Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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A gun store sold out a shipment of 80 thousands rounds of 9mm in 30 minutes

I'm encouraged ...jus sayin
There is an auction this week in my area selling a few guns and ammo----------my husband is sending me in hoping that the prices won't go past retail.
But...Obama already took all the guns!

Obama/Holder certainly tried---even arranging for the murder of several people with their Fast and Furious nonsense to attempt it. All those deaths then, like the covid now, meant to scare americans into given the globalists/communists more power over us.
And Hillary was criticized for calling you lowlifes deplorable. She was spot on.
The quasi-reporters on FoxNews just slapped down Newt, basically saying "where were the claims that Pennsylvania voting is corrupt 4 years ago when Trump won it?"
It’s rather sad at this point seeing anybody, whether it’s for trump or for Biden, talking about “winning the election”.
This whole thing has been a disgrace. There are already how many instances of fraud? Hell, you can watch videos online of poll workers filling out ballots, throwing ballots away, etc.
Poll watchers not being allowed in to watch votes being counted, board put up to block people’s view, hundreds of thousands of ballots being “found”.
Honestly, I don’t accept this election, even if Trump were to win. There needs to be serious investigations into this bullshit, and reforms put into place nationwide.
If anyone thinks this is acceptable, you need your head examined.

None of those things are happening Beefy Supreme. Go back to bed and try to wake up with a clearer brain.
So much like Antifa, the videos we watch and things we see are imaginary?
Tell me... why do you oppose fixing a system that both sides claim is broken?

You're repeating things you heard people with squirming brains say. And your videos have all been debunked.
There is nothing wrong with the integrity of our vote counting, but yes .. much could be fixed about our elections.
For starters, tell these idiot Republican state legislators to do what Florida did. Don't wait until election day to start counting the early votes and mail ins. Waiting gives people with squirming brains the chance to foment goofy conspiracy theories.
The videos have all been debunked huh? How is that, someone on the internet said “this is debunked”?
The video I have on my phone of a guy lighting a whole bag of filled out ballots on fire, that’s been debunked?
These polling places with outrageously high turnout... debunked?

Again, just like I said. The side that wins suddenly believed the elections are totally sounds.
Nothing will ever be fixed.

A guy lighting a whole bag of Trump ballots on fire? My, that IS dramatic. Could you post it for the class?
Meh - Never mind :auiqs.jpg:

A viral video that was debunked by local officials in Virginia on Election Day is continuing to proliferate on social media, falsely purporting to show a man burning a pile of ballots cast for President Donald Trump.​
The ballots seen in the video are, in fact, sample ballots — which are forms meant to help voters prepare for the election, not actual ballots used to cast votes.
But in the video, a man deceivingly suggests they are actual ballots with votes for Trump.​
“You gotta do what you gotta do,” he says as he displays the papers and puts them into a plastic bag, adding: “F— Trump.”​
“Got around 80,” he says before lighting the bag on fire.​

Need more?

It’s rather sad at this point seeing anybody, whether it’s for trump or for Biden, talking about “winning the election”.
This whole thing has been a disgrace. There are already how many instances of fraud? Hell, you can watch videos online of poll workers filling out ballots, throwing ballots away, etc.
Poll watchers not being allowed in to watch votes being counted, board put up to block people’s view, hundreds of thousands of ballots being “found”.
Honestly, I don’t accept this election, even if Trump were to win. There needs to be serious investigations into this bullshit, and reforms put into place nationwide.
If anyone thinks this is acceptable, you need your head examined.

None of those things are happening Beefy Supreme. Go back to bed and try to wake up with a clearer brain.
So much like Antifa, the videos we watch and things we see are imaginary?
Tell me... why do you oppose fixing a system that both sides claim is broken?

You're repeating things you heard people with squirming brains say. And your videos have all been debunked.
There is nothing wrong with the integrity of our vote counting, but yes .. much could be fixed about our elections.
For starters, tell these idiot Republican state legislators to do what Florida did. Don't wait until election day to start counting the early votes and mail ins. Waiting gives people with squirming brains the chance to foment goofy conspiracy theories.
The videos have all been debunked huh? How is that, someone on the internet said “this is debunked”?
The video I have on my phone of a guy lighting a whole bag of filled out ballots on fire, that’s been debunked?
These polling places with outrageously high turnout... debunked?

Again, just like I said. The side that wins suddenly believed the elections are totally sounds.
Nothing will ever be fixed.

A guy lighting a whole bag of Trump ballots on fire? My, that IS dramatic. Could you post it for the class?
Meh - Never mind :auiqs.jpg:

A viral video that was debunked by local officials in Virginia on Election Day is continuing to proliferate on social media, falsely purporting to show a man burning a pile of ballots cast for President Donald Trump.​
The ballots seen in the video are, in fact, sample ballots — which are forms meant to help voters prepare for the election, not actual ballots used to cast votes.
But in the video, a man deceivingly suggests they are actual ballots with votes for Trump.​
“You gotta do what you gotta do,” he says as he displays the papers and puts them into a plastic bag, adding: “F— Trump.”​
“Got around 80,” he says before lighting the bag on fire.​

Need more?

Let’s say you are correct.
What about all the other issues propping up?
Is it your position that our voting process is a good one? There doesn’t need to be serious changes?
And next election you get your ass kicked, are you still going to be saying everything was on the up and up?
I know I’ve been consistent. I’ve been saying for a long time this system is shit, and the constant appearance of impropriety alone warrants a revamping.
I want a system in place that benefits both sides, because it all but eliminates fraud and the APPEARANCE of fraud. I want the winners to be able to win without hearing constant shit, and the losers feeling cheated.
Is this something you disagree with?
An excellent read from Time by Molly Ball. This will be no easy task for President Biden.


Even with the White House nearing their grasp, Biden’s supporters could be forgiven if they found it hard to keep the faith. The 2020 election did not go according to plan for the Democrats. It was a far cry from the sweeping repudiation of Trump that the polls had forecast and liberals craved. After all the outrage and activism, a projected $14 billion spent and millions more votes this time than last, Trump’s term is ending the way it began: with an election once again teetering on a knife’s edge, and a nation entrenched in stalemate, torn between two realities, two orientations, two sets of facts.​
Even if he becomes the next President, it seems clear that he will be governing Trump’s America: a nation unpersuaded by kumbaya calls for unity and compassion, determined instead to burrow ever deeper into mutual antagonism. Win or lose, Trump has engineered a lasting tectonic shift in the American political landscape, fomenting a level of anger, resentment and suspicion that will not be easy for his successor to surmount.​
If in fact Biden wins, it’s still the case that an openly bigoted aspiring authoritarian not only won the presidency but captured the complete loyalty of one of two major political parties, and—but for a once-in-a-century pandemic—he might have been re-elected,” says Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy, a non-partisan legal group. “If that doesn’t tell you that something is completely rotten in the foundations of our democracy, I don’t know what would.​
The campaign unfolded over a year so convulsive that the third presidential impeachment in history now seems a distant memory. COVID-19 upended Americans’ lives and drained their bank accounts. Millions of people, from all walks of life, took to the streets to protest police violence. The West Coast’s sky was blotted by fire for weeks, while the East was battered by a record hurricane season. And yet, against this backdrop of chaos there was an odd political stasis: Trump’s standing in polls remained about where it had been when Biden first entered the race—a sign, Democrats believed, that Trump had little chance of persuading an electorate that had long since rejected him.​


It’s rather sad at this point seeing anybody, whether it’s for trump or for Biden, talking about “winning the election”.
This whole thing has been a disgrace. There are already how many instances of fraud? Hell, you can watch videos online of poll workers filling out ballots, throwing ballots away, etc.
Poll watchers not being allowed in to watch votes being counted, board put up to block people’s view, hundreds of thousands of ballots being “found”.
Honestly, I don’t accept this election, even if Trump were to win. There needs to be serious investigations into this bullshit, and reforms put into place nationwide.
If anyone thinks this is acceptable, you need your head examined.

None of those things are happening Beefy Supreme. Go back to bed and try to wake up with a clearer brain.
So much like Antifa, the videos we watch and things we see are imaginary?
Tell me... why do you oppose fixing a system that both sides claim is broken?

You're repeating things you heard people with squirming brains say. And your videos have all been debunked.
There is nothing wrong with the integrity of our vote counting, but yes .. much could be fixed about our elections.
For starters, tell these idiot Republican state legislators to do what Florida did. Don't wait until election day to start counting the early votes and mail ins. Waiting gives people with squirming brains the chance to foment goofy conspiracy theories.
The videos have all been debunked huh? How is that, someone on the internet said “this is debunked”?
The video I have on my phone of a guy lighting a whole bag of filled out ballots on fire, that’s been debunked?
These polling places with outrageously high turnout... debunked?

Again, just like I said. The side that wins suddenly believed the elections are totally sounds.
Nothing will ever be fixed.

A guy lighting a whole bag of Trump ballots on fire? My, that IS dramatic. Could you post it for the class?
Meh - Never mind :auiqs.jpg:

A viral video that was debunked by local officials in Virginia on Election Day is continuing to proliferate on social media, falsely purporting to show a man burning a pile of ballots cast for President Donald Trump.​
The ballots seen in the video are, in fact, sample ballots — which are forms meant to help voters prepare for the election, not actual ballots used to cast votes.
But in the video, a man deceivingly suggests they are actual ballots with votes for Trump.​
“You gotta do what you gotta do,” he says as he displays the papers and puts them into a plastic bag, adding: “F— Trump.”​
“Got around 80,” he says before lighting the bag on fire.​

Need more?

Let’s say you are correct.
What about all the other issues propping up?
Is it your position that our voting process is a good one? There doesn’t need to be serious changes?
And next election you get your ass kicked, are you still going to be saying everything was on the up and up?
I know I’ve been consistent. I’ve been saying for a long time this system is shit, and the constant appearance of impropriety alone warrants a revamping.
I want a system in place that benefits both sides, because it all but eliminates fraud and the APPEARANCE of fraud. I want the winners to be able to win without hearing constant shit, and the losers feeling cheated.
Is this something you disagree with?

This was the most transparent election in American History. But if there are more conspiracy theories plaguing you that need help with ... Ol' Doc is here to help ;)
The quasi-reporters on FoxNews just slapped down Newt, basically saying "where were the claims that Pennsylvania voting is corrupt 4 years ago when Trump won it?"

I saw that! I'm one that's watched FNC since '97 and have seen it fall precipitously from a little partisan to pretty much culturally insane over the years! It started with the Clinton derangement syndrome where to this day Bill and Hillary's name is invoked by "the right" to explain away, deflect a question, or to totally change the subject where they're being put under the spotlight for their hypocrisy! With Obama, Republicans totally showed their arses; unable to hide their contempt for him and his family living in the White House! Some a-holes actually criticized the kids for having Secret Service protection; and this was from leadership, not some redneck on the Appalachian Trail! When you can have that type of incivility where McConnell as the Senate Leader wouldn't take Obama's call, saying he'd "call back," it's a recipe for war! I was just about done! Screaming out "you lie" at the SOTU speech was unforgettable where I've pretty much put all Republicans at arm's length! My own college roommate has been told to get lost after saying "I wear my Trump t-shirt with pride!" How will we heal? Not sure it's possible! The poison used by Trump was lethal in so many ways; sewing the seeds of disrespect, distrust, and hate that goes deep! :omg:
Much different. I agree it was deeply irresponsible.
Trump has a right to his OPINION.

He never has as of yet made a formal claim to having won.

Once again this is more Libtard pissing in the wind making something of nothing, if you are a conservative you should never take the liberal narrative as presumably valid.

They lie 99% of the time. That last 1% is them going 'Derrrrrrrr"
Much different. I agree it was deeply irresponsible.
Trump has a right to his OPINION.

He never has as of yet made a formal claim to having won.

Once again this is more Libtard pissing in the wind making something of nothing, if you are a conservative you should never take the liberal narrative as presumably valid.

They lie 99% of the time. That last 1% is them going 'Derrrrrrrr"

Tap the "hearing aid!" Trump did what we thought he'd do Tuesday night, late after midnight! "I had a huge lead in Penns., NC., GA; now it's gone! There's something strange going on; some shananigans with those mail-in votes!" He certainly did claim MI, Penns., & GA while he led in the race, and complained about Fox News giving AZ to Biden early in the evening! Wake up and smell the fk'n coffee bro! :itsok:

Update: BTW, that's rich calling anyone a LIAR when I stopped counting Trump's lies at 20,000 in 3 years! :p
Much different. I agree it was deeply irresponsible.
Trump has a right to his OPINION.

He never has as of yet made a formal claim to having won.

Once again this is more Libtard pissing in the wind making something of nothing, if you are a conservative you should never take the liberal narrative as presumably valid.

They lie 99% of the time. That last 1% is them going 'Derrrrrrrr"
Optics look like he is whining. Let the campaign lawyers speak for him. If I were in his shoes I would reassure the country that our legal system will do everything in its power to make sure the election is fair and just leave it at that.
Much different. I agree it was deeply irresponsible.
Trump has a right to his OPINION.

He never has as of yet made a formal claim to having won.

Once again this is more Libtard pissing in the wind making something of nothing, if you are a conservative you should never take the liberal narrative as presumably valid.

They lie 99% of the time. That last 1% is them going 'Derrrrrrrr"
Optics look like he is whining. Let the campaign lawyers speak for him. If I were in his shoes I would reassure the country that our legal system will do everything in its power to make sure the election is fair and just leave it at that.

He can go and complain about the Democratic corruption in the states he's losing; Oh, they're not blue states! They're Red, southern, and went with him in 2016! "How corrupt is GA Trump baby? Who told AZ to go 'fk themselves' due to McCain's betrayal?!" Believe it or not, Trump was on his way to a 2nd term even with the CV-19 debacle and malfeasance, but he pretty much talked his way out of the race! He undermined mail-in balloting and Joe cleaned up, already loaded down with millions of votes in the bank a week ago! Trump wanted his loyalist to come on Election Day and they did, now mail-in votes are being counted and are going 4 to 1 for Biden! That's where he finally blew it for the very last as a sitting president! ;)
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Much different. I agree it was deeply irresponsible.
Trump has a right to his OPINION.

He never has as of yet made a formal claim to having won.

Once again this is more Libtard pissing in the wind making something of nothing, if you are a conservative you should never take the liberal narrative as presumably valid.

They lie 99% of the time. That last 1% is them going 'Derrrrrrrr"

Tap the "hearing aid!" Trump did what we thought he'd do Tuesday night, late after midnight! "I had a huge lead in Penns., NC., GA; now it's gone! There's something strange going on; some shananigans with those mail-in votes!" He certainly did claim MI, Penns., & GA while he led in the race, and complained about Fox News giving AZ to Biden early in the evening! Wake up and smell the fk'n coffee bro! :itsok:

Update: BTW, that's rich calling anyone a LIAR when I stopped counting Trump's lies at 20,000 in 3 years! :p
I agreed. Fuck off, Leftist.
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