OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Megyn Kelly recently said that it's time for Michael Avenatti to 'put up for shut up' regarding the lurid and dramatic claims being advanced by one of his clients against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Based on that client's interview with NBC last night, it looks like it's time for the celebrity lawyer to do the latter -- though the chances of that are nil. He's running for president and vowing to expand and pack SCOTUS, no less.

In her first sit-down interview, Julie Swetnick -- the woman who tied Kavanaugh to a gang rape ring when he was in high school (and she was in college) -- hedged and backed away from a number of her outlandish accusations. NBC News, like the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, has been unable to verify anything about Swetnick's account. They ran her interview anyway, for some reason, noting up front that she's already changing her story. "There are things that she told us on camera that differ from her written statement last week:"

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

If Avenatti had any sense of shame, he wouldn't be a lawyer.
Lindsay Graham: If the Senate rejects Kavanaugh, renominate him and let the 'ballot box' decide

Washigton Examiner ^

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., advised President Trump to renominate Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court if his confirmation crumbles in the Senate under a wave of sexual assault allegations. Part two of this strategy would be to wait until the 2018 midterm elections to play out as a de facto referendum, particularly in "Trump states." "Here's what I would tell the president, I would appeal the verdict of the Senate to the ballot box," Graham told host Sean Hannity in an interview Monday evening

Wow. Lindsey's really pissed off.
Lindsay Graham: If the Senate rejects Kavanaugh, renominate him and let the 'ballot box' decide

Washigton Examiner ^

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., advised President Trump to renominate Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court if his confirmation crumbles in the Senate under a wave of sexual assault allegations. Part two of this strategy would be to wait until the 2018 midterm elections to play out as a de facto referendum, particularly in "Trump states." "Here's what I would tell the president, I would appeal the verdict of the Senate to the ballot box," Graham told host Sean Hannity in an interview Monday evening

Wow. Lindsey's really pissed off.

He gets the Oscar for drama queen lol
hint: He wants the AG job.... if Trump survives the mid-terms.
Lindsay Graham: If the Senate rejects Kavanaugh, renominate him and let the 'ballot box' decide

Washigton Examiner ^

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., advised President Trump to renominate Brett Kavanaugh as his pick to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court if his confirmation crumbles in the Senate under a wave of sexual assault allegations. Part two of this strategy would be to wait until the 2018 midterm elections to play out as a de facto referendum, particularly in "Trump states." "Here's what I would tell the president, I would appeal the verdict of the Senate to the ballot box," Graham told host Sean Hannity in an interview Monday evening

Wow. Lindsey's really pissed off.

He gets the Oscar for drama queen lol
hint: He wants the AG job.... if Trump survives the mid-terms.

Yeah, or maybe he actually has integrity, and finds the behavior of leftists to be egregious and evil.

I realize that's probably not something that would occur to you, since "integrity" is probably just a word in one of those dictionary-things you've never opened.
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

So when do you answer the question.... why did you change your story? Why did you shift from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to I was one once? And where did Ford change her story?

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.

:auiqs.jpg: Again not one single credible link to verify ANYTHING you just said, so it goes into the:bsflag: column.

Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass (at misogyny central) are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.


I imagine that's why you have NEVER been able to post a credible link on this board. You're just a parrot of them.
Last edited:
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.

:auiqs.jpg: Again not one single credible link to verify ANYTHING you just said, so it goes into the:bsflag: column.

Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

How about this? Not reliable? BMK Interview Transcript (Redacted)..pdf
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.

:auiqs.jpg: Again not one single credible link to verify ANYTHING you just said, so it goes into the:bsflag: column.

Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him
Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Last edited:
This is Day #4 of the FBI investigation.

They are half way.

If they can find out that K. lied to the Senate while under oath, then K. is finished.

Otherwise I think the GOP will continue to go with a lying strict constructionist who was a boozing teen who molested teenaged Catholic girls. That's still better than Ginsberg on the SCOTUS.
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.
As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh-or that he through ice on someone in a bar-they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh--they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.


I did both.

You are a dumb leftist. Emojis are for children. You are case in point.
As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh--they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.


Did you make this sign, little man?

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh--they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.


oreo the dumb leftist.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.


Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh-or that he through ice on someone in a bar-they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.

just like you don't. that was easy.

Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass at misogynist central are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.

That's why you can't find credible verifiable links to post on this board. You're just a parrot.

Or this?

New York Times Admits Error In Having Kavanaugh Hater Write 'News' Article About Him

THE DAILY WIRE is what you consider a credible verifiable link--:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh--they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.


oreo the dumb leftist.


If only knew what a leftist was- you might be able to spot one--:auiqs.jpg:

Actually I was a lifelong Republican until you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17K posts to prove that.

Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

Of course not a link to any of that BS, as usual.

Apparently she also passed a polygraph test before testifying.

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying

The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^
I know why she asked for one, first, she didn't want them investigating her. LOL. second, she is being paid over half a million dollars for the delay. hmmmm quite profitable. Not bad for saying I can't remember. shut up and go back to sleep. your lack of common sense is noted.

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph prior to testifying.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

Men typically don't assault women in public, so allegations of sexual assault are often difficult to prove.

So right now the FBI is investigating the "credibilty" of these womens allegations. Meaning if they find others who will attest to Kavanaugh"s drunken, heavy drinking habits & and his behavior during those episodes, you can probably color this nominee gone.

Or Republicans can choose to throw themselves onto the sword with women in this country headed into the midterm election cycle.

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

As usual no credible, verifiable link to any of that B.S.

holy fk, you can't be that stupid. So you're going to tell me you haven't heard of the go fund me money for ford? really? she admitted having it during her testimony. duh!!!

And she does not want the fbi to talk to her. and her name was not on the dems list. really, you just can't be that stupid.

I'll let what I wrote stand on its own merit since you wish to remain stupid.

:auiqs.jpg: Again not one single credible link to verify ANYTHING you just said, so it goes into the:bsflag: column.

Sean Hannity nor Rush Limpass (at misogyny central) are NOT credible, verifiable sources of information DUMBASS.


I imagine that's why you have NEVER been able to post a credible link on this board. You're just a parrot of them.

No Daily Wire posted the link of the transcript. You dumb loser.

If you want a :"full" transcript of ANYTHING you go to the source and not through something called the DAILY WIRE--that has FAKE NEWS as it's cover ;page. I don't give a rats ass about what some reporter thinks or thought about Brett Kavanaugh--they have NOTHING to do with anything regarding this.


oreo the dumb leftist.


If only knew what a leftist was- you might be able to spot one--:auiqs.jpg:

Actually I was a lifelong Republican until you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17K posts to prove that.

sure you were.. you live in the gutter with the leftists. ain't you proud?

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