Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Haven't heard a word about covid since November 3rd. Must be cured. Biden did it.
There were 100,000 cases Tuesday - a new daily record.

You're scared of a virus with a 99.6 percent recovery rate. We get it.
That's 1.6 plus million Americans killed by it. DEAD AS A DOOR NAIL.

The infection rate spread is 10 TIMES greater than the Flu.... because it is spread asymptomatic vs the flu

1.6 million haven't died from it.
If it spreads to all Americans, and the death rate is 0.4% it's over 1.6 millionson dead from it.

Yet with the flu, where the death rate is 0.5%, so slightly more deadly than you claim for covid....we only average 36,000 deaths a year, and we already have a near 240,000 dead from covid with 4 or 5 months left, to hit a year's time.

The Corona virus is much more infectious than the flu, so it spreads much faster to people, more people are catching it, thus the much higher death counts for covid than the flu even though their death rates are suppose to be nearly the same.

In other words, your so called recovery rate, means Jack shit, without accounting for covid spreading to many more people, than the flu in a much much much quicker speed.
You're in Maine no one goes there.
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.

A real way to gauge how well you play is how many moves in advance you see. At best I was maybe at seven. Trump was move one. Biden is move ll see a different America in 10 yrs and you won’t like it. I will.

A rating is more concrete, not subjective. Any idiot can claim that they see 50 moves in advance.

I'll like America a lot more than what we had with Trump. The people have spoken. Not my fault you don't see it.
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...

Meh, claim what you want. Doesn't mean anything to me. Any idiot can claim anything.

And no I don't find that racist.
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.

A real way to gauge how well you play is how many moves in advance you see. At best I was maybe at seven. Trump was move one. Biden is move ll see a different America in 10 yrs and you won’t like it. I will.

A rating is more concrete, not subjective. Any idiot can claim that they see 50 moves in advance.

I'll like America a lot more than what we had with Trump. The people have spoken. Not my fault you don't see it.
They have. You just don’t know what they said. Go and play my dad. He is 70. See how that goes for you. Doubt he has a “rating”...I would wager it would go very poorly for you. LOL

Dumb Leftist
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...

Meh, claim what you want. Doesn't mean anything to me. Any idiot can claim anything.

And no I don't find that racist.
You’re the asshole here little man. I tried to be civil but you are just a dickhead.
Trump was the best thing for this country. You’re still too stupid to see that. He allowed all of us to express ourselves in the open rather than bottling up our feelings and did a great job for my 401k and IRA. Oh and fuck you, pussy.

Like enabling racist fucks?
We all know money is your God, Azog.
Those racist fucks were always there. Now we see them in the open. Good God, please don’t be a pussy. And there are racist fucks on both sides. BLM is as racist as you get.
I've been called racist names by blacks 4 times in the last 3 days. 2 of them physically attacked me and got beaten down.
Careful. Fighting is stupid these days. Risk of lawsuit too great and many judges are pussies.
It's work.
I put a guy down last night and dragged him out of the building in front of 4 HPD officers.
None of them said shit.
You a police officer?
Contracted security in an ER, downtown Houston.
I'm there right now.
They have. You just don’t know what they said. Go and play my dad. He is 70. See how that goes for you. Doubt he has a “rating”...I would wager it would go very poorly for you. LOL

Dumb Leftist

If your dad is a grandmaster, then he certainly has a rating. And he would beat me easily.
Trump was the best thing for this country. You’re still too stupid to see that. He allowed all of us to express ourselves in the open rather than bottling up our feelings and did a great job for my 401k and IRA. Oh and fuck you, pussy.

Like enabling racist fucks?
We all know money is your God, Azog.
Those racist fucks were always there. Now we see them in the open. Good God, please don’t be a pussy. And there are racist fucks on both sides. BLM is as racist as you get.
I've been called racist names by blacks 4 times in the last 3 days. 2 of them physically attacked me and got beaten down.
Careful. Fighting is stupid these days. Risk of lawsuit too great and many judges are pussies.
It's work.
I put a guy down last night and dragged him out of the building in front of 4 HPD officers.
None of them said shit.
You a police officer?
Contracted security in an ER, downtown Houston.
I'm there right now.
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...

Meh, claim what you want. Doesn't mean anything to me. Any idiot can claim anything.

And no I don't find that racist.
You’re the asshole here little man. I tried to be civil but you are just a dickhead.

That's you trying to be civil? LoL

And I wasn't calling you an idiot by the way.
They have. You just don’t know what they said. Go and play my dad. He is 70. See how that goes for you. Doubt he has a “rating”...I would wager it would go very poorly for you. LOL

Dumb Leftist

If your dad is a grandmaster, then he certainly has a rating. And he would beat me easily.
I have never seen him lose. I watched him play five persons at once with clocks and win. But he is highly mathematical. His mind sees things I cannot. Most people cannot. Chess is a flawed game like that.
Trump was the best thing for this country. You’re still too stupid to see that. He allowed all of us to express ourselves in the open rather than bottling up our feelings and did a great job for my 401k and IRA. Oh and fuck you, pussy.

Like enabling racist fucks?
We all know money is your God, Azog.
Those racist fucks were always there. Now we see them in the open. Good God, please don’t be a pussy. And there are racist fucks on both sides. BLM is as racist as you get.
I've been called racist names by blacks 4 times in the last 3 days. 2 of them physically attacked me and got beaten down.
Careful. Fighting is stupid these days. Risk of lawsuit too great and many judges are pussies.
It's work.
I put a guy down last night and dragged him out of the building in front of 4 HPD officers.
None of them said shit.
You a police officer?
Contracted security in an ER, downtown Houston.
I'm there right now.
I'm good.
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...

Meh, claim what you want. Doesn't mean anything to me. Any idiot can claim anything.

And no I don't find that racist.
You’re the asshole here little man. I tried to be civil but you are just a dickhead.

That's you trying to be civil? LoL

And I wasn't calling you an idiot by the way.
You said —-sucks to be you Trumpster. You say that and you get got.
They have. You just don’t know what they said. Go and play my dad. He is 70. See how that goes for you. Doubt he has a “rating”...I would wager it would go very poorly for you. LOL

Dumb Leftist

If your dad is a grandmaster, then he certainly has a rating. And he would beat me easily.
I have never seen him lose. I watched him play five persons at once with clocks and win. But he is highly mathematical. His mind sees things I cannot. Most people cannot. Chess is a flawed game like that.

If he's a grandmaster, then I would certainly expect him to be sharp.

(And with a rating)
They have. You just don’t know what they said. Go and play my dad. He is 70. See how that goes for you. Doubt he has a “rating”...I would wager it would go very poorly for you. LOL

Dumb Leftist

If your dad is a grandmaster, then he certainly has a rating. And he would beat me easily.
I have never seen him lose. I watched him play five persons at once with clocks and win. But he is highly mathematical. His mind sees things I cannot. Most people cannot. Chess is a flawed game like that.

If he's a grandmaster, then I would certainly expect him to be sharp.

(And with a rating)
I ll Ask him. Actually I don’t care. LOL
What does? Do you forget where I live? I am in the heart of Leftist Land. It sucks worse for you but you cannot even see why yet. I would wager you’re a terrible chess player.

You play chess? What's your rating?
Don’t have a rating, I barely play anymore. My dad is from the old Soviet Union. He is either a master or grandmaster. Haven’t played vs him in 15 yrs. I used to kill it but then lost interest.

Oh. Well I'm decent, not great. 1391.

Typically somewhere in the high 1300's to low 1400's.
I had played my dad over 2k times and never beat him. My guess is if I played an average player 10x, I d win.....all 10. But the game no longer intrigued me.

Meh. Pretty meaningless without a rating.

If I was playing an opponent with a lower rating than me, I'd expect to beat them 10 times in a row as well. And I'm certainly above average.
Last person who said that played me 3x and lost all three. Some kid from Armenia who was supposedly ranked. I was 25. Never touched a chess board since. My guess it is like riding a bike. Pretty good at Poker too. That I still play.

You probably find it racist that black goes 2nd...

Meh, claim what you want. Doesn't mean anything to me. Any idiot can claim anything.

And no I don't find that racist.
You’re the asshole here little man. I tried to be civil but you are just a dickhead.

That's you trying to be civil? LoL

And I wasn't calling you an idiot by the way.
You said —-sucks to be you Trumpster. You say that and you get got.

It does suck to be a Trumpster right about now. That's just a fact.
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