Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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LIBS WANT US TO BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WILL LOSE PA after bidens fracking comments in the debate, lol. the trends all over the midwest showed Trump to easily win pa and nc, ga. the sea of RED is all thru there, literally 15 plus states, all red. And those states he won easily in 2016.
Of the 5 undecided states, Trump will have to win 4 of them. The last I saw Vegas odds makers were given Biden a 93% chance of winning.

Oh, Vegas odds makers? Well, why didn't you say so..? No chance now, might as well condede....Yeah right.
It's surprising how often they are right. Of course if they weren't they wouldn't be making book. I would be surprising if you could get 10 to 1 odds betting on Trump anywhere. Vegas is currently giving Trump a 4.2% chance of winning.

I'm not much of a gambler...One of the things that is going to continue the current rancor in this country, is if these questions of what is happening now are left unanswered. That I would give a 100% chance...The funny business that is going on will never fly in the minds of the people without explanation.

Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

They probably covered the windows because it made them less of a target for the gun nutters. :omg::eek::oops:

It's not a mess. The election actually went really smooth. People voted. Trump was expected to lose and he did lose. Now the vote counting is just piling on. Gravy.

Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

They probably covered the windows because it made them less of a target for the gun nutters. :omg::eek::oops:

It's not a mess. The election actually went really smooth. People voted. Trump was expected to lose and he did lose. Now the vote counting is just piling on. Gravy.

I'd like to hear what you'd be saying if the results were going against you....There is NO reason to bar observers to observe in a meaningful way unless you are trying to hide something.
Trump got 306 EV by losing the popular vote by more than 2 million and Biden got 306 EV by winning the popular vote by more than 4 million.
Well Biden's a winner and Trump is a loser.

Biden have good vote of many Democrats.

Biden has his teeth in a jar.

Biden has his hair implants failing.

Biden has his oatmeal fed to him every morning.

I can't wait for this shit show.
Biden will soon be served that oatmeal by the White House chef.


That might be correct.

At this point, it's going to be fun to be on the other side of the fence.

We will take what little dignity Joe Biden has left and suck it from him as we destroy his son in front of the nation.
That's sick.

I put sick fuks on Ignore - That one's been there for eons. ;)
This is all they have left in their miserable lives. Why would you take that away from them?
it was ok for Gore to protest the election till dec., with no proof but its not ok for trump with obv. cheating in at least 6 states? lol.

"No proof" like seniors voting for Pat Buchanan.... I mean that shit's quantifiable.
Once AGAIN the annoying reality is that "obv cheating" requires "obv evidence". Reality is fussy that way.

Don't get that.

Don't need to release results until day of...but this is bullshit.

The whole thing stinks to hi heaven.

But you also forgot to mention the democratic SC of PA which totally blew the call on late ballots.

So, thanks gain for being a leftard hack.

Not at all.
If you mail in your ballot on election day (day before, whatever) ---- then you voted within the same time frame as everybody else who did it day-of and stood in line. What circuitous path Rumpuppet Louis deJoy puts it on after that is out of your control. YOU VOTED. Moreover, that's the purview of the people of Pennsylvania, not you, not federal courts. The Constitution doesn't even say Pennsylvania has to HOLD a vote, let alone tell them how to do it.

Suppose Rump waddled into the polling place and declared that "all votes cast after 3:52pm are invalid"?
Same thing.
It’s rather sad at this point seeing anybody, whether it’s for trump or for Biden, talking about “winning the election”.
This whole thing has been a disgrace. There are already how many instances of fraud? Hell, you can watch videos online of poll workers filling out ballots, throwing ballots away, etc.
Poll watchers not being allowed in to watch votes being counted, board put up to block people’s view, hundreds of thousands of ballots being “found”.
Honestly, I don’t accept this election, even if Trump were to win. There needs to be serious investigations into this bullshit, and reforms put into place nationwide.
If anyone thinks this is acceptable, you need your head examined.

None of those things are happening Beefy Supreme. Go back to bed and try to wake up with a clearer brain.
So much like Antifa, the videos we watch and things we see are imaginary?
Tell me... why do you oppose fixing a system that both sides claim is broken?

You're repeating things you heard people with squirming brains say. And your videos have all been debunked.
There is nothing wrong with the integrity of our vote counting, but yes .. much could be fixed about our elections.
For starters, tell these idiot Republican state legislators to do what Florida did. Don't wait until election day to start counting the early votes and mail ins. Waiting gives people with squirming brains the chance to foment goofy conspiracy theories.
The videos have all been debunked huh? How is that, someone on the internet said “this is debunked”?
The video I have on my phone of a guy lighting a whole bag of filled out ballots on fire, that’s been debunked?
These polling places with outrageously high turnout... debunked?

Again, just like I said. The side that wins suddenly believed the elections are totally sounds.
Nothing will ever be fixed.

A guy lighting a whole bag of Trump ballots on fire? My, that IS dramatic. Could you post it for the class?
Meh - Never mind :auiqs.jpg:

A viral video that was debunked by local officials in Virginia on Election Day is continuing to proliferate on social media, falsely purporting to show a man burning a pile of ballots cast for President Donald Trump.​
The ballots seen in the video are, in fact, sample ballots — which are forms meant to help voters prepare for the election, not actual ballots used to cast votes.
But in the video, a man deceivingly suggests they are actual ballots with votes for Trump.​
“You gotta do what you gotta do,” he says as he displays the papers and puts them into a plastic bag, adding: “F— Trump.”​
“Got around 80,” he says before lighting the bag on fire.​

Need more?

Let’s say you are correct.
What about all the other issues propping up?
Is it your position that our voting process is a good one? There doesn’t need to be serious changes?
And next election you get your ass kicked, are you still going to be saying everything was on the up and up?
I know I’ve been consistent. I’ve been saying for a long time this system is shit, and the constant appearance of impropriety alone warrants a revamping.
I want a system in place that benefits both sides, because it all but eliminates fraud and the APPEARANCE of fraud. I want the winners to be able to win without hearing constant shit, and the losers feeling cheated.
Is this something you disagree with?
Pretty much every nonsensical claim by the right has been debunked.

Trump lost.

Deal with it.

Or keep me entertained with your tears for the next 4 years. Your choice.
He's insane. Get him out of there.

View attachment 412005
More divisive rhetoric from the leftist

The idiot you voted for is trying to claim, without any shred of evidence, that our democratic process was not legitimate.

You Trumpsters see no problem with that. And I’m the divisive one.
I have a serious problem with this. Yes. I disagree with his actions here. If there is so called fraud then the party should be talking. He should remain silent. Don’t ever speak for me Leftist. Why don’t you go burn down a small business?

Why don’t you go cry some more, Trumpster. Sucks for you. Your idiot is going to lose and he’s throwing an embarrassing temper tantrum on the way out.

Why are lefties all of a sudden so afraid of taking this to the courts?
If the GOP wants to waste their money on it, more power to them. It a candidate is contesting the election in just one state and the margin of votes is small, say less than a thousand, it could make sense, but contesting an election in multiple states where margins are a thousand or more votes is just a waste of time and money.
The GOP are spineless simps which Is why the voters turned on them. They better shape up and stop taking their orders from idiot democrats or they will never get elected again.

Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

They probably covered the windows because it made them less of a target for the gun nutters. :omg::eek::oops:

It's not a mess. The election actually went really smooth. People voted. Trump was expected to lose and he did lose. Now the vote counting is just piling on. Gravy.

I'd like to hear what you'd be saying if the results were going against you....There is NO reason to bar observers to observe in a meaningful way unless you are trying to hide something.
The results went against us 4 years ago. Hillary conceded gracefully.
Litigation filed by the Trump campaign and other Republicans since Election Day has shown little prospect of turning the tide so far. The Trump campaign lost early rulings in Michigan and Georgia, and Republicans suffered another defeat late Friday in Nevada, where a federal judge denied a request to change the way ballots are being counted in the state’s populous Clark County.​
The GOP has seen mixed success on legal claims in Pennsylvania. It has secured a favorable ruling about poll-observer access and obtained an interim order Friday that holds certain provisional ballots separate for now. These cases, however, are likely too small in scope to affect large numbers of votes.​
Mr. Trump and his supporters have placed faith in the pending appeal at the Supreme Court that challenges Pennsylvania’s three-day extension for accepting ballots postmarked by Election Day. But later-arriving ballots haven’t been large in number so far, while the current vote count is trending toward Mr. Biden even without them. Both of those factors could leave any high court case with little practical consequence.​


Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

They probably covered the windows because it made them less of a target for the gun nutters. :omg::eek::oops:

It's not a mess. The election actually went really smooth. People voted. Trump was expected to lose and he did lose. Now the vote counting is just piling on. Gravy.

I'd like to hear what you'd be saying if the results were going against you....There is NO reason to bar observers to observe in a meaningful way unless you are trying to hide something.
The results went against us 4 years ago. Hillary conceded gracefully.

Say what now? In what universe did Hillary concede gracefully? Hell, she told Biden to never concede....

You people have been throwing a 4 year temper tantrum that would shock a 3 year old over losing...If Biden wins this, just wait....It's your turn....You get NO QUARTER.

Kept at a distance where nothing could be observed....Meanwhile in Michigan...

" Election lawyers told ABC News the assertion by Trump campaign officials stems from rules imposed in some polling locations that required observers to stand farther back from the counting process as mail-in ballots were opened and signatures were reviewed. The lawsuits offered limited details but cited cases in which election observers were denied access to the ballot review process. "

At one point they put up big sheets of cardboard over the windows so that those outside couldn't see what was going on inside...Why?

We have heard reports of signatures not matching, late ballots with no postmarks, and even whistleblowers telling of postal workers to back date the postmarks...All of this will have to go to court...So, at this point it really makes no difference what television anchors call or don't call...This is offically a mess.

They probably covered the windows because it made them less of a target for the gun nutters. :omg::eek::oops:

It's not a mess. The election actually went really smooth. People voted. Trump was expected to lose and he did lose. Now the vote counting is just piling on. Gravy.

I'd like to hear what you'd be saying if the results were going against you....There is NO reason to bar observers to observe in a meaningful way unless you are trying to hide something.
The results went against us 4 years ago. Hillary conceded gracefully.

Say what now? In what universe did Hillary concede gracefully? Hell, she told Biden to never concede....

You people have been throwing a 4 year temper tantrum that would shock a 3 year old over losing...If Biden wins this, just wait....It's your turn....You get NO QUARTER.

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