Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Seriously, I don't recognize much of the right anymore. They're so deep into the swamp of stupidity. Gates microchips, plandemic, birfers, Sharpie conspiracies, conspiracy theories under every rock.

Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

The courts are handing them their hats, looks like. One dismissed in GA and another about to be in PA. Straight into the round file. There can be penalties for specious suits, you know. I'd love to see them get an ass chewing for wasting the court's time.

Yea, they get an occasional MINOR win. But courts in general don't want a thing to do with elections. Even Scalia himself in his bogus Bush v Gore opinion stated that it shouldn't serve as a precedent.
Judges know that if they rule in favor of specious lawsuits involving rank conspiracy theories, they've officially sold their souls to the Devil! :FIREdevil:

Georgia is now 27K Trump.

PA is tightening up too...

164K for Trump. I can't imagine Joe winning PA.
I can. He will.

I hope you're right.

If he gets NV that puts him at 270. Then to capitalize GA and PA...36 more. That puts him at 306.

That would give him 306; more than Trump got. Sweet.
I want him with as much as possible. Cements his mandate.
It looks like to me Biden will win when counting is done in Nevada. The voting at the polls as well as early voting and all mail in ballots up till election day have been counted. Biden had a lead of 7900 votes yesterday. The Nevada Voting Commission released new number this morning showing Biden has increased his lead to over 11,000 with very few votes left to count. I don't know why they have not called this for Biden. The last I heard on Georgia was Trump's lead is down to about 20,000. I guess Trump is calling for Georgia to stop counting.

The remaining votes are mail-ins from Clark Count and actually 50,000 remaining ... It's OVER. :)
The court dismissals so far are almost entirely based on “nothing we can do about it now”
Yea, they get an occasional MINOR win. But courts in general don't want a thing to do with elections. Even Scalia himself in his bogus Bush v Gore opinion stated that it shouldn't serve as a precedent.

Listened to a podcast about Gore v Bush this morning.

The SCOTUS stopped the recount because the recount wasn't in all the counties but in a handful. The Justices concluded that discriminated against all the other counties - if you count a few, why not all? - and that there wasn't enough time to do a recount throughout the state. Also, this wasn't to be used as precedent.

That's pretty different than

Orange Jesus: "Fraud!"
Court: "Where?"
Orange Jesus: <crickets>
thousands of people at every trump rally and almost zero at ant biden rally- he hardly campaigned and we are supposed to believe he will win or its even close? lmfao. liars, cheaters all libs.
Biden's low key campaign is why he is winning. Most people voting for Biden are voting against Trump. So with every Trump rally and outrageous claim he makes, it may strengthen the resolve of his base but it also drives more moderate voters away from him. Had Biden elected to conduct a Trump style campaign, he would have lost badly. Trump is an extemporaneous speaker; that is he says what every comes into his mind or whatever he judges his audience wants to hear. Most audiences like that style of speaking because it sounds more genuine even if the statements are false. Biden like most seasoned politicians can't do that because he's concerned about making false statements and having to defend them. That never bothers Trump, he just ignores them.
Whatever happened to Election Day to turn it into Election Week?

All the votes were cast either on the day or before the day. What? My vote shouldn't be counted because they are taking a long time to count? How is that Biden's fault? How is it Trump's fault? How is it anybody's fault other than those doing the counting? And what is the political bent of those doing the counting? Nobody knows. How come you neocon whackadoodles spruik the ideals of dictators by trying to disenfranchise the people?
So far the most damning of all the hoax elements is that when counting stopped Trump had 50-100,00 vote lead in several states but within 90 minutes of counting resuming, those leads were gone. That could not have been physically accomplished legally
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thousands of people at every trump rally and almost zero at ant biden rally- he hardly campaigned and we are supposed to believe he will win or its even close? lmfao. liars, cheaters all libs.
Biden's low key campaign is why he is winning. Most people voting for Biden are voting against Trump. So with every Trump rally and outrageous claim he makes, it may strengthen the resolve of his base but it also drives more moderate voters away from him. Had Biden elected to conduct a Trump style campaign, he would have lost badly. Trump is an extemporaneous speaker; that is he says what every comes into his mind or whatever he judges his audience wants to hear. Most audiences like that style of speaking because it sounds more genuine if the statements are false. Biden like most seasoned politicians can't do that because he's concerned about false statements and having to defend his position. That never bothers Trump.
Yes and he won with women who represent 53% of the electorate but only ~35% voted for Trump. Biden likely wins by a wider margin if he picks a more centrist VP. Doesn't matter now. Who suffers most? Media. Ratings will plummet!!! LOL
Urban blacks are the only people holding Biden up, because they are uninformed, disinformed misinformed dumbasses. Just like I said.

And you wonder why black people don't vote for your candidate.


I put racists on ignore generally. Must have dumped 50 of 'em from USMB at minimum.
Didn't work - They are very persistent!
After the epic Biden win, one would hope that they'd slither back under respective rocks.
Time will tell ;-)
Whatever happened to Election Day to turn it into Election Week?

All the votes were cast either on the day or before the day. What? My vote shouldn't be counted because they are taking a long time to count? How is that Biden's fault? How is it Trump's fault? How is it anybody's fault other than those doing the counting? And what is the political bent of those doing the counting? Nobody knows. How come you neocon whackadoodles spruik the ideals of dictators by trying to disenfranchise the people?
The fault that you try to place elsewhere is that your vote has a specified time to be received. That’s the rules in contests but you all just participate in contests rather than fairly winning them so you don’t lnow that there is a specific end time to a contest
Only libbies expect the world to sit around and wait for them to get their unmotivated business finished up
Disenfranchisement is just another liberal boo hoo emotion to cover their tardiness snd cheating
They can’t even lie well




The campaign said the court victory would help prevent “shenanigans” from Democrats trying to close Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania.
“Our observers are now in there, we’re going to be watching it, we’re going to demand that we’re able to review all of the things done to date,” Clark said.
He said that it was typical of left-wing political machines to “steal” the election and would continue fighting for access to review the ballot counting process and stop counting votes that came in after the election.
“We’re not going to stand for it,” he said. “This is a victory for all Pennsylvanians, not just President Trump.”
Campaign manager Bill Stepien said the campaign would re-up a campaign hotline for voter fraud claims and launching a website for Americans to voice and report any examples of voter fraud.
“We’re going to keep fighting for this election because that is what the American people deserve,” he said.

A Michigan lawyer who worked Tuesday’s election as a Republican poll watcher is alleging ballot-counting fraud in Detroit based on an interaction she had with an election worker at the site in Detroit where the city’s absentee ballots are being counted. ...
In the affidavit, Jessica Connarn, a member of the Michigan state bar from Bloomfield Hills, said a person counting absentee ballots in Detroit told her that workers were “changing the dates the ballots were received.”
“When I approached the poll worker, she stated to me that she was being told to change the date on ballots to reflect that the ballots were received on an earlier date,” Connarn says in the affidavit.
When Connarn tried to get additional information out of this poll worker, she was “yelled at by the other poll workers working at her table,” who then told her she needed to leave and stop talking to the poll worker.
Connarn was not the only poll watcher to get denied access to that particular polling center, as multiple poll watchers were denied access due to coronavirus restrictions, WDIV reported.
But Connarn was able to get a note out of the poll worker, which stated, “entered received date as 11/2/20 on 11/4/20.”
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