OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

"I have difficulty buying that a person afraid of flying willingly gets on a plane to fly all over the globe for pleasure." - President Trump
Polygraph tests are totally useless on a victim.

They are playing on the ignorance of the general public.
They would be bringing up the test if she failed
2 questions

Both yes or no questions that were not specific to details

No test questions to determine a base line,it's almost like they aren't even trying to do anything but throw out red meat for true believers, almost...

I'm ready for a full senate vote and to see what happens with independents in competitive states and districts

The melts from the media on election night may be almost as good as 2016
Holding a full Senate vote without hearing out the accusations is begging for failure and will hang heavily over the next election
I am a strong woman. I have been through bad things in my life. I also studied acting. This Christine lady IS ACTING. I know it when I see it. This will be on video to review. I am greatly bothered by her body language. It shows a confused lady. It bothers me that she is having details fill in at the last minute. She seems to recall "one beer" and that Leland would be at the gathering. She has claimed everyone was NOT drinking AT A PARTY except the bad boys. She has a "sketch" in her mind of this living room. CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD is alternating between a creaky voice and looking down and a scary attention seeking smile when she looks up on a few occasions. NO EVIDENCE.
Accused Rapists have no right to a defense.

That's the message we are getting here.
You DO realize this isn't a court of law, it's a job interview, right?

How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.
So you agree if you know nothing about the allegations she appears credible? I have nothing to “get over.” I don’t care if he’s confirmed or not but I think the Dems are playing with fire.
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor

Dr Ford seems credible

Why do you think she seems credible?
She is carefully recanting what she remembers and what she doesn’t. She is not exaggerating or trying to fill in details she is not clear on

She seems more credible than Kavenaughs choir boy act on Fox
Still not one shred of evidence.
We are not looking for a conviction

Only deciding whether to give him a lifetime appointment or not. Sometimes the selection process is not fair.......ask Merrick Garland

Merrick Garland isn't having his character attacked, nor is he being accused of being a criminal.

Really lame comparison attempt, even for you.
i have a fear of going to concerts. i dont go to them because i get anxious. seriously.
'I didn't want to come to New York/DC by plane because I'm afraid of flying. With many friends encouragement, I did fly here many times. I've also flown to many places, many times' WTH?

Republicans are using their time to get facts

Democrats are using their time to grandstand.

Why do you think that’s is?
That is because the only thing they have to go on is EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION of this entire thin, not one fact, not one shred of evidence.

Whether it is the Mueller Witch Hunt or the Kavanaugh Crucifixion, the Democrats have no evidence and are trying the case in the public, doing their best to attempt to emotionally manipulate people.
Given Kavanaugh's drinking problems and his being a bad and agressive drunk, I expect that when he testifies he will tell the Senate committee that he will upon confirmation go to the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Isn't this where all these elitist derelicts go?
What drinking problems? Did Kav rape you too?
What drinking problems???!!!! LOL.

The man is Otis Campbell with an attitude problem and a Yale education.
Accused Rapists have no right to a defense.

That's the message we are getting here.
You DO realize this isn't a court of law, it's a job interview, right?

How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
It is a job interview and meets the same standards

If you applied for a job and a woman from your past cane forward and said you had tried to rape her.

Would you be hired?


Job interviews are not conducted in view of the entire country in the Senate Chambers.

You lose.
or under oath!
"I have difficulty buying that a person afraid of flying willingly gets on a plane to fly all over the globe for pleasure." - President Trump
She testified she limits flying because of anxiety
She specifically stated she would not fly to Australia
YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

You need to discount the testimony of a Woman who facilitated (and she admits to this) the rapes.

She may be looking to cop a plea.
You enablers are always trying to discount rape victims

As is alleged victim #3. She facilitated the rapes.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.
Conservative propagandists know it doesn’t matter if something is a lie, as long as they can get people to believe it.

like your claims of rape?
I’m not one of Kavanaugh’s 4 victims

YOU are the one claiming he raped them.

It's hilarious

NYT refused to publish #2's story because it was too weak

And "gang rape whore" does not allege he participated

I would think that a college whore that goes to high school sex parties would remember who did the screwing...
“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh”

No link, of course.

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