Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

You dont kick this economy back into gear soon its gonna get frigging ugly
New York and New Jersey are at 10,500 new cases combined.

They are 60% of deaths.

They are just getting creamed.
Since I'm a computer scientist, I like the testing and vaccine portions, but shutdown is unworkable:


'“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” he wrote. “But the window for making important decisions hasn’t closed.”

Here’s a recap of his plan:
  • Shutdown: Allowing states to enact their own social distancing mandates is a “recipe for disaster” because people can travel across state lines and spread the virus, Gates wrote. “Until the case numbers start to go down across America — which could take 10 weeks or more — no one can continue business as usual or relax the shutdown,” he said. “Any confusion about this point will only extend the economic pain, raise the odds that the virus will return, and cause more deaths.”
  • Testing: Gates said more tests need to be made available and the resulting data should be aggregated “so we can quickly identify potential volunteers for clinical trials and know with confidence when it’s time to return to normal.” He said there should also be clear priorities for who gets tested, given the lack of test-kits. He also called out the self-swab developed by the Gates-backed Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network as an example of an efficient testing method.
  • Vaccine: Gates said a vaccine can be created in less than 18 months with a data-based approach and rapid trials. The federal government should help build facilities where the vaccines will be made, he said.'
Shutdown would've been giving up the business sector in defeat right away. We are in trouble due to botched rollout of test kits and people not taking it seriously. The latter could be due to misinformation and there is still a wide difference of opinion of how dangerous the respiratory virus is. People do not know whether they should wear masks or not. We've had conficting news on how far the COVID-19 travels and is in the air. Everybody agreed on flattening the curve, but really it only affected the medical personnel. They had problems getting the equipment needed. Was this due to politics? I dunno.

So testing and vaccine is what we have left. We have to do the testing right, but it's still too slow. Why? What happened to 5000/day? 10000/day claims?

As for vaccine, it appears that individual companies are doing it on their own. I have no idea as to its coordination of what they've been finding.

Maybe the shutdown could not be helped.

Thoughts? What didn't work? What is working? Who/what areas are to blame?
New York and New Jersey are at 10,500 new cases combined.

They are 60% of deaths.

They are just getting creamed.

The thinking is the East coast wasn't as careful due to their governors, but it's going to hit the other states, eventually. Trump is like a thermometer as he's backing off on what he said now. The shutdown was about shelter in place or lockdown, i.e. quarantine and sanitation or try to save the economy. Some people here still believe it's not as serious. There's still that debate, but the confirmed cases point to a different direction -- more deaths.
Since I'm a computer scientist, I like the testing and vaccine portions, but shutdown is unworkable:


'“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” he wrote. “But the window for making important decisions hasn’t closed.”

Here’s a recap of his plan:
  • Shutdown: Allowing states to enact their own social distancing mandates is a “recipe for disaster” because people can travel across state lines and spread the virus, Gates wrote. “Until the case numbers start to go down across America — which could take 10 weeks or more — no one can continue business as usual or relax the shutdown,” he said. “Any confusion about this point will only extend the economic pain, raise the odds that the virus will return, and cause more deaths.”
  • Testing: Gates said more tests need to be made available and the resulting data should be aggregated “so we can quickly identify potential volunteers for clinical trials and know with confidence when it’s time to return to normal.” He said there should also be clear priorities for who gets tested, given the lack of test-kits. He also called out the self-swab developed by the Gates-backed Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network as an example of an efficient testing method.
  • Vaccine: Gates said a vaccine can be created in less than 18 months with a data-based approach and rapid trials. The federal government should help build facilities where the vaccines will be made, he said.'
Shutdown would've been giving up the business sector in defeat right away. We are in trouble due to botched rollout of test kits and people not taking it seriously. The latter could be due to misinformation and there is still a wide difference of opinion of how dangerous the respiratory virus is. People do not know whether they should wear masks or not. We've had conficting news on how far the COVID-19 travels and is in the air. Everybody agreed on flattening the curve, but really it only affected the medical personnel. They had problems getting the equipment needed. Was this due to politics? I dunno.

So testing and vaccine is what we have left. We have to do the testing right, but it's still too slow. Why? What happened to 5000/day? 10000/day claims?

As for vaccine, it appears that individual companies are doing it on their own. I have no idea as to its coordination of what they've been finding.

Maybe the shutdown could not be helped.

Thoughts? What didn't work? What is working? Who/what areas are to blame?
so now Bill Gates is our expert? hahahahhahahaha only in a leftist mind.
New York and New Jersey are at 10,500 new cases combined.

They are 60% of deaths.

They are just getting creamed.

The thinking is the East coast wasn't as careful due to their governors, but it's going to hit the other states, eventually. Trump is like a thermometer as he's backing off on what he said now. The shutdown was about shelter in place or lockdown, i.e. quarantine and sanitation or try to save the economy. Some people here still believe it's not as serious. There's still that debate, but the confirmed cases point to a different direction -- more deaths.
you don't know that at all. irresponsible dude.
WEATHER53 ,Weatherman2020 I found this on the internet for Illinois, I'm not sure the data. But i can't pull the same data from the Illinois Health department. seems odd.

662 deaths today.

75%+ are in six states.

A few more now. Over the 5,000 mark for serious/critical conditions. Sadly we're still going up. 23 thousand new cases added today, so far.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1st case
World930,506+72,18746,774+4,472193,750689,98235,475119.46.0Jan 10
USA211,408+22,8784,718+6658,805197,8855,00563914Jan 20
Italy110,574+4,78213,155+72716,84780,5724,0351,829218Jan 29
Spain104,118+8,1959,387+92322,64772,0845,8722,227201Jan 30
China81,554+363,312+776,2382,004466572Jan 10
Germany77,872+6,064920+14518,70058,2523,40892911Jan 26
France56,989+4,8614,032+50910,93442,0236,01787362Jan 23
Iran47,593+2,9883,036+13815,47329,0843,87156736Feb 18
UK29,474+4,3242,352+56313526,98716343435Jan 30
662 deaths today.

75%+ are in six states.

A few more now. Over the 5,000 mark for serious/critical conditions. Sadly we're still going up. 23 thousand new cases added today, so far.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1st case
World930,506+72,18746,774+4,472193,750689,98235,475119.46.0Jan 10
USA211,408+22,8784,718+6658,805197,8855,00563914Jan 20
Italy110,574+4,78213,155+72716,84780,5724,0351,829218Jan 29
Spain104,118+8,1959,387+92322,64772,0845,8722,227201Jan 30
China81,554+363,312+776,2382,004466572Jan 10
Germany77,872+6,064920+14518,70058,2523,40892911Jan 26
France56,989+4,8614,032+50910,93442,0236,01787362Jan 23
Iran47,593+2,9883,036+13815,47329,0843,87156736Feb 18
UK29,474+4,3242,352+56313526,98716343435Jan 30
how many hospital beds where those counts are at, is the question.
2018 to 2019 flu numbers> Splain Lucy? look at that mortality rate. tell me this is any fking different. They aren't expecting us to go look at the numbers. I can't wait to see the same numbers for the flu this year. Oh wait, they moved them into the wuhan numbers.

I know, but I like to keep pointing out how you ignore the more deadly flu virus.
Which is also hilariously retarded as every year a new vaccine is developed, every year we publicly fund vaccines and vaccine drives, and Evey year extensive analysis is done on that season's flu.

And now we have reached your ration of attention for today. Have a nice night.
I know, but I like to keep pointing out how you ignore the more deadly flu virus.
Which is also hilariously retarded as every year a new vaccine is developed, every year we publicly fund vaccines and vaccine drives, and Evey year extensive analysis is done on that season's flu.

And now we have reached your ration of attention for today. Have a nice night.
And we still have over 25,000 die. Majority? Old folks. Nothing different
New York and New Jersey are at 10,500 new cases combined.

They are 60% of deaths.

They are just getting creamed.

The thinking is the East coast wasn't as careful due to their governors, but it's going to hit the other states, eventually. Trump is like a thermometer as he's backing off on what he said now. The shutdown was about shelter in place or lockdown, i.e. quarantine and sanitation or try to save the economy. Some people here still believe it's not as serious. There's still that debate, but the confirmed cases point to a different direction -- more deaths.
you don't know that at all. irresponsible dude.

Yes, I do. It's based on what has happened in Italy, Spain, China, and more; it's based on knowing how COVID-19 works and how it has stressed our medical system. We are behind flattening the curve. I posted a video on it from the doctors since your type won't believe other Pubs like me and how the virus does not know about our borders. I suppose you know how COVID-19 kills us now. A couple of days ago, this surgeon released another vid on why the numbers will go up. Watch it instead of getting your news in sound bites.

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