OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

DUMBSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUMB
I listened to this stuff--OMG -
WASTE of tax $$$$$
Senator - S ----------Kav - BK
S-- '' do you remember [ hahahahah ] NOT remembering a night you got drunk and remembered nothing''........????!!!!!!!!!!
BK --''it was a fun night, friendship, etc're wrong, no''

S-- ''it was [ hahahahha] quoted by ??? that you were aggressive''
BK-- ''no, I if what you mean as aggressive, no ''...?????!!!

S--''we should delay the vote till further investigation''
other S--''we've delayed already, he's been nominated almost 3 months ago''

S-- '''I want to ask.....etc''' ...goes on and on and on
BK tries to answer, S interrupts, then Bk interrupts
on and on ---same same dumbshit

Are you okay?
that is some dumbshit
waste of $$$$$$$$
it was stupid

guess not.
Bk would just say no to anything the S said
he denied everything!!!!!!
no shit!! no shit.....what do you think he'd do???!!
waste of time/$$$$

You've lost your everlovin' mind.
We are find and will be. Trump snowflakes and the working class and needy should be concerned they will be the losers. Read below. Kavanaugh voted to repeal the ACA.

"The last thing Christina remembered was letting two men buy her a drink at a Fort Lauderdale bar. Then she woke up hours later on a roadside, with injuries to her genitals suggesting that she was raped. Though she had no memory of how she left the bar or wound up cut and bruised on the side of a road, it was soon obvious that she'd been drugged.' Months later, Christina learned that her rape was a preexisting condition.

After she woke up with signs of a sexual assault, Christina's doctor prescribed her a month's worth of anti-AIDS medication as a precaution in case her assailants were HIV positive. Several months after she took these drugs, when she lost her health insurance and needed to find a new plan, she discovered that no insurance company would cover her. Though Christina never developed an HIV infection, insurers saw that she'd once taken anti-AIDS drugs-and that marked her as someone who might have an expensive medical condition the insurance companies did not want to pay for.

Christina's experience was not particularly unusual. Before the Affordable Care Act banned the practice, numerous insurers denied care to women infected with a sexually transmitted disease by their [p255] rapist or to rape survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder.' Eight states permitted insurers to deny coverage to a woman because she'd experienced domestic violence."

And these coverage denials were hardly limited to victims of violence. Before Obamacare, insurance companies refused to cover Americans for conditions as severe as cancer or as routine as hay fever. Women who became pregnant could immediately lose their ability to obtain insurance, as could college athletes in excellent physical condition who experienced an injury." Moreover, for the millions of Americans unable to obtain insurance prior to the Affordable Care Act, every trip to the doctor was a flirtation with bankruptcy. According to a 2007 study, nearly two-thirds of all bankruptcies in the United States had a "medical cause."

Worse, in the world before Obamacare, many Americans simply watched their bodies fall into ruin because they were unable to afford care. George, a teenaged diabetic in Buffalo, had a factory job that offered him no insurance and too little money to pay for the insulin, syringes, and testing materials he needed to manage his condition. Unable to control his blood sugar levels, he went blind at age twenty. One year later he died of multiple organ failure."

George's sister Tina worked a waitressing job that also left her uninsured. At twenty-four she had a baby, only to watch that child die five months later due to complications from gestational diabetes. A year later, Tina had a fatal heart attack.

If George and Tina had been insured, their fates almost certainly would have been different. "I had to face their mother at the funerals knowing if they had gotten good care for diabetes, we could have prevented all their end organ disease," their doctor later explained to a reporter. "George would not have gone blind. The baby would have lived. Neither would have had heart or kidney problems."

In Kansas City, a well-regarded gynecologist and Vietnam veteran named Joseph started experiencing involuntary twitches. Eventually, they became so bad that he lost his medical practice-and with it his house, his car, and his health insurance. For eleven years, he was unable to afford the $200 blood test that would have diagnosed his [p 257] condition as Huntington's disease, He frequency skipped meals in order to pay for medication. Joseph's story ended less tragically than George's or Tina's-he eventually found a clinic willing to diagnose his condition and provide him with care-but he watched his life slip into ruin for more than a decade before that happened."

In rural Idaho, a twenty-eight-year-old mother developed a rare bacterial infection in her heart. Because her convenience store job did not provide her with insurance, she delayed care long enough that a mass formed in her heart, entered an artery, and traveled to her brain, killing her. In a particularly cruel twist, the convenience store promoted her to assistant manager shortly before her death-a promotion that came with health insurance. She left behind two small children."

Beth lost her health insurance after her husband crushed his right leg in a motorcycle accident, causing him to lose his job. A diabetic with a heart condition, Beth stopped seeing her specialist, stopped taking one of her insulin drugs, and started rationing her heart medication in order to save money to pay for her husband's care. Before she found care at a free clinic, Beth's health deteriorated to the point that she was unable to get out of bed."

In Jamestown, New York, a small town a little more than an hour south of Buffalo, an unemployed carpenter arrived at the hospital with bloody urine and sky-high blood sugar due to his untreated diabetes. When the hospital diagnosed him with cancer, he refused surgery because he had no way to pay for it-though he changed his mind six months later after the cancer grew worse.

In the final months of his life, he lost his ability to work after he accidentally cut off his own thumb. He faced regular calls from a collection agency seeking payment for the cancer surgery. His toes had to be amputated due to his unchecked diabetes. His vision grew worse and one of his kidneys failed. After he developed cancer in his bladder, he lost that organ as well. Though he eventually qualified for Medicaid, that was after his family discovered him lying on the floor from a stroke brought on by his diabetes. He died in a nursing home, sharing a room with four other men." [p258]

A sixty-four-year-old Idaho woman developed a prolapsed uterus, a weakening in the pelvic muscles that held her womb in place. Although her uterus was literally hanging outside her vagina, the woman delayed surgery for a year so that this expensive procedure would be covered by Medicare. A young boy developed a tooth infection that spread to his heart, eventually causing permanent damage, because his mother did not make enough money as a janitor to pay for his care."

A Chicago electrician blinded by his diabetes had no way to pay for his medications, so he was forced to go back to work despite the fact that he could not see the electric wires he worked with-he'd feel his way along them to figure out what he was doing."

Doctors often based treatment decisions for their uninsured patients on which drug company had recently provided them with free samples of their product. "You change medication every time a patient comes in and switch them to whatever free samples you happen to have that day," according to a physician in an inner-city health clinic. Another doctor relied on free samples to treat a schizophrenic woman with thoughts of suicide. The woman's husband was on ten different medications, and would beg for samples of each one."

[see Above] This is what health care looked like in the United States of America-the richest nation the world has ever known-before President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. Hard-working Americans died because their jobs did not provide them with health benefits. Mothers prayed helplessly over sick children who were unable to receive the most basic care. Senior citizens counted the days until they qualified for Medicare and could finally receive treatment for long-neglected conditions. Rape survivors were treated like pariahs by the insurance industry.

According to one study published by six Harvard physicians, nearly 45,000 American adults died in 2005 because they lacked health insurance. That's more than one death every twelve minutes.'?

And yet, just seven minutes after Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in March of 2010, a group of thirteen state attorneys general filed a lawsuit asking the courts to return America to the days when patients had to beg their doctors for free samples of lifesaving drugs."

Page numbers are included in text above.

'Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted' Ian Millhiser

Kavanaugh would further hurt the working class and women should he be confirmed. And if you are whining about the so called 'tax' that too is demonstrated to within the laws put forth in the constitution, check the book if you doubt, maybe you'll learn something.

"THE LEGAL CASE against Obamacare was more than simply an indictment of the Supreme Court. It offered a direct window into how easily partisans can be convinced that something is unconstitutional simply because they want it to be. "


Pound sand, snob.
When someone acts the way Kavanaugh did with his screaming and ranting and rolling his eyes and belligerent attitude there’s only one possible question. What does he have to hide?
Lots of posturing. Two significant things. Kav and the repubs are terrified of an FBI investigation. The cons expect people to believe they found Fords testimony credible except where she ID'd Kav as the would be rapist.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.

That's a lot of laughing about rape.
Too bad the Republicans refused to allow an FBI investigation. It would have been the best way of finding out the truth.

That's a decision that totally back-fired on them.

There has to be a crime to investigate. The “victim” never once notified authorities or asked for an investigation.

The FBI will just report there is no evidence of anything happening.

Attempted rape and he is guilty as crap listening to him all day.

Then maybe old Senator Frankenstein should had notified the authorities when she first got the letter. Instead she waited until the last moment to drop it, publicly outting Ford against her will. But we all know why she didn’t tell authorities, because she knows the allegations are totally false.

She had her reason, the person didn't want to come forward and it was leaked to the press. I'd hate to see him drunk as he displayed a temper and erratic behavior.
They answered that had you had your head on during the hearing.

You liberals will soon rue the day you slimed Brett Kavanaugh

Weird thing is Kavanaugh will hurt the working class and the Trump supporter. See his wikipedia entry, one mean judge.
And he's no friend of the 4th Amendment....But you insane chimps had to go for the sex pervert card and you got your asses handed to you.

I'd say you should be embarrassed, if that emotion were anywhere to be found in modern asswipe progressive snobs like you.
The Democrats were outplayed at every turn. Hiring a seasoned rape trial attorney was brilliant by Republicans. The burden was on Democrats to prove Kavanaugh a rapist, that didn't happen. If anything, Ford may need a lawyer for quite some time.
When someone acts the way Kavanaugh did with his screaming and ranting and rolling his eyes and belligerent attitude there’s only one possible question. What does he have to hide?
Lots of posturing. Two significant things. Kav and the repubs are terrified of an FBI investigation. The cons expect people to believe they found Fords testimony credible except where she ID'd Kav as the would be rapist.
No body is terrified. Ford came off as anything but credible. Keep spinning. You’re good at it.
Your own repubs said she was credible. Except the part when she said Kav tried to rape her. If I were a woman I would be insulted.

Kav was asked a direct yes or no question about having the FBI investigate as he stated in his opening statement. He couldnt answer it. Kinda of telling aint it?
DUMBSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUMB
I listened to this stuff--OMG -
WASTE of tax $$$$$
Senator - S ----------Kav - BK
S-- '' do you remember [ hahahahah ] NOT remembering a night you got drunk and remembered nothing''........????!!!!!!!!!!
BK --''it was a fun night, friendship, etc're wrong, no''

S-- ''it was [ hahahahha] quoted by ??? that you were aggressive''
BK-- ''no, I if what you mean as aggressive, no ''...?????!!!

S--''we should delay the vote till further investigation''
other S--''we've delayed already, he's been nominated almost 3 months ago''

S-- '''I want to ask.....etc''' ...goes on and on and on
BK tries to answer, S interrupts, then Bk interrupts
on and on ---same same dumbshit

Are you okay?
that is some dumbshit
waste of $$$$$$$$
it was stupid

guess not.
Bk would just say no to anything the S said
he denied everything!!!!!!
no shit!! no shit.....what do you think he'd do???!!
waste of time/$$$$

You've lost your everlovin' mind.
...if you don't see the insanity, stupidity, dumbshit in those hearings YOU have lost your mind
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.
The Democrats were outplayed at every turn. Hiring a seasoned rape trial attorney was brilliant by Republicans. The burden was on Democrats to prove Kavanaugh a rapist, that didn't happen. If anything, Ford may need a lawyer for quite some time.
You mean the seasoned rape attorney they completely abandoned out of desperation? :21:

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