OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

He is not a PROVEN liar.

Your proof is based on some people not getting the answer they want, not lying.

Considering your evidence is based on him being under oath, the lack of a perjury charge vacates your accusation.
According to you and your argument now, the fact that the liar didn't get arrested for perjury, means they weren't lying.

So, if after today, Dr. Ford isn't leaving the proceedings in cuffs, does that mean she was telling the TRUTH!?!?
I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze from an a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.

Maybe if we were presented some actual proof, not just vague statements about something that happened 35+ years ago?

Kinda hard to do when there is no proof and no witnesses.

Phoney. Phoney. Phoney.
Sounds just like the muslim state laws about claiming rape.

What does that have to do with anything?
Yup. My thoughts exactly.

The Reps don't seem to want to take the gloves off and go after Ford. So why waste time as the Dems congratulate her all over the place.

Dismiss her and take the vote. This whole thing is a as phoney as a three dollar bill.

It doesn't matter if you think Dr. Ford is credible or not, most people have made up their minds, and she hasn't offered anything more compelling. If the Democrats, or Republicans want to make anything more of it, they can just vote the way they want to vote. The grandstanding aside, let the Democrats drag it along as something that can help them in November, and let the Republicans do the same thing by keeping the ability to appoint Supreme Court Justices a key point in their platform.

The circus is part of the problem, shit or get off the pot.
He is not a PROVEN liar.

Your proof is based on some people not getting the answer they want, not lying.

Considering your evidence is based on him being under oath, the lack of a perjury charge vacates your accusation.
According to you and your argument now.

The fact that the liar didn't get arrested for perjury, means they weren't lying.

So, if after today, Dr. Ford isn't leaving the proceedings in cuffs, does that mean she was telling the TRUTH!?!?

You said a PROVEN liar, not your opinion that they are lying.

You set the standard there, hack.
I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze from an a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.

Maybe if we were presented some actual proof, not just vague statements about something that happened 35+ years ago?

Kinda hard to do when there is no proof and no witnesses.

Phoney. Phoney. Phoney.
Sounds just like the muslim state laws about claiming rape.

Ford sure doesn't remember what happened that night.

She says Kavanaugh groped her. She remembers that but doesn't know which house, where or when. She has no witnesses and no proof.

If that doesn't sound phoney to you then you must be a lefty loon.
Borrowed from my twitter feed:

What Ford remembers:
-The stairwell
-The laughter
-Brett Kavanaugh

What she doesn't remember:
-When it happened
-Where it happened
-How she got there
-How she got home
-Who was there
-Conversations she had even as recently as 3 months ago

That's what I was wondering myself...
Can Dems be any more obvious? Lets delay, lets delay, FBI investigation, its a Trump cover-up FBI investigation, lets delay, lets delay.
here we are at 12:37:42 EST,,,and at this time, i still dont recall what my gender was 15 days ago
Accused Rapists have no right to a defense.

That's the message we are getting here.
You DO realize this isn't a court of law, it's a job interview, right?

How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
Why would you expect specific details of an event from 35 years ago

I remember parties and bars I went to when I was in college where something had happened like a bar fight or someone getting incredibly drunk

I don’t remember the date, how I got to the bar, what I was drinking, everyone who was there, the exact location of the bar.........but I remember the fight
I have a couple memories like that.
I got falling down drunk one time when I was in the service and I actually fell down and I remember that very well.
Me and two other guys were walking back from the bar in grafenwoehr Germany and we were so drunk that when we passed a group of American soldiers who were Mexican and one yelled out if you speak Spanish you’re a brother. And then I yelled out and if you’re a Mexican you’re a sister. And me and the two guys were so drunk we fell down on the ground laughing and the Mexicans came over by us and looked down and one of them said should we stomp them. And another one said no leave them alone they’re drunk. And I remember it so vividly because I was so glad we weren’t stomped.
Thank God they weren’t Republicans.
I don't know why there are so Trumpers in denial that Kavanaugh could not do this. Kavanaugh was an elitist jock at an elitist private school who obviousy loved his booze from an a wealthy and prominent family. He is an entitled fellow. I am sure he has always felt that way and continues to feel that way. He can do no wrong.

Maybe if we were presented some actual proof, not just vague statements about something that happened 35+ years ago?

Kinda hard to do when there is no proof and no witnesses.

Phoney. Phoney. Phoney.
Sounds just like the muslim state laws about claiming rape.

What does that have to do with anything?

Not a damned thing. Just another lefty loon that needs something to say.
How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
Why would you expect specific details of an event from 35 years ago

I remember parties and bars I went to when I was in college where something had happened like a bar fight or someone getting incredibly drunk

I don’t remember the date, how I got to the bar, what I was drinking, everyone who was there, the exact location of the bar.........but I remember the fight

You would expect specific details for something like this if they are going to be used to ruin a man's life?

Would you be OK over losing your good name and livelihood from an accuser that couldn't remember when and where something you did happened?
Kavenaugh will remain a judge regardless of confirmation
We are deciding whether he deserves a promotion. There are multiple accusations about his behavior not being that of a choirboy

Thank's for proving this isn't about the accusations, it's just that you don't want a 5th conservative on the Supreme Court, and will allow anything to be done to anyone to prevent that from happening.
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.
As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
She did make that claim. Your willful ignorance is a poor defense.

Nope, and I don't believe anyone who admits knowledge of underage girls being raped and stands by and does nothing
You don’t believe any rape victim so no surprise there

I've been a crime victim advocate in the past. Ask the rape victims I assisted if I believed them as they put those bastards in the pen.

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