OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Nope. Burden of proof is a legal bar which must be overcome in a courtroom. No Senator is bound by such legal theory when casting their vote to confirm or reject; so there is no such burden on Ford.
Burden of proof is ALWAYS on the accuser, ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, 24/7. It is a fundamental rock of our CULTURE, and way of life. Demonrats calling it as only applying to courtrooms, is just another example of their dishonest, sewer politics.

EVERYONE in America is bound by the principle of presumption of innocence. This is a standard that we live and breathe by. You are innocent, until the accuser proves you guilty. That is ANY accuser, anywhere, including Senate Demonrats and their puppet stooge, Christine B. Ford.

Amazing to see lowlifes rejecting this heart and soul concept of our nation. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they are part of this nation, but instead are open borders GLOBALISTS, who kneel during our national anthem, and are constantly talking about what THE WORLD thinks.
You’re an idiot. Burden of proof applies only in law, not in the court of public opinion.

Want proof of that? No Senator has to find Ford met a burden of proof in order to reject Kavanaugh.
Yet they demand investigations of the allegations even though they already stated they will never vote for him anyway..........

She is accusing Kav of a crime............period.............but since it's all public opinion and not a court of law...........then we should vote already and say the hell with any further investigation.........

You got the investigation only because a few RINO's balked.
Republicans run the Senate. They could have called for the vote at anytime. There is no burden of proof that needs to be met. Rightard media is dumbing down the right.
Republicans aren't sheep, there are individuals who'll vote no if they put it through now.
”Republicans aren't sheep”

Most of those are old, and from limited number of polls. My money is on Republicans ADDING MORE seats in the Senate. Democrats can delay all they want. It won't help them.

I really don't think you looked at the dates, nor scrolled down those polls---:auiqs.jpg: There's nothing old about them.

The people in all these protests are NOT going to forget to vote this November.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

In a courtroom, sure. In the court of public opinion? No.
Dumbest talking point Democrats ever had the laughable audacity to come up with.


You can use this on whoever came up with that lamebrain talking point.

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Like I said, I'm game , apparantly not the way you prance around, explain!

I asked you a simple question. One, apparently, you can't seem to answer.
I have no interest in it....weird isn't it!

You just said, “I’m game.” Now you run away again.
I lost interest you never did explsin!
Explain what? It’s a yes/no answer. GDP has only been above 3% twice in the last 18 years. Happened while Bush was president. Do you credit Bush with that?

- Yes
- No
- You’re too scared to answer

Which is it?

Lolol...I don't care.....this hard for you?
Exactly one year ago this month, #MeToo spread from social media to become a global movement. Now, with the showtrial of Brett Kavanaugh, we see its legacy. The evidence-free testimony of Christine Blasey Ford has, for the time being at least, successfully derailed Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. The FBI will conduct a week-long investigation into his past. Even if Kavanaugh is ultimately appointed, public life in the US – the working of its democratic political processes – has been fundamentally challenged.

The Kavanaugh hearings demonstrate the power the #MeToo movement now has. Almost 63million people voted for Donald Trump in 2016, giving him the opportunity to nominate – and, normally, expect to have appointed – his choice of candidate to the Supreme Court. But, after a year of #MeToo activism, just one woman needs to point, to accuse, to allege sexual misconduct, and her word alone is sufficient to overturn past political conventions, override Trump’s democratic mandate, and disrupt the daily workings of government.

Thanks to the success of the #MeToo movement, we have the bizarre spectacle of the most powerful country in the world grinding to a halt over what two teenagers may or may not have got up to in a bedroom more than three decades ago.

The showtrial of Brett Kavanaugh
>> Ford asked us to validate her trauma, and what resulted was a media circus with crying actresses and weeping journalists. This was no longer about Kavanaugh at all – he became a vessel for high-profile women to remind the world, yet again, that they suffer, that despite profile, pay and success, they are victims too. Ford was, of course, celebrated for her bravery in reliving her trauma. But the perception of middle-aged professional women as quivering wrecks, unable ever to get over teenage traumas, bruised and battered by what life has thrown at them, so unworldly as to be incapable of lying, does women no favours. <<

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's sham investigation.
Safeway Ford Says She Visited in 1982 Didn’t exist Until 1986

Vanity/Twitter ^
The #Safeway store that #DrFord claims to have gone to in 1982 after the attempted rape, didn’t open until 1986 ... #KavanaughConfirmation
So she will say that it happened in and around 1986 ? That will be investigated next.

Sounds like the lies will be unfolding all over the place or they already are. Tell one lie, and a liar has to tell another in order to cover the first one up, and on and on and on it goes after that. In the mean time the stall is working perfectly.
Senator Grassley put Bernie Sanders in his place...
He began his response by noting that on July 10, less than 24 hours after President Donald Trump announced Kavanaugh’s nomination, Sanders publicly remarked, “[w]e must mobilize the American people to defeat” Kavanaugh.
The Dumbocrats have illustrated why they are known as the Dumbocrats. It’s not very wise to tell the nation you intend to defeat a nominee the very moment the nominee is announced. Kind of destroys your credibility when you feign concern over issues.
Reminding Sanders that all senators have had access to 307 Kavanaugh court decisions, over 500,000 documents, over 40 hours of live testimony, and “more answers to written questions than every prior Supreme Court nominee combined,” he condemned Sanders for his rush to judgement. “Nevertheless, you made your decision on this nomination in less than 24 hours,” Grassley wrote.
Can you say “mic drop”?

Bernie Sanders requests another Kavanaugh investigation. Grassley destroys him with epic statement.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. It has nothing to do with the Senate confirmation hearings.
It has everything to do with the Senate hearings. The Senate hearings are a legal “construct” (bwahaha!) per the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the lands). Oops.
“Mitchell acknowledged that the standard of proof in a nomination hearing is less daunting than in a criminal trial. But she said the allegations against Kavanaugh didn't even rise to a lesser "preponderance-of-the-evidence" standard.

She highlighted what she said were inconsistencies in Ford's memory of dates, events and details, including who invited her to the party where the alleged assault occurred, the address of the home where the party took place or how she got to the party.

Mitchell wrote that in her (Ford) previous accounts of the alleged incident — particularly in notes of sessions with marriage and individual therapists in 2012 and 2013 — Ford struggled to identify Kavanaugh as the assailant by name.“
Evidence doesn't support claims against Kavanaugh, Judiciary Committee questioner says
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. It has nothing to do with the Senate confirmation hearings.
It has everything to do with the Senate hearings. The Senate hearings are a legal “construct” (bwahaha!) per the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the lands). Oops.
You remain as rightarded as ever. The Senate floor is not a courtroom and there is no such thing as presumption of innocence there. Any Senator is free to vote however they wish in regards to confirming Kavanaugh, regardless if he’s proven to have committed the assault on Ford or not.
Did you not watch the testimony? He can be prosecuted. I could Be wrong. I dont think I am.
You’re insane, so just accept you’re wrong and move on.

Now you know how all logical people feel when it comes to the Kavanaugh case. No proof. Just incoherent ramblings. Thank you.

some folks like Dr. Ford have cred.

some folks Like Kavanaugh have drunken rants.

Some folks that go by some bullshit internet balh blah like the Defiler have a lot of defiling to do & you have certainly defiled USMB with your bloviation of utter bullshit.

congrats; you must be in what, 3rd grade, or is it 1st?
Wasn’t she supposedly drinking at age 15? Her own admission! Now that sounds like a drunk!

The only crew is that she’s a woman

a lot of American kids were drinking at age 15 but that doesn't mean they needed to go around gang raping teenage girls like they are in the GOP, does it?

I bought my first beer when I was 13; big shit.
The GOP is gang raping teenage girls?

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