Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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There are 65k ballots left to be counted in AZ. Biden is up by 30k. Biden is going to win AZ.

This is over.
The DNC has said IT WILL ENSURE EVERY LEGAL VOTE WILL GET COUNTED.......they should welcome verification of the count in close areas............via the courts.............if election fraud is possible.............

This will only prove that they are sooo honorable in this election.

You really gonna play they didn't harvest the hell out of votes when all disputes .......even in red areas.......always show up being in Biden's favor...............yeah.....that is really in the Realm of reality.


The court battles and forced recounts in areas............well this shit is gonna be here a

Dude ...

Quick turnaround from the Supreme Court, which has just granted the Pennsylvania GOP’s request to instruct county election boards to segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. This order was probably made easier by the fact that, as Amelia noted earlier, the Pennsylvania secretary of state had already directed counties to do this. In his order, Justice Samuel Alito did not order counties to stop counting these ballots, which was also part of the initial request this afternoon. Pennsylvania’s secretary of state has said that there aren’t enough of these late-arriving ballots to affect the final outcome of the presidential race in Pennsylvania.​

Finish the damn vote counts!
Nope-----------file criminal charges for voter fraud instead and take up to the supreme court.

Funny thing about courts, supreme or otherwise. They tend to require shit like what's called "evidence". And "standing".

That means you can't just file frivolous shit on the basis of "I'm butthurt".


That was one of the weirdest videos I've ever seen! :laugh:

I googled it. He's been popular there since his tv show days, and they love Art of the Deal. Not a whole lot political about it, from what I can see.

Very VERY weird - His appeal to the gullible is without end.
Personally, I hope they all move to a compound in the middle of nowhere and drink the Trump-Aid ;)

Okay, I could be way off here, but maybe they admire him as a very successful capitalist businessman, a role they all wish to play. So, yeah, they bought the image.

IMHO, Trump admirers believe the Donald can do no wrong. Even Trump himself seems to be astonished by this phenomenon. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."

As to why so many people feel that way, I believe it is his willingness to fight back regardless of who attacks him or his policy. This is a major difference between Trump and his predecessors. Most presidents as do most politicians see verbal battles with reporters and celebrates as a waste of their time and a diversion from their real job. However, that is Trump's real job, striking back at those that attack him personally, his actions, and his policies, picking up the gauntlet to respond to any attack. For example, Trump is refusing to admit defeat in the election even though he has clearly lost. So he says he going launch lawsuits to win the election, although the chance of that is almost zero. I have no doubt that his supporters are cheering his actions. They see this as courage, doing what other presidents would never do, fighting back regardless of the odds. This is a first step in Trump's 2024 bid for the presidency.

Loving for a good fight and quick to respond to attacks is the mark of a good campaigner but certainly not a good president.

Dude ...

Quick turnaround from the Supreme Court, which has just granted the Pennsylvania GOP’s request to instruct county election boards to segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. This order was probably made easier by the fact that, as Amelia noted earlier, the Pennsylvania secretary of state had already directed counties to do this. In his order, Justice Samuel Alito did not order counties to stop counting these ballots, which was also part of the initial request this afternoon. Pennsylvania’s secretary of state has said that there aren’t enough of these late-arriving ballots to affect the final outcome of the presidential race in Pennsylvania.​

thanks for stopping by and wasting my time,,,
LIBS WANT US TO BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WILL LOSE PA after bidens fracking comments in the debate, lol. the trends all over the midwest showed Trump to easily win pa and nc, ga. the sea of RED is all thru there, literally 15 plus states, all red. And those states he won easily in 2016.
Of the 5 undecided states, Trump will have to win 4 of them. The last I saw Vegas odds makers were given Biden a 93% chance of winning.

Oh, Vegas odds makers? Well, why didn't you say so..? No chance now, might as well condede....Yeah right.
It's surprising how often they are right. Of course if they weren't they wouldn't be making book. I would be surprising if you could get 10 to 1 odds betting on Trump anywhere. Vegas is currently giving Trump a 4.2% chance of winning.
I was happy on Election Day that it was Over but it’s not over. There may be a Revenge of the Impeachment going on but it’s not going to be over for about 4 more years

Don't get that.

Don't need to release results until day of...but this is bullshit.

The whole thing stinks to hi heaven.

But you also forgot to mention the democratic SC of PA which totally blew the call on late ballots.

So, thanks gain for being a leftard hack.
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