OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Apart from all that...
Judge Brett Kavanaugh's comments before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Laurence H. Tribe writes, "disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court." CreditCreditErin Schaff for The New York Times

Much might be said about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s possible confirmation to the Supreme Court: in terms of his still only partly disclosed professional record, the allegations of sexual assault and his candor, or lack of it, in testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But apart from all that — and apart from whatever the reopened F.B.I. investigation might reveal — the judge himself has unwittingly provided the most compelling argument against his elevation to that court.

His intemperate personal attacks on members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and his partisan tirades against what he derided as a conspiracy of liberal political enemies guilty of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” do more than simply display a strikingly injudicious temperament. They disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court: cases involving individuals or groups that Judge Kavanaugh has now singled out, under oath and in front of the entire nation, as implacable adversaries.

Well before last week’s hearing, public officials and scholars of legal ethics were already debating whether a Justice Kavanaugh, with his unusually expansive views of presidential power, would be required to recuse himself from cases involving the legal fate of the president who nominated him.
Edward, with the way the Democrats keep moving the goal post now, and how they condemned the man before any of the latest allegations came about (condemned him because of Trump picking him in their rehtoric prior), and after they threw everything they had at him during his confirmation hearings, I just don't see how the Democrats can be taken seriously at this point and time. It ain't looking good.
I could have sworn they condemned him because they were not given access to about 90% of his briefs?
Another stall tactic.
So you think not having access to 90% of his opinions is a stall tactic?

Every single document from his time on the bench is available.
They know him... They ain't fooling no one.

They just don't like his conservative slant. Period.
Kavanaugh Accuser Co-Authored Study Citing Use Of Hypnosis To Retrieve Memories

Christine Blasey Ford, a California woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape in the 1980’s, co-authored an academic study that cited the use of hypnosis as a tool to retrieve memories in traumatized patients.

The academic paper, entitled “Meditation With Yoga, Group Therapy With Hypnosis, and Psychoeducation for Long-Term Depressed Mood: A Randomized Pilot Trial,” described the results of a study the tested the efficacy of certain treatments on 46 depressed individuals. The study was published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology in May 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Also well known that hypnosis can be used to IMPLANT FALSE MEMORIES!
Kavanaugh Accuser Co-Authored Study Citing Use Of Hypnosis To Retrieve Memories

Christine Blasey Ford, a California woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape in the 1980’s, co-authored an academic study that cited the use of hypnosis as a tool to retrieve memories in traumatized patients.

The academic paper, entitled “Meditation With Yoga, Group Therapy With Hypnosis, and Psychoeducation for Long-Term Depressed Mood: A Randomized Pilot Trial,” described the results of a study the tested the efficacy of certain treatments on 46 depressed individuals. The study was published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology in May 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Smart lady.
Kavanaugh Accuser Co-Authored Study Citing Use Of Hypnosis To Retrieve Memories

Christine Blasey Ford, a California woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape in the 1980’s, co-authored an academic study that cited the use of hypnosis as a tool to retrieve memories in traumatized patients.

The academic paper, entitled “Meditation With Yoga, Group Therapy With Hypnosis, and Psychoeducation for Long-Term Depressed Mood: A Randomized Pilot Trial,” described the results of a study the tested the efficacy of certain treatments on 46 depressed individuals. The study was published by the Journal of Clinical Psychology in May 2008.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Smart lady.
Hitler had an IQ of 180. Most mass murderers have high IQ.
Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and “Create Artificial Situations”

Chrsitine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senate regarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.

This may be because if the memories were revealed through hypnosis they would be “absolutely inadmissible” in the court of law in many states, including New York and Maryland.


"When I snap my fingers, you will be a tool of the tyrannical left....."

Christine Ford Published 2008 Article on Self-Hypnosis Used to Retrieve and “Create Artificial Situations”

Chrsitine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senate regarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.

This may be because if the memories were revealed through hypnosis they would be “absolutely inadmissible” in the court of law in many states, including New York and Maryland.

It’s why she refuses to release her medical records.
Christine Blasey Ford's lawyer resigned from his law firm because partners objected to his decision to represent her

During Thursday's Kavanaugh hearings, one of Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers, Michael Bromwich, stated that both her counsel are representing her pro-bono. Bromwich also resigned from his law firm — he served as senior counsel at Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP — because some of the partners objected to his decision to represent Ford. Bromwich, a Harvard Law graduate and former federal prosecutor, was known before this hearing for assisting the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair. During Thursday's hearing, Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor employed by the committee, pressed Ford on the nature of her legal representation, possibly in an attempt to portray her as being guided by more powerful Democrats looking out for the interest of the party. As Ford attempted to address the key points of Mitchell's questions, one of her lawyers jumped in. "Both of her counsel are doing this pro bono," Michael Bromwich told the committee. "We are not being paid. We have no expectation of being paid."

What Bromwich did not mention was that he not only was not being paid for his time representing Ford—he also left his job at a Washington law firm where he served as senior counsel.

According to Bloomberg, Bromwich, 64, resigned from Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber LLP, as some of the partners at the firm had objected to his decision to represent Ford.

Bromwich, a Harvard Law graduate and former federal prosecutor, was known before this hearing for assisting the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair and, more recently, for representing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired in March by Jeff Sessions

(Excerpt) Read more at ..
But seriously... there's a whole bunch of popcorn allegations in the news.
It takes only one to hit the butter and Kavanaugh gets chewed up.
Dude, if the left had anything valid, they'd have already hauled it out. We're going through this sick pantomime precisely because they have jack shit.

Ramirez said Kavanaugh hauled it out in front of her and I don't see why it's a Dem thing? Aren't you concerned about that kind of behavior?
Don't worry, there's going to be enough popcorn for everybody ... maybe even a cracker jack surprise for you :)
But seriously... there's a whole bunch of popcorn allegations in the news.
It takes only one to hit the butter and Kavanaugh gets chewed up.
Dude, if the left had anything valid, they'd have already hauled it out. We're going through this sick pantomime precisely because they have jack shit.

Ramirez said Kavanaugh hauled it out in front of her and I don't see why it's a Dem thing? Aren't you concerned about that kind of behavior?
Don't worry, there's going to be enough popcorn for everybody ... maybe even a cracker jack surprise for you :)
Wow.......she said that..............soo............stop showing me your sagging tits............did you guys see that.
Let’s hope this piece of shit is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Then, after the allegations were made public, the man who reported them recanted his story via social media on Sept. 26. The tomfoolery diverted valuable committee resources and slowed the process of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Grassley said.
This is what the left does. Lying. False accusations. Misinformation. A bunch of disgusting animals.

Senate Judiciary Committee refers ‘false statements’ against Brett Kavanaugh to FBI
But seriously... there's a whole bunch of popcorn allegations in the news.
It takes only one to hit the butter and Kavanaugh gets chewed up.
Dude, if the left had anything valid, they'd have already hauled it out. We're going through this sick pantomime precisely because they have jack shit.

Ramirez said Kavanaugh hauled it out in front of her and I don't see why it's a Dem thing? Aren't you concerned about that kind of behavior?
Don't worry, there's going to be enough popcorn for everybody ... maybe even a cracker jack surprise for you :)
You don't see why its a DEM thing.....LOLOL!


Breaking: Evidence that Brett Kavanaugh habitually exposed himself to several nurses upon being born and then to other females for months.
May be a call now for hiring granny nurses only.


Apart from all that...
Judge Brett Kavanaugh's comments before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Laurence H. Tribe writes, "disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court." CreditCreditErin Schaff for The New York Times

Much might be said about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s possible confirmation to the Supreme Court: in terms of his still only partly disclosed professional record, the allegations of sexual assault and his candor, or lack of it, in testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But apart from all that — and apart from whatever the reopened F.B.I. investigation might reveal — the judge himself has unwittingly provided the most compelling argument against his elevation to that court.

His intemperate personal attacks on members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and his partisan tirades against what he derided as a conspiracy of liberal political enemies guilty of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit” do more than simply display a strikingly injudicious temperament. They disqualify him from participating in a wide range of the cases that may come before the Supreme Court: cases involving individuals or groups that Judge Kavanaugh has now singled out, under oath and in front of the entire nation, as implacable adversaries.

Well before last week’s hearing, public officials and scholars of legal ethics were already debating whether a Justice Kavanaugh, with his unusually expansive views of presidential power, would be required to recuse himself from cases involving the legal fate of the president who nominated him.
Um, the left said they were going to do everything they could possibly do to stop him before he was even nominated. Any surprise that they got called out on it?
But seriously... there's a whole bunch of popcorn allegations in the news.
It takes only one to hit the butter and Kavanaugh gets chewed up.
Dude, if the left had anything valid, they'd have already hauled it out. We're going through this sick pantomime precisely because they have jack shit.

Ramirez said Kavanaugh hauled it out in front of her and I don't see why it's a Dem thing? Aren't you concerned about that kind of behavior?
Don't worry, there's going to be enough popcorn for everybody ... maybe even a cracker jack surprise for you :)

Not concerned at all.
Double Standard anyone?

An ex-girlfriend’s allegation that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison once physically abused her could not be substantiated because she refused to provide video she said she had of the incident, an attorney hired to investigate the claims concluded in a draft report obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

“An allegation standing alone is not necessarily sufficient to conclude that conduct occurred, particularly where the accusing party declines to produce supporting evidence that she herself asserts exists,” Ellingstad wrote. “She has thus repeatedly placed the existence of the video front and center to her allegations, but then has refused to disclose it.”

Democratic Investigation of Rep. Keith Ellison Calls Ex-Girlfriend's Abuse Allegation 'Unsubstantiated'
Like I asked, since when do rightards give a shit about someone's reputation?


Oh, look.... you changed your idiocy. You went from claiming I am a Holocaust denier to claiming I was one at 17. Why'd you change your claims? :badgrin:

I didn’t change it. I just Didn’t specify it. Sucks to be you as the burden of proof is on you. You a rat faced c u next Tuesday.
Of course you changed it. You said, I AM "a Holocaust denier." Now you say I WAS one at 17. So what changed?

You can't even comprehend tense. You have no chance at common sense.

Well you call Kav a rapist? He is not and was never accused. So past and present and truth seem to be irrelevant to you and yours. Once a denier always a denier? Right?
Your idiocy grows by the post.
Where did I call Kavanaugh a “rapist”.....

What did you call him?
I didn’t call him anything.

All you Leftists sound the same to me.
Your delusions are your problems. Don’t try to make them mine.
Ramirez said Kavanaugh hauled it out in front of her and I don't see why it's a Dem thing? Aren't you concerned about that kind of behavior?
Don't worry, there's going to be enough popcorn for everybody ... maybe even a cracker jack surprise for you :)
You don't see why its a DEM thing.....LOLOL!

Yeah ! dumb asses on both sides LOLOL!

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