Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Well House stays Blue...

Senate will stay Red

So let me explain what that mean and it mean no matter who win they are a lame duck and nothing will get done unless Pelosi and McConnell work together and ladies and gents that ain’t happening...

Now something the left may not realize is Thomas ( USSC Justice ) is old and could be leaving the court in the soon future, so if Biden is President will it mean McConnell will block any nomination that Biden or Harris propose?

Ohhh, the mess we create for ourselves during election years...
I have a suspicion that the Democrat adults in the room (aka Centrists) will retake control of the House and Piglosi will retire to her shit-hole of a city.

They ( The Blue Dog ) seem hell bent of booting her and I do not blame them. I also believe the GOP should not retain McConnell as Senate Majority Leader and there should be new leadership there...
I do not know why they would remove McConnell if he manages to retain the senate even whist losing the presidency. That means he is doing a damn good job for the party.
Trump is talking about running again in 2024.
The republican party must have learned from the democrats how to deal with the populist from the democrats in dealing with Sanders this year. There is zero chance he gets the nomination if he loses this election.
A Trump lawsuit in MI regarding poll watchers has been dismissed.

Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

You know what's going to be the funniest?

If one of those challenges actually gets to the SCOTUS, and then they vote 9-0 against him!

He'll be whining about how his Justices stabbed him in the back!

:lol: Too funny



Dude, don't post fake tweets.

How come?

Because we don't make up shit and pass it off as real.
Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

You know what's going to be the funniest?

If one of those challenges actually gets to the SCOTUS, and then they vote 9-0 against him!

He'll be whining about how his Justices stabbed him in the back!

:lol: Too funny



Dude, don't post fake tweets.

How come?

Because we don't make up shit and pass it off as real.

You have a point. But I wasn't trying to pass it off as real. In context, it was obvious satire. ;)
That said, I think there IS a danger to fake Trump tweets.
I'll reel 'em in.
Uninformed blacks gave us Biden. That's not a racist statement, but a fact.
(if he wins)
It’s a totally racist statement. Most racists don’t realize how racist they are.

Now, if you said “elderly Blacks gave U.S. Joe Biden” that’s probably true.
Your statement, "Most racists don’t realize how racist they are." is so true. I remember from years ago, going to a meeting about the upcoming integration of the local high school my kids attended. The person leading the meeting made the follow comment that I will never forget. "They're calling me a racist because I don't want those damn stinking N****** going to the same school as my daughter".
Racism is a belief so what constitutes racism is very subjective like patriotism, liberalism, and most of the other "isms".
Seriously, I don't recognize much of the right anymore. They're so deep into the swamp of stupidity. Gates microchips, plandemic, birfers, Sharpie conspiracies, conspiracy theories under every rock.

Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

The courts are handing them their hats, looks like. One dismissed in GA and another about to be in PA. Straight into the round file. There can be penalties for specious suits, you know. I'd love to see them get an ass chewing for wasting the court's time.

Uninformed blacks gave us Biden. That's not a racist statement, but a fact.
(if he wins)
It’s a totally racist statement. Most racists don’t realize how racist they are.

Now, if you said “elderly Blacks gave U.S. Joe Biden” that’s probably true.
Your statement, "Most racists don’t realize how racist they are." is so true. I remember from years ago, going to a meeting about the upcoming integration of the local high school my kids attended. The person leading the meeting made the follow comment that I will never forget. "They're calling me a racist because I don't want those damn stinking N****** going to the same school as my daughter".
Racism is a belief so what constitutes racism is very subjective like patriotism, liberalism, and most of the other "isms".
Urban blacks are the only people holding Biden up, because they are uninformed, disinformed misinformed dumbasses. Just like I said.

Georgia is now 27K Trump.

PA is tightening up too...

164K for Trump. I can't imagine Joe winning PA.
I can. He will.

I hope you're right.

If he gets NV that puts him at 270. Then to capitalize GA and PA...36 more. That puts him at 306.

That would give him 306; more than Trump got. Sweet.
I want him with as much as possible. Cements his mandate.
It looks like to me Biden will win when counting is done in Nevada. The voting at the polls as well as early voting and all mail in ballots up till election day have been counted. Biden had a lead of 7900 votes yesterday. The Nevada Voting Commission released new number this morning showing Biden has increased his lead to over 11,000 with very few votes left to count. I don't know why they have not called this for Biden. The last I heard on Georgia was Trump's lead is down to about 20,000. I guess Trump is calling for Georgia to stop counting.
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trump ahead 400,000 in PA, only 14% to go and Trump loses PA? lmao. Nice try crooked lying libs! They never called PA last night but they called Cali and every other state that Biden was up with similar even less numbers.

Meanwhile back in reality....

View attachment 411442

The blob has about 160,000 vote cushion.
If Biden wins Nevada, it's over and Pennsylvania will be irrelevant. Biden's lead in Nevada is increasing with very few votes left to count.
Seriously, I don't recognize much of the right anymore. They're so deep into the swamp of stupidity. Gates microchips, plandemic, birfers, Sharpie conspiracies, conspiracy theories under every rock.

Hate to say it, but you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!

The courts are handing them their hats, looks like. One dismissed in GA and another about to be in PA. Straight into the round file. There can be penalties for specious suits, you know. I'd love to see them get an ass chewing for wasting the court's time.

When trucks are pulling up with boxes full of Biden ballots, the suits are not spurious.
This is an outrage just like 2000.
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