Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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If I am a “thug and a bully” then why do you keep engaging me? Go away cowardly colfax. Go prance in the streets with your Biden/Harris sign.
Because people need to stand up to thugs and bullies.
LMaO!!!! I am not the one burning, looting and rioting. Are you standing up to those bullies?
Orange Fat lady sang last night, today is just dotting the i's and crossing t's

It’s rather sad at this point seeing anybody, whether it’s for trump or for Biden, talking about “winning the election”.
This whole thing has been a disgrace. There are already how many instances of fraud? Hell, you can watch videos online of poll workers filling out ballots, throwing ballots away, etc.
Poll watchers not being allowed in to watch votes being counted, board put up to block people’s view, hundreds of thousands of ballots being “found”.
Honestly, I don’t accept this election, even if Trump were to win. There needs to be serious investigations into this bullshit, and reforms put into place nationwide.
If anyone thinks this is acceptable, you need your head examined.



America's the BEST!~ Big middle finger send off to the disgusting, divisive BLOB.

i DONT BLAME ALL OF THE SEETHING HATRED OF "THE OTHER" that all our Right wangers have, I blame their fake news media and Trump himself. For close to 40 years Rush Limbaugh programmed them to think that their fellow Americans were commienazipoopyheads ~ wake the fuck up.
Azog: You said Biden had no chance

Cowardly Colfax: you liar I said it would be a miracle.

Semantics some help.
There's a big difference between those two statements and you know it.

But you're just too dishonest to even admit it.

Do you get tired of lying or is it just so natural to you these days?
this morning's voter fraud reports:

DOJ Looking Into Criminal Referral Alleging 3K Cases of Voter Fraud in Nevada.

Smoking gun: Milwaukee ‘updates’ voter registration portal data to hide cheating.

USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots. USPS worker arrested at Canadian border with bin of mail, undelivered ballots

BREAKING: Another One! Erie, Pa. USPS Insider Exposes ‘Nov. 3’ Postmark Voter Fraud Scheme: ‘All These Ballots That Were Coming In--Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday—Are All Supposed To Be Postmarked the Third’ | Project Veritas.
Swing states is won by Democrat chose ... Biden is president finally ...


Even AZ is back in play.

America's the BEST!~ Big middle finger send off to the disgusting, divisive BLOB.

i DONT BLAME ALL OF THE SEETHING HATRED OF "THE OTHER" that all our Right wangers have, I blame their fake news media and Trump himself. For close to 40 years Rush Limbaugh programmed them to think that their fellow Americans were commienazipoopyheads ~ wake the fuck up.

Hey there...

Have a day.

And go fuck yourself cause we are here to stay. And we'll make Biden's years the biggest shit storm you've ever seen.

And spare me the unity pisstoss. You fuckers have been hard at it and your gonna feel it now.

He's already wounded and it's going to be fun watching his son destroyed before his eyes.
I hope all those lawn-chair Virginia Militia fuckboys like their battle with the Secret Service :lol:
If I am a “thug and a bully” then why do you keep engaging me? Go away cowardly colfax. Go prance in the streets with your Biden/Harris sign.
Because people need to stand up to thugs and bullies.
LMaO!!!! I am not the one burning, looting and rioting. Are you standing up to those bullies?
You’re a bully all the same.
If I am a “thug and a bully” then why do you keep engaging me? Go away cowardly colfax. Go prance in the streets with your Biden/Harris sign.
Because people need to stand up to thugs and bullies.
LMaO!!!! I am not the one burning, looting and rioting. Are you standing up to those bullies?
You’re a bully all the same.

whatever helps you sleep at night
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