OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Maryland authorities are offering cooperation to investigate if the victim files a claim now.

Of course, and she will, to ensue it is delayed and never goes forward. Unless, the government decided to vote contingent on him being cleared of these allegations.

All politics folks, and you're nation is at risk. I only hope if he is cleared he can counter sue and demand she and her lawyers face prison time. They've made this all about politics, Rights be damned.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
I don't know how they came to some sort of conclusion that something happened to this women (could have been made up in her own head), but they with no corelating evidence just bit it all hook line and sinker ?

She can't even get her friend Leland to vouch that the story was true, that it happened or any such important things as that, but she was to be believed ??
The Maryland- Montgomery county law enforcement has offered cooperation in next weeks investigation yet they cannot go forward without a victim complaint from Ford which she and her lawyers failed to file. In addition the prosecutor cannot prosecute in Maryland as statute of limitations.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
I don't know how they came to some sort of conclusion that something happened to this women (could have been made up in her own head), but they with no corelating evidence just bit it all hook line and sinker ?

She can't even get her friend Leland to vouch that the story was true, that it happened or any such important things as that, but she was to be believed ??
This was the GOP's version of how they assessed what happened, just saying. If you listen to her testimony look at her body language there are only 2 possible conclusions. Either she is an actrice worthy of an Oscar, or she is telling the truth. These people recognized that I think.
As all the scandals seem to be centred around sex, of one form or another; it leads me on to this:

5 American sex norms that Europeans will never understand

And with good reason. When it comes to physical intimacy, the U.S. is the land of the free, home of the crazed

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

Europeans tend to see a lot of American ideals and behaviors as bizarre. In particular, they aren’t wild about our politics and our food (though they love our television and our movies). And when it comes to sex? Well, Europeans tend to view us as the land of the free, home of the batshit crazy.

Below are some of the biggest sexual WTFs Europeans have about America.

5 American sex norms that Europeans will never understand

I can answer "why" on every one of those (its a partisan article frankly.)

1. FCC rules on sex on regular TV were a bi-partisan compromise to protect children, you'll find no pasties on cable... Violence is also rated, all shows have a note as to why they are rated as they are (M, R, PG-13, G, etc) the "compromise" here was that American's enjoy violent action movies but many felt that kids shouldn't watch them - thus the ratings that allow parents to make the decision (and viewers too)

2. I'm pretty sure that's kind of BS considering the sexual revolution of the 70s. Sex-ed vs "abstinence" is an issue that America has been at logger heads over since then. Rather than /force/ everyone ['s kids] into someone else's belief, we had attempted to compromise and allow parents to chose (locally) if the school board teaches it or not. Their stats are ... lets say politically biased in nature. For example, in communities where religious teaching is welcomed by the community teen pregnancy might in fact be statistically high(er), but the underlying reason teen pregnancy is a problem is having kids when one is too young/can't take care of them, but in religious communities the family unit is stronger - parents and grandparents help raise the kido's, the father is typically made to take responsibility, etc.

3. I find this one ironic as fuck. Seriously a guy can't even touch a woman on the arm or back anymore without becoming a #metoo story. Gee, I wonder why America's touch phobic? LOL

4. Not that I support it, most folks don't, but some radicals getting violent about what they see as the murder of millions of babies is hard to understand? Apparently folks in Europe don't understand fighting for what they believe in... or maybe they're just "docile" and believe whatever their "masters" tell them to, regardless of any moral qualms they might have ~shrug~

5. Seriously? I take it back people in Europe are apparently stupid and don't understand religious views anymore. (I think I watched a news item that they're letting folks off for genital mutilation under the ideal of "religious tolerance" over there[?] If I'm remembering that right then I'd like to add: oh the irony...)
Why now?

And not during the last 30 years?

That is the question.
Because in sexual assault cases it often works like that. Look at it from the victims side. Someone assaults you when you are 15. You don't report him, like so many people don't. 30 Years later you see the president putting this guy on the shortlist for the Supreme Court as being particularly high qualified. I can imaging a now middle aged women being wronged in such a way being sufficiently angered by that development to speak up.
15 years ago he was...
assistant to the President (Bush)
White House Staff Secretary
and, nominated for the United States Court of Appeals.

His nomination was stalled in the Senate,
for nearly 3 fucking years




Please remove head from ass...please and thank you!

"lock him up" lock him up" lock him up"

So you want a liar and an alleged female assaulter on the SC. Figures. That is how Trump got hired.
Why now?

And not during the last 30 years?

That is the question.
Because in sexual assault cases it often works like that. Look at it from the victims side. Someone assaults you when you are 15. You don't report him, like so many people don't. 30 Years later you see the president putting this guy on the shortlist for the Supreme Court as being particularly high qualified. I can imaging a now middle aged women being wronged in such a way being sufficiently angered by that development to speak up.
15 years ago he was...
assistant to the President (Bush)
White House Staff Secretary
and, nominated for the United States Court of Appeals.

His nomination was stalled in the Senate,
for nearly 3 fucking years




Please remove head from ass...please and thank you!

Maybe because Bill didn't assault her, and I had no idea that Kav helped to write the report did you. And Monica was willing, but Clinton got in trouble for lying, same as Kav is going to do.
Maryland authorities are offering cooperation to investigate if the victim files a claim now.

Of course, and she will, to ensue it is delayed and never goes forward. Unless, the government decided to vote contingent on him being cleared of these allegations.

All politics folks, and you're nation is at risk. I only hope if he is cleared he can counter sue and demand she and her lawyers face prison time. They've made this all about politics, Rights be damned.

He and the GOP and Trump made it all about politics.
Why now?

And not during the last 30 years?

That is the question.
Because in sexual assault cases it often works like that. Look at it from the victims side. Someone assaults you when you are 15. You don't report him, like so many people don't. 30 Years later you see the president putting this guy on the shortlist for the Supreme Court as being particularly high qualified. I can imaging a now middle aged women being wronged in such a way being sufficiently angered by that development to speak up.
15 years ago he was...
assistant to the President (Bush)
White House Staff Secretary
and, nominated for the United States Court of Appeals.

His nomination was stalled in the Senate,
for nearly 3 fucking years




Please remove head from ass...please and thank you!
Lol please give me the name of 3 prosecutors in the Mueller probe, without looking it up on google? I can't. Name 4 people on the United States court of appeals without looking it up? Give me the name of the Deputy assistant press secretary in the Trump administration? Now give me the name of the people on the Supreme court? In terms of exposure and job importance the Supreme Court blows these other positions out of the water . Not only that but discounting that rage can and does usually builds up and it's hard to predict what is the straw that breaks the camels back for anyone seems a bit weird.
Lol please give me the name of 3 prosecutors in the Mueller probe, without looking it up on google? I can't. Name 4 people on the United States court of appeals without looking it up? Give me the name of the Deputy assistant press secretary in the Trump administration? Now give me the name of the people on the Supreme court?
You are suggesting that, she wasn't aware of,
his very public life before being chosen by Trump for SCOTUS

Not true

Not only that but discounting that rage can and does usually builds up and it's hard to predict what is the straw that breaks the camels back for anyone seems a bit weird
Excuse me but...her reasoning for coming forward,
was a sense of civil duty to inform people,
what kind of man they were considering for the SC

Where was her civil duty to let Bush know
what kind of man he had by his side

Where was her civil duty to inform the bar association
what kind of man was presiding as a judge, to uphold the law

Where was her civil duty to inform Ken Starr,
what the man, helping him to impeach Clinton, had done to her.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man

Are you not aware of what major remodeling can do to a marriage?? I guess not.
when have the liberals followed their own rules when the repubs did it "in return"?

the biden rule. lame duck cant nominate. when done to obama "this is different". right did bullshit in return following a left rule.

nuclear option.

and now all this.
-First the Biden Rule. Biden made a speech 3 months later in the election year then when Scalia's seat was opened. There was NO opening at the time. It wasn't a self serving speech. It was in fact a reaction to the Clarence Thomas nomination. It's simply an excuse that Mcconell used to justify holding the seat. In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year. In fact you will not find a SINGLE instance were Democrats held up a SCOTUS nomination for even half as long as the GOP did.
-The nuclear option was the other example. I actually think it was a bad precedent. On the other hand the GOP made it clear in no uncertain terms that if Obama wanted judges in the courts he would have to do it over their dead bodies.
- This thing is an entirely different beast. Again Democrats did NOT make the accusation. Someone else did. Wether or not you believe her is one matter. But asserting that it is unfair seems again self serving.
- You know, I have been thinking about this and I have actually a pretty good idea.Pull Kavanaugh, Trump nominates Garland. Democrats if they win restore the filibuster for all judicial nominees and the balance will be restored.
im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
100% agree and good point.

but if this were done, to me, validates their behavior and they will do it again.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
i dont view the accusation as credible.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
I don't know how they came to some sort of conclusion that something happened to this women (could have been made up in her own head), but they with no corelating evidence just bit it all hook line and sinker ?

She can't even get her friend Leland to vouch that the story was true, that it happened or any such important things as that, but she was to be believed ??
This was the GOP's version of how they assessed what happened, just saying. If you listen to her testimony look at her body language there are only 2 possible conclusions. Either she is an actrice worthy of an Oscar, or she is telling the truth. These people recognized that I think.
If you listen to her testimony look at her body language there are only 2 possible conclusions. Either she is an actrice worthy of an Oscar, or she is telling the truth. These people recognized that I think.
You have that backwards....

Either Brett is worthy of an Oscar, or he is telling the truth
How #MeToo became a
political weapon

Will #MeToo bring down Trump’s Supreme Court nominee? Are the Democratic Socialists of America overhyped? What is the point of the Lib Dems? spiked’s Brendan O’Neill, Tom Slater and Fraser Myers, and special guest Michael Tracey, discuss all this and more on this week’s spiked podcast.

How #MeToo became a political weapon
Leftists Call for Violence if Kav Confirmed
Gateway Pundit ^

Following yesterday’s Judiciary Committee hearings, prominent activist Emily G called for a “violent general strike” if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Accordiing to Far Left Watch— Emily G is no random leftist kook. She is one of 3,641 people followed by Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey and one of 503 people followed by the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate Watch” account.

Out of curiosity, and because I believe that there are Republicans behind the smearing of Kavanaugh, I checked Bill Kristol’s twitter feed. He wants Kavanaugh GONE.

This hasn’t been looked into enough.

This country desperately needs a purge. One of the current problems is the violent left is everywhere spreading confrontation and fear. Where is the Right. The left needs to be forcefully confronted

Just like wit Sotomayer and Kagan, wait!
Former employer sued third Kavanaugh accuser: ‘false and retaliatory’ sexual harassment allegations ^ | September 29, 2018 | BPR Wire

Julie Swetnick, the third woman to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school, faced allegations from her former employer that she engaged in “unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct” in 2000.

WebTrends alleged in a lawsuit that, after the company determined she had engaged in “inappropriate conduct,” Swetnick made “false and retaliatory allegations” of sexual harassment against two male co-workers.

Kavanaugh vehemently denied Swetnick’s claims, and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, called the case “bogus,” pointing out that WebTrends dismissed its case.

There’s a reason this story faded away like three hours after Avenatti made it public, why Senate Democrats and the mainstream media won’t touch it with a 10-foot pole, despite undoubtedly wanting to defeat Kavanaugh no matter the cost.
-First the Biden Rule. Biden made a speech 3 months later in the election year then when Scalia's seat was opened. There was NO opening at the time. It wasn't a self serving speech. It was in fact a reaction to the Clarence Thomas nomination. It's simply an excuse that Mcconell used to justify holding the seat. In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year. In fact you will not find a SINGLE instance were Democrats held up a SCOTUS nomination for even half as long as the GOP did.
-The nuclear option was the other example. I actually think it was a bad precedent. On the other hand the GOP made it clear in no uncertain terms that if Obama wanted judges in the courts he would have to do it over their dead bodies.
- This thing is an entirely different beast. Again Democrats did NOT make the accusation. Someone else did. Wether or not you believe her is one matter. But asserting that it is unfair seems again self serving.
- You know, I have been thinking about this and I have actually a pretty good idea.Pull Kavanaugh, Trump nominates Garland. Democrats if they win restore the filibuster for all judicial nominees and the balance will be restored.
im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
100% agree and good point.

but if this were done, to me, validates their behavior and they will do it again.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
i dont view the accusation as credible.
See this is were you lose me. I can understand the assertion that her account is unsubstantiated, but incredible? What makes her account unbelievable?
So you are saying the FBI can just up and investigate someone breaking a State law (which is what Kavenaugh is accused of) without the permission of the State law enforcement?

It's not a Red Herring, it's how things work.

The FBI investigates federal crimes, crimes across State lines (which usually become federal crimes), can be invited by Local law enforcement to assist. At most otherwise they can come in when local law enforcement is doing their jobs (watch Mississippi Burning for that) but even then that falls under the category of federal crimes.
again? The FBI can be asked by the President to vet and investigate. You're throwing around talking pints meant to deflect

question: What would be so wrong with asking the president to allow the FBI to look into this?

and if then find nothing, what them? How long to we give them to investigate something that is based on one person's claims and that there is no evidence or corroborating testimony?
As long as necessary

so you admit that this was never about "finding the truth" it was always about delaying the vote in hopes that the dems could take the senate in novermber and block all further Trump nominees? At least you are honest about it, unlike the dems on the committee
Trumptard pouts cuz it is all so unfair.

the politics of personal destruction is all the dems have left, we see it every campaign season. They know that they cannot win on policy or ideas because all of their policies and ideas have failed, so they create sex stories about GOP candidates while we all know that the dems and their Hollywood and media supporters are the most sexually corrupt people on earth.

But we will have the FBI investigation for the next week, what will you say if it shows that Ford was lying or that she was bribed to testify, or that she lied under oath? Careful what you wish for , dems.
im not about to reward their behavior.
Ah so you like this political bare knuckle fighting better? At some point someone needs to take responsibility for stopping this cycle of," they do this, so we do that."
100% agree and good point.

but if this were done, to me, validates their behavior and they will do it again.
And it validates what? First both sides have done plenty of shit they shouldn't. If your honest about it, the reason the GOP is in such a hurry is that if they hold the nomination until after the midterms and they lose the senate they are afraid the Dems will play the same dirty politics they played with Garland. Secondly you still haven't established to me that objecting to someone who is credibly accused of sexual assault is unfair to begin with.
i dont view the accusation as credible.
See this is were you lose me. I can understand the assertion that her account is unsubstantiated, but incredible? What makes her account unbelievable?

no evidence or corroborating testimony, even from the people that she claims witnessed it.
How does the word "credibly" get into this ?
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible. Not one GOP member suggested she was not credible. The words used were compelling and credible if I'm not mistaken. Credible is another word for believable. Doesn't mean it's true, but simply believable.
Well, not even Kavanaugh himself during his testimony dared to suggest Ford was not credible.
Denying her allegations wasn't stating as much?

I'm curious as to why her and her husband,
are in couples counseling....

You'd be amazed at the lengths,
women will go to, to keep a man
No, at least not according to the GOP. The position the GOP members take is that they believe "something happened" to Ford, just not Kavanaugh, or something like that. It's convoluted as hell, something I noted on Thursday when they were making the argument. Kavanaugh NEVER, not a single time during the hearing even hinted on that she was wasn't assaulted. The only thing he spoke to was that he didn't do it.
I don't know how they came to some sort of conclusion that something happened to this women (could have been made up in her own head), but they with no corelating evidence just bit it all hook line and sinker ?

She can't even get her friend Leland to vouch that the story was true, that it happened or any such important things as that, but she was to be believed ??
This was the GOP's version of how they assessed what happened, just saying. If you listen to her testimony look at her body language there are only 2 possible conclusions. Either she is an actrice worthy of an Oscar, or she is telling the truth. These people recognized that I think.
Don't she have masters in sycology etc ??

Could her degree and experience in her degree allow her to play these cats like a fiddle ?? Hmmmm.
Dr. Ford's testimony was infallable

Infallible? Seriously?
I don’t even know what to say to such blatant (wilfull?) idiocy!

You're not on a FOX NEWS facebook page here. This is a political board with big boys and girls, and talking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Be specific about what you are talking about.
You should use your own advice

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