OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The Senate floor is not a courtroom and there is no such thing as presumption of innocence there.
And yet Dr. Ford was there with not one - but two - of her attorneys. And not only that, but they actually OBJECTED during the hearings on multiple occassions. But hey...there is nothing to see here. Nothing legal happening here. Move along. Just ask Faunny. :eusa_whistle:

Faun likes to make up his own “reality” construct. :lmao:
The Kavanaugh hearing and the true danger of Godless Communists ^

Watching the Kavanaugh hearing, it's obvious that Leftists who don't believe in eternal damnation have no internal brakes stopping their evil behavior.

In 1954, Congress added the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, something it did as a direct rebuke to Godless communism. I never really focused on the "Godless" part of the phrase "Godless communism." To me, communism was the scourge, and the Godless part was almost akin to a verbal twitch or perhaps a clear identifier. They're not just communists! They're Godless communists!

Thinking about it, though, the phrase "Godless Communist" has a deeper meaning than I first realized. To the extent that America was founded as a nation beholden to God (even though the First Amendment thankfully) ensured that the federal government could not impose religious values, rituals, or doctrines on people, communism was not only an economic threat, it was also cultural threat.

Communism's war on God undermined everything America stood for: A nation that took directly from the Creator Himself the self-evident truths underlying its ideals. Without a Creator, those self-evident truths become mere wishful thinking. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as meaningless and ephemeral as any garden-variety slogan.

"Now, more than ever!" "Just Do It!" "Does she or doesn't she? Only her hairdresser knows for sure." "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- on sale now until supplies run out if you vote for your local Democrat politician."

Looking at the Kavanaugh hearings, though, I can see an even deeper implication to the dangers lurking behind Godless Communism. God is a moral brake. Without God, one may have rules, but they are simply man-made strictures with which men comply or avoid depending upon consequences from . . . other men.*

After all, there is no moral imperative regarding right turns on red. In some states, you can; in some states, you can't. And in those states in which right turns on red are barred, what stops us isn't any moral sense of wrongness, it's the fear of getting caught and having to pay an expensive ticket. Some of our rules look back to the Bible ("thou shalt not murder," "thou shalt not steal," but we enforce them from a civil, not a religious perspective.

Again, I'm grateful that our First Amendment keeps the judge from intoning that, not only are you going to prison, but you're also going to Hell. Having said that, though, I prefer a population that thinks Hell is part of the mix to one that doesn't. Again, government can be scary, but only if it catches you. An all-seeing, all-knowing, ethical God always catches you.

I've mentioned before in connection with the hearings that Kavanaugh is an openly devout man. His faith is an integral part of his life. I think his is a true and deep faith, rather than hypocritical posturing. (I can't help think of Obama "not really listening" in Rev. Wright's church as the latter excoriated America.) If I am correct, Kavanaugh truly believes there is a God.

Given that Kavanaugh believes in the Christian God, he also believes he has a soul, an eternal, existential part of himself that will return to God after he sheds his physical being. The extension of this thinking is that Kavanaugh also believes that his behavior on this earth has consequences extending far beyond his short mortal time.

This belief system means that Kavanaugh, when he determines on a course of action, isn't just thinking about whether he's breaking a rule and might get caught. He has greater concerns than fines, imprisonment, or even death. Earth is only a short part of the soul's journey. The longest part is afterwards, when the ultimate reckoning comes.

In that ultimate reckoning, while God probably discounts illegal right turns on red, Kavanaugh knows that he will have to answer to his God for bigger things: Did he try to rape a girl? Is there evil behind his decision to coach his children's basketball teams? Did he lie under oath? If he made the wrong choices as to any of those questions, it's not just a Supreme Court appointment or basketball coaching on the line; it's eternity.

Kavanaugh, of course, is imperfect, as we all are, but I believe (and this is my bias showing) that his true faith means he will not commit evil acts. For that reason, I do not believe that he tried to rape a girl, or that he's a nasty pedophile sneaking peaks under little girls' basketball uniforms, or that he would deliberately lie under oath. As to all his behaviors, his soul is at stake and, as a believing man, he's not going to play games on earth and thereby risk all eternity.

The opposite is true if you're a Godless Communist. For communists, the only Heaven is the one you create on earth. Moreover, because this earthly Heaven is so important -- it's the only one they're going to get and they want it in their mortal lifetimes -- there are no brakes to their behavior. If bringing about Heaven requires lying, cheating, defaming people, destroying reputations, or even killing, it's okay. If these tactics succeed, they've got their statist Heaven right there in front of them. Indeed, if they're a Mao or Castro or any other communist dictator, they not only get to create that Heaven, they get to reap the rewards of unlimited wealth and power. Woo-hoo!

And what about what happens to the Godless Communist if he fails to achieve this Heaven on earth? He certainly doesn't have to worry about eternal damnation because, if you're a Godless Communist, your acts -- the lying, cheating, defaming, killing -- are a problem only if you're caught and punished. God isn't a brake on your immoral, unethical, cruel behavior . . . because there is no God. Woo-hoo! All you need to worry about is those man-made rules.

But here's the cool thing if you're a Leftist in America: The man-made rules never touch you!

Drunkenly drive a car into a river and leave a woman to drown? No worries. You'll become the lion of the Senate.

Be a Grand Kleagle Beagle in the black-lynching KKK? No worries. You'll become the conscience of the Senate.

Routinely sexually harass women, possibly rape a woman, sell access to the White House and technological secrets to the Chinese, have an utterly indecent relationship in the Oval Office with a woman young enough to be your child, and routinely fly off to an island known as "Pedophile Island" without your bodyguards? No worries. You'll become your party's revered elder statesmen.

Engage in insider trading, sell access to the White House, destroy women who try to speak up about sexual assault and rape, sell access to the State Department, load all of the State Department's secrets onto an unsecured private email system, and vanish when an American consulate is under siege? No worries. You'll become the famed martyr who should have been president.

Allow a Chinese spy to drive you all over the place for 20 years, even as you and your husband make bank off of business with China? No worries. You'll still be seated in the Senate until you're a nonagenarian and have to be carried out feet first.

For American Leftists, there are no consequences. None. For the most powerful of them, if they succeed, they've created their Heaven on earth, complete with wealth and power for themselves, never mind all the little people who get destroyed. If they lose, no matter how many laws they've broken or lives they've destroyed along the way, they still create wealth and power for themselves. There is no punishment on earth and they're never worried about facing eternal damnation.

Some may pay lip service to God, but it's pretty clear that their God is government. That's how Obama could hear Wright preach hatred for 20 years without turning a hair. That's how Nancy Pelosi, who is ostensibly Catholic, can call abortion "sacred." And that's how Chelsea Clinton, who's the political equivalent of a mafia princess or Hugo Chavez's daughter, can earnestly tell people that it would be "un-Christian" to end the mass slaughter of American babies (especially, one must add, minority babies). Their Christianity, like the "official" Russian Orthodox church during in the Soviet Union, is in service to the state, not in service to the Judeo-Christian God.

While Leftist foot soldiers don't get all the perks their leaders get, the same calculation holds true for them. In service to the god of government, they have repeatedly proven that they have no stopping points. Lying, cheating, defaming, verbally and physically attacking people -- it makes no difference. If they're successful, they shut down speech, destroy men, intimidate people trying to eat or shop or sleep, get flakey Flake to back away from his teeny outburst of principled behavior, and generally run riot in the public square. If they're arrested, they consider that a badge of success, especially because they'll never actually have to serve time for their lawless activity. Across America, prosecutors wait until the dust settles, and then either decline to prosecute at all or extract meaningless fines, no matter the havoc these foot soldiers wreak.

If you are a person whose guiding principle is that the ends justify the means, you are dangerous. You're even more dangerous, though, if you believe that there will never be any reckoning for your conduct, whether here or in the hereafter.

Dennis Prager likes to say that he believes in God in part because without God he would have no hope. There is so much injustice on earth -- not petty little things like microaggressions but real injustice, such as the mass slaughter of children and subjugation of women in Africa and the Middle East -- and so often that injustice receives no punishment on earth. He says that the only thing that allows him to get up in the morning is knowing that, in the afterlife, justice will be served. The good will receive their everlasting reward and the evil their everlasting punishment. It would help if more people believed that.

Incidentally, I know that there are highly moral atheists and self-styled pagans. However, their morality is a personal choice. They can walk away from it. Crystals, Gaia, and the great Nothingness that is atheism do not make moral demands in the same way that the Ten Commandments do. Believers, however, always know that something greater than they are is watching over their shoulder.

I believe, incidentally, that Hinduism and Buddhism also make moral demands on the faithful although I know too little about those belief systems to understand either the demands or the post-life consequences. As for Islam, its imprecations are too tied in with punishing unbelievers for me to have much hope that it reliably functions as a moral brake on evil behavior. Rather, as my cousin the prison chaplain said of prisoners who "convert" to Islam,

It is not a contradiction to be a Muslim and a murderer, even a mass murderer. That is one reason why criminals "convert" to Islam in prison. They don't convert at all; they similarly [sic] remain the angry judgmental vicious beings they always have been. They simply add "religious" diatribes to their personal invective. Islam does not inspire a crisis of conscience, just inspirations to outrage.

Substitute socialist for Muslim and government for "religious," and you've pretty much described every Leftist too.
Let’s Hope Justice Kavanaugh Avenges This Disgusting Democrat Slander
townhall ^ | 17sep18 | Kurt Schlichter

There is this thing called due process, where someone accused of something has a right to defend himself, except liberals don’t like it very much. They sometimes play lip service to it, but only when it has to do with covering for the criminals they consider victims of society. You Normals are “society,” by the way. But regardless, when it is politically useful to let super-convenient accusers trash people from a distance by feeding talking points to eager media allies, forget due process. Allowing someone to effectively challenge fake charges gets in the way of the liberal elite’s ability to slander good people for cheap political gain with fake charges. We can’t have that.

The sliming of Brett Kavanaugh by a Bernie donor is disgusting and disgraceful, and if Democrats had any shred of decency they would hang their heads in shame and spend the next two months ahead of the midterms doing penance to atone for their scummy act of cheap political theater. But they don’t, so they won't.

That’s why I hope that after he is confirmed, Justice Kavanaugh remembers and spends the next 35 years making the liberals sorry they ever pulled these skeevy shenanigans.

Let's review. As I write this, a liberal who doesn't have the moral courage to subject herself to cross-examination is presuming to besmirch the integrity of someone who has never had his integrity questioned in any serious way. Well, it has been besmirched in an unserious way, by T-Bone’s buddy Spartacus as well as by that idiot Kamala Harris, but they didn't lay a finger on him because the dumbnamic duo’s allegations were such transparent baloney. CARTOONS | Gary Varvel View Cartoon

But now we need to pause the confirmation so we can further investigate her inconsistent claim (Was it four dudes? Two?) that an ancient relic/senator sat on for three months? Or something. Sounds legit. Whatev.

Victim status, whether based upon truth or lies – because people do lie, and all the time – does not give you any special privileges or special rights. Instead, it gives you duties and obligations, whether that is cosmically fair or not. See, if you propose to inflict damage upon someone, even if justifiable, you bear the burden of proof. You have to prove it; the accused doesn’t have to disprove your amorphous innuendos. You have the duty to back up your claims, in public, and subject yourself to the greatest engine for the ascertainment of truth humanity has yet invented, cross-examination by a zealous advocate for the accused who is doing his best to show that you can’t be trusted.

Take the stand and the heat, or shut up.

Is it hard? Yeah? Is it tough on real victims? It sure is. Is it unfair? Maybe, but the only people who think life can ever be fair are little kids and socialists, and only fools design their society around the insights of either bunch.

Maybe some tough cross-examination of Asia Argento back when she was a #MeToo heroine might have prevented the activists from going all in on someone who now seems to belong squarely in the abuser column. People who tell you that “You have to believe the victim!” are afraid you’ll spoil their lynching if you discover the alleged victim is lying. When people refuse to allow the one thing that centuries of experience has shown to be the best way to discover the truth, due process including the cross-examination of the accuser, then it’s reasonable to assume that they are not interested in the truth.

Is she hiding from examination because she’s afraid that people will challenge her claims and maybe find exculpatory evidence? This mystery woman appears to admit to mental health issues, which allegedly stem from this ambiguous, third of a century-old alleged encounter, but who knows? We don’t know, but if you really wanted to know the truth, wouldn’t you want to?

Her claims must be challenged if we intend to keep pretending we are seeking justice. Let's be clear. It is a good thing, a necessary thing, a critical thing, to allow a tough advocate for the accused to forcefully challenge anyone making a devastating accusation against someone else by forcing them to prove their claim. No one has the right to expect people to go easy on them when they are saying something that can have such a dramatic effect on another person’s reputation and life. It's not pleasant, but it is absolutely necessary if we are going to figure out the truth.

I know. I do it for a living as a trial lawyer. I intentionally, and on purpose, ask hard questions of people claiming to be victims of various wrongs that are designed to elicit a response that demonstrates to my juries that the person on the stand is not telling the truth. And the other side gets to do the same of the people I represent. That’s a good thing.

It all seems so convenient that California’s doddering, crusty senator (remarkably, DiFi is the least stupid of California's two senators, and she's astonishingly stupid) decided to announce this claim in such a manner that Kavanaugh has no way to defend himself. Maybe the red Chinese spy Feinstein had on staff for 20 years gave her some pointers.

This kind of garbage is galling because it's indecent and scummy, but it's much worse than that because of the effect it has on our society. It destroys respect for what should be our shared norms and values. It's become very clear that if you get crosswise with the liberal elite – even if you are demonstrably part of the elite’s conservative faction – the elite is going to do everything it can, without regard to trifles like morals or scruples, to destroy you Recommended 10 Reasons The FBI Will Clear Kavanaugh Kevin McCullough

As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracyexplains, we are in a conflict between an elite that is threatened by the outraged mass of normal Americans who elected Donald Trump in response to the elite’s long track record failure. The elite’s push-back demonstrates that Normals have accurately assessed that the rules the elite points to are only meant to apply to the Normals. The elite may talk a good game about the rules and norms and stuff, but it does not consider itself bound by them. So, this kind of accusation is fine. Innuendo is fine. Slander is fine.

They have to preserve their power and position, you know. And that imperative transcends your bourgeoise morality.

Keith Ellison, Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy were all unavailable for comment.

But do you think Normals are just going to stand there and accept that the rules are applied only to them, while the very people charged with preserving and enforcing those rules blithely ignore them? Do they really think that a double standard society is possible and stable over the long term? It’s not – check out my novels about what happens to America at the bottom of that slippery slope.

Luckily, the Republicans are getting woke to the okey-done, and recognize this as a Hail Satan play by Democrats who realize that the Brett Kavanaugh Express is rolling toward the confirmation station. Heck, even some of the Fredocon sissies are upset by their liberal elite pals and are taking the side of Normals for once, so you know it’s undeniably outrageous.

Brett Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed. And when he is a justice on the Supreme Court, I hope he remembers what these people did to him. I hope he gives them the same kind of lesson in the power of payback that Clarence Thomas has delivered for nearly three decades. As Militant Normals observes, pain is a great teacher, and the elite needs to learn.

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's sham investigation.
Sham investigation? You wanted an FBI investigation, now you think it will be a sham. Funny, you know nothing of substance will come of this so now you want to discredit the FBI.

ALL INVESTIGATIONS ARE A SHAM that do not lead where the Left wants to take them. But it has already gone too far: this FBI investigation will end up going places it has no business going, on things that do not matter, making Kavanaugh the most deeply "investigated" justice in our history! And maybe still not confirmed. For things no other justice was ever looked at for, for personal things that have no bearing on his ability and qualification to do his job and which had nothing to do with the Ford accusations . . .

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's sham investigation.
Sham investigation? You wanted an FBI investigation, now you think it will be a sham. Funny, you know nothing of substance will come of this so now you want to discredit the FBI.

ALL INVESTIGATIONS ARE A SHAM that do not lead where the Left wants to take them. But it has already gone too far: this FBI investigation will end up going places it has no business going, on things that do not matter, making Kavanaugh the most deeply "investigated" justice in our history! And maybe still not confirmed. For things no other justice was ever looked at for, for personal things that have no bearing on his ability and qualification to do his job and which had nothing to do with the Ford accusations . . .
well, if this was nothing but a job interview, then I think he has a right to sue for injustice for a job. EEOB should get involved and let's investigate each of the senators.
Wow, I guess Graduating Yale Law School at the top of your Class must be easier than I thought.

This Guy is getting blind Drunk every day, attacking Women at the drop of a Hat while setting up Rape Gangs with his fellow White Male Students and it has no impact on his School Work.

On top of that, none of this comes to light for 36 Years. He can cover his trail better than John Conner.

He is Superman.
Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
Wow, I guess Graduating Yale Law School at the top of your Class must be easier than I thought.

This Guy is getting blind Drunk every day, attacking Women at the drop of a Hat while setting up Rape Gangs with his fellow White Male Students and it has no impact on his School Work.

On top of that, none of this comes to light for 36 Years. He can cover his trail better than John Conner.

He is Superman.
it's called multitasking. since when is that a bad thing?
Julie Swetnick: ‘She’s Not Credible At All’ (Kavanaugh accuser #3)
Mitch McConnell Senate Majority Leader ^ | 9-30-18 | Mitch McConnell

‘The [Defamation] Suit Also Alleges Swetnick “Engaged In Unwelcome, Sexually Offensive Conduct” While At Webtrends And “Made False And Retaliatory Allegations That Other Co-Workers Had Engaged In Inappropriate Conduct Toward Her”’

Julie Swetnick By The Numbers
One Defamation Suit Filed Against Her Involving Sexual Harassment Allegations In Oregon

One Restraining Order Filed Against Her By Her Ex-Boyfriend In Florida

One Sexual Harassment Lawsuit, Where She Was Represented By Debra Katz’s Law Firm

Two Tax Liens Filed Against Her, Totaling Over $100,000

Three More Court Cases In Maryland That She Was A Party To

Swetnick Was Sued For Defamation By An Oregon Company And A Woman For ‘Unwelcome, Sexually Offensive Conduct’ And For ‘Ma[king] False And Retaliatory Allegations’
“Julie Swetnick, one of the women accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, faced allegations of her own misconduct during a short stint at a Portland tech company 18 years ago.” (“Julie Swetnick, A Brett Kavanaugh Accuser, Faced Misconduct Allegations At Portland Company,” The Oregonian, 9/29/2018)

Swetnick was sued for defamation in 2000 by Webtrends Corporation in Oregon and a woman named Margie Huetter who appears to have been their HR Director. (Webtrends Corporation vs. Julie Swetnick, Oregon Judicial Department, Case Number 001112165, 11/27/2000)

  • “The suit also alleges Swetnick ‘engaged in unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct’ while at Webtrends and ‘made false and retaliatory allegations that other co-workers had engaged in inappropriate conduct toward her.’ The suit alleges Swetnick ‘engaged in unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct’ directed at two male employees during a business lunch, with Webtrends customers present. Swetnick claimed two other employees had sexually harassed her, according to the suit. Webtrends' suit said it determined Swetnick had engaged in misconduct but could not find evidence to support her allegations against her colleagues. Later, the company alleged, Swetnick took medical leave and simultaneously claimed unemployment benefits in the District of Columbia.” (“Julie Swetnick, A Brett Kavanaugh Accuser, Faced Misconduct Allegations At Portland Company,” The Oregonian, 9/29/2018)
“Company officials later determined, the suit said, that Swetnick had provided false information on her employment application. The suit alleged that she had misrepresented the length of time she worked at a previous employer and falsely claimed that she’d earned an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Johns Hopkins University.” (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

Swetnick’s Ex-Boyfriend Filed A Restraining Order Against Her: ‘She’s Not Credible At All. Not At All’
Swetnick’s Ex-Boyfriend: ‘I Have A Lot Of Facts, Evidence, That What She’s Saying Is Not True At All’

“Julie Swetnick … had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend. A Miami-Dade County court docket shows a petition for injunction against Swetnick was filed March 1, 2001, by her former boyfriend, Richard Vinneccy, who told POLITICO Wednesday the two had dated for four years before they broke up.” (“Ex-boyfriend Filed Restraining Order Against Third Kavanaugh Accuser,” Politico, 9/26/2018)

  • “According to Vinneccy, Swetnick threatened him after they broke up and even after he got married to his current wife and had a child. ‘Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,’ Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. ‘I know a lot about her.’ ‘She’s not credible at all,’ he said. ‘Not at all.’” (“Ex-boyfriend Filed Restraining Order Against Third Kavanaugh Accuser,” Politico, 9/26/2018)
“Vinneccy made clear that he did not believe her story. ‘I have a lot of facts, evidence, that what she’s saying is not true at all,’ he said. ‘I would rather speak to my attorney first before saying more.’” (“Ex-boyfriend Filed Restraining Order Against Third Kavanaugh Accuser,” Politico, 9/26/2018)

Swetnick Filed A Personal Injury Lawsuit In Maryland Against The Washington Metro (WMATA) Claiming ‘She Lost More Than $420,000 In Earnings After She Hurt Her Nose In A Fall On A Train In 1992.’
“Swetnick was on the other side of a civil case in 1994, as a plaintiff, when she filed a personal injury lawsuit in Maryland against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. She claimed she lost more than $420,000 in earnings after she hurt her nose in a fall on a train in 1992. Swetnick, who described herself in court records as a model and actor, claimed she had “numerous modeling commitments” with several companies at the time of the accident but missed out them because of her injuries.” (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

  • “To support her claim for lost wages, Swetnick named ‘Konam Studios’ as one of the companies promising to employ her. A court filing identified Nam Ko, a representative of ‘Kunam Studios,’ as a possible plaintiff’s witness for her case. Ko, however, told AP on Friday that he was just a friend of Swetnick’s and that he had never owned a company with a name spelled either way and had never agreed to pay her money for any work before she injured her nose. He said he first met Swetnick at a bar more than a year after her alleged accident. (“3rd Kavanaugh Accuser Has History Of Legal Disputes,” The Associated Press, 9/30/2018)

Swetnick Filed A Sexual-Harassment Complaint A Decade Ago In Which She Was Represented By Debra Katz’s Law Firm

“Roughly a decade ago, Ms. Swetnick was involved in a dispute with her former employer, New York Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, according to people familiar with the matter. Representing her in the complaint was the firm run by Debra Katz, the lawyer currently representing Dr. Ford.” (“Third Woman, Julie Swetnick, Makes Allegations Against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/26/2018)

Swetnick Had Two Tax Liens Filed Against Her For A Total of Over $100,000
THE WASHINGTON POST: “Swetnick has repeatedly encountered trouble paying her taxes over the last decade.” (“Who Is Julie Swetnick, The Third Kavanaugh Accuser?,” The Washington Post, 9/26/2018)

  • “In 2015, the state of Maryland filed an interstate lien against her property in the District. The bill included over $32,000 in unpaid taxes from 2008, and another $27,000 in interest on the seven-year-old debt. Court records reflect the full amount due of nearly $63,000 was satisfied 15 months later, in December 2016. It is not clear from court records if the bill was paid or if the lien was released because of a decision that the bill was unwarranted.” (“Who Is Julie Swetnick, The Third Kavanaugh Accuser?,” The Washington Post, 9/26/2018)

Swetnick Has Been Involved In Three OTHER Court Cases In Maryland
Suburban Hospital, Inc, in Bethesda, MD, named Swetnick as a defendant in a civil case in 2005 over an amount of $1788. The complaint was dismissed by the Montgomery County District Court. (Montgomery County District Court – Civil System, Case Number 060100238082005, 11/18/2005)

2 cases against a couple in 1993 (one for each person) whom she accused of repeated abusive telephone calls that were not prosecuted. (Montgomery County District Court – Criminal System, Case Number 00703394D6,7/01/1993; Montgomery County District Court – Criminal System, Case Number 00703393D5, 7/01/1993)


The Socialist/DemonRATS are truly insane to use her as an accuser against Judge Kavanaugh.

Note her prior use of Debra Katz’s Law Firm in a suit she filled against her then
Sounds like the movie "Full Disclosure".

Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?
Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?
Not talking about the number in arangement, but the numbers in content. Funny how the number can also make the date 1986. Is it like the story, where it can be changed if need be ?

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's sham investigation.
Sham investigation? You wanted an FBI investigation, now you think it will be a sham. Funny, you know nothing of substance will come of this so now you want to discredit the FBI.

ALL INVESTIGATIONS ARE A SHAM that do not lead where the Left wants to take them. But it has already gone too far: this FBI investigation will end up going places it has no business going, on things that do not matter, making Kavanaugh the most deeply "investigated" justice in our history! And maybe still not confirmed. For things no other justice was ever looked at for, for personal things that have no bearing on his ability and qualification to do his job and which had nothing to do with the Ford accusations . . .
well, if this was nothing but a job interview, then I think he has a right to sue for injustice for a job. EEOB should get involved and let's investigate each of the senators.

That means the first time any of these dimwits - and a lot of them have done it - blathered about him being a white male, and how he didn't deserve the same consideration because of it, it became race and sex discrimination.
Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's sham investigation.
Sham investigation? You wanted an FBI investigation, now you think it will be a sham. Funny, you know nothing of substance will come of this so now you want to discredit the FBI.

ALL INVESTIGATIONS ARE A SHAM that do not lead where the Left wants to take them. But it has already gone too far: this FBI investigation will end up going places it has no business going, on things that do not matter, making Kavanaugh the most deeply "investigated" justice in our history! And maybe still not confirmed. For things no other justice was ever looked at for, for personal things that have no bearing on his ability and qualification to do his job and which had nothing to do with the Ford accusations . . .
well, if this was nothing but a job interview, then I think he has a right to sue for injustice for a job. EEOB should get involved and let's investigate each of the senators.

THE ONLY RELEVANT QUESTION HERE is whether Kavanaugh is qualified. He has already answered more questions than any nom in history. Then the Ford thing came along: the only question here is whether she proved her case. SHE DID NOT and now the government is going out trying to prove her case for her. That is unprecedented. Did the government go out and spend its time and resources investigating and trying to prove the many sex charges against Bill Clinton? If they cannot find that Kav did indeed attend the party on the night in question and was witnessed assaulting Ford, GAME OVER.

I don't want to hear that someone once saw him chase another girl or drink a beer or not handle being drunk thirty-five years ago.

It's NORMAL for boys to chase girls in high school and college, it's NORMAL for guys to drink beer, and it's NORMAL for most anyone at one time or other let it get the best of them and get drunk. That is part of being human. These are things that are only known by the Kavanaugh/Ford witch hunt, have no bearing on proving Ford's claims and certainly don't disqualify a person from serving the Court.

I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THAT when Ginsberg was 17, she was a hot trollop who used to attend orgies in 1945 and get it on with the university's favorite male pony while letting 5 guys do her at once, or that Kagan was really a guy and is now a transvestite who gets off dressing up as a woman and spanking him/herself with a riding crop.
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Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?
Not talking about the number in arangement, but the numbers in content. Funny how the number can also make the date 1986. Is it like the story, where it can be changed if need be ?
Your comment is pretty much some random bullshit. Point being that a Drumpfsexual made up the story about the Safeway store not being there in 1982 and you clowns always seem to fall for it without verifying the facts.
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?
Not talking about the number in arangement, but the numbers in content. Funny how the number can also make the date 1986. Is it like the story, where it can be changed if need be ?
Your comment is pretty much some random bullshit. Point being that a Drumpfsexual made up the story about the Safeway store not being there in 1982 and you clowns always seem to fall for it without verifying the facts.
Well thanks for verifying the facts, wait or did you ?
Youve been listening to the Drumpfsexuals I see. That Safeway has been around since the 60's.

A Giant Controversy Hits Potomac

"Castleberry said the Potomac Village Safeway has "wanted to expand almost from the time we came in there in 1968."
1986 backwards. So which is it ?
no its not 1986 backwards unless youre retarded. 1986 backwards is 6891.

Which is what?
Not talking about the number in arangement, but the numbers in content. Funny how the number can also make the date 1986. Is it like the story, where it can be changed if need be ?
Your comment is pretty much some random bullshit. Point being that a Drumpfsexual made up the story about the Safeway store not being there in 1982 and you clowns always seem to fall for it without verifying the facts.
Well thanks for verifying the facts, wait or did you ?
No prob. Yeah I did. I called someone familiar with the store.

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