OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Given Kavanaugh's drinking problems and his being a bad and agressive drunk, I expect that when he testifies he will tell the Senate committee that he will upon confirmation go to the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Isn't this where all these elitist derelicts go?
What drinking problems? Did Kav rape you too?
What drinking problems???!!!! LOL.

The man is Otis Campbell with a Yale education.
when did you see him?
Ford is failing miserably. She is now a circus clown. But she has created wealth for herself out of this. The book deals and all the other money making avenues are now available to her.
Lots pf comments about Ford's looks. What about Rachel Mitchel? I guess one side is tremendously nasty and desperate
Who gives a crap what they look like. EVIDENCE is all that matters, and they have none.
omg, "poor little me, I'm not very smart, my brain is a little slower"....

It's exhausting to keep up the continually trembling.
So I’m watching Fox and they are saying they should just release Lindsey Graham and let him tear her apart.
For those on Fox it’s all about ruining this woman. They don’t care what the truth is. They never did. That’s why they love Trump. The liar in chief.
Doesn't sound like it.
I was younger than this woman was (6), and was actually raped by an older juvenile (16), and the episode bothered me for weeks, but it didn't effect the rest of my life.
I think the fact that she was molested but not penetrated like I was, seems to me to be an exaggeration if she feels like she was violated. That act of being penetrated changes everything.

Given Kavanaugh's drinking problems and his being a bad and agressive drunk, I expect that when he testifies he will tell the Senate committee that he will upon confirmation go to the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Isn't this where all these elitist derelicts go?
What drinking problems? Did Kav rape you too?
What drinking problems???!!!! LOL.

The man is Otis Campbell with a Yale education.
when did you see him?
Oh c'mon, more than enough circumstantial evidence to show the man can't hold his booze.
Holding a full Senate vote without hearing out the accusations is begging for failure and will hang heavily over the next election

You would have better luck trying to hang everything on something that didn't happen, simply because November is here yet. :21:
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor

Dr Ford seems credible

I think the Republicans could forego questioning Dr. Ford, in regards to answers she doesn't have, involving evidence she is unable to provide, and vote to send the nomination to Senate Floor. I mean if it is just going to reside on who wants to believe what, then screw it, and move on.

Yup. My thoughts exactly.

The Reps don't seem to want to take the gloves off and go after Ford. So why waste time as the Dems congratulate her all over the place.

Dismiss her and take the vote. This whole thing is a as phoney as a three dollar bill.
The Optics - Enter the Looking Glass

Get a so-called prosecutor to question the witness as if she is on trial, an accused criminal. This is the upside down world of rightwing politics
She is NOT there as a woman. She is there as a hostile hitman
Dude, she IS there as a woman as well. The GOP brought her in to counter the expected claims of how 11 white male GOP politicians were 'mean' to Ford. Wake up....

...and you attempt to justify your attack on Mitchell was a serious FAIL!
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.
I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.

The consequences make it a court as well, and not just an interview.
And the consequences are that he either gets the job or not.

You really think that is the only consequence?

If you really believe all the stories about him, wouldn't you want him Impeached from the DC Circuit?

You really think his career would keep going if he is turned down from the SC because of this?

Oh, wait, character assassination in the pursuit of politics is OK for political hacks like you because the ends justify the means.
No more no less than anyone else who has unpleasant stuff pop up during their job interview. If you are being interviewed for a job and they find that you've done X bad thing.....don't you think your current job should be in jeopardy?

Find me another interview that is done in front of AN ENTIRE NATION, and you may have a smidge of a point.

On what evidence would he be impeached?
Jury instructions on credibility of a witness. Failure on most of them.

Among the factors that you may consider are:
•How well could the witness see, hear, or otherwise perceive the
things about which the witness testified?
•How well was the witness able to remember and describe what
•What was the witness’s behavior while testifying?
•Did the witness understand the questions and answer them
•Was the witness’s testimony influenced by a factor such as bias
or prejudice, a personal relationship with someone involved in
the case, or a personal interest in how the case is decided?
•What was the witness’s attitude about the case or about
•Did the witness make a statement in the past that is consistent or
inconsistent with his or her testimony?
•How reasonable is the testimony when you consider all the other
evidence in the case?
•[Did other evidence prove or disprove any fact about which the
witness testified?]
•[Did the witness admit to being untruthful?]
•[What is the witness’s character for truthfulness?]
•[Has the witness been convicted of a felony?]
•[Has the witness engaged in [other] conduct that reflects on his
or her believability?]
Oh...this is a court of law? a trial?

Answer: no it is's a job interview. An extremely important job, but a job interview nonetheless.

You’ve been arguing over this the entire thread, why does it matter? If it’s so important to call it a job interview call it a “job interview under oath.”

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