OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

You're full of shit, Kav would not answer the question he went in a different direction. Jesus Christ just answer the question.

Why was Ford allowed to ramble in how she answered questions and he can't exactly?

If the interviewer wants to let them, then it's fine. Now if someone is asking a question, and if they are going off topic and NOT answering the question, it is up to the question asking the question to be able to interrupt them and get them back on topic.

Oh that's /not/ okay, but it's okay for Ford's unpaid lawyers to stop her testimony to tell her what to say and/or tell the committee they can't ask that?

They stopped the clock each time. Are you even watching? Grassley said MANY times to stop the clock.

So you want them (D's) to have extra time? I don't have a problem with that...

How is it more time? Strawman much? I just destroyed your argument and then you tried a strawman. Congrats.

Grassley asked to stop the clock many times while Ford was answering questions.
Will Trump dismiss him for crying?

Doubtful, Trump understands family and career.
He has had so many of them

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to divorce if one of them decides they're not in love anymore?

What are you a religious fruit loop?

Or if one of them flaunts an affair in the media ?

Why does it matter? Trump fell for someone else. Happens every fucking day in this nation, it's why we have a 50% divorce rate in the nation, it's why something like 65% of people have affairs.

Are you actually surprised by this shit? You must be young...
Dr. Ford tried to contact the Republicans back in August. They didn’t want to hear her.
I'm thinking if this can all get past Senators Collins and Murkowski, then the GOP will simply ratify Kavanaugh.

That could cost the GOP control of the Senate in November.

Both sides are circling the wagons on this issue.
Graham complaining about the political climate that he helped create

Where was his outrage over what was done to Merrick Garland?
Why was Ford allowed to ramble in how she answered questions and he can't exactly?

If the interviewer wants to let them, then it's fine. Now if someone is asking a question, and if they are going off topic and NOT answering the question, it is up to the question asking the question to be able to interrupt them and get them back on topic.

Oh that's /not/ okay, but it's okay for Ford's unpaid lawyers to stop her testimony to tell her what to say and/or tell the committee they can't ask that?

They stopped the clock each time. Are you even watching? Grassley said MANY times to stop the clock.

So you want them (D's) to have extra time? I don't have a problem with that...

How is it more time? Strawman much? I just destroyed your argument and then you tried a strawman. Congrats.

Grassley asked to stop the clock many times while Ford was answering questions.

Where did you "destroy" my argument? So your complaint is not the clock should have been stopped, so what is your complaint?
Graham just stuck his foot in his mouth. He admits sexual predators usually have more than 1 victim. Kav has 4 victims
That we know about. These things tend to snowball. He’s already lied about drinking.
If the interviewer wants to let them, then it's fine. Now if someone is asking a question, and if they are going off topic and NOT answering the question, it is up to the question asking the question to be able to interrupt them and get them back on topic.

Oh that's /not/ okay, but it's okay for Ford's unpaid lawyers to stop her testimony to tell her what to say and/or tell the committee they can't ask that?

They stopped the clock each time. Are you even watching? Grassley said MANY times to stop the clock.

So you want them (D's) to have extra time? I don't have a problem with that...

How is it more time? Strawman much? I just destroyed your argument and then you tried a strawman. Congrats.

Grassley asked to stop the clock many times while Ford was answering questions.

Where did you "destroy" my argument? So your complaint is not the clock should have been stopped, so what is your complaint?

YOU complained about Ford going off topic or talking to her lawyers wasting time. That was a lie. Grassley stopped the clock many times to keep from time being wasted. By do go on... tell me how this is being unfair to not allow Kavanaugh to waste times.

Just like now he is asking Senator Whitehouse what HE DRINKS. What does that matter?
Will Trump dismiss him for crying?

Doubtful, Trump understands family and career.
He has had so many of them

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to divorce if one of them decides they're not in love anymore?

What are you a religious fruit loop?

Or if one of them flaunts an affair in the media ?

Why does it matter? Trump fell for someone else. Happens every fucking day in this nation, it's why we have a 50% divorce rate in the nation, it's why something like 65% of people have affairs.

Are you actually surprised by this shit? You must be young...
Trumps old wife was getting old........time to trade her in

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