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Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Interesting. Russia is finally showing an increase in number of new cases. 12% increase today so far. We haven't seen a whole lot of activity there.
The U.S. had 1,900 deaths.

New York + New Jersey ==> 800.

Mass + Penn + Conn ==> 400

Michigan < 100

Georgia + Maryland ==> 200

The rest of the country could give a shit.

With six hundred thousand rolls of frickin' toilet paper hoarded per person I'm sure they could give multiples.
Interesting. Russia is finally showing an increase in number of new cases. 12% increase today so far. We haven't seen a whole lot of activity there.

I'm keeping an eye on Brazil which seems to be picking up, since it's going into fall and then winter. Well, as far as there is a 'winter' in Brazil....
If someone dies without testing positive for corona virus, then how can they be counted as death from corona virus?

This question has been answered in literally every story on this not put out by right wing bubble media.

Short version:
Because the symptoms are recognizable.

Which do you think is more likely? That career first responders, coroners, and healthcare workers are all engaged in a big conspiracy just to spite your cult leader, or that you just dont know what the hell you're talking about?

Easy answer for me. You seem to be struggling with it, though.
The Tale of Two National Fuckups
This thing came from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, probably the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We don’t need evidence gift wrapped by the Chinese to make this case. We just need simple mathematics, and the case is rock solid.

The “official channels” have maintained for four months that this virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan, not at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is the world’s Mecca of studying emergent SARS coronaviruses that originate in bats. A lot of speculation by the media has gone into supporting this case, as well as the solid support of the Chinese government, but the case is obviously garbage. I grant that wet markets for exotic harvested wild meats are a great vector for something like this, but set that aside for a moment.

There are between a hundred and a thousand wet markets in China. There are well over a thousand wet markets in Vietnam. There are well over a thousand wet markets in Thailand. There are hundreds or thousands of wet markets in Laos, hundreds or thousands more in Cambodia, hundreds or thousands more in Burma and Myanmar and Malaysia. Nobody knows for sure, but it’s completely reasonable to estimate the total number of wet markets in East Asia being at least ten thousand.

But only one of these ten thousand or more wet markets is two blocks from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The chance that a brand new never before seen SARS coronavirus variant would emerge at the only wet market two blocks from a laboratory whose primary function is to study never before seen SARS coronavirus variants, specifically from bats, is simply too astronomical to believe. If a brand-new world epidemic virus were to emerge every day from a wet market in east Asia, it would be three years or more on average before one emerged from Wuhan. No honest scientist would believe that coincidence given what we know.

I’ve followed a lot of traffic from geneticists and epidemiologists saying this virus doesn’t seem to have the earmarks of being created artificially. They may be right. But that doesn’t mean that a diseased bat wasn’t transported to Wuhan and the virus escaped via an infected technician, or via an improperly disposed of specimen. Nor does it rule out the disease being a product of “gain of function” research on bats with lesser uncatalogued diseases.

The Chinese reaction was archetypically communist and cannot be trusted. In order, they imprisoned whistle blowers, denied the virus, admitted the virus but said it wasn’t transmissible, admitted it was transmissible and invited foreign journalists in to watch them build a giant hospital, turned everyone in Wuhan into The Bubble Boy, snuffed it out (officially), then kicked all the journalists out and reopened the city. Then after the journalists were gone, they beat up people trying to go to the hospitals with COVID-19 to keep their new cases number down, cremated a lot more people than the official death count, denied any reinfection after lockdown was ended, and then blamed the origins of the infection on the US Army. Which is obviously not true, because if the USA had developed the virus we’d have tests for it way sooner than we did.

Now granted, that could just be communists acting like communists, but the entire timeline tells of a cover up.

The USA’s fuckup was a fuckup of mid level bureaucracy that has been widely reported, but doesn’t seem to be widely understood despite the reporting. This article is a fabulous primer, but I’ll summarize.

The first case in the US was identified the same day as the first case in South Korea, January 21st. South Korea gave out regulatory approval to every company in the country that wanted to make a test within one week, by the end of January, and as a result created the best testing apparatus in the world. The FDA and CDC collaborated to prevent US companies and universities from developing tests until the middle of March, and only eventually stopped obstructing test development by administrative (Trump/Pence) fiat. One of the most egregious examples of this behavior, which was promulgated by bureaucrats at the FDA and CDC, is the example of Washington University’s Helen Y. Chu, who after testing someone in her ongoing flu study for COVID-19 and discovering she had a sample pool that may have many infections, was told, basically:

1) You just violated that test subject’s HIPAA privacy rights, and
2) You don’t have a permit to do COVID-19 tests, therefore
3) Stop testing.
If they had said the exact opposite, Seattle would have been controlled. Chu had everything in her hands to isolate the Seattle cases and possibly the lions share of the cases on the West Coast.

When universities and companies tried to develop their own tests, they were told to apply for a permit, and then only one permit was issued — to the CDC. The CDC then screwed up the test, and had to release a new one several weeks later. The backlash from the screw-ups came to a head the last day of February, where the FDA begrudgingly allowed some 5,000 labs (of the 260,000 labs in the country) to start working on tests.

The doors were finally thrown open to academic and private entities in full on March 15th, when HIPAA was waived for anyone working on COVID-19, and March 16th, when Vice President Mike Pence announced that all the rest of the labs could work on this without FDA interference.

Wojtek Kopczuk, a professor of economics at Columbia University, quipped that the “FDA sped up the process by removing itself from the process.”
The USA lost 45 days as compared to South Korea, at the same starting gun, entirely due to pencil pushers at the FDA and CDC. The important thing to take away from the Tale of The Second National Fuckup, is that no politician could have prevented this, unless they were willing to unilaterally step in, deplatform the FDA, burn HIPAA sooner, and bust the CDC down into an “advisory only” role. Not Trump, not Hillary, not Biden, not Bernie. The one politician who might have been able to do it, is the hypothetical caricature of Trump for which many Trump voters voted. And knowing how government works in the USA, it is unthinkable that this will get fixed, or that this won’t happen again the next time, because our universal bipartisan answer to government failure is more government.

And the government’s final response to needlessly wasting 45 days reacting to this, is to issue a 2 trillion-dollar bailout to pause the national economy for 56 days, so we can catch up, while everyone loses their jobs.

Trump did not need the CDC to ban and restrict all travel into the United States in January like TAIWAN did. The primary reason why Taiwan only has 6 deaths today is because they banned and restricted ALL Travel from every country in the world on January 20, 2020. This was BEFORE there was ever a single confirmed case of coronavirus in TAIWAN.

As for any failings of the CDC and FDA, as well as stocking up on supplies and other preparation to protect the country from a pandemic, Donald Trump had 3 full years as PRESIDENT to prepare for these things and make the United States ability to defend and fight a pandemic the best in the world. Instead, he did the exact opposite. Trump actually dismantled U.S. capability to fight a pandemic in his first three years in office.
If you work for the CDC, and the big boss indicates the China travel ban is just a precaution, the whole coronavirus thing is a hoax and the virus is just the flu, the chances are pretty good that you're going put dealing with a pandemic petty damn far down your to do list. Judging from the response in the early stages, that's just what happened. If it's not important to the boss, it's not likely to be important to the troops.

There is no excuse for this disaster. What TAIWAN did is within the capability of any first world country to do. Most of what TAIWAN did was shut down and restrict entry into the country even by their own citizens EARLY, on January 20, 2020 BEFORE there was a single confirmed case of coronavirus in TAIWAN. You don't need the WHO or some other international organization to debate and decide if something is a danger to act to SAVE the country. The United States does not consult anyone before it decides to use Nuclear Weapons in defense of the country. Protecting the United States from a dangerous pathogen should have the same priority.

TAIWAN deaths from Covid-19: 6

UNITED STATES deaths from Covid-19: 42,517

Yes its true the United States is 14 times the size of TAIWAN in population. BUT THE UNITED STATES HAS 7,000 TIMES AS MANY DEATHS AS TAIWAN from Covid-19.

New York, New Jersey, New England being the majority.

What have they not figured out yet.
Statistics through April 20. Still going up especially in the US. Our infection rate passes France.
Spain has eclipsed the 200,000 mark, which we passed on April 1st.

Well, that must mean it's time to remove all restrictions, send everybody back to work, return to life as normal, and see just how high we can drive new cases and deaths.

Why is it that you dicks go right to that line.

There is no room for a reasonable conversation with you.

If someone doesn't like your way or agree with it, you get the hyperbole virus.

Fuck off.
There is certainly room for reasonable conversation. However, what is reasonable is certainly debatable. If we don't start opening up the country soon, the economy is going to collapse and usher in food shortages, riots, and all kinds of bad stuff. On the other hand, we have to keep in mind that we are a long way from bringing the virus under control. Just 8 weeks ago, there were 35 known case and no deaths in the country. Today those cases have grown 800,000 and 42,000 deaths. That is pretty fucking amazing! If you had come on this board 8 weeks ago and said we'll have 42,000 deaths due to the virus in 2 months, people would think you're nuts.

Without social distancing and shutting down businesses, those numbers would have been much higher, so how do we open up the country without driving those numbers into millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths? There is going to be a tremendous amount of pressure put on the governors to return society to normal which is going to be impossible.

What is going to be very hard is determining what parts of the economy can be brought back without big increase in the number of cases and deaths. Also, allowing selected businesses sectors to reopen while others remain closed is going create a lot of problems and a lot of pissed off people.
If someone dies without testing positive for corona virus, then how can they be counted as death from corona virus?

This question has been answered in literally every story on this not put out by right wing bubble media.

Short version:
Because the symptoms are recognizable.

Which do you think is more likely? That career first responders, coroners, and healthcare workers are all engaged in a big conspiracy just to spite your cult leader, or that you just dont know what the hell you're talking about?

Easy answer for me. You seem to be struggling with it, though.

"symptoms are recognizable"


Like what... fever, cough, sweating, chest congestion?

Wait, those symptoms sounds familiar. No way, there is no similar illness at this time of year that cause pneumonia and possibly kills.

Without testing, how do you distinguish between the two?
Like what... fever, cough, sweating, chest congestion?
No. And instead of guessing, go read something about it, you lazy moron. I am not your mommy.

It could be flu. It could me MERS, or SARS. It could be COVID-19 too. Without testing, you can't accurately diagnose death.

So let's just say, its COVID-19, and get $30,000 from federal government.

Statistics through April 20. Still going up especially in the US. Our infection rate passes France.
Spain has eclipsed the 200,000 mark, which we passed on April 1st.

Well, that must mean it's time to remove all restrictions, send everybody back to work, return to life as normal, and see just how high we can drive new cases and deaths.

Why is it that you dicks go right to that line.

There is no room for a reasonable conversation with you.

If someone doesn't like your way or agree with it, you get the hyperbole virus.

Fuck off.
There is certainly room for reasonable conversation. However, what is reasonable is certainly debatable. If we don't start opening up the country soon, the economy is going to collapse and usher in food shortages, riots, and all kinds of bad stuff. On the other hand, we have to keep in mind that we are a long way from bringing the virus under control. Just 8 weeks ago, there were 35 known case and no deaths in the country. Today those cases have grown 800,000 and 42,000 deaths. That is pretty fucking amazing! If you had come on this board 8 weeks ago and said we'll have 42,000 deaths due to the virus in 2 months, people would think you're nuts.

Without social distancing and shutting down businesses, those numbers would have been much higher, so how do we open up the country without driving those numbers into millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths? There is going to be a tremendous amount of pressure put on the governors to return society to normal which is going to be impossible.

What is going to be very hard is determining what parts of the economy can be brought back without big increase in the number of cases and deaths. Also, allowing selected businesses sectors to reopen while others remain closed is going create a lot of problems and a lot of pissed off people.

I'll go with most of what you've said.

Today's death total of 2,800

1,600 came from NY+NJ+NE

Michigan added another 350 between them.

Cali seems to be regressing. (75)

There are still 18 states with less than 100 deaths total (several below 50).

So, it's hard to tell those states to stay put when they are not like New York.

People will say "We don't want you to become like New York" and they are saying fuck off. We'll take our chances (and they already have as has been documented on this board).

We are all going to see it eventually. The goal was to flatten out the curve.

What the fuck is wrong with the North East. They've been dying long enough. What have they not figured out yet.

Or are they not really helping either.
March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase
March 30, 2020 - United States - 164,266 - 15.5% increase
March 31, 2020 - United States - 188,578 - 14.8% increase
April 1, 2020 - United States - 215,300 - 14.2% increase
April 2, 2020 - United States - 245,193 - 13.9% increase
April 3, 2020 - United States - 277,475 - 13.2% increase
April 4, 2020 - United States - 311,635 - 12.3% increase
April 5, 2020 - United States - 336,830 - 8.1% increase
April 6, 2020 - United States - 367,629 - 9.1% increase
April 7, 2020 - United States - 400,540 - 9.0% increase
April 8, 2020 - United States - 435,160 - 8.6% increase
April 9, 2020 - United States - 468,895 - 7.8% increase
April 10, 2020 - United States - 502,876 - 7.3% increase
April 11, 2020 - United States - 533,115 - 6.0% increase
April 12, 2020 - United States - 560,433 - 5.1% increase
April 13, 2020 - United States - 587,155 - 4.8% increase
April 14, 2020 - United States - 614,246 - 4.6% increase
April 15, 2020 - United States - 644,089 - 4.9% increase
April 16, 2020 - United States - 678,144 - 5.3% increase
April 17, 2020 - United States - 710,272 - 4.7% increase
April 18, 2020 - United States - 738,923 - 4.0% increase
April 19, 2020 - United States - 764,265 - 3.4% increase
April 20, 2020 - United States - 792,913 - 3.8% increase
April 21, 2020 - United States - 819,175 - 3.3% increase
It would seem the number of new cases is declining. Out of the 800,000 total cases (not active) NY + NJ + Penn ==> 400,000 (50%).


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