OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread


Still not a courtroom which is where presumption of innocence is applicable. You never learn, do ya, Buttplug?

Yet he is being tried in the court of public opinion.
Of course he is. That’s what these confirmation hearing are all about. And the is no such thing as presumption of innocence in the court of public opinion.

There should not be a presumption of guilt now. Only an idiot would not see this for what it is. A delay tactic by the Donkeys.
There is no presumption of guilt. That would be you speaking from delusion again. What there is, is Ford making a claim against Kavanaugh. The Senators will decide which of them they believe and cast a vote. For many, the vote they cast will not even be based on Ford’s claims.

Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?
What did you call him?
I didn’t call him anything.

All you Leftists sound the same to me.
Your delusions are your problems. Don’t try to make them mine.

What did you call him? Do you think he is guilty? Your fellow Leftists do and they have called him a rapist. Do you denounce them?
Everything I’ve posted about him can be found on this forum. Feel free to do your homework before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Your fellow Leftists not only call him a rapist but changed their avatars to reflect such.'re guilty by association, Leftist.

So it’s your perverted prejudices that guide your beliefs and not what individuals actually say? Well using your logic, that one is guilty by association and for no other reason, then that would mean Kavanaugh is guilty as charged because I’ve seen cases where Republicans have committed rape. Guilt by association isn’t my personal belief, but it’s yours.

And Democrats. False equivalency.
Yet he is being tried in the court of public opinion.
Of course he is. That’s what these confirmation hearing are all about. And the is no such thing as presumption of innocence in the court of public opinion.

There should not be a presumption of guilt now. Only an idiot would not see this for what it is. A delay tactic by the Donkeys.
There is no presumption of guilt. That would be you speaking from delusion again. What there is, is Ford making a claim against Kavanaugh. The Senators will decide which of them they believe and cast a vote. For many, the vote they cast will not even be based on Ford’s claims.

Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

The Senate floor is not a courtroom and there is no such thing as presumption of innocence there.
And yet Dr. Ford was there with not one - but two - of her attorneys. And not only that, but they actually OBJECTED during the hearings on multiple occassions. But hey...there is nothing to see here. Nothing legal happening here. Move along. Just ask Faunny. :eusa_whistle:

Faun likes to make up his own “reality” construct. :lmao:

Still not a courtroom which is where presumption of innocence is applicable. You never learn, do ya, Buttplug?
What is really sad is that you think that the court room is the only place that presumption of innocence should apply.

It is part of the very core of our legal system not because it only belongs there but because it is a fundamental value within a lawful society.
It doesn’t exist outside the courtroom. You can’t impose it upon others when it suits your needs.
You don't see why its a DEM thing.....LOLOL!
Yeah ! dumb asses on both sides LOLOL!
Is that why your avatar promotes Mister Mooocher?

FYI, Michelle Obama is a classy woman.
Of course he is. That’s what these confirmation hearing are all about. And the is no such thing as presumption of innocence in the court of public opinion.

There should not be a presumption of guilt now. Only an idiot would not see this for what it is. A delay tactic by the Donkeys.
There is no presumption of guilt. That would be you speaking from delusion again. What there is, is Ford making a claim against Kavanaugh. The Senators will decide which of them they believe and cast a vote. For many, the vote they cast will not even be based on Ford’s claims.

Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.

The Senate floor is not a courtroom and there is no such thing as presumption of innocence there.
And yet Dr. Ford was there with not one - but two - of her attorneys. And not only that, but they actually OBJECTED during the hearings on multiple occassions. But hey...there is nothing to see here. Nothing legal happening here. Move along. Just ask Faunny. :eusa_whistle:

Faun likes to make up his own “reality” construct. :lmao:

Still not a courtroom which is where presumption of innocence is applicable. You never learn, do ya, Buttplug?
What is really sad is that you think that the court room is the only place that presumption of innocence should apply.

It is part of the very core of our legal system not because it only belongs there but because it is a fundamental value within a lawful society.
It doesn’t exist outside the courtroom. You can’t impose it upon others when it suits your needs.
I can see that though I did not state I want to 'impose' anything. So many have no problem lynching someone based off nothing other than presuming they are guilty. As I said, it is monumentally sad how you don't even understand the problem in that.
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI. But then again, he loves reality shows that feed on incomplete data. It's all about filling the void with whoever shouts the loudest or who pulls the woman by the hair the furthest.
Grunt !!!
Feinstein could have shared the letter she received with Grassley and the FBI and they would have done the background checks in private. IT IS HER FAULT not Trump's you idiot Leftist.

Maybe, first thing to do here is maybe find out who leaked out Mrs Ford's name in the first place. Feinstein was under orders not to divulge. Once the name leaked, 2 other popcorns showed up in the basket. Add a bit more heat and we'll get the Jiffy Pop monster bag by the end of the week :)

Check out Kavanaugh to the right of the box LOL.

There should not be a presumption of guilt now. Only an idiot would not see this for what it is. A delay tactic by the Donkeys.
There is no presumption of guilt. That would be you speaking from delusion again. What there is, is Ford making a claim against Kavanaugh. The Senators will decide which of them they believe and cast a vote. For many, the vote they cast will not even be based on Ford’s claims.

Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.
Kavanaugh or Trump could have avoided a 'court of public opinion' had they insisted on an investigation by the FBI. But then again, he loves reality shows that feed on incomplete data. It's all about filling the void with whoever shouts the loudest or who pulls the woman by the hair the furthest.
Grunt !!!
Feinstein could have shared the letter she received with Grassley and the FBI and they would have done the background checks in private. IT IS HER FAULT not Trump's you idiot Leftist.

Maybe, first thing to do here is maybe find out who leaked out Mrs Ford's name in the first place. Feinstein was under orders not to divulge. Once the name leaked, 2 other popcorns showed up in the basket. Add a bit more heat and we'll get the Jiffy Pop monster bag by the end of the week :)

Check out Kavanaugh to the right of the box LOL.


Orders? LMAO. Orders? This is not the military. You're dumb.
Kamala Harris Claims Kavanaugh Raped ‘Jane Doe’ in A Car

Just how fucking desparate is the PARTY OF CRIME? ...You know this low IQ DemonRAT senator will want the FBI to spend a month or more investigating this....ANYTHING TO DELAY!

The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh last Wednesday regarding a letter delivered to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in which an anonymous woman claims she was repeatedly raped by the judge without providing any details to investigate.

According to committee transcripts released Sunday, the accuser, who signed the mysterious letter as “Jane Doe,” alleges Kavanaugh and a friend raped her “several times” after giving her a lift home from a party — making no attempt to claim a time or place for the lurid story.

The letter, marked with the word “urgent,” did not include a return address, nor did it offer clues regarding the accuser’s background. “A group of white men, powerful senators who won’t believe me, will come after me” if I reveal the incident, the accuser wrote, prompting observers to speculate the sender could be a minority.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Maybe, first thing to do here is maybe find out who leaked out Mrs Ford's name in the first place. Feinstein was under orders not to divulge. Once the name leaked, 2 other popcorns showed up in the basket. Add a bit more heat and we'll get the Jiffy Pop monster bag by the end of the week :)
Orders? LMAO. Orders? This is not the military. You're dumb.

All right then... a synonym might be 'direction'... or 'instruction' ? ... She was instructed to.... blah.. blah...
Dianne Feinstein angrily denies leaking or hiding Christine Ford's accusations of Brett Kavanaugh | Daily Mail Online
'Let me be clear, I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegation. I did not leak her story,' said Feinstein during the hearing. 'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
The Senate floor is not a courtroom and there is no such thing as presumption of innocence there.
And yet Dr. Ford was there with not one - but two - of her attorneys. And not only that, but they actually OBJECTED during the hearings on multiple occassions. But hey...there is nothing to see here. Nothing legal happening here. Move along. Just ask Faunny. :eusa_whistle:

Faun likes to make up his own “reality” construct. :lmao:

Still not a courtroom which is where presumption of innocence is applicable. You never learn, do ya, Buttplug?

"We don't ever have to apply the rules to US, because REASONS!"

So very, very tired of the endless excuses why it's okay for leftists to behave like primitive, vicious savages.
Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart. As if I care about what tires you.
Breaking: Evidence that Brett Kavanaugh habitually exposed himself to several nurses upon being born and then to other females for months.
May be a call now for hiring granny nurses only.


Apart from all that...
Judge Brett Kavanaugh's comments before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Laurence H. Tribe writes, "disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court." CreditCreditErin Schaff for The New York Times

Much might be said about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s possible confirmation to the Supreme Court: in terms of his still only partly disclosed professional record, the allegations of sexual assault and his candor, or lack of it, in testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But apart from all that — and apart from whatever the reopened F.B.I. investigation might reveal — the judge himself has unwittingly provided the most compelling argument against his elevation to that court.

His intemperate personal attacks on members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and his partisan tirades against what he derided as a conspiracy of liberal political enemies guilty of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” do more than simply display a strikingly injudicious temperament. They disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court: cases involving individuals or groups that Judge Kavanaugh has now singled out, under oath and in front of the entire nation, as implacable adversaries.

Well before last week’s hearing, public officials and scholars of legal ethics were already debating whether a Justice Kavanaugh, with his unusually expansive views of presidential power, would be required to recuse himself from cases involving the legal fate of the president who nominated him.
Um, the left said they were going to do everything they could possibly do to stop him before he was even nominated. Any surprise that they got called out on it?
WOW sounds like what scumbag McConnell said about Obama before he opened the WH door Are you sure you got that right?
Maybe, first thing to do here is maybe find out who leaked out Mrs Ford's name in the first place. Feinstein was under orders not to divulge. Once the name leaked, 2 other popcorns showed up in the basket. Add a bit more heat and we'll get the Jiffy Pop monster bag by the end of the week :)
Orders? LMAO. Orders? This is not the military. You're dumb.

All right then... a synonym might be 'direction'... or 'instruction' ? ... She was instructed to.... blah.. blah...
Dianne Feinstein angrily denies leaking or hiding Christine Ford's accusations of Brett Kavanaugh | Daily Mail Online
'Let me be clear, I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegation. I did not leak her story,' said Feinstein during the hearing. 'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'

You mean ASKED? Ford cannot instruct or a direct a US Senator to do anything, you dumb Leftist.

Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Feinstein, who represents California and who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, had received the letter from Ford sometime over the summer and was asked to keep it confidential. At some point, however, the letter was leaked to the press, although Feinstein denies that anyone in her office is responsible.
Oh yeah.... I forgot: 'Back in the summer of '82 I took up track and field... so that I could run faster'

LMAO :5_1_12024: .... and then there's the yearbook...
"Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: 'FFFFFFFourth of July,'" Avenatti wrote. "We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term 'Devil's Triangle.' Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him."
Brett Kavanaugh’s questionable definitions of "boof" and "Devil’s Triangle," explained
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I really don't think you looked at the dates, nor scrolled down those polls---:auiqs.jpg: There's nothing old about them.

The people in all these protests are NOT going to forget to vote this November.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
I already refuted your silly blue wave idea, Are you reading the thread ? (and the links) Some people have to be told twice.

2018 Senate Forecast

I noticed you completely ignored the U.S house of representaives lol
'She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked.'
You mean ASKED? Ford cannot instruct or a direct a US Senator to do anything, you dumb Leftist.
Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office will be investigated to determine whether or not they leaked the confidential letter from Christine Blasey Ford that detailed allegations of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Feinstein, who represents California and who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, had received the letter from Ford sometime over the summer and was asked to keep it confidential. At some point, however, the letter was leaked to the press, although Feinstein denies that anyone in her office is responsible.

What would you have done with that hot potato? FBI might be useful here ;)
There is no presumption of guilt. That would be you speaking from delusion again. What there is, is Ford making a claim against Kavanaugh. The Senators will decide which of them they believe and cast a vote. For many, the vote they cast will not even be based on Ford’s claims.

Senators are partisan hacks. Feinstein being the biggest one. Again your fellow leftists have labeled him as guilty and you believe he is as well. Don't dodge.
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant.

Which is it...?

I am not going to waste my time going through your biased posts. Just answer now. If you had to bet $1 million dollars would you bet he is guilty or innocent of the charges? Seems simple. I would bet this is BS and he never did this.

You’re a nothing to who I owe nothing to repeat myself simply because you’re too lazy to lookup what I actually said. Besides, it’s more fun watching you make shit up borne from your own hallucinations.


You just dodged the question. Coward.

I dodged nothing, ya moronic rightard. I told you my position on this is already posted and you’re welcome to look for it. It’s why this forum has a search feature. I am under no obligation to reiterate my position for a loser like you who’s too lazy to do his own homework and wants others to do it for him.
Diane Feinstein should have recused herself from the hearings. she provided the lawyer services to the witness. And that is illegal btw!!!

How many people do you know that would ask for an FBI investigation into their own allegation if they were lying or part of a conspiracy to smear a U.S Supreme Court nominee?

Just common sense. Something you don’t have.

Well I certainly have better sense than to accuse someone of being a Holocaust denier after they argued as many as 6 million Jews were killed in it.

You do that now. Kav has an impeccable record too. But in HS you were a Nazi and a denier. I don't have any proof but in your world I don't need any.
So when do you answer the question.... why did you change your story? Why did you shift from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to I was one once? And where did Ford change her story?

To show you how it is impossible to prove a negative. You can prove you're not a denier now but you cannot prove if you were one when you were 17. Ford said there were two people and then four and her testimony does not match the notes from her therapist. That is where. She also has a strong memory of what heppened 36 yrs ago but not seven weeks ago when she talked to the reporter about her poly.

You're asking Kav to prove a negative. That is insanity. The burden of proof is on the accuser. This could also have been handled quietly so as not to impact his kids. Feinstein could have shared that letter with the FBI, who could have done a background check. She chose not to because she is an irresponible and awful human being.

You cannot see that because you are a Leftit troll.
The burden of proof is on the accuser.

^^^^ this^^^^

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