OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I think the Senate Judiciary Panel should call members of the Democratic Party on the Committee whose sole responsibility for existence was to use tax dollars to buy the silence of the victims of Democrat sexual criminal misconduct.

Ask them if the names of the 3 women who have come forward to accuse Kavanaugh were ever identified as victims of criminal Democratic Party politicians and / or ever paid off by their committee - which existed and paid off victims for decades?

Follow up by demanding the records of the now-closed (or it is supposed to be) committee so a complete list of names of victims of Democrat sexual criminal behavior can be reviewed (followed by the release of the names of every Democrat in the last few decades who were identified as having perpetrated these crimes and had victims paid off in tax dollars on their behalf)...just to make SURE the 3 women who have come forward are not listed in those records.

From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

Now this smells to high heaven. Two guys coming forward to claim they were the attempted rapist at the same time? That is pretty sly. I'll give them credit.
I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
Well, two guys have come forward and admitted they may be the men Ford was assaulted by, not Kavanaugh. I believe them.
I wonder how much they were paid
Probably as much as Ford.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
I didn't say to pull an "I am Spartacus" routine. Just pick somebody who looks like BK and have them take the "fall" for the alleged "almost rape" that didn't happen and is too remote in time to prosecute due to the statute of limitations.

It's no different than what the commie dems are doing. Just making shit up for political gain. The GOP should do the same.

That would be glorious.

I would actually consider voting for them.
Why didn’t they do it for Gorsuch?
After going on for the first 10 minutes complaining about how unfairly Kavanaugh and Republicans have been treated by all of this, Grassley says: “I look forward to a fair and respectful hearing.”
Ford is simply a miserable human being
As an experiment, go get raped and see if you return cheery and optimistic.
I would think she is more unhappy about having to face an expert / experienced Sex Crimes Prosecutor after not being able to remember details, her story changing, and her 4 witnesses saying it never happened.....
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Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
I didn't say to pull an "I am Spartacus" routine. Just pick somebody who looks like BK and have them take the "fall" for the alleged "almost rape" that didn't happen and is too remote in time to prosecute due to the statute of limitations.

It's no different than what the commie dems are doing. Just making shit up for political gain. The GOP should do the same.

That would be glorious.

I would actually consider voting for them.
Why didn’t they do it for Gorsuch?

Because he was replacing Scalia, another conservative vote on the court.

This is for the Kennedy swing vote, and the Dems have decided this is the hill to die on.
From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

Now this smells to high heaven. Two guys coming forward to claim they were the attempted rapist at the same time? That is pretty sly. I'll give them credit.
I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
Well, two guys have come forward and admitted they may be the men Ford was assaulted by, not Kavanaugh. I believe them.
I wonder how much they were paid
Probably as much as Ford.
She knew coming forward would upend her life and cause people like you to viciously attack her and her family for probably the rest of her life. Either she’s decided it’s worth it to take down this rapist monster, or they better have paid her a shitload.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
I didn't say to pull an "I am Spartacus" routine. Just pick somebody who looks like BK and have them take the "fall" for the alleged "almost rape" that didn't happen and is too remote in time to prosecute due to the statute of limitations.

It's no different than what the commie dems are doing. Just making shit up for political gain. The GOP should do the same.

That would be glorious.

I would actually consider voting for them.
Why didn’t they do it for Gorsuch?

He wasn’t a swing vote
Three separate accusations.

No collaborating witnesses.

There is no statue of limitations on sexual crimes in Maryland.

So file the charges.

They won't because this is about smearing someone instead of getting a conviction which they can't do in a court.

Stupid liberals.
Could Kavanaugh be prosecuted in Maryland? Law enforcement sources say 'unlikely'

In 1982, Maryland had a one-year statute of limitations on sexual assault and Kavanaugh was a minor at the time.

It's over. Anyone could claim to be the "rapist" and not be prosecuted.

This is exciting stuff, It's possible that within the coming days we're going to see our first ever Delta Chi Alumni confirmed as a SCOTUS Justice.

Hold on to your hats America; Supreme Court Justice Brett Blutarsky coming up!

"Over? Did you say ?over?? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell, no!" -- Bluto, Animal House
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
I didn't say to pull an "I am Spartacus" routine. Just pick somebody who looks like BK and have them take the "fall" for the alleged "almost rape" that didn't happen and is too remote in time to prosecute due to the statute of limitations.

It's no different than what the commie dems are doing. Just making shit up for political gain. The GOP should do the same.

That would be glorious.

I would actually consider voting for them.
Why didn’t they do it for Gorsuch?

He wasn’t a swing vote
The correct answer is that Gorsuch didn’t spend his youth trying to rape women.
From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
Well, two guys have come forward and admitted they may be the men Ford was assaulted by, not Kavanaugh. I believe them.
I wonder how much they were paid
Probably as much as Ford.
She knew coming forward would upend her life and cause people like you to viciously attack her and her family for probably the rest of her life. Either she’s decided it’s worth it to take down this rapist monster, or they better have paid her a shitload.

She never wanted to come forward. Feinstein forced her to.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
I didn't say to pull an "I am Spartacus" routine. Just pick somebody who looks like BK and have them take the "fall" for the alleged "almost rape" that didn't happen and is too remote in time to prosecute due to the statute of limitations.

It's no different than what the commie dems are doing. Just making shit up for political gain. The GOP should do the same.

That would be glorious.

I would actually consider voting for them.
Why didn’t they do it for Gorsuch?

He wasn’t a swing vote
The correct answer is that Gorsuch didn’t spend his youth trying to rape women.

Wrong answer
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
Well, two guys have come forward and admitted they may be the men Ford was assaulted by, not Kavanaugh. I believe them.
I wonder how much they were paid
Probably as much as Ford.
She knew coming forward would upend her life and cause people like you to viciously attack her and her family for probably the rest of her life. Either she’s decided it’s worth it to take down this rapist monster, or they better have paid her a shitload.

She never wanted to come forward. Feinstein forced her to.
She came to Feinstein, not the other way around.
From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Chuck Grassley standing up to say “I raped Christine Ford.” Mitch McConnell stands up, “I raped Christine Ford.” Lyin’ Ted gets up “I raped Christine Ford.” And on and on until all the republicans are standing and cheering on rape and rapists. Such an uplifting story it would be.
Well, two guys have come forward and admitted they may be the men Ford was assaulted by, not Kavanaugh. I believe them.
I wonder how much they were paid
Probably as much as Ford.
She knew coming forward would upend her life and cause people like you to viciously attack her and her family for probably the rest of her life. Either she’s decided it’s worth it to take down this rapist monster, or they better have paid her a shitload.


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