OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...

Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
Pit bull chick? Oh, you mean the woman who's been extremely courteous with all of her questions to Ms. Ford? Is that the "chick" that you're speaking of?
Courtesy is frightening to leftists, if it serves to illuminate their own hysterical dishonesty.
If Kavanaugh can't destroy this loon Ford...we need to pick a more aggressive nominee. If you can't defend against Ford, how can we expect you to defend the constitution against those who want to ignore it?
like your claims of rape?
I’m not one of Kavanaugh’s 4 victims

YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”
So she saw him standing in a hallway

At a high school rape party that she attended while she was a college student

Senate Dems aren't even trying to use this
I could post the rest of her allegations if you want.
Looks like the bitch lied about her fear of flying. If not lying then trying to manipulate to get her way. Typical for a Liberal.

She has been exposed as a liar.
Shows what an idiot you are. I have an extreme fear of flying and yet I flew to Germany when I was in the military and I flew back from Germany when I was in the military. I’ve done it when I have to but I’m terrified the whole time, white knuckle terrified.

Sometimes you just have to overcome your fears.

Republicans fear the truth.

WHILE IN THE MILITARY! Dude, in the Military you have no choice dimwit.
The left hates nothing more than a poised, articulate woman.

This Ford creature is what they consider *strong* lol.
How many times have Republicans on the USMB called democratic men pu$$ies And weak?

And here you have the Republican leadership who are so scared and who are such pu$$ies they have to get a woman to talk for them to a woman who’s already been attacked by other Republican men Who are such pu$$ies the only way they could get with a woman is to hold her down cover her mouth and attack her.

And she was only 15 years old. It’s like Republican Roy Moore all over again.
It's how Republicans roll...

It certainly seems that way.
YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

As quote from a Legal Adult who attended multiple parties where she claims girls were raped and DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but continue to drink and party.
I wonder if she kept partying after Kavanaugh gang raped her.

Whoever may or may not have raped her, she indeed states that she came back to party.

Did you not see her sworn statement?
Did she? I guess drugging and gang raping women is okay then. Call off the hearing folks, rape is just fine.
If Kavanaugh can't destroy this loon Ford...we need to pick a more aggressive nominee. If you can't defend against Ford, how can we expect
you to defend the constitution against those who want to ignore it?
He doesn't need to destroy her. He needs to pity her. Because she's a victim of the democrats. They found a crazy woman, and they're exploiting her.

It's what they do.
Looks like the bitch lied about her fear of flying. If not lying then trying to manipulate to get her way. Typical for a Liberal.

She has been exposed as a liar.
Shows what an idiot you are. I have an extreme fear of flying and yet I flew to Germany when I was in the military and I flew back from Germany when I was in the military. I’ve done it when I have to but I’m terrified the whole time, white knuckle terrified.

Sometimes you just have to overcome your fears.

Republicans fear the truth.

Did you fly multiple times for vacations, R-Derp? Ford flew all over the world. Funny that didn't seem to bother her as much as a flight from one side of the country to the other to provide proof of an allegation she made that could ruin an innocent man's life!
She can remember ridiculous details like the Judges friend looking sick as she went to the grocery store one random day but not major details of the incident that catapulted us to where we are?

Not nonsense. In fact, this is precisely what happens during traumatic situations. This is a well documented phenomenon. But you didn't know that. You think you can judge complicated scientific phenomena based on your first, gut impression.
Rachel Mitchell rightwing Hitwoman
Again, way to demean a FEMALE professional expert in her field who has been brought in due to her expertise to ask questions...

I guess, based on the left's continued attacks against Mitchell, that their 'concern and respect' for women is BS and they have no desire to actually get to the TRUTH in this hearing, which is another reason they are attacking the most qualified person in that room to discuss sexual crimes......
She is NOT there as a woman. She is there as a hostile hitman
I’m not one of Kavanaugh’s 4 victims

YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

You need to discount the testimony of a Woman who facilitated (and she admits to this) the rapes.

She may be looking to cop a plea.
You enablers are always trying to discount rape victims

As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
Jury instructions on credibility of a witness. Failure on most of them.

Among the factors that you may consider are:
•How well could the witness see, hear, or otherwise perceive the
things about which the witness testified?
•How well was the witness able to remember and describe what
•What was the witness’s behavior while testifying?
•Did the witness understand the questions and answer them
•Was the witness’s testimony influenced by a factor such as bias
or prejudice, a personal relationship with someone involved in
the case, or a personal interest in how the case is decided?
•What was the witness’s attitude about the case or about
•Did the witness make a statement in the past that is consistent or
inconsistent with his or her testimony?
•How reasonable is the testimony when you consider all the other
evidence in the case?
•[Did other evidence prove or disprove any fact about which the
witness testified?]
•[Did the witness admit to being untruthful?]
•[What is the witness’s character for truthfulness?]
•[Has the witness been convicted of a felony?]
•[Has the witness engaged in [other] conduct that reflects on his
or her believability?]
Oh...this is a court of law? a trial?

Answer: no it is's a job interview. An extremely important job, but a job interview nonetheless.
is she under oath?
It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

As quote from a Legal Adult who attended multiple parties where she claims girls were raped and DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but continue to drink and party.
I wonder if she kept partying after Kavanaugh gang raped her.

Whoever may or may not have raped her, she indeed states that she came back to party.

Did you not see her sworn statement?
Did she? I guess drugging and gang raping women is okay then. Call off the hearing folks, rape is just fine.
I'm sure you believe it is okay to gang rape women. Most democrats do.

But we don't. And she's not claiming rape, btw.
Okay, I was holding out judgment. Watching this just now, her go to smiling with Leahy to fake crying at the laughter? Yeah, she's nuts. She is crazy. More than a few people go into psychology because they are crazy. She is one
I love this armchair psychology from our resident USMB psychologist.

Isn't Psychology one of those evil elite leftist SCIENCES that we keep hearing are so bad?
It is indeed.
And this woman has the nerve to have earned a doctorate.
The kiss of death for a Republican woman wanting to find a nice Republican men.

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