OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Nah I have no stomach for it. Bunch of grandstanding, with only the victim and a handful of others actually caring about the attempted rape.
Sounds like you're also "watching" this thing vicariously through all these USMB self-professed conservatives and Republicans that just can't help but be glued to the TV today.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

You need to discount the testimony of a Woman who facilitated (and she admits to this) the rapes.

She may be looking to cop a plea.
You enablers are always trying to discount rape victims

As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
The Moon Bat bitch is about to speak. The one whose students say is a vindictive hateful asshole and a terrible professor.
You know that it's already been shown that that is a different professor, right? I bet you knew that but purposely want to lie thinking that others would not notice. I bet that's it. Carry on, woman-hater.
Conservative propagandists know it doesn’t matter if something is a lie, as long as they can get people to believe it.

like your claims of rape?

Rape? You mean what Slick Willy did to a dozen women?
Are you sure it wasn't a hundred? five hundred? I mean, if you are going to make stuff up, GO BIG!
Accused Rapists have no right to a defense.

That's the message we are getting here.
You DO realize this isn't a court of law, it's a job interview, right?

How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
Why would you expect specific details of an event from 35 years ago

I remember parties and bars I went to when I was in college where something had happened like a bar fight or someone getting incredibly drunk

I don’t remember the date, how I got to the bar, what I was drinking, everyone who was there, the exact location of the bar.........but I remember the fight
If Kavanaugh can't destroy this loon Ford...we need to pick a more aggressive nominee. If you can't defend against Ford, how can we expect
you to defend the constitution against those who want to ignore it?
He doesn't need to destroy her. He needs to pity her. Because she's a victim of the democrats. They found a crazy woman, and they're exploiting her.

It's what they do.
Pity is not what you do when you're being beheaded.
If Kavanaugh can't destroy this loon Ford...we need to pick a more aggressive nominee. If you can't defend against Ford, how can we expect you to defend the constitution against those who want to ignore it?

How can he defend himself properly when she can't remember when and where?
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

You need to discount the testimony of a Woman who facilitated (and she admits to this) the rapes.

She may be looking to cop a plea.
You enablers are always trying to discount rape victims

As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
She did make that claim. Your willful ignorance is a poor defense.
If Kavanaugh couldn't do any better than that homely bitch,he doesn't belong on SCOTUS.

Just think of the shame those 60+ guys that she fucked in high school and college must be feeling now knowing they had sex with that ugly bitch.
This is how Republicans talk. It’s normal in their party now. This is who they are what they become. This is why women are leaving that nasty and odious party. Thanks for sharing. And showing us who you are.

Sorry Moon Bat but I am not a Republican.

This is how stupid Democrats stand around looking like TDS afflicted numskulls:

How come every lock step republican and/or Trump supporter on here always claims to not be a republican?
Plausible deniability when the shit hits the fan.
The Optics - Enter the Looking Glass

Get a so-called prosecutor to question the witness as if she is on trial, an accused criminal. This is the upside down world of rightwing politics
Get the prosecutor to ask questions of the woman who can't remember where she was, can't remember what year it happened, who has no evidence, and whose witnesses say it never happened....

Credible career experienced Sex Crime expert versus false accuser......

Nice attempt to spin, continuing to attack Mitchell.
Polygraph tests are totally useless on a victim.

They are playing on the ignorance of the general public.
They would be bringing up the test if she failed
2 questions

Both yes or no questions that were not specific to details

No test questions to determine a base line,it's almost like they aren't even trying to do anything but throw out red meat for true believers, almost...

I'm ready for a full senate vote and to see what happens with independents in competitive states and districts

The melts from the media on election night may be almost as good as 2016
Holding a full Senate vote without hearing out the accusations is begging for failure and will hang heavily over the next election

I don't believe you
You need to discount the testimony of a Woman who facilitated (and she admits to this) the rapes.

She may be looking to cop a plea.
You enablers are always trying to discount rape victims

As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
She did make that claim. Your willful ignorance is a poor defense.

Nope, and I don't believe anyone who admits knowledge of underage girls being raped and stands by and does nothing

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