going to win GA.
When Trump calls for a recount, does that interfere with the call? Could it possibly be over today?
Fox News ready to call Biden the next President.

"Speaking on Fox News this Thursday, anchor Chris Wallace said that if Nevada is called for Joe Biden soon, the network could declare Biden the winner of the 2020 election."

“I checked in with our decision desk today and they are not wavering. They said our call on Arizona is right. Puts him at 264,” Wallace said.

Trump is ahead by 12k+ in GA. There are 48k votes to count.

Biden is going to win GA.
When Trump calls for a recount, does that interfere with the call? Could it possibly be over today?
Pa's tally is supposed to be reported today, and if Biden flips that then its a wrap.

Nevada can't be called until the weekend at Minimum per their press conference earlier, and I think AZ said Maracopa won't have another report until 9pm

^ all speculation, ftr
Trump is ahead by 12k+ in GA. There are 48k votes to count.

Biden is going to win GA.
When Trump calls for a recount, does that interfere with the call? Could it possibly be over today?
Pa's tally is supposed to be reported today, and if Biden flips that then its a wrap.

Nevada can't be called until the weekend at Minimum per their press conference earlier, and I think AZ said Maracopa won't have another report until 9pm

^ all speculation, ftr
Yeah, looks like Georgia has gone to Trump by 12,000 votes.
Fox News ready to call Biden the next President.

"Speaking on Fox News this Thursday, anchor Chris Wallace said that if Nevada is called for Joe Biden soon, the network could declare Biden the winner of the 2020 election."

“I checked in with our decision desk today and they are not wavering. They said our call on Arizona is right. Puts him at 264,” Wallace said.

Now THAT could be a ratings gimmick.
The court dismissals so far are almost entirely based on “nothing we can do about it now”

It may not matter whether or not the Court could rule on the Constitutionality of the ballots in question.
They may not be comfortable voiding ballots that were legal at the time they were cast.

If the Court had taken the time to hear the case when it was first brought to them,
instead of Chief Justice Roberts kicking the can down the road, then it would be a different story.

Well House stays Blue...

Senate will stay Red

So let me explain what that mean and it mean no matter who win they are a lame duck and nothing will get done unless Pelosi and McConnell work together and ladies and gents that ain’t happening...

Now something the left may not realize is Thomas ( USSC Justice ) is old and could be leaving the court in the soon future, so if Biden is President will it mean McConnell will block any nomination that Biden or Harris propose?

Ohhh, the mess we create for ourselves during election years...
That is not the definition of lame duck. For your information about 2/3 of time, we have a divide government in Washington. It is the norm, not the exception. What has changed in US politics over last 50 years, is the two sides are so far apart and party control is so great it is nearly impossible to form effective collations within either House. So even when there is room for compromise such as on immigration, party leadership will prevent that from happening.

So what will happen with Biden as president in the first two years, none of the major legislative agendas of either party will become law. Biden just as Trump has done, will use executive orders to reverse much of Trump actions on immigration, environmental regulations, education, and foreign policy. I expect Biden will cancel the Trump's withdrawal from the WHO and also the Paris Accords within the first few weeks of his term, modify or cancel most of Trump executive orders on immigration, and the environmental protection.
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