Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Haha Dems are in full Panic Mode. Trump IS doing exactly what He needs to do. Blacks and Latinos asupporting Trump are way higher than last time.
Nah, we’re good. Florida was a must win for Trump, sure. Biden will likely win Arizona. Trump’s leads in the other swing states are part of the red mirage that’s already been anticipated.

Boy, you better have a stash of booze ready to start drinking in the morning if that's what you think is happening right now
When he uses words like, "red mirage?" that are those are buzz words from the progressive left. . . they don't mean shit. He's living in an alternative universe that never existed before.

It is a manufactured reality. You are right, he will need some serious self-medication.

. . . or he will need to be part of their foot soldiers in the planned rioting. :gay:

Let me be clear I am shocked of how well the silent Trump vote came out and there is no red mirage like Billy is trying to proclaim...

Like Yogi Berra said “ It ain’t over until the fat lady sings “ so someone go get Rosie O’Donnell because so fat lady need to sing!

Yogi Berra said "it ain't over till it's over"

That's why it was funny, because he said something much more silly than the adage you posted (as was typical of Yogi)

I couldn’t remember how it was said but still get a fat lady to sing because Biden is not winning this election!

Harris and killing oil put the nail in his political chances of being President!

Also the stupidity of the left not knowing they needed to win Miami by a wider margin to win Florida and not understanding that Cubans and Venezuelan voters are not like California Mexican voters and to ignore the Cuban community like Biden did was pure stupid!
I think the big issue with Pa is going to be the mail in ballots. Not only are they allowing ballots without having matching signatures, they are supposed to separate any ballots that come in after today, and it's been said they likely won't be able to do that. So they will have ballots coming in after today that they will mix in with ballots that came in on time.
Biden is probably going to win Arizona. Trump is probably fucked beyond that. God willing anyway.

No you stupid dumbshit.

Your fucking poll numbers were not even close.

He wiped your asses in several states you thought you had a 5 point lead in.

He's very close on the popular.

The polling industry is now unofficially KIA
I just want someone to explain to me, why they stopped counting votes? Not just in PENN early on, but in multiple states. It's as if they said "oh shyte, this guy is winning in a landslide".

As Pence said, this is everything a democracy is. You MUST defend this. Men and women DIE to defend this.

99% reporting, but Trump is only up about 120,000 votes. So it could still mathematically go Biden. That's why it's not called yet. They stopped counting/reporting the count for tonight, so we won't have a call until the morning.

Georgia just reported Dekalb county, and the lead has narrowed quite a bit. Its now down to less than 100,000 votes, with only a couple more Atlanta counties to report. All of the rural counties are in. It's getting very tight. The NYT is saying GA to Biden.

NYT is saying biden is ever so slightly favored. Not "GA to biden"

No, based on the extrapolation from the Atlanta counties, it's looking like Trump will be down about 40,000 votes in GA. He will need to make up those votes in the few remaining rural precincts and military ballots, which would be unlikely if in fact he does end up 40,000 votes down when those counties finish reporting. I think we need to prepare for Biden winning Georgia. According to Newsmax just now, even Republicans in GA are not saying GA is theirs to lose at this point. Trump is still looking really strong and Michigan, Wisconsin and PA though.
That's what I'm seeing...although I don't expect Wisconsin to hold at 4% with only 41% of Milwaukee reporting.

But it's going to be close...

If Trump loses GA, he has to hold in Michigan.

Looks like PA isgoing to Trump.

If Trump wins MI or GA...I've got the count at Biden 268 - Trump 270

99% reporting, but Trump is only up about 120,000 votes. So it could still mathematically go Biden. That's why it's not called yet. They stopped counting/reporting the count for tonight, so we won't have a call until the morning.

Georgia just reported Dekalb county, and the lead has narrowed quite a bit. Its now down to less than 100,000 votes, with only a couple more Atlanta counties to report. All of the rural counties are in. It's getting very tight. The NYT is saying GA to Biden.

NYT is saying biden is ever so slightly favored. Not "GA to biden"

No, based on the extrapolation from the Atlanta counties, it's looking like Trump will be down about 40,000 votes in GA. He will need to make up those votes in the few remaining rural precincts and military ballots, which would be unlikely if in fact he does end up 40,000 votes down when those counties finish reporting. I think we need to prepare for Biden winning Georgia. Trump is still looking really strong and Michigan, Wisconsin and PA though.

No. The Atlanta counties are in.

TRUMP just said we're up in Ga...I'm sure he's been on the phone with Kemp to see where the uncounted votes are from.

Tree and I are looking at Associated Press data. That is the most up to date and accurate.

Link us

oo thank you
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

So then why did they stop counting 2 hours ago? Also, why the F did Fox call every state for Biden and few for Trump in better circumstances, and, make sure they didn't update the total E.C?

When they allowed Penn to engage in this, they set it up, assuming Trump wouldn't win. He is even closer in the popular vote than against Clinton and he is well ahead in some of these states.
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ABC has taken what Trump said and twisted all around to something different from what the president said.

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