OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
You mean ASKED? Ford cannot instruct or a direct a US Senator to do anything, you dumb Leftist.
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Feinstein, who represents California and who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, had received the letter from Ford sometime over the summer and was asked to keep it confidential. At some point, however, the letter was leaked to the press, although Feinstein denies that anyone in her office is responsible.

What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)

I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.
Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.

I dodged nothing, ya moronic rightard. I told you my position on this is already posted and you’re welcome to look for it. It’s why this forum has a search feature. I am under no obligation to reiterate my position for a loser like you who’s too lazy to do his own homework and wants others to do it for him.

Yawn, ping me when you can answer a simple question.
You don't see why its a DEM thing.....LOLOL!
Yeah ! dumb asses on both sides LOLOL!
Is that why your avatar promotes Mister Mooocher?

FYI, Michelle Obama is a classy woman.
You can be classy and be racist... What's you're point ?
'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
You mean ASKED? Ford cannot instruct or a direct a US Senator to do anything, you dumb Leftist.
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Feinstein, who represents California and who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, had received the letter from Ford sometime over the summer and was asked to keep it confidential. At some point, however, the letter was leaked to the press, although Feinstein denies that anyone in her office is responsible.

What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)

I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.
Otherwise Fein-stein new the letter wasn't credible enough to begin with, but in an emergency to stop Kavanaugh it would just have to do eh ??

Then we get Ford talking like she's an 8 year old when she is a woman up in her age, and then there she is wearing those glasses until the prosecutor backed her into a corner where next the glasses were pushed up onto her forehead as if she was in shock that she was being handled like that.
What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)
I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.

I'd love to have that cleared up by the FBI...
There must be a historical pattern for that kind of nasty partisan behavior on her part. If she is indeed a dishonest partisan hack, there surely are many precedents.
Find me a few examples from the past.

Thank you in advance :banana:
Graham attacks NBC as ‘co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh’
The Hill ^ | 10/01/18 | MICHAEL BURKE

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday accused NBC of being a "co-conspirator" in an attempt to bring down Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, criticizing the network for its coverage of assault accusations against Kavanaugh.

"They’ve been a co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh from my point of view," Graham said during an appearance on Fox News's "Hannity."

Graham attacked NBC for reporting last week that the Senate Judiciary Committee had questioned Kavanaugh about a fourth assault accusation. Senate investigators asked Kavanaugh about an anonymous complaint alleging that he physically assaulted a woman in 1998.

The complaint was originally sent to Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.).

Graham on Monday charged that a Democratic senator leaked the allegation. He also suggested that NBC wouldn't have reported the alleged assault if the same accusation were made against a Democratic nominee.

"Do you think NBC would’ve done that if this had been a Democratic male nominee? All I can say is that there the journalistic integrity has been destroyed … regarding this case," he said.

Graham has been a fierce defender of Kavanaugh amid multiple allegations that have been made against the high court nominee. Three women — Christine Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick and Deborah Ramirez — have come forward publicly to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. The Senate Judiciary Committee also questioned Kavanaugh about other anonymous allegations.

President Trump last week asked the FBI to reopen a background investigation into Kavanaugh focused on the accusations of the women who have publicly come forward, after Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) called for the probe.
Maybe, first thing to do here is maybe find out who leaked out Mrs Ford's name in the first place. Feinstein was under orders not to divulge. Once the name leaked, 2 other popcorns showed up in the basket. Add a bit more heat and we'll get the Jiffy Pop monster bag by the end of the week :)
Orders? LMAO. Orders? This is not the military. You're dumb.

All right then... a synonym might be 'direction'... or 'instruction' ? ... She was instructed to.... blah.. blah...
Dianne Feinstein angrily denies leaking or hiding Christine Ford's accusations of Brett Kavanaugh | Daily Mail Online
'Let me be clear, I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegation. I did not leak her story,' said Feinstein during the hearing. 'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
Confidential until when ??? Right at the precise time ??
West Virginia voters pressure Manchin to vote for Kavanaugh

West Virginia residents pressed Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin this weekend about whether he would vote in favor of Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

At the West Virginia Pumpkin Festival parade in Milton on Sunday, the senator marched alongside voters who asked him one after the other if he planned on voting or urged him to vote for Kavanaugh.

Manchin would only say that he would have a final answer to those questions by the end of the week. One parade-goer continually shouted Kavanaugh’s name, and Manchin would only say, “Thank you.”

Another yelled out, “Vote Kavanaugh!” and Manchin responded, “I hear you.”

One woman asked Manchin, “Are you going to vote for the judge?” Manchin only told her to wait until Friday for that answer.

Another voter told Manchin, “If you don’t vote for him, I won’t vote for you.” Manchin said, “I get that a lot.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
All right then... a synonym might be 'direction'... or 'instruction' ? ... She was instructed to.... blah.. blah...
Dianne Feinstein angrily denies leaking or hiding Christine Ford's accusations of Brett Kavanaugh | Daily Mail Online
'Let me be clear, I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegation. I did not leak her story,' said Feinstein during the hearing. 'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
Confidential until when ??? Right at the precise time ??

Some dumb ass leaked Ford's name... Ford took the matter in her own hands and came forward.
Whoever leaked her name was in control of the timing. Might be a good case for the FBI to look at... to uncover those nasty partisan hacks lol.

Regardless of Ford. You might want to check out the popcorn that's on the stove lol
What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)
I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.

I'd love to have that cleared up by the FBI...
There must be a historical pattern for that kind of nasty partisan behavior on her part. If she is indeed a dishonest partisan hack, there surely are many precedents.
Find me a few examples from the past.

Thank you in advance :banana:

She is being investigated right now but since you asked:


Drones: Feinstein said, "We have no regulation of drones in the United States in their commercial use." Feinstein’s wrong: Not only does the FAA regulate the commercial use of drones, it actually bans it.

Party Unity: Last week in Oakland, Feinstein and her campaign tried to block the California Democratic Party from endorsing Feinstein’s opponent, former state Senate leader Kevin de León.
What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)
I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.

I'd love to have that cleared up by the FBI...
There must be a historical pattern for that kind of nasty partisan behavior on her part. If she is indeed a dishonest partisan hack, there surely are many precedents.
Find me a few examples from the past.

Thank you in advance :banana:

One more:

Senator Feinstein – why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? Senator Feinstein, the only reason you would deny a fuller FBI investigation is guilt, by your own standard.
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?


Well I certainly have better sense than to accuse someone of being a Holocaust denier after they argued as many as 6 million Jews were killed in it.

You do that now. Kav has an impeccable record too. But in HS you were a Nazi and a denier. I don't have any proof but in your world I don't need any.
So when do you answer the question.... why did you change your story? Why did you shift from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to I was one once? And where did Ford change her story?

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

You do that now. Kav has an impeccable record too. But in HS you were a Nazi and a denier. I don't have any proof but in your world I don't need any.
So when do you answer the question.... why did you change your story? Why did you shift from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to I was one once? And where did Ford change her story?

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
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Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.

I dodged nothing, ya moronic rightard. I told you my position on this is already posted and you’re welcome to look for it. It’s why this forum has a search feature. I am under no obligation to reiterate my position for a loser like you who’s too lazy to do his own homework and wants others to do it for him.

Yawn, ping me when you can answer a simple question.

I already did. Besides, why do you need me to repeat my position when you eagerly attribute a position to me you hysterically think I made?
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

So when do you answer the question.... why did you change your story? Why did you shift from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to I was one once? And where did Ford change her story?

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Redirect Notice


Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to the drunken and heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone. Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country going into the midterm election cycle.

Will you STFU about links. Google is your friend.
I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.

I dodged nothing, ya moronic rightard. I told you my position on this is already posted and you’re welcome to look for it. It’s why this forum has a search feature. I am under no obligation to reiterate my position for a loser like you who’s too lazy to do his own homework and wants others to do it for him.

Yawn, ping me when you can answer a simple question.

I already did. Besides, why do you need me to repeat my position when you eagerly attribute a position to me you hysterically think I made?

LMAO. Keep doubling down on your stupidity.
You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.

I dodged nothing, ya moronic rightard. I told you my position on this is already posted and you’re welcome to look for it. It’s why this forum has a search feature. I am under no obligation to reiterate my position for a loser like you who’s too lazy to do his own homework and wants others to do it for him.

Yawn, ping me when you can answer a simple question.

I already did. Besides, why do you need me to repeat my position when you eagerly attribute a position to me you hysterically think I made?

LMAO. Keep doubling down on your stupidity.
And by “stupidity,” you mean laughing at your ignorance for making up positions I never stated?
What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)
I would have shared it with Grassley and the FBI immediately so that they could include that in their usual background checks. She waited til the last second to delay this as much as possible. She actually met with Kav one on one post letter and NEVER asked him about his HS years. She deliberately did this because she is a dishonest party hack.

I'd love to have that cleared up by the FBI...
There must be a historical pattern for that kind of nasty partisan behavior on her part. If she is indeed a dishonest partisan hack, there surely are many precedents.
Find me a few examples from the past.

Thank you in advance :banana:

Excuse me? You did NOT just ask when Frankenfeinstein was ever a dishonest party hack, as though you honestly think there's some chance she isn't. How do you not suffocate with your head that far up your ass?
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