Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

So doing the ratio-and-proportion division, it's still 2.2 mortality rate, as it's been for some days now. It's about 2.2 infections spread per person getting it, too, coincidentally. Which isn't real high, either number, but high enough to cause trouble. They may well stop it, though. Measles spreads much faster -- 17 more people per person infected, assuming an unvaccinated, susceptible population.
I agree it will be stopped but probably not for a couple of years. This is just the first outbreak of the disease. We can not irradiate it, because it has spread to widely. What we are doing now and hopefully the seasonality of the disease will reduce the number of new cases this summer so our hospitals and some segments of the economy can recover so the nation will be better prepared for the next major outbreak which will probably come in the Fall. Only when the nation reaches about 60% to 80% immunity will the battle be won. We can reach that level of immunity form a vaccine, natural immunity, and recoveries from the virus.
Funny how you think you know it!
Social Distancing was set at a minimum of 6 feet because that was the distance an average sneeze spray would reach without significant dissipation. Some sneezes would reach 10 feet but that was rare. We still don't know how high a concentration of viable SARS-CoV-2 is needed in practice to infect a human being. However, The current scientific consensus is that most transmission via respiratory secretions happens in the form of large respiratory droplets ... rather than small aerosol. This means that droplets that dry in air leaving the virus as aerosol is unlikely to spread to other humans.

6 feet is the absolute minimum separation in crowded indoor areas particular with limited ventilation such as in crowded grocery store. Outdoors where there are not many people nearby, 6 feet should be fine.

One thing to keep in mind is that you can overdo anything. The only way you can be absolutely safe is to stay at home alone, never going outside keeping all your windows closed, and allowing no other person in your home. Your probability of getting covid 19 would be far less than a heart attack or stroke but the probability of developing a serious mental condition would probably be far greater.
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As of end of day Eastern Time United States March 31, 2020:

Infection Totals by Country:

1. United States - 188,578
2. Italy - 105,792
3. Spain - 95,923
4. China - 81,518
5. Germany - 71,808
6. France - 52,128
7. Japan - 2,229

Infection Totals by U.S. State:

1. New York - 75,893
2. New Jersey - 18,696
3. California - 8,548
4. Florida - 6,741
5. Washington - 5,482
6. Pennsylvania - 4,961
7. West Virginia - 162
March 24, 2020 - United States - 54,916
March 25, 2020 - United States - 68,489 - 24.7% increase
March 26, 2020 - United States - 85,594 - 24.97% increase
March 27, 2020 - United States - 104,256 - 21.8% increase
March 28, 2020 - United States - 123,776 - 18.7% increase
March 29, 2020 - United States - 142,224 - 14.9% increase
March 30, 2020 - United States - 164,266 - 15.5% increase
March 31, 2020 - United States - 188,578 - 14.8% increase
The current data is incomplete.

The administration is having the public ignorant of the cases of Corona virus.

Besides the number of deaths, the information of their sex and age must be posted.

Same as well the cause of their death.

With today's technology, the detailed information should be released at the same time when adding the number of deaths.

Reading those "quantities" of deaths is not enough.

People must be aware of what part of the population is being hard targeted and killed by cause of the virus. The information given must be transparent.
New York and New Jersey are still 50+% of the active cases.

How come China shows everyone recovered and we show practically nobody recovered.
China did not spend two months trying to decide on their response. China has "despotic" power at it's finger tips and does not have to contend with the checks and balances of a democratic system and a media that is quick to reveal any problems. Thus they sealed off transportation in and out of of the affected areas. They didn't ask the people to stay in doors. They put armed troops on the streets, setup checkpoints, that no one passed without permission. Unlike the US, people that tested positive for the virus were not sent home with a request to self-quarantine. In China they did not request, they ordered a quarantine and your dwelling was posted. Violation of quarantine was considered a crime against the people and treated as such.

The Chinese approach is hardly applicable to the US or for most of the world. South Korea's solution is far more applicable.

While I get that...

What I am asking is why we are not seeing more people recovered.

Armed guards don't speed up recovery.

What you might be saying is that we are only seeing the back of the curve (the few folks who were originally diagnosed) and since we've really only come up recently (number of cases).....well after a certain time lag...the recovered curve should start to follow ?
I believe recovery data is actually hospital discharges or reports from by the health department. Total and new case data come from positive tests. Since many if not most people that test positive recovery at home, their may be many recoveries not recorded. Although this seems reasonable, I have not seen anything that explains how this data is collected.

Appreciate it.
So doing the ratio-and-proportion division, it's still 2.2 mortality rate, as it's been for some days now. It's about 2.2 infections spread per person getting it, too, coincidentally. Which isn't real high, either number, but high enough to cause trouble. They may well stop it, though. Measles spreads much faster -- 17 more people per person infected, assuming an unvaccinated, susceptible population.
I agree it will be stopped but probably not for a couple of years. This is just the first outbreak of the disease. We can not irradiate it, because it has spread to widely. What we are doing now and hopefully the seasonality of the disease will reduce the number of new cases this summer so our hospitals and some segments of the economy can recover so the nation will be better prepared for the next major outbreak which will probably come in the Fall. Only when the nation reaches about 60% to 80% immunity will the battle be won. We can reach that level of immunity form a vaccine, natural immunity, and recoveries from the virus.
We will CURE it, with medication, and buy some time till then by social distancing. sheesh, dont be such a nabob of negativity, lol.

Rachel Maddow Learns Not to Make Spiteful Short-Term Predictions
Good thing her audience stays safely insulated from factual information inside their bubble of liberal BS. Otherwise, even they might laugh at Rachel Maddow’s latest pratfall:
Just over one week ago, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow called President Trump’s claim that two U.S. Navy medical ships would soon be operational “nonsense.” By Monday morning, both ships had arrived at their destinations in Los Angeles and New York City. …
“The president said when he announced that those ships would be put into action against the COVID-19 epidemic. He said one of those ships would be operational in New York harbor by next week. That’s nonsense. It will not be there next week,” she claimed.
Wouldn’t Madcow love to stuff this down the memory hole:



Flashback to last week when @maddow claimed it was “nonsense” when President Trump said there would be a Navy Medical Ship operational in a week.

The USNS Comfort arrived in New York City this morning.

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12:03 PM - Mar 30, 2020
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6,671 people are talking about this

Spiteful ankle-biting should never be confused with information. That’s why only a moonbat would attempt to learn what’s going on out there by watching MSNBC.
Ms Madcow has cooked herself a crow pie. Mark Dice laughingly grinds it into her face as he reminds us that she is only the tip of an iceberg of MSM journalistic malfeasance:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket, Kate P, Scott D, and KirklesWorth. Hat tips: Summit News, Ace of Spades HQ, Breitbart.

All links highlighted
Social Distancing was set at a minimum of 6 feet because that was the distance an average sneeze spray would reach without significant dissipation. Some sneezes would reach 10 feet but that was rare. We still don't know how high a concentration of viable SARS-CoV-2 is needed in practice to infect a human being. However, The current scientific consensus is that most transmission via respiratory secretions happens in the form of large respiratory droplets ... rather than small aerosol. This means that droplets that dry in air leaving the virus as aerosol is unlikely to spread to other humans.

6 feet is the absolute minimum separation in crowded indoor areas particular with limited ventilation such as in crowded grocery store. Outdoors where there are not many people nearby, 6 feet should be fine.

One thing to keep in mind is that you can overdo anything. The only way you can be absolutely safe is to stay at home alone, never going outside keeping all your windows closed, and allowing no other person in your home. Your probability of getting covid 19 would be far less than a heart attack or stroke but the probability of developing a serious mental condition would probably be far greater.
so dude, when someone sneezes it goes on everything around them. You'd have to close the stores and wipe down after every sneeze. You are just a really good parrot. Sneezing isn't part of the symptoms. Coughs are. I have allergies and I sneeze all the fking time. I don't have it. so, for fk sake, crawl into a hole and stay where you are usually comfortable. for fk sake.
New York and New Jersey are still 50+% of the active cases.

How come China shows everyone recovered and we show practically nobody recovered.
China did not spend two months trying to decide on their response. China has "despotic" power at it's finger tips and does not have to contend with the checks and balances of a democratic system and a media that is quick to reveal any problems. Thus they sealed off transportation in and out of of the affected areas. They didn't ask the people to stay in doors. They put armed troops on the streets, setup checkpoints, that no one passed without permission. Unlike the US, people that tested positive for the virus were not sent home with a request to self-quarantine. In China they did not request, they ordered a quarantine and your dwelling was posted. Violation of quarantine was considered a crime against the people and treated as such.

The Chinese approach is hardly applicable to the US or for most of the world. South Korea's solution is far more applicable.

While I get that...

What I am asking is why we are not seeing more people recovered.

Armed guards don't speed up recovery.

What you might be saying is that we are only seeing the back of the curve (the few folks who were originally diagnosed) and since we've really only come up recently (number of cases).....well after a certain time lag...the recovered curve should start to follow ?
I believe recovery data is actually hospital discharges or reports from by the health department. Total and new case data come from positive tests. Since many if not most people that test positive recovery at home, their may be many recoveries not recorded. Although this seems reasonable, I have not seen anything that explains how this data is collected.

Appreciate it.
I just heard, most people who had it aren't reporting when they recover, and that's why we're not seeing any increases. Eventually, if the count didn't go into the death column, it will have to be assumed it was recovered. Just like they do for the flu.
US cases now exceed two hundred thousand. More than twice as many active cases as any country in the world, including Italy.

Penetration (infections per million) now over 600, where about two weeks ago it was 60.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1st case
World903,799+45,48045,334+3,032190,660667,80534,855115.95.8Jan 10
USA200,269+11,7394,394+3418,698187,1774,88860513Jan 20
Italy110,574+4,78213,155+72716,84780,5724,0351,829218Jan 29
Spain102,136+6,2139,053+58922,64770,4365,8722,185194Jan 30
China81,554+363,312+776,2382,004466572Jan 10
Germany75,754+3,946848+7318,70056,2063,40590410Jan 26
France52,1283,5239,44439,1615,56579954Jan 23
Iran47,593+2,9883,036+13815,47329,0843,87156736Feb 18
UK29,474+4,3242,352+56313526,98716343435Jan 30
Switzerland17,137+532461+282,96713,7093481,98053Feb 24
Belgium13,964+1,189828+1232,13211,0041,0881,20571Feb 03
Netherlands13,614+1,0191,173+13425012,1911,05379568Feb 26
Turkey13,53121424313,0748471603Mar 09
Austria10,585+405146+181,4369,0032151,17516Feb 24
S. Korea9,887+101165+35,5674,155551933Jan 19
Canada9,017+405108+71,4457,4641202393Jan 24
US cases now exceed two hundred thousand. More than twice as many active cases as any country in the world, including Italy.

Penetration (infections per million) now over 600, where about two weeks ago it was 60.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1st case
World903,799+45,48045,334+3,032190,660667,80534,855115.95.8Jan 10
USA200,269+11,7394,394+3418,698187,1774,88860513Jan 20
Italy110,574+4,78213,155+72716,84780,5724,0351,829218Jan 29
Spain102,136+6,2139,053+58922,64770,4365,8722,185194Jan 30
China81,554+363,312+776,2382,004466572Jan 10
Germany75,754+3,946848+7318,70056,2063,40590410Jan 26
France52,1283,5239,44439,1615,56579954Jan 23
Iran47,593+2,9883,036+13815,47329,0843,87156736Feb 18
UK29,474+4,3242,352+56313526,98716343435Jan 30
Switzerland17,137+532461+282,96713,7093481,98053Feb 24
Belgium13,964+1,189828+1232,13211,0041,0881,20571Feb 03
Netherlands13,614+1,0191,173+13425012,1911,05379568Feb 26
Turkey13,53121424313,0748471603Mar 09
Austria10,585+405146+181,4369,0032151,17516Feb 24
S. Korea9,887+101165+35,5674,155551933Jan 19
Canada9,017+405108+71,4457,4641202393Jan 24
still only 2.1% die at this rate. can't climb to the numbers they're predicting. If they do, then social distancing was a waste and destruction of our country for nothing.

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